The  Railroad Commissary

Welcome to The Railroad Commissary authentic locomotive builder's plate catalog.

Don't forget to bookmark this page so you can return easily and often!  The stock is always changing.

Locomotive Builder's Plates

We offer a collection of railroad collectibles that have been carefully selected for authenticity.  Our interest is railroad relics - unless the items actually came from a railway, we don't stock them.

(click on thumbnail photos to enlarge)

We GIFT WRAP  (see bottom of page for details)          Collections Bought

To order call:   (707) 328-6215 (cell) or  539-1051 (land)  or   e-mail:
       payment accepted via: Visa, Master Card, Am Express, Discover, Zelle, checks / money orders, or Paypal

Alco - Brooks Works            (locomotive production at Brooks Works ceased in 1932)

7" X 14"      rectangular / curved ends      cast brass
  BPA-88    40906   12-1906  2-6-2     Class T / Class T-1   (nice / letter "S" has been repaired)    (Sold)
      (mounted on display panel - can easily be removed)  (2 1/4 X 3 3/8" neg, as seen below, available for $12)

				Northern Pacific (NP) #2376
				Northern Pacific (NP) #2467  (r/b to T-1 in 1929)
  BPA-1218    48099   June 1910  2-8-0    C43    (fine vintage condition / older repaint)    $1600.00
           (3 X 5.5" B&W print, as seen below, available upon request w/ purchase of plate)

				Rock Island (CRI&P) #2018

7" X 14"      rectangular / curved ends      cast iron
    (none currently in stock)

7" X 14"      rectangular / straight ends      cast iron
  BPA-292    62889    Jan  1921    4-6-0    nice, but corner broken and replaced      (Sold)

				Gulf Coast Lines / New Orleans, Texas & Mexico #70
				Missouri Pacific (NOT&M) #385  (1925)
				retired and scrapped  (c.1952)

      (This locomotive spent a quarter of a century hustling the fastest varnish of the New Orleans, Texas 
       & Mexico / Gulf Coast Lines / MP between Houston and New Orleans. A photo of this locomotive, as 
       MP / NOT&M #385 wheeling the Orleanean along at 70 MPH through southern Louisiana, appears at top 
       of page 126 of Mopac Power; and in later years at the bottom of page 124)
      (This plate is back from its brief Hollywood career, where it appeared in "Young Sheldon - Volunteers 
      at a Train Museum".  The episode featured a train museum in Texas and, of course, this plate.  It is 
      back and again available for sale, but now with a sprinkle of star dust.  Spoiler alert - it was 
      cleaned and repainted early on and doesn't actually have any rust or soot on the back.)

Alco - Cooke Works            (Alco - Cooke closed in 1926)

7" X 14"      rectangular / curved ends      cast brass
    (none currently in stock)

4 1/2" X 9"      rectangular      cast brass        (used on smaller locomotives - most of Cooke's production)
    (none currently in stock)

Alco - Pittsburgh Works            (Alco - Pittsburgh closed in 1919)

7" X 14"      rectangular / curved ends      cast brass
    (none currently in stock)

Alco - Richmond Works            (Alco - Richmond closed in 1927)

7" X 14"      rectangular / curved ends      cast brass
  BPA-274     54024    9-1913   4-6-2    P-2     painted red w/ gold highlights      $1600.00

				Seaboard Air Line #844

7" X 14"      rectangular / curved ends      cast iron     (WWI era)
    (none currently in stock)

7" X 14"      rectangular / straight ends      cast iron
  BPA-1242    67333    6-1927   2-8-2    H-6   (the smallest 2-8-2's in US railroad service)
                                            painted "graphite" - as it was when in service      $1660.00
           (5 X 7" B&W print, as seen below, available upon request w/ purchase of plate)

				Toledo, Peoria & Western  (TP&W) #42
				s-f-s  1949

Alco - Schenectady Works

7" X 14"      rectangular / curved ends       cast brass
  BPA-407   52031   Nov, 1912   0-6-0    L-10    nice condition / recent repaint     (Sold)
        (original 616 negative, as seen below, available for $20 w/ purchase of plate)

				Northern Pacific  (NP)  #1166

7" X 14"      rectangular / curved ends     cast iron     (WWI era)
    (none currently in stock)

7" X 14"      rectangular / straight ends     (1920 and later)      cast iron
  BPA-252    68456   Sept, 1930   0-8-0     C-16    excellent condition/ glossy black paint    $1000.00
           (5 X 7" B&W print, as seen below, available upon request w/ purchase of plate)

				Chesapeake & Ohio  (C&O)  #229

4 1/2" X 9"      rectangular      cast iron        (used on smaller steam and the earliest Diesels, through 1940)
  BPA-902     69319     Jun 1940   HH1000   broken in several pieces, epoxied to backing board    $960.00

				Oliver Iron Mining #902  (Hibbing, Mn.)
				United States Steel (USS) - Oliver Iron Mining Div. #902  (same)
				United States Steel (USS) - Fairless Works #21  (Fairless Hills, Pa.)

