>>The Fast Track>>

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The Railroad Commissary Bookshelf

We specialize in out-of-print and hard-to-find used RR books. Trains books from certified train nuts.

Don't forget to bookmark this page so you can return easily and often!  The stock is always changing.    

To order call:   (707) 328-6215 (cell) or  539-1051 (land)  or   e-mail:  rrcomm@sonic.net
       Shipping: $5 for USPS Media Mail per order (flat rate - 1 book or 40 books ship for the same $5 to US addresses)

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(HB = hard bound, SB = soft bound, DJ = dust jacket)


  RB-5222    Biography of a Business: TC&I / Tennessee Coal & Iron Div. USS  (SB)  (near mint)
                     Wiebel                   TC&I Div., USS, 1960            $36.00

  RB-4273    Birmingham Southern Railroad Company: The First Century  (HB)  (near mint)
                     Mele                     Rail Images, 2000               $80.00 

  RB-6607    Logging Railroads of Alabama  (HB)  (new)
                     Mele                     Rail Images, 2000               $130.00 


  RBA-4724/4829    The Alaska Railroad, Vol. 1 AND 2  (HB)  
    (two volume set / both books good / DJ's worn, but now in clear archival book covers)
        [an in-depth history of the ARR covering 1914 to 1964, 1092pp total]
                     Prince           1964                              $800.00 

  RBA-5373   Railroad in the Clouds: The Alaska RR in the Age of Steam 1914-1945  (HB)
      (good used condition / moderate musty smell / DJ has moderate age spotting / no markings)
                       Wilson                  Pruett, 1977             $34.00 

  RBA-0579    Rails Across the Tundra  (SB)   near mint
                     Cohen            Pictorial Histories, 1984         $8.00

  RB-4418     The Sea-To-Sky Gold Rush Route  (SB)  (light used condition)
                     Johnson          Rusty Spike, 1998                 $70.00 

  RB-2929    The White Pass and Yukon Route: A Pictorial History  (SB)   (like new)
                     Cohen            Pictorial Histories, 1980         $11.00

  RB-642     The White Pass and Yukon Route: A Pictorial History  (SB)   (light used condition)
                     Cohen            Pictorial Histories, 1980         $7.00

  SB-608     Yukon River Steamboats  (SB)   (light used condition)
       [pictorial history of the steamboats on the Yukon River, 108pp]
                      Cohen            Pictorial Histories, 1982        $12.00 

To order call:   (707) 328-6215 (cell) or  539-1051 (land)  or   e-mail:  rrcomm@sonic.net
       payment accepted via: Visa, Master Card, Am Express, Discover, Zelle, checks / money orders, or Paypal

Alco / American Locomotive Co.

  RB-6859    Alco FA-2: Plans-Photos-Roster-Variations  (SB) 
                              (worn condition / nice large scale drawings)
                  Peck                   Hundman                $9.00 
  RB-3140     Alco Official Photography  (HB)  (like new)
                  Appel                    Morning Sun, 1998                $40.00

  RB-0356     Alco Official Photography  (HB)  
     (marked 2nd / every page inspected - no fault seen / near mint cond.)
                  Appel                    Morning Sun, 1998                $18.00 

  RB-556     Alco's Century Series: V. One - Four-Axle models  (SB)   (like new)
              [profusely illustrated review of Alco B-B Century locomotives, 208pp]
                   Diesel Era              Withers, 2003                    $36.95

  RB-2747     Alco's Century Series: Vol. Two - Six-Axle models  (SB)   (like new)
              [profusely illustrated review of Alco C-C Century locomotives, 208pp]
                    Diesel Era             Withers, 2003                    $55.95

  RB-3865     Alco's HH Series  (SB)   (new)
           [profusely illustrated review of Alco HH locomotives, 128pp]
                      Diesel Era              Withers, 2006                    $65.00 

  RB-2239     Alcos Northeast: Beyond Schenectady. Smoke, Guts and Glory. 1969-2006  (HB)  (near mint)
                      Confalone & Posik      RR Explorer, 2006                 $90.00 

  RB-3573    The Diesel Builders, Vol. 2: Alco and Montreal  (HB)  (mint condition)
                      Kirkland                Interurban, 1989                 $210.00 

  RB-2111    Dragon Steel  (HB)   (near mint)
                      Romano                   Four Ways West                  $43.00

  RB-2772    Illustrated Treasury of the American Locomotive Company (Alco)  (HB)  (new condition)
                     Kerr                      Delta, 2001                     $50.00

  RB-0425    Illustrated Treasury of the American Locomotive Company (Alco)  (HB) 
      (moderate used condition / no dust jacket - as issued)
                     Kerr                      Delta, 1980                     $14.00 

  RB-6084    Illustrated Treasury of the American Locomotive Company (Alco)  (HB) 
                 (very light used condition / with dust jacket - as issued)
                     Kerr                      Delta, 1990                     $16.00 

  RB-1526     PA4  (HB)   (light used condition)
                      Anderson & MacDermot    Chatham, 1978             $35.00

  RB-4850     Remembering Midwestern Alcos  (HB)   (new in shrinkwrap)
                      Olmsted                 Olmsted, 2000                    $50.00

(also see Alco locomotive operator's manuals listed under Alco Operating Manuals below)


  RBA-4927     Amtrak 1978-1979 Annual (SB)  
     (has scarce laid-in 1979 Supplement (pages 161- 176 / moderate used condition)
                     Anderson         Rails Trans. Archives, 1979    $40.00 
  RBA-4927     Amtrak 1978-1979 Annual (SB)  (fair used condition)
                     Anderson         Rails Trans. Archives, 1979    $19.50 (Sold)
  RBA-1994     Amtrak Trains and Travel  (HB)   (moderate used condition)
                     Dorin            Superior, 1979                 $8.00

Ann Arbor

    (none currently in stock)


  RB-4049     Central Arizona Railroad  (HB)  (new in shrinkwrap, but DJ spine slightly faded)
                     Schuppert                 Golden West, 1993            $130.00 

  RB-2286     Ghost Railroads of Central Arizona (SB)  (light used condition)
       [history of the rail lines near Prescott, Az, lots of photos and maps, 150pp]
                     Sayre                     Pruett, 1985                 $47.00 