Alco / GE            (Alco/GE plates were used on Diesel locomotives from early 1941 into 1953)

6" X 12"      rectangular     "Alco Diesel" - cast brass version
                 (Alco/GE brass plates were apparently only used from early 1941 through mid-1942)
  BPA-957     69468     June 1941   S1   (no paint / 1 bolt hole repaired, mostly visible on back)   $1250.00

				New York Central (NYC) #692
				New York Central (NYC) #957
				New York Central (NYC) #907
				Penn Central (PC) #9410
	(the bolt hole repair seems to have been done when the locomotive was still in service, as the repaired  
	 area seems to show signs of industrial-strength mounting. Plate from estate of a former NYC/PC shop 
	 personnel in the Cleveland area - found with assorted NOS but obsolete locomotive parts)

6" X 12"      rectangular    "Alco Diesel" - cast iron version             (used from 1942 until about 9-1945 - WWII era)
  BPA-1177     69918     Sept 1942   S2    excellent / no paint, except old TRRA red along top edge    $760.00

				Terminal Railroad Association (of St Louis) (TRRA) #577
				t-i to EMD  (e-1960's)

  BPA-610     72861     Nov 1944   S2    excellent / as removed / NYC - PC black paint      $880.00 

				New York Central  (NYC) #8514
				Penn Central  (PC) #9709
	    (Lionel made a model of NYC S2 #8514)

6" X 12"       rectangular       winged gear version             (used c. 9-1945 into 1953)
  BPA-673     75298     Aug 1947   FA1   (excellent / older repaint)    $1400.00

				New Haven  (HYNH&H)  #0414
				t-i to GE  (e-1960's)

  BPA-238     75402     Dec 1947   RS2   excellent / no paint    $1150.00

				New Haven (NYNH&H) #0501

  BPA-1315     75733     Apr 1948   FA1   excellent / old MP blue    $1400.00

				Missouri Pacific #315 (MP)
				t-i to EMD  (e-1960's)

  BPA-390     75760     Aug 1947   RS1   excellent / as removed / black paint w/ traces of yellow highlights    $1100.00

				Alabama, Tennessee & Northern (AT&N) #110
				Frisco  (SLSF) #110  (1948)
				t-i to EMD  (1968)

  BPA-431     76504     Dec 1948   S2    excellent / original B&O blue paint / as removed    $950.00

				Baltimore & Ohio (B&O) #529
				Baltimore & Ohio (B&O) #9073
				Cargill  (Chicago, Il.)  (1974)

  BPA-445     76592     Feb 1949   S2    as removed / LAJ blue paint / crack through left bolt hole     $1000.00

				Los Angeles Junction Ry #5
				(an extreme enlargement of the builder's plate part of the photo seems to show that
				 the whitish area at the bottom of the plate was how it was when it was in service. 
				 Looks like maybe poor masking or overspray from repainting a tiger stripe.

  BPA-788     76788     Jun 1949   S2    excellent / repainted black w/ white lettering - as originally     $1250.00

				Galveston, Houston & Henderson (GH&H) #20
				Scott Paper Co. (Chickasaw, Al.)  (1966)
  (GH&H had only 2 Diesels, Alco S2's, #'s 20 and 21.  They spent 15 years switching on the island.  They were replaced
   with leased locomotives from then-parent RR's MKT and MP in 1965 - and the GH&H became a "paper railroad")

  BPA-804     77506     Oct 1949   PA1    excellent / old MP off-white paint       $3000.00

				Missouri Pacific #8004 (MP)
				Missouri Pacific #47 (MP)
				t-i to EMD  (e-1960's)

           (there were only eight MP PA1's built)

  BPA-720     77966     April 1950   RSC2   excellent / no paint       $1200.00
                                       (plate comes with duplicate slide, as seen below)

				Seaboard Air Line  (SAL) #1536
				Seaboard Coast Line  (SCL) #1110
  (one of only five spec E-1661C, 1600 hp RSC-2's built - transition model between RSC-2's and RSC-3's)

  BPA-1323     78121     May 1950   FA1   (excellent / old repaint)    $1400.00

				Missouri Pacific #323 (MP)
				t-i to EMD  (e-1960's)

  BPA-1149     78755     May 1951   RS3 
             (as removed / remnants of black paint over remnants of gray paint)    $1000.00

				Central of Georgia (CofG) #113
				Southern Ry #113
				New York Dock Ry #57 (1974)
				scrapped 1986

  BPA-294     79399     Dec 1951   RS3 (steam generator equipped for passenger service)
      (excellent / traces of very weathered PRR paint - black background and buff letters)    $800.00
        (original 35mm slide, as seen below, available for $15 w/ purchase of plate)