  RB-1968     Railroads of Arizona, Vol. 1 - The Southern Roads  (HB)  (like new)
                     Myrick                Howell-North, 1981                 $130.00

  RB-1043     Railroads of Arizona, Vol. 1 - The Southern Roads  (HB)  (excellent, light used condition)
                     Myrick                Howell-North, 1975                 $110.00 

  RB-3821     Railroads of Arizona, Vol. 1 - The Southern Roads  (HB)  (moderate used condition)
                     Myrick                Howell-North, 1975                 $85.00

  RB-3017     Railroads of Arizona, Vol. III - Clifton, Morenci & Metcalf  (HB) 
                               (interior like new / trivial fraying at top of DJ)
                     Myrick                Trans-Anglo, 1984                 $210.00

  RB-5466     Railroads of Arizona, Vol. 4 - Santa Fe Route  (HB) 
           (signed by author in inscription, also has gift inscription - otherwise near mint)
                     Myrick                Signature, 1998                   $220.00     

  RB-5841     Railroads of Arizona, Vol. 6 - Jerome and the Northern Roads  (HB) (like new)
                     Myrick                Signature, 2010                   $150.00   

  RB-4498     Rails to Carry Copper: Magma Arizona RR  (almost like new, looks unread)
                     Chappell               Signature, 1998                   $50.00 

  RB-6461     Rails to Carry Copper: Magma Arizona RR  
                  (excellent condition / has laid-in map in back pocket / slightly musty odor)
                     Chappell               Signature, 1998                   $24.00

  RB-5699     Santa Fe, Prescott & Phoenix Railway  (HB)  (like new)
                     Sayre                Pruitt, 1990                         $100.00 


  RB-5523     Railroads of Northwest Arkansas (SB)  
     (signed in inscription / light used condition / book mildly creased in shipping)
                     Winn      Washington County Hist. Soc, Pruett, 1992   $38.00 

Atlantic City Railroad

  (see Reading)

Atlantic Coast Line  /  ACL

  RBA-5115   Atlantic Coast Line Passenger Service: The Postwar Years  (HB)  (near mint)
                    Goolsby               TLC, 1999               $59.95
  RBA-2940   Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Album  (HB)  (very light used condition)
                                (hardcovers very scarce - no DJ, as issued)
                     Langley                   Union Station, 2007       $170.00
  RBA-5451   Atlantic Coast Line Railroad: Steam Locomotives, Ships & History  (HB)  (like new)
                     Prince                   Indiana university, 2000       $65.00 

  RBA-5821   Atlantic Coast Line: The Standard Railroad of the South  (HB) 
                                  (like new, but signed by author in inscription)
                     Griffin                   TLC, 2001                 $115.00 

  RB-3391    Charleston & Western Carolina Railway Album  (SB)   (signed / near mint)
                     Langley                   Union Station, 2000       $65.00

  RB-327    Charleston & Western Carolina Railway Album  (SB)   (very light used condition)
                     Langley                   Union Station, 2000       $45.00  


  RB-6427    Comprehensive RR Atlas: Arizona & New Mexico  (SB)  (near mint)
                                               SPV, 1995                        $45.00

  RB-6117    Comprehensive RR Atlas: Great Lakes West  (SB)  (very light used condition)
                                               SPV, 1996                        $45.00 

  RB-6425    Comprehensive RR Atlas: Southeast  (SB)  (near mint)
          (Georgia/South Carolina/Florida)           SPV, 1999            $85.00 

  RB-6426    Comprehensive RR Atlas: Texas  (SB)  (near mint)
                                               SPV, 2001                        $125.00 

  RB-5317    Handy Railroad Atlas of the United States: 1973  (SB)
    (light wear / some routes highlighted)   Rand McNally, 1973        $22.00

  RB-5647    Handy Railroad Atlas of the United States: 1978  (SB)
    (rough / substantial corner wear - once the desk copy of Des Moines Union Ry employee George Niles)
             (OK reader copy)         Rand McNally, 1978        $23.00 

  RB-5911    Handy Railroad Atlas of the United States: 1980  (SB)  (light used condition)
      (sponsored by the Union Pacific)   Rand McNally, 1980        $48.00 

  RB-6376    Railroad Atlas of the United States in 1946: V. 1 Mid-Atlantic States  (HB) 
                                      (near mint / no dust jacket - as issued)
                              Carpenter         Johns Hopkins, 2003         $50.00 

  RB-4767    Professional Railroad Atlas: North America, 3rd Ed.  (SB)  (like new condition)
                                               RR Info. Serv., 2004         $200.00 


  RB-4907    Australian Sugar Tramways  (SB)  (very light used condition)
                     Crellin      Light Rys Research Soc., 1979          (Sold) 

  RB-0745    Lapstone Zig Zag Railway  (SB)  (very light used condition)
       [history of the switchback RR to Lapstone in Australia's Blue Mountains, 68pp]
                     Bayley                   Austrail, 1972                     $40.00

  RB-0717    Steam Up  (SB)   (light used cond / but lower spine corner creased / has gift inscription)
       [pictorial review of the end of steam era in Western Australia, ~60 pp]
                   Joyce & Tilley           J&A, 1971                $70.00 

Baldwin Locomotive Works / Baldwin-Lima-Hamilton  /  BLW / BLH

  RB-4293    Baldwin Diesels In Color - 1  (HB)   (like new)
                      Boyd                    Morning Sun                          $45.00 

  RB-4294    Baldwin Diesels In Color - 2  (HB)   (like new)
                      Boyd                    Morning Sun                          $45.00

  RB-4295    Baldwin Diesels In Color - 3  (HB)   (like new)
                      Boyd                    Morning Sun                          $45.00

  RB-6499    The Diesel Builders: Vol. 3, Baldwin  (HB)  (new in original shrinkwrap)
     [very detailed study of the Diesel locomotive production of Baldwin]
                      Kirkland                Interurban Press, 1994         $155.00 

  RB-2822    Diesels From Eddystone: The Story of Baldwin Diesel Locomotives  (SB) (like new)
      [pictorial & descriptive history of Baldwin's Diesel Locmotives, with production list, 152pp]
                     Dolzall & Dolzall        Kalmbach, 1984               $28.00