				Pennsylvania RR (PRR) #8841
				Pennsylvania RR (PRR) #5541
				retired 1967  (months before PC merger)

  BPA-1633     79417     Dec 1951   RS3     $1400.00   excellent / as removed / original SSW orange paint

				Cotton Belt  (SSW) #317
				Cotton Belt  (SSW) #354
				Cotton Belt  (SSW) #2810
				t-i to EMD  1968

  (plate came to us from the person that salvaged it from locomotive in EMD/Pielet Bros scrap line c.1968.
   Up to 50% of the proceeds from its sale will be donated to RR or historical society)
  BPA-682     79827     Oct 1952   RS3     $800.00   excellent / painted gloss black, as it was originally

				Seaboard Air Line  (SAL) #1682
				Seaboard Coast Line  (SCL) #1195
				retired 1974 / t-i to GE / scrapped 1976

  BPA-1352     80069     Aug 1952   S4           $850.00
                                     excellent / older repaint - black w/ silver highlights

				Louisville & Nashville  (L&N) #2352

  BPA-235     80100     Mar 1953   S4           $900.00
                  excellent / original SP gray paint / w/traces of black and orange "Tiger Stripes" 

				Southern Pacific (SP) #1522
				Southern Pacific (SP) #1822

6" X 12 1/4"      rectangular      sheet  aluminum            (Alco/GE sheet aluminum plates are very scarce - maybe made only as replacement plates?)
    (none currently in stock)

American Locomotive Co.            (no mention of GE - after Alco/GE, before Alco Products)

3 3/4" X 12 1/4"      rectangular      sheet  aluminum          (used c.1953 into 1955 - not much to look at, but uncommon)
  BPA-1509    80766     1- 1955   RS3   (flat / bolt holes damaged during removal / traces of MP blue paint)      $740.00
				Missouri Pacific (MP) #4509
				Missouri Pacific (MP) #982  (c. 1961)
				Missouri Pacific (MP) #1077   (r/p w/EMD engine as "GP12") (c. 1965)
				retired 12-1974 / t-i to GE

Diesel engine plates      9 3/4" X 4 1/4"      sheet brass
    (none currently in stock)

To order call:   (707) 328-6215 (cell) or  539-1051 (land)  or   e-mail:
       payment accepted via: Visa, Master Card, Am Express, Discover, Zelle, checks / money orders, or Paypal

Alco Products            (Alco Products plates were used from 1955 - when that name was adopted - until the end)

3 3/4" X 12 1/4"      rectangular      sheet aluminum
  BPA-1074     81820     11- 1956   S6    flat / 1 small gouge / nice paint       $825.00
                                       (plate comes with slide, as seen below)
				Southern Pacific (SP) #1074
				Southern Pacific (SP) #1241
  BPA-183     82328     2- 1957   RS11   (flat / fair paint)      $850.00
				Norfolk & Western (N&W) #339

               (Atlas made a model of N&W #339 in HO scale)

4" X 12"      rectangular      stainless steel
    (none currently in stock)

American Car & Foundry / ACF

Berwick Plant         1 1/2" X 18"      rectangular      cast brass       no data
    (none currently in stock)

Baldwin Locomotive Works  /  BLW

16" / Burnham, Williams & Co.        cast brass        "manhole cover"
    (none currently in stock)

12 1/4" / Burnham, Williams & Co.        cast brass        ("Burnham, Williams & Co" on plates from about 1891 into 1909)
  BPB-693   22614    Aug 1903    0-6-0  
                        shiny brass (currently in stand - could be removed easily)     $1200.00

				Southern Pacific / Texas & New Orleans (T&NO) #76
				scrapped 1940
  BPB-454   23514    Jan 1904    2-8-0  Consolidation  
                          nicely restored, has notch (weld burn) in rim     $1110.00
        (plate comes with 2 3/4" X 7 1/4" print, as seen below, upon request)

				Southern Pacific (SP) #2692
				scrapped at Tucson, Az. late 1935

>>> Eagerly sought <<<   29792     Dec 1906    4-6-0  >>>Wanted<<<
				Georgia Coast & Piedmont #64
				Collins & Glenville RR #64
	(a plate from this locomotive is most eagerly sought by a descendent of the family that once owned the Collins & Glenville 
	RR. One of it's plates was last known to have sold at auction in 2007.  Top price will be paid if you have a plate 
	from this locomotive that you would be willing to return (sell) to the family. Purchase or trades considered.