  RB-0551    Diesels From Eddystone: The Story of Baldwin Diesel Locomotives  (SB) (moderate used cond.)
      [pictorial & descriptive history of Baldwin's Diesel Locmotives, with production list, 152pp]
                     Dolzall & Dolzall        Kalmbach, 1984               $18.00 

  RB-3115   Illustrated Treasury of Baldwin Locomotives: 1831-1956  (light used condition)
                Kerr  (photos from the Broadbelt Collection)   DPA-LTA, 1983         $75.00

  RBB-2705   Narrow Gauge Locomotives: Baldwin Locomotive Works  (like new but name embossed in title page)
        reprint of 1876 Baldwin lcomotive catalog  Specialty Press, 1973     $25.00

(also see Baldwin locomotive operator's manuals listed under Baldwin Operating Manuals below)

To order call:   (707) 328-6215 (cell) or  539-1051 (land)  or   e-mail:  rrcomm@sonic.net
       payment accepted via: Visa, Master Card, Am Express, Discover, Zelle, checks / money orders, or Paypal
       Shipping: $5 for USPS Media Mail per order (flat rate - 1 book or 40 books ship for the same $5 to US addresses)

Baltimore & Ohio  /  B&O

  RBB-0796    The 50 Best of the B&O, Book 2  (SB)  (light used condition, copy #1491)
                     Harwood             Barnhard, Roberts & Co., 1977       $20.00

  RBB-0836    The 50 Best of the B&O, Book 5  (SB)  (light used condition, copy #952)
                     Lorenz                Barnhard, Roberts & Co., 1979       $20.00

  RB-4226     B&O Cabooses: Photos and Diagrams  (HB)  (new in shrinkwrap)
                     Jones                    TLC, 1998                           $80.00

  RB-3331     B&O Cabooses: Photos and Diagrams  (HB)  (near mint)
                     Jones                    TLC, 1998                           $60.00

  RBB-3664    B&O Color Guide to Freight & Passenger Equipment  (HB)
                                                         (like new, but missing DJ)
                     Bossler                  Morning Sun Books, 1996             $37.00

  RBB-3457    B&O Power  (HB)   (very light used conditon)
                     Sagle & Staufer          Staufer                             $60.00

  RBB-3234    B&O Power  (HB)  (DJ missing / interior almost like new)
                     Sagle                    Staufer, 1964                       $35.00

  RBB-0092    B&O Power  (HB)  (DJ missing / former owner nameplate inside cover)
                     Sagle                    Staufer, 1964                       $22.00

  RBB-3528    B&O Steam Finale - Vol. I  (HB)   (new condition)
                     Mellanger & Kaplan       NRHS, 1986                        $70.00 

  RBB-0037     B&O Steam Finale - Vol. II  (HB)      (DJ slightly frayed at top of spine)
                     Mellanger & Kaplan       NRHS, 1988                        $40.00 

  RB-1627      B&O Thunder In The Alleghenies  (SB)    (near mint)
                     Mellander                Carstens, 1983                      $17.00

  RBB-2726     Baltimore & Ohio E-Unit Diesel Passenger Locomotives  (SB) (near mint condition)
                     Nuckles & Dixon          TLC, 1994                           $22.00

  RBB-2819     Baltimore & Ohio Heritage 1945-1955  (SB) (near mint condition)
        [photographic review of the end of the steam era on the B&O, 48pp]
                     Krause & Crist           Railroad Heritage, 1978           $10.00

  RBB-5533     Baltimore & Ohio Pacific Locomotives:
                    Handsome Passenger Workhorses   (HB)   (new)
                    Withers                   TLC, 2013                        $65.00 

  RBB-1456     Baltimore & Ohio Passenger Service 1945-1971 - Vol. 1: Route of The National Limited 
                                                                                (SB)  (near mint condition)
                     Stegmaier                TLC, 1993                           $22.00

  RBB-0349     Baltimore & Ohio Passenger Service 1945-1971 - Volume 1: Route of the National Limited  (SB)  
                                                                             (light used condition)
                     Stegmaier                TLC, 1993                           $19.00

  RBB-0383     Baltimore & Ohio Railroad  (SB)      (near mint condition)
                      Reynolds & Oroszi       MBI, 2000                           $12.00

  RBB-0077     Baltimore & Ohio Reflections of the Capitol Dome:  1 - New York to Cumberland  (HB)
       [color pictorial of B&O's eastern region, 1128pp]  (book like new, cover shows moderate wear)
                     Salamon, Oroszi & Ori    Old Line Graphics                   $22.00 

  RB-4239      Baltimore & Ohio: Reflections of the Capitol Dome  (HB)   (new in shrinkwrap)
                     Salamon, Orozi & Ori     Old Line Graphics                   $100.00

  RBB-1793     Baltimore & Ohio's Capitol Limited and National Limited  (HB)    (new condition)
                     Welsh                    Voyager, 2007                       $23.00

  RBB-5316     Baltimore & Ohio Stations & Towers along the Niagara Division  (SB) 
                                                    (near mint / signed by author!)
                     Fries                       Fries                             $44.00

  RBB-5031     Baltimore & Ohio Stations & Towers along the Niagara Division  (SB)  (light used cond.)
                     Fries                       Fries                             $36.00 

  RBB-1310     Baltimore & Ohio Steam Locomotives: The Last 30 Years - 1928-1958  (HB)   (new condition)
                     Jehrio & Sprague         TLC, 2003                           $25.00

  RBB-4125     Baltimore & Ohio RR: Steam on the West Slope  (HB)  (new)
                     Kraemer                  RR Trax, 2013                      $24.00 

  RB-4132      Baltimore & Ohio: Sunburst Trail to Chicago  (HB)  
      (new in shrinkwrap, but shrinkwrap starting to fail, leaving trivial edgewear)
                     Ori, Salamon, Orozi      Old Line Graphics                   $70.00

  RB-6206      Baltimore & Ohio: Sunburst Trail to Chicago  (HB)  
                        (book like new, DJ shows lightest of wear)
                     Ori, Salamon, Orozi      Old Line Graphics                   $32.00 

  RBB-0065     Baltimore & Ohio Trackside with Willis A. McAleb  (HB)
                     Dickens & Semon          Morning Sun Books, 1998             $35.00

  RBB-1619     Cabooses of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad  (HB)   (new condition)
                     Hubler                   B&O RR Hist Soc, 1994               $45.00

  RBB-4088     East End: B&O's Neck of the Bottle - Harper's Ferry to Cumberland 1842-1992 (HB)
                                                                    (new in shrinkwrap)
                     Hollis & Roberts         Barnard, Roberts & Co., 1992        $90.00

  RBB-4693     East End: B&O's Neck of the Bottle - Harper's Ferry to Cumberland 1842-1992 (HB)
                     Hollis & Roberts         Barnard, Roberts & Co., 1992        $80.00 

  RBB-0142     The History of the Baltimore & Ohio  (HB)  (near mint)
                     Jacobs                   Crown, 1989                         $6.00

  RBB-1345     A Picture History of B&O Motive Power  (HB)  (book excellent / DJ in good condition)
                     Sagle                    Simmons-Boardman, 1952              $25.00 

  RBB-0083     A Picture History of B&O Motive Power  (HB)  (no DJ)
                     Sagle                    Simmons-Boardman, 1952              $20.00

  RBB-0435     A Royal Blue Heritage  (SB)   (light used cond. / sticker residue on cover corner)
                     Wood                     Audio-Visual, 1978                  $10.00

  RBB-3959     Train Wrecks & Disasters (HB)  (light used condition)
        [chronicles train wrecks on the BR&P / B&O line, 152 pages]
                     Fries                    Fries                               $34.00

Bangor & Aroostook  /  BAR

  RB-3446   Bangor and Aroostook: The Maine Railroad  (HB) (excellent condition)
                     Angier & Cleaves         Flying Yankee, 1986            $200.00

  RB-1878   Bangor and Aroostook: The Maine Railroad  (SB)    
                             (light used condition, minor wear at corners and base of spine)
                     Angier & Cleaves         Flying Yankee, 1986            $110.00


  RBB-2078     Rattle and Shake: The Story of the Bermuda Railway  (SB)  (new in shrinkwrap)
                     Raine                  Pompano                     $90.00 
  RBB-6504     Rattle and Shake: The Story of the Bermuda Railway  (SB)  (near mint condition)
                     Raine                  Pompano                     $50.00

Bessemer & Lake Erie  /  B&LE

  RBB-3751     Bessemer: Off with the Old, on with the New...  (SB)
    (high quality, B&LE's history as told by the B&LE) (like new, but minor edge wear)
                   Beaver                  B&LE, 1954                   $60.00  

  RRB-6301     The Bessemer & Lake Erie: A Tribute  (HB)  (new)
                   Kraemer                  RR Trax        $130.00 

  RRB-6368     The Bessemer & Lake Erie: A Tribute  (HB)  (near mint condition)
                   Kraemer                  RR Trax        $100.00

  RRB-0166     The Bessemer & Lake Erie Railroad  (HB)
   (book excellent, has former owner's sticker inside / DJ frayed @ top & shows shelf wear)
                   Beaver              Golden West Books, 1969       $12.00 

  RBB-903     The Bessemer & Lake Erie Railroad  (HB) (good used condition)
                   Beaver               Golden West Books, 1969       $12.00

  RBB-1297     Bessemer and Lake Erie Railroad In Color  (HB)
                                       (new condition but DJ spine faded)
                   Lorenzo & Clark         Morning Sun, 1994             $50.00 

Boston & Albany  /  B&A

  RBB-5343    Berkshire Days On The Boston & Albany  (SB)  (near mint condition)
                     Smith                   Quadrant, 1982                     $21.00
  RB-5035    Quabbin's Railroad: The Rabbit, V.II The B&A Years, 1880-1935  
                                                            (SB)  (moderate used condition)
                      Greene                Highland, 2007                 $85.00 

  RB-0510     The State, the Investor and the Railroad: The Boston & Albany 1825-1867  (HB)
       [descriptive study of the building of the B&A, 404pp]        (light used condition)
                      Salsbury               Harvard, 1967                      $25.00

Boston & Maine  /  B&M

  RBB-1407    Bluebirds & Minutemen: Boston & Maine: 1974-1984  (HB)   (new condition)
                     Nelligan               McMillan, 1986                   $70.00
  RBB-5509    Bluebirds & Minutemen: Boston & Maine: 1974-1984  (HB)   (like new condition)
                     Nelligan               McMillan, 1986                   $65.00

  RBB-0110    Boston & Maine Trackside with Arthur E. Mitchell  (HB)  (like new)
                     Byron                  Morning Sun Books, 1999          $44.00 

  RB-2270     Boston and Maine: City and Shore  (HB)  (new in shrinkwrap)
                     Jones                  Pine Tree, 1999                  $170.00

  RBB-0057    Boston & Maine in Color  (HB)     (like new)
                      Plant & Plant         Morning Sun Books, 1997          $38.00 

  RBB-3253    Boston & Maine - Forest, River and Mountain  (HB)   (new condition)
                     Jones                  Pine Tree, 2000                  $90.00

  RBB-3518    Boston & Maine: Three Colorful Decades of New England Railroading  (HB)
                     Jones                  Trans-Anglo, 1991                $120.00 

  RBB-007    Boston & Maine: Three Colorful Decades of New England Railroading  (HB)
                                                                      (like new)
                     Jones                  Trans-Anglo, 1991                $50.00

  RBB-6029   Boston & Maine: Three Colorful Decades of New England Railroading  (HB)
                                                                      (like new)
                     Jones                  Trans-Anglo, 1991                $50.00 (Sold)

  RBB-3851    Equipment of the Boston & Maine; Vol. 1: 
                                     Diesel Switchers & Road Switchers  (SB)  (new)
                     Liljestrand & Sweetland                                 $24.95

  RBB-4571    Equipment of the Boston & Maine; Vol. 2: Diesel Cab Units  (SB)  (new)
                     Liljestrand & Sweetland                                 $23.95

  RBB-5289    The Boston & Maine; Vol. 3: Gas / Diesel Railcars, Talgo, & 
                                                         Electric Locomotives    (SB)  (new)
                     Liljestrand & Sweetland                                 $35.00