  BPB-73   32332     Dec 1907    2-8-0  Consolidation  
               nicely restored, has 4 small cracks, mostly visible on back      $1160.00
       (5" X 8" B&W print, as seen below, included with plate upon request)

				Great Northern (GN) #1250
				scrapped 1949

8 1/8" / Burnham, Williams & Co.            cast brass
    (none currently in stock)

12 1/4"      round      cast brass          (this style used for about two years)
  BPB-121   36553     May, 1911      0-6-0   
               good condition, but 2 extra holes      $950.00

				Southern Pacific (SP) #1189
				scrapped  1940

11 3/4"      oval      cast brass      Steam
    (none currently in stock)

9 1/4"      round      cast brass      Steam
>>> Eagerly sought <<<   51974     July 1919    4-6-0  >>>Wanted<<<
				Savannah & Southern #105
				Collins & Glenville RR #105
	(a plate from this locomotive is eagerly sought by a descendent of the family that once owned the 
	 Collins & Glenville RR. Top price will be paid if you have a plate from this locomotive that you 
	 would be willing to return (sell) to the family. Purchase or trade considered.

  BPB-178    57916     December 1924     0-6-0   excellent condition     $960.00
        (2 1/2 X 4 1/4" negative, as seen below, available for $12 w/ purchase of plate)

				Commonwealth Steel #57  (Granite City, Il.)
				General Steel Castings #57  (same)  (1929)
				Algers, Winslow & Western #57  (1945)

9 1/4"      round      cast brass      Diesel
  BPB-592    62397  1940    VO660 (round radiator!)   average wear / as removed / chipped black MP paint     $1400.00
				Missouri Pacific (MP)  #9009
				Missouri Pacific (MP)  #6612
  BPB-1363    64434  1942    VO1000   much service wear / as removed / Milwaukee black paint     $1000.00
				Milwaukee Road (CMStP&P)  #1382
				t-i to EMD  (l. 1960's)

  (plate came to us from the person that salvaged it from locomotive in EMD/Pielet Bros scrap line c.1968.
   Up to 50% of the proceeds from its sale will be donated to RR or historical society)

9 1/4"      round      cast iron     Diesel      (used during WWII)
  BPB-444    69783  1943    VO1000   repainted / cracks at lower bolt hole     $1100.00

				Frisco (SLSF)  #213
				t-i to EMD  (c. 1970)

               (Bowser made a model of Frisco #213 in HO scale)

14 3/4" X 10 1/4"      five sided "House Shaped"      cast brass      steam
    (none currently in stock)

14 3/4" X 10 1/4"      five sided "House Shaped"      cast brass      Diesel     (used from c. 1946 - e-1948)
    (none currently in stock)

14 3/4" X 10 1/4"      five sided "House Shaped"      cast iron     (used 1945-47, then m-1948-1950)
  BPB-425    72046   Aug 1945   VO-1000    excellent / as removed / Milw black paint          $1250.00

				Milwaukee Road  (CMStP&P) #1689
				t-i to EMD  l-60's

  (plate came to us from the person that salvaged it from locomotive in EMD/Pielet Bros scrap line c.1968.
   Up to 50% of the proceeds from its sale will be donated to RR or historical society)
  BPB-772    74097   Mar 1949   DS-4-4-1000    excellent / old repaint      $1250.00

				Missouri Pacific Lines (St Louis, Brownsville & Mexico) (MP / StLB&M) #9165
				t-i to EMD  e-60's
  BPB-721    74100   Feb 1949   DS-4-4-1000    excellent / as removed / PRR black paint      $1250.00

				Pennsylvania RR (PRR) #9050
				t-i to EMD  m-60's

Diesel engine plates      8 7/8" X 5"      brass
    (none currently in stock)

To order call:   (707) 328-6215 (cell) or  539-1051 (land)  or   e-mail:
       payment accepted via: Visa, Master Card, Am Express, Discover, Zelle, checks / money orders, or Paypal

Baldwin-Lima-Hamilton  /  BLH

     (used 1951 - 1956)
  BPB-574    75049   1951   S12    excellent / as removed / old MP black paint     $1100.00

				Missouri Pacific (MP) #9216
				Missouri Pacific (MP) #1276
				t-i to EMD  (e-60's)
  BPB-1007    75085   1951   AS616    excellent     $2000.00

				Milwaukee Road (CMStP&P) #2100    
				Milwaukee Road (CMStP&P) #560
				t-i to EMD  (l-60's)

  (plate came to us from the person that salvaged it from locomotive in EMD/Pielet Bros scrap line c.1968.
   Up to 50% of the proceeds from its sale will be donated to RR or historical society)
  BPB-286    75143   1952   S12    nice / as removed     $1240.00
        (plate comes with duplicate slide (SAL), and slide (SCL), as seen below)

				Seaboard Air Line (SAL) #1463
				Seaboard Coast Line (SCL) #204

  BPB-356    75311   Feb 1952   S12    excellent / as removed / PRR black paint     $1000.00

				Pennsylvania RR (PRR) #8796
				t-i to EMD  (c.1968)

  BPB-653    75377   1952   RF16  Sharknose    excellent / as removed / original black paint     $2100.00

				New York Central (NYC) #3821

  BPB-610    75556     1952   S12    excellent / as removed / NYC frame-stripe white paint     $1100.00

				New York Central (NYC) #9321
				[Penn Central (PC) #8105 - ever renumbered ?]