  RBB-0486    The Boston & Maine; Vol. 3: Gas / Diesel Railcars, Talgo, & 
                                                        Electric Locomotives    (SB)  (like new)
        [photos of B&M railcars & electric from the '30's through the -'50's, 48pp]
                     Liljestrand & Sweetland                                 $27.00 

  RBB-6241    High Green and the Bark Peelers  (HB)     (light used condition)
    (detailed historical account of the Boston & Maine / 274 pages)
                      Neal       Duell, Sloan & Pearce, 1950          $42.00 

  RB-3348    Passenger Cars of New England, Vol. 1 - Boston & Maine  (like new)
     [pictorial review of the passenger cars of the B&M, 48pp]
                     Liljestrand & Sweetland   TRP, 2000                     $32.00 

  RBB-0441    Route of the Minute Man: The Boston & Maine 1969-1979  (SB)  (moderate used condition)
                     Nellington & Hartley     Quadrant, 1980                 $15.00

  RBB-2238    R.R. Stations of New England Today, Vol. 1: The Boston & Maine  (SB)  (moderate used condition)
                     Beauregard              Railroad Avenue, 1979           $16.00

  RBB-0179    Vanishing Markers - Memories of Boston & Maine Railroading  (HB)
                                 (book excellent / DJ shows light to moderate wear)
                     Fisher                  Stephen Green Press, 1976       $18.00

To order call:   (707) 328-6215 (cell) or  539-1051 (land)  or   e-mail:  rrcomm@sonic.net
       payment accepted via: Visa, Master Card, Am Express, Discover, Zelle, checks / money orders, or Paypal
       Shipping: $5 for USPS Media Mail per order (flat rate - 1 book or 40 books ship for the same $5 to US addresses)

British train books

  RB-2643    BR Diesel Freight in the Traditional Era  (SB)  (very light used condition)
                     Oakley                   Braford Barton                     $30.00 

  RB-4740    Beyer Peacock Locomotive Order List  (SB)  (light used condition
                     Hills           British Overseas Rys Hist. Trust, 1997      $90.00

  RB-0764    The Festiniog Railway in Pictures 1951-1961  (SB)  (moderate used condition)
     [the story of rebuilding the n.g. Festiniog Ry. in Wales, w/ photos & maps, 20pp]
                                               Fesiniog Ry, 1962                 $16.00 

  RB-0462    The Great Western Railway  (HB)   (like new)
     [descriptive & pictorial history of the Great Western, 208pp]
                     Whitehouse & Thomas      Greenwich Editions, 1995         $16.00

  RB-3031   Harrogate Gas Works: Its Railway & Other Transport Systems  (SB)  (like new)
                     Hallows & Smith          N.G. Ry. Soc.                      $43.00 

  RB-6258    Isle of Man Album  (HB)   (very light used condition)
     [pictorial history of the Manx railways, 108pp]
                     Wyse & Joyce        Ian Alen, 1968           $18.00 

  RB-0781   Kings & Castles of the G.W.R.  (HB)  (light used cond / DJ shows wear at corners)
      [story of the King and Castle Classes of steam locomotives on the Great Western Ry., 96pp]
                     Nock                      Ian Allan, 1969                   $6.00 

  RB-2645   The Last Years of the Class 40s  (SB)  (very light used condition)
                     Hobson                    Ian Allan,                        $44.00

  RB-4624   The Power of AC Electric  (HB)  (moderate used condition)
                     Morrison                  Haynes / Oxford, 1988             $50.00 

  RB-2486   Ratty's 100  (SB)  "acceptable" used condition
          [pictorial history of the first 10 years of the 15" ga. Ravenglass & Eskdale Ry, 72pp)
                      Ferreira     Ravenglass & Eskdale Ry, 1977                 $9.00

  RB-3065   The Ravensglass & Eskdale Railway  (HB)  (near mint / DJ in clear book cover)
                      Davies                  David & Charles, 1981              $30.00

  RB-0744   Snowdon Mountain Railway  (SB)    (light used condition)
       [history of the Snowdon Mountain cog railway in England, w/ photos, maps, elevations, 44pp]
                     Ransome-Wallis           Ian Allan, 1967                    $8.00

  RB-3193   The Welshpool & Llanfair Light Railway  (HB)  (near mint)
                     Cartwright & Russell     David & Charles, 1972              $35.00

Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburgh Ry.  /  BR&P

  RBB-4840   Buffalo Rochester & Pittsburgh Railway In Color, V. 3  (SB)  (new in shrinkwrap)
                                   (Pennsylvania - Pittsburgh Division)
                     Zollitsch               Morning Sun                       $56.00 

Burlington Northern  /  BN

  RBB-2099   Burlington Northern 1972 Annual  (SB)  (light used cond., but back cover creased)
      [pictorial roster of BN locomotives covering 1st 2 years, w/ data, 80pp]
                     Wagner                  Motive Power Serv., 1972          $49.00
  RBB-6081   Burlington Northern 1972 Annual  (SB)  (light used cond., nameplate embossed into title page)
      [pictorial roster of BN locomotives covering 1st 2 years, w/ data, 80pp]
                     Wagner                  Motive Power Serv., 1972          $34.00 

  RBB-6054   Burlington Northern 1973 Annual  (SB)  (very light used condition)
                     Wagner                  Motive Power Serv., 1973          $32.00 

  RBB-6329   Burlington Northern 1973 Annual  (SB)  (moderate used condition)
                     Wagner                  Motive Power Serv., 1973          $29.00

  RBB-3643   Burlington Northern 1973 Annual  (SB)  (fair used condition)
                     Wagner                  Motive Power Serv., 1973          $26.00

  RBB-6221   Burlington Northern 1974-75 Annual  (SB) 
       (clean inside, no markings / binding tight / moderate cover wear)
                                                  MPS, 1975                    $32.00 

  RBB-6159   Burlington Northern 1975-76 Annual  (SB)  (very light used condition)
                                                  MPS, 1976                    $45.00 

  RBB-4456   Burlington Northern 1976-77 Annual  (SB) 
         (good used condition, part of outer spine torn and glued, otherwise clean and tight)
                     Wagner                  Motive Power Serv., 1977          $70.00 

  RBB-5877   Burlington Northern 1977-80 Annual  (SB)  (excellent condition / clean and tight)
                     Wagner                  Motive Power Serv., 1981          $88.00 

  RBB-4108   Burlington Northern 1980-1991 Annual  (SB)  (excellent cond., but spine moderately faded)
                     Del Grosso              Hyrail, 1991                      $65.00 

  RBB-1050   Burlington Northern 1992 Annual  (SB)    (near mint)
                     Del Grosso              Hyrail, 1993                      $79.00 

  RBB-4479   Burlington Northern 1992 Annual  (SB)    (near mint, minor corner wear on cover)
                     Del Grosso              Hyrail, 1993                      $69.00

  RBB-3154   Burlington Northern Locomotive Directory 1992  (SB)  (light used condition)
                     Del Grosso              Great Northern Pacific, 1992      $60.00

  RBB-6112   Burlington Northern Locomotive Directory 1993  (SB)  (light used condition)
                     Del Grosso              Great Northern Pacific, 1993      $65.00 

  RBB-6096   Burlington Northern Locomotive Directory 1993  (SB)  (fair used condition)
                     Del Grosso              Great Northern Pacific, 1993      $45.00

  RBB-6524    Burlington Northern Prairie Rails Color Pictorial  (HB) 
                                                   (new in original shrinkwrap)
                     Brandwvold            Four Ways West                $160.00 

Burlington Northern Santa Fe  /  BNSF

  RB-4054     ATSF, BN, MRL Locomotive Directory 1995 (SB) (near mint, but spine scuffed)
                    Del Grosso             GNP, 1995                          $80.00
  RB-6209     ATSF, BN, MRL Locomotive Directory 1995 (SB) (good condition, covers show rubbing wear)
                    Del Grosso             GNP, 1995                           (Sold) 

  RB-2484     BNSF Company 2009 Locomotive Review  (HB)  (new in shrinkwrap)
                     Del Grosso            GNP                                 $39.95 

  RBB-1360    Burlington Northern Santa Fe 1994 Annual  (HB)    (new condition)
                     Del Grosso            Four Ways West, 1995                $44.00

  RBB-3473    Burlington Northern Santa Fe 1994 Annual  (HB) 
                                      (near mint except for a few scratches on front cover)
                     Del Grosso            Four Ways West, 1995                $38.00 

  RBB-4645    Burlington Northern Santa Fe 1995 Annual  (HB) (new in originl shrinkwrap)
                     Del Grosso            Four Ways West, 1996                $95.00

  RBB-3620    Burlington Northern Santa Fe 1995 Annual  (HB) (like new, but top corners bumped)
                     Del Grosso            Four Ways West, 1996                $43.00

  RBB-3149    Burlington Northern Santa Fe 1995 Annual  (HB)  
                                                       (near like new, but some scratches on covers)
                     Del Grosso            Four Ways West, 1996                $40.00

  RBB-1295    Burlington Northern Santa Fe 1996 Motive Power Annual  (HB)    (new condition)
                     Shippen               Four Ways West, 1997                $42.00 

  RBB-4619    Burlington Northern & Santa Fe Ry. 1996 Historical Profile & Motive Power Roster
                                                                 (HB)   (excellent condition)
                     Dorin & Del Grosso    GNP, 1997                           $65.00

  RBB-3827    Burlington Northern Santa Fe 1996 Motive Power Annual  (HB) (very light used cond.)
                     Shippen               Four Ways West, 1997                $28.00

  RBB-4053    Burlington Northern Santa Fe 1997 Motive Power Annual  (HB)    (new in shrinkwrap)
                     Shippen               Four Ways West, 1998                $60.00

  RBB-1315    Burlington Northern Santa Fe 1997 Motive Power Annual  (HB)    (like new)
                     Shippen               Four Ways West, 1998                $28.00 

  RBB-4094    Burlington Northern & Santa Fe Ry 1997 Annual (HB) (new in shrinkwrap)
                     Del Grosso            GNP, 1999                           $60.00

  RBB-3171    Burlington Northern & Santa Fe Ry 1997 Annual (HB) (almost like new condition)
                     Del Grosso            GNP, 1999                           $36.00

  RBB-3738    Burlington Northern & Santa Fe Ry 1998 Annual (SB)  (new in shrinkwrap)
                     Del Grosso            GNP                                 $85.00

  RBB-4639    Burlington Northern & Santa Fe Ry 1998 Annual (SB)  (near mint)
                     Del Grosso            GNP                                 $50.00

  RBB-6422    Burlington Northern & Santa Fe Ry 1998-1999 Motive Power Review
                                   (HB)  (new condition / unsold copy from closed hobby shop)
                     Del Grosso            GNP, 1999                    $40.00 

  RBB-6040    Burlington Northern & Santa Fe Ry (2003) Locomotive Review & Remote Control Units
                                 (SB)  (new condition / includes laid-in revised page)
                     Del Grosso            GNP, 2003                    $70.00 

  RBB-3634    Burlington Northern Santa Fe 1998/1999 Motive Power Annual  (HB)  (light used condition)
                     Shippen               Four Ways West, 1998              $31.00

  RBB-4842    BNSF 1999 Annual (HB) (new)
                     Del Grosso            GNP, 2000                           $46.00

  RBB-4514    BNSF 1999 Annual (HB) (near mint)
                     Del Grosso            GNP, 2000                           $40.00

  RBB-3390    BNSF 1999 Annual (HB) (very light used condition)
                     Del Grosso            GNP, 2000                           $33.00

  RBB-3639    Burlington Northern & Santa Fe Ry 2000-2001 Locomotive & Business Car Review (HB)
                                                                      (unread, trivial cover wear)
                     Del Grosso            GNP, 2002                           $67.00 

  RBB-3027    Burlington Northern & Santa Fe Ry 2002 Locomotive Review & Freight Car Directory (HB) (new)
                     Del Grosso            GNP, 2002                           $100.00

  RBB-3923    Burlington Northern & Santa Fe Ry 2004-2005 Locomotive Review (HB) (near mint)
                     Del Grosso            GNP, 2005                           $60.00

Burlington Route  /  Chicago, Burlington & Quincy  /  CB&Q

  RBB-1925     Burlington Route Color Pictorial, Vol. 1  (HB)    (new condition)
                     Holck                  Four Ways West, 1998              $46.00