Diesel engine plates      8 7/8" X 5"      steel
    (none currently in stock)

Beyer Peacock & Co., Ltd - Gorton Works     (England)

16 3/4" oval      cast brass
  BPB-726    no/#  (from order #7182, progressive #'s 3080 to 3083)  1890   2-8-4T  
                                        excellent, coursely polished condition        $1200.00

				EF Mina y Rio  (Brazil)

(click on thumbnail photos to enlarge)

British builder's plate book    

  RB-5729    British Locomotive Builders' Plates  (HB)  (excellent+ condition)   
    (hundreds of photos / everything you want to know about British builder's plates)
                       Buckle & Love           Midland, 1994         $32.00 

Canadian Locomotive Company

8 1/2" X 17"      diamond
    (none currently in stock)

Davenport Locomotive Works

4" X 14"      cast iron
  BPD-470    2280    (8-1939)   44ton     excellent / as removed / remnants of RI black, maroon paint       $2000.00
                        (2nd 44ton, by any make, built)     (plate comes with duplicate slide, as seen below)

				Rock Island  #361
				t-i to EMD 1966

  BPD-304    2293    (4-1940)   44ton     excellent / as removed      $2000.00
       (3rd 44ton, by any make, built)    (5" X 7" B&W print, as seen below but w/o markings, included with plate upon request)

				Rock Island  #362
				Warren & Oachita Valley RR  #100  (1949)
				Rock Island  #362  (1959)
				t-i to EMD 1966

Diesel Div.  /   GM of Canada

    (none currently in stock)

15" X 4 1/4"      rectangular      sheet aluminum
    (none currently in stock)

To order call:   (707) 328-6215 (cell) or  539-1051 (land)  or   e-mail:
       payment accepted via: Visa, Master Card, Am Express, Discover, Zelle, checks / money orders, or Paypal

Electro Motive Corp  /   EMC

16" X 5 1/4"      rectangular      cast brass            ("GM" on right / first used in 1936)

    (none currently in stock)

15 1/2" X 5 1/4"      rectangular      cast brass            ("GM" on left / used from at least 1939 in to 1942)

    (none currently in stock)

Electro Motive Div.  /  EMD

14 3/4" X 4 3/4"      rectangular      stainless steel            (used from 1942 until c. 9 or 10 - 1947)
  BPE-700    2100    9-22-1943       FT(A)        excellent / no paint     $1880.00

				Western Pacific  (WP) #906-A
				t-i to EMD  (1966)

  (plate came to us from the person that salvaged it from locomotive in EMD/Pielet Bros scrap line c.1968.
   Up to 50% of the proceeds from its sale will be donated to RR or historical society)

"Hotdog"      15" X 4 1/8"      stainless steel            (used from c. 10 - 1947 until at least 1965)
  BPE-904    4478    12-5-1947       F3        excellent, but some corner wear      $580.00
       (8" X 10" color print, as seen below (but w/o markings), included with plate upon request)

				Central of Georgia  (CofG) #904
  BPE-527    5335    6-1-1948       F3-B        excellent, but has weld burns on tip      $325.00

				Frisco (SLSF) #5107
				t-i to EMD  (e-1960's)
  BPE-678    9102    April 1951      F7     excellent / NYC/PC black paint / as removed        $460.00

				New York Central (NYC) #1678
				Penn Central (PC) #1678

  BPE-898   11774    June 1950      SW7     flat / good condition / bolt holes over-drilled         $255.00

				Chicago River & Indiana (CR&I) #8898
				New York Central (NYC) #8898
				Penn Central (PC) #8898
				Conrail (CR) #8898
				Honey Creek RR #8898

  BPE-841   11976    Oct, 1950      F7     excellent / no paint       $480.00
         (plate comes with dramatically color-shifted commercial duplicate color slide, as seen below) 
				Louisville & Nashville (L&N) #841

  BPE-1489    12563    June 1950      SW9    excellent / bits of MP blue at extreme edges / as removed     $170.00
				Missouri Pacific (MP) #9182
				Missouri Pacific (MP) #1244

  BPE-1703   12983    Dec 1950      F7 (A)     excellent condition - flat - no paint   $720.00

				Charleston & Western Carolina (C&WC) #904
				Atlantic Coast Line (ACL) #412  (in 1959)
				Seaboard Coast Line (SCL) #428  (in 1967)
				retired  1971

  BPE-668    13435    Jan 1952      FP7     excellent / no paint        $700.00
                             (plate comes with duplicate color slide, as seen below) 
				Louisville & Nashville (L&N) #668

  BPE-1439    14853    Oct 1951      FP7     excellent / no paint        $600.00
				Atlantic Coast Line (ACL) #884
				Atlantic Coast Line (ACL) #439
				Seaboard Coast Line (SCL) #326

  BPE-879    14908    Sept 1951      SW9    good condition / some scraping / as removed     $160.00
				Atlantic Coast Line (ACL) #682
				Seaboard Coast Line (SCL) #164
				Amoco #308  (Chocolate Bayou, Tx.)

  BPE-863     16317    Mar 1953      SW9     excellent, no paint         $200.00

				New York Central (NYC) #8995
				Penn Central (PC) #8995
				Conrail (CR) #8995

  BPE-1624     18846    Oct 1953      SW9     excellent / UP gray paint / as removed       $185.00

				Union Pacific (UP) #1858
				Union Pacific (UP) #1226

  BPE-410   19207    Feb 1954      GP9B     excellent / no paint / as removed        $300.00

				Union Pacific (UP) #131B

 (several other UP GP9 plates in stock.  Looking for a particular one?  Please inquire)
BPE-1442 19226 Feb 1954 GP9B excellent, no paint $300.00 Union Pacific (UP) #150B S-f-s (1976) BPE-405 19270 April 1954 GP9B excellent, some blue paint, minor scrape $300.00 Union Pacific (UP) #194B S-f-s (1977) BPE-126 23058 May 1957 GP9 excellent, mildly brushed finish / no paint $160.00 Norfolk & Western (N&W) #781 BPE-1117 & 856 23700 & 23750 Sept, Oct 1957 GP9(A) & GP9B (sold only as set) $560.00 BPE-1117 excellent / flat / traces of paint // BPE-856 reasonably flat / no paint Union Pacific (UP) #344 & 344B 344(A) r/b to GP9m (turbocharged) (1964) both sold for scrap & scrapped BPE-531 24446 Aril 1958 GP9 excellent, mildly brushed finish / no paint $160.00 Norfolk & Western (N&W) #823

To order call:   (707) 328-6215 (cell) or  539-1051 (land)  or   e-mail:
       payment accepted via: Visa, Master Card, Am Express, Discover, Zelle, checks / money orders, or Paypal

"Hotdog"      15" X 4 1/8"      aluminum            (used from late 1964 through late 1967)
  BPE-72    30811    9-1965      SD35      worn condition / upper bolt hole enlarged     $110.00
                                                            (Martin K. O'Toole photo - click to enlarge) 
				Southern Ry (SR) #3005

15" X 4 1/4"      rectangular      stainless steel            (used from Sept. 1967 through the 1980's)

  BPE-565   75622-59    5-1975    SD40-2      flat / worn paint    $110.00
        (plate comes with color slide, as seen below)  

				Norfolk & Western (N&W) #6131
				Norfolk Southern (NS) #6131

  BPE-473   776086-1    5-1978    SD40-2      flat / sanded finish / no paint    $70.00
        (plate comes with color slide, as seen below)   (plate is perfectly flat!! - photos do not do it justice)

				Norfolk & Western (N&W) #6139
				Norfolk Southern (NS) #6139

  BPE-869   776086-1    5-1978    SD40-2      flat / flat black finish    $80.00
        (plate comes with color slide, as seen below) (all bolt-holes intact - photo backdrop covering lower edge of plate)

				Norfolk & Western (N&W) #6165
				Norfolk Southern (NS) #6165

Diesel engine plates      7 1/4" X 2"      stainless steel
  BPE-614   51-K-196    1951    16-567-B     excellent condition / fair paint    $75.00

				(from F7 / F7B / FP7 / GP7)

  BPE-447   52-K-162    1952    16-567-B     excellent condition / no paint    $65.00

				(from F7 / F7B / FP7 / GP7 / SD7)

Diesel engine plates      5 9/16" X 1 1/2"      stainless steel
  BPE-285   66-M2-1039    1966    16-645-E3     excellent condition / no paint    $50.00

				(from GP40 / SD40 / SDP40)

  BPE-796   69-M2-1004    1969    16-645-E3     excellent condition / no paint    $50.00

				(from GP40 / SD40 / SDP40 / DD40X)

  BPE-1268   70-H1-1048    1970    16-645-E3     excellent condition / no paint    $50.00

				(from GP40 / SD40 / SDP40 / DD40X)

Fairbanks-Morse  /  FM

9"      round      cast brass
  BPF-1327     15L-9   5-1948    H-15-44    excellent, no paint    $2400.00

				Union Pacific (UP) #DS 1327
				Union Pacific (UP) #1327  (1953)
				t-i to EMD  (1968)