  RBB-5788     Burlington Route Color Pictorial, Vol. 2  (HB)    (like new condition)
                     Holck                  Four Ways West, 1998              $125.00 

  RBB-6008     Burlington Route Passenger Trains, Vol. 1  (HB)    (like new condition)
                     Strauss                  Four Ways West, 2006             $65.00 

  RBB-0176     The Burlington in Transition  (HB)  (light used condition)
                     Corbin & Kerka         Corbin, 1967                      $14.00

  RBB-6758     CB&Q Color Guide to Freight & Passenger Equipment  (HB) 
     (no dust jacket / light used cond. /corner of front free end sheet clipped by manufacturing flaw)
                     Spoor                  Morning Sun, 1995                 $20.00 

  RBB-1580     Chicago, Burlington & Quincy In Color, Volume 1  (HB)  (like new)
                     Spoor                  Morning Sun, 1994                 $42.00 

  RBB-2847     Chicago, Burlington & Quincy In Color, Volume 1  (HB)  (near mint)
                     Spoor                  Morning Sun, 1994                 $38.00

  RBB-6365     Chicago, Burlington & Quincy In Color, Volume 2  (HB)  (near mint)
                     Spoor                  Morning Sun, 1997                 $90.00 

  RB-6278      Everywhere West: The Burlington Route  (HB) (very light used condition)
                     Dorin                Superior, 1972                     $10.00

  RB-4296      Of Zephyrs and Commuters...  (HB) (book excellent / DJ shows moderate wear)
                     Olmstead               Olmsted, 1984                     $33.00
  RB-5515      Passenger Cars of the Burlington 1869-1930s  (new)
                     Glick                    Quincy, 1986                   $100.00 
  RB-2647      The High Plains Route: A History of the McCook Division of the CB&Q  (SB)
      (would be near new, but has mild stain on top corner of first several pages - still very nice)
                     Kistler                South Platte, 1986                $27.00 

  RB-1615      Way of the Zephyrs: The Postwar Years  (HB)   (new)
                     Doughty                 TLC, 2005                         $22.00

To order call:   (707) 328-6215 (cell) or  539-1051 (land)  or   e-mail:  rrcomm@sonic.net
       payment accepted via: Visa, Master Card, Am Express, Discover, Zelle, checks / money orders, or Paypal
       Shipping: $5 for USPS Media Mail per order (flat rate - 1 book or 40 books ship for the same $5 to US addresses)

Cabooses  or   (no specific railroad)

  RB-5776      Cabins, Crummies & Hacks (& Vans): Vol. 5  (like new)
                     Maywald                    H&M, 1997                   $28.00 

  RB-5261   Amador Central  (SB)  (light used condition)
         (Western Railroader Booklet #98 / Vol. 36, Nov-Dec, 1973, issue #403)
                                 (booklet, 16 pages)               $16.00 
  RB-1641   Cajon: A Pictorial Album  (HB)   (new condition)
                     Walker                    Trans-Anglo, 1990              $80.00

  RB-1566   California Central Coast Railways  (HB)   (very light used condition)
                     Hamman                   Pruett, 1980                    $25.00

  RB-6434   California Central Traction Co.  (HB)   (new in shrinkwrap)
                     Stanley & Moreau          Signature, 2003           $90.00 

  RB-4517   California High Country Narrow Gauge Railroads  (HB)   (near mint condition)
                     Turner                Oso, 2001                  $54.00 

  RBC-2055  California and Nevada Railroad: Narrow Gauge in the East Bay  (HB)  
                         (signed!, near mint, but has stained spot from an old price tag sticker)
                      Hanson                R&S, 1988                         $68.00 

  RB-5376   California Railroads  (HB)    (no DJ / good used condirtion)
                      Fickewirth            Golden West, 1992                 $30.00

  RB-3347   California Rails 1950s: A Color Pictorial  (HB)    (new in shrinkwrap)
                      Gilbertson             Four Ways West                   $130.00  
  RBC-4961  California's Locomotives: Alco & GE Shortline & Industrial Diesels  (SB)  (new)
                      Strapac                Shade Tree, 2008                  $44.00 
  RBC-6473  California's Locomotives: Alco & GE Shortline & Industrial Diesels  (SB)  (near mint)
                      Strapac                Shade Tree, 2008                  $36.00

  RBC-3953  California's Locomotives: Shortline Steam in the Golden State  (SB)  (new)
                      Strapc                Shade Tree, 2008                  $40.00

  RBC-3576  California's Tidewater Shortlines  (SB)  (new)
                      Holmes                Shade Tree, 2008                  $60.00 

  RBC-5245  California's Tidewater Shortlines  (SB)  (like new)
                      Holmes                Shade Tree, 2008                  $45.00
  RB-1748   Chard Walker's Cajon: Rail Passage to the Pacific  (HB)  (like new, but DJ spine moderately faded)
                     Walker                   Trans-Anglo, 1985               $55.00

  RB-2796   The Crookedest Railroad In The World: California's Mt. Tamalpais & Muir Woods RR
          (revised Edition)                    (new condition throughout)
                     Wurm & Graves           Trans-Anglo, 1983                $16.00

  RBC-6533  El Dorado Narrow Gauge  (SB)  (near mint / DJ in new archival book cover)
                      Ferrell                Pacific Fast Mail                  $160.00 

  RBC-2814  Encyclopedia of Western Railroad History: V. IV  California  (HB)  (new in shrinkwrap)
                     Robertson                Caxton                          $48.00

  RB-1732   Growing Up With Trains  (SB)    (like new)
                     Steinheimer & Sims       Interurban, 1982                $17.00

  RB-1766    Growing Up With Trains II  (SB)   (like new)
                     Steinheimer & Benson    Interurban, 1983                 $28.00 

  RB-6500    History of the Sunset Railway  (HB)
    (near mint condition, but former owner's name embossed in title page / in archival book cover)
                     Bergman            Kern County Historical Soc.           $170.00  

  RB-3262    The Last Whistle [Ocean Shore Railroad  (HB)   (very light used condition)
                     Wagner                   Howell-North, 1974              $14.00