  (plate came to us from the person that salvaged it from locomotive in EMD/Pielet Bros scrap line c.1968.
   Up to 50% of the proceeds from its sale will be donated to RR or historical society)

16 7/8" X 7 7/8"      rectangular      cast brass
  BPF-971     16L-315   11-1950    H-16-44    excellent, no paint    $2100.00

				New Haven (NYNH&H) #566
  BPF-956     16L-505   3-1951    H-16-44    excellent, no paint    $2100.00

				Santa Fe (AT&SF) #2804

  (plate came to us from the person that salvaged it from locomotive in EMD/Pielet Bros scrap line c.1968.
   Up to 50% of the proceeds from its sale will be donated to RR or historical society)

16 3/4" X 7 3/4"      rectangular      stainless steel
  BPF-483     12L-428   3-1951    H-12-44    excellent, but 1 scrape    $1600.00
        (plate comes with color slide, as seen below)

				Milwaukee (CMStP&P) #1828
				Milwaukee (CMStP&P) #752
				Milwaukee (CMStP&P) #748
				sold for scrap  (1981)
  BPF-756     16L-913   9-1954    H-16-44    some surface scraping / not completely flat    $1400.00
                               (plate comes with duplicate slide, as seen below)

				Milwaukee (CMStP&P) #2468 
				Milwaukee (CMStP&P) #418
  BPF-553     12L-1101   3-1958   H-12-44   excellent condition / remnants of paint along edges    $1600.00
                              (plate comes with print, as seen below)

				Nickel Plate (NKP) #146 
				Norfolk & Western (N&W) #2146 

(click on thumbnail photos to enlarge)

General Electric  /  GE

8" X 5"           rectangular      sheet zinc      (wartime)
    (none currently in stock)

8" X 5"           rectangular      sheet steel      (wartime)
    (none currently in stock)

8" X 5"           rectangular      stainless steel
  BPG-990     12909     8-1940    44ton    excellent condition / no paint     $580.00

				Milwaukee Road (CMStP&P) #1690(1st)
				Milwaukee Road (CMStP&P) #1699(2nd)
				Milwaukee Road (CMStP&P) #990(2nd)
				t-i to EMD  (1967)

  (plate came to us from the person that salvaged it from locomotive in EMD/Pielet Bros scrap line c.1968.
   Up to 50% of the proceeds from its sale will be donated to RR or historical society)

8" X 5"      rectangular      sheet aluminum      (recent)
    (none currently in stock)

14" X 5"      rectangular      cast aluminum
  BPG-753     34772     2-1964    U25B    flat / 1 corner broken     $625.00
        (plate comes with color slide, as seen below)

				Southern Pacific (SP) #7535
				Southern Pacific (SP) #6735
  BPG-537     35429     12-1964    U25B    excellent condition, but corners bobbed off     $385.00

				New York Central (NYC) #2356
  BPG-486     37490     1-1971    U30B    excellent condition, no paint / but 1 corners hole broken out     $355.00

				Norfolk & Western  (N&W) #8514
  BPG-543     37756     6-1971    U30B    excellent condition, but corners holes broken out     $355.00

				Norfolk & Western  (N&W) #8524
  BPG-215     45370     10-1986    C39-8    excellent condition / no paint    $325.00

				Norfolk Southern (NS) #8660

GE / Alco         12" X 6"       rectangular       cast brass      (from electric locomotives)
    (none currently in stock)

Diesel engine plates      7" X 2 5/8"      stainless steel
  BPG-837    293049     FDL12  (apparently from PC U23-B or CR B23-7 - overstamped "JLS" - Juniata Locomotive Shop)    
                etching light / as removed / no paint       $100.00


To order call:   (707) 328-6215 (cell) or  539-1051 (land)  or   e-mail:
       payment accepted via: Visa, Master Card, Am Express, Discover, Zelle, checks / money orders, or Paypal

GM Locomotive Group  /  GM / EMD / DD

12" X 4"      rectangular      stainless steel
  BPE-255    886061-51   11-1990     SD60M   (excellent condition / as removed)   $185.00
                      (plate comes with color slides, as seen below)

				Union Pacific (UP)  #6266
				Union Pacific (UP)  #2421(2nd)
  BPE-784    906100-2   11-1991     SD60M   (excellent condition / some overspray)   $165.00
                      (plate comes with color slide, as seen below)

				Union Pacific (UP)  #6270
				Union Pacific (UP)  #2416

  BPE-49    926302-25   9-1992     SD60M        $135.00

                                                            		(John Mathis photo - click to enlarge)
                                                           	  	 John Mathis Railroad Photography home
				Union Pacific (UP)  #6340

  BPE-352    926302-01   3-1992     SD70M     (excellent condition)    $185.00

				Union Pacific (UP)  #4574

Lima Locomotive Works / Lima-Hamilton Corp.

19 1/4" X 9 1/2"      diamond      cast brass
    (none currently in stock)

Magor Car Corp

4 1/4" X 8"      oval      cast iron
    (none currently in stock)

Montreal Locomotive Works

7 1/2" X 14"      rectangular      cast iron
    (none currently in stock)

6" X 12 1/4"      rectangular      sheet aluminum
    (none currently in stock)

Pennsylvania RR - Altoona Works

6 5/8" X 16"      rectangular      cast iron
    (none currently in stock)

To order call:   (707) 328-6215 (cell) or  539-1051 (land)  or   e-mail:
       payment accepted via: Visa, Master Card, Am Express, Discover, Zelle, checks / money orders, or Paypal


5 1/2" X 3 1/4"      rectangular      sheet brass
    (none currently in stock)


Shield      8 1/2" X 7 1/2"      cast brass
    (none currently in stock)

Pullman-Standard Car Mfg Co.

1 1/2" X 17 3/4"      rectangular      cast brass       no data
    (none currently in stock)

5 1/2" X 16 3/4"      rectangular      cast iron       no data
    (none currently in stock)

Seaboard Coast Line - Uceta (Tampa) Shops

6" X 18"      rectangular      sheet aluminum
    (none currently in stock)

Standard Steel Car Co.

1 7/8" X 8 1/2"      rectangular      cast brass       no data
    (none currently in stock)

    (none currently in stock)


3 5/8" X 7 7/8"      sheet brass
  BPW-297    60027   (date not shown, built 12-1944)   44ton  (44-DE-5)   excellent / no paint   $1600.00

				Rock Island  (CRI&P) #371    
				t-i to EMD  (1966)
				  (Lionel made a model of Rock Island #371)

Locomotive Class Plates
    (none currently in stock)

Locomotive Number Plates
    (none currently in stock)

Please visit our other railroad and steamship catalogs:

Locomotive Operator's / Maintenance / Parts Manuals             Railroad china             Railroad Silverware             Railroad Glassware

Maritime china             Railroad Books               Railroad Menus             Hotel dining ware               The Bargain Basement

To order call:   (707) 328-6215     or      (707) 539-1051   (8:00 am till 10:00 pm Pacific Time)      (if no answer, please leave your name, number and message and we will return the call ASAP)

or     e-mail:

Shipping - Shipping is $16.00 per order - insurance included (to US addresses). International shipping - call or write for quote.  Your quantity discount will be in the shipping - buy several pieces and we pay anything over the basic rate.  Orders over $1000 shipping is free within North America.  To avoid delay please order by stock number, when shown.

We are located in Santa Rosa, California  Anyone near to here or passing through would be welcomed to pick up their items (by appointment) so as to save the shipping charge.  Unfortunately, we have no showroom - all our stock is wrapped and in storage (for its protection).

Our Customer Comments

Visa and M/C, Zelle,Paypal, as well as checks and money orders, accepted.


Packing - We pack for success, not excuses.  We love old railroad china and relics as much as you do, so we would rather spend a bit more on packing materials (actually, we prefer to use clean recycled packing materials) than see a piece broken in transit.

Our success is collectors getting pieces they want, and only that.  Therefore, all sales are allowed a three day inspection period, within which time, unsatisfactory items may be returned for refund.

Trade / Sell - Perhaps you would like to suggest a trade ?   Unlike an Old World vegetable grocer, we do not care to haggle over the price of each piece, but if you think that you could suggest a trade, or other "deal," that would be mutually beneficial, we will be happy to hear you out.   Maybe you have a piece that doesn't exactly fit with your collection, and we have a piece that does - maybe a deal could be found.   Please recall though, that this is a commercial enterprise, so we would find no advantage in a trade for pieces of like value. Of course, we are always buying - from whole collections to single pieces.

Sales Tax / Ca. only - Orders shipped to California addresses must pay applicable sales tax.

Gift Wrap - For an extra $8.00 per gift, we will gift wrap any item(s) and mail it directly to the recipient.  Nothing too fancy, but we will box the item(s) and tailor the wrap to the occasion (birthday, Christmas or other), with a "from / to" tag filled out as you specify.

Wants lists - We have locomotive builder's plates - you want locomotive builder's plates, but unfortunately, these are not always the same items.  If you would care to send us your "want list", we will store it and notify you (e-mail or phone, your choice) if we get that item in stock.  There is no obligation on your part - this is only a notification service and interest survey.  Send to: Wants lists

All items first come, first served - if you like it, you can own it.  No false-hope teaser prices, no bidding stress, no sniping - everything is "Buy It Now" priced.  Prices subject to change without notice.

Questions and comments welcomed.

Don't forget to bookmark this page so you can return easily and often!

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last updated 3-12-25                                      All images and copy on this web site are subject to full copyright protection.