  RB-2890    Matches, Flumes and Rails  (HB)  
          (nice, but DJ has wear along top & 1" chip missing / interior like new)
      [history of the Diamond Match Co's logging railroad in the Sierras]
                     Stephens                 Trans-Anglo, 1977               $55.00

  RB-5393    McCloud River RR: Golden Spike Special  (HB)   (very light used condition)
                                       Western Railroader, 1955              $12.00

  RB-0273    Modesto & Empire Traction Co.  (SB) (light used condition)
                     Rose              Western Railroader, 1956                  $32.00 

  RB-2146    Nevada County Narrow Gauge  (HB)   (very light used condition)
                     Best                     Howell-North, 1965              $16.00

  RB-4831    Northern California Railroads: The Silver Age, Vol.1  (HB)   
                        (signed by author, and numbered 796, like new - unused condition)
                     Matthews                 Sundance, 1983                  $100.00 

  RB-1115    Northern California Railroads: The Silver Age, Vol.1  (HB)   
        (signed by author, and numbered 67, light used condition, free end sheet creased)
                     Matthews                 Sundance, 1982                  $70.00 

  RB-4632    Northern California Railroads: The Silver Age, Vol.1  (HB) (moderate used condition)
                     Matthews                 Sundance, 1984                  $37.00 

  RB-0815    Northern California Railroads: The Silver Age, Vol.2  (HB) (near mint / signed by author, #635)
                     Matthews                 Sundance, 1984                  $70.00 

  RB-6252    Northwestern Pacific Pictorial  (SB) (light used condition / signed by author)
                     Fox                 Fox, 1983                  $48.00 

  RB-5392    The Northwestern Pacific Railroad  (SB)  (near mint)
                     Borden            Western Railroader, 1948                    $22.00 

  RB-3192    The Northwestern Pacific Railroad  (HB)  (near mint)
                     Stindt                   Stindt, 1982                    $55.00 

  RB-3440    The Northwestern Pacific Railroad, V. 2  (HB)  
   (signed by author / book very good / DJ fair w/frayed along edges, now in archival book cover)
                     Stindt                   Stindt, 1988                    $60.00 

  RB-5822    The Northwestern Pacific Railroad, V. 2  (HB)  
             (light used condition / mild foxing on dust jacket)
                     Stindt                   Stindt, 1988                    $47.00

  RB-1120    The Pacific Coast Railway  (HB)  (near mint / DJ has 1 small tear)
                     Westcott & Johnson       Benchmark, 1998                 $60.00 

  RB-1120    The Pacific Coast Railway: Western Railroader, V.45, #500 
          (12 p. booklet)              Western Railroader, July, 1982        $20.00

  RB-1569    Pine Across The Mountain... California's McCloud River Railroad  (HB)   (light used cond.)
                     Hanft                    Golden West, 1981                $44.00

  RB-3812    Pine Across The Mountain... California's McCloud River Railroad  (HB)   (light use / DJ fair)
                     Hanft                    Golden West, 1981                $35.00

  RB-6646    Prune Country Railroading  (HB)   (near mint)
                     Holmes                   Shade Tree, 1985                $55.00 

  RB-0902    Railroading Through Cajon Pass  (HB)   (book very good, DJ fair)
                     Walker                   Prototype Modeler               $45.00 

  RB-2714    Railroads of the Santa Maria Valley  (HB)  (new in shrinkwrap)
                     Madson                   Olive Press                     $105.00 

  RB-4688    Railroads of the Santa Maria Valley  (HB)  (near mint)
                     Madson                   Olive Press                     $72.00

  RB-3132    Railroads of the Yosemite Valley  (SB)   (near mint)
                     Johnston                 Trans-Anglo, 5th Ed.            $15.00

  RB-1987   Rails in the Mother Lode  (HB)  (near mint, but foxing on DJ spine)
                     Hungry Wolf              Darwin, 1978                    $32.00

  RB-1104   Rails to San Francisco Bay  (SB)   (very light used condition)
                     Demoro & Sappers         Quadrant, 1992                  $10.00 

  RB-4752   Rails Around Lake Tahoe  (HB)  (new in original shrinkwrap)
                     Ferell                    Signature, 2012                $74.00

  RB-1246   Rails in the Shadow of Mt. Shasta  (HB)  (light used cond., one corner bumped)
                     Signor                    Howell-North, 1982             $48.00

  RB-6021   Rails through the Orange Groves, Volumes 1 AND 2  (SB)   (both very light used condition)
                     Donaldson & Myers   Trans-Anglo, 1989, 1990     $80.00 (for the set) 

  RB-6009   San Diego & Arizona: The Impossible Railroad  (SB)   (excellent condition)
                     Hanft         Trans-Anglo, 1984                  $33.00 
  RB-5381   Sierra and Desert Rails  (SB)  (like new)
                 Matthews            XLibris, 2006             $24.00

  RB-6205   Shortlines of Northern California, V. Two  (HB)   (new)
                     Shaw          Morning Sun, 2019                     $65.00 (Sold) 
  RB-6041   The Surfliners  (HB)   (like new condition)
                     Stephenson          Trans-Anglo, 1988                     $9.00 

  RB-2014   Swayne Lumber Company  (HB)   (like new condition)
                     Beckstrom & Braun          PFM, 1992                     $145.00 

  RB-1679   Tehachapi  (HB)   (light used condition)
                     Signor                   Golden West, 1983               $35.00

  RB-3269   Tehachapi  (HB)   (light used condition)
                     Signor                   Golden West, 1983               $35.00

  RB-3872   Thunder in the Mountains  (HB)   (moderate used condition)
                     Johnston                  Trans-Anglo                    $37.00
  RB-5504   Trains to Yosemite  (HB)  (like new)  
                 Burgess             Signature, 2004                $340.00
  RB-4566   White Gold Railroad: Plaster City Narrow Gauge  (HB)  (near mint)
                     O'Herin                   Link Pen, 2008                 $136.00 
  RB-5225   Yosemite's Hetch Hetchy Railroad  (HB)  (like new)
                 Wurm             Stauffer, 2003 - Revised ed.            $50.00

   (for California logging RR books see logging RRs below / for interurban lines, see Interurban Books)

California Zephyr

RB-6292  Portrait of a Silver Lady  (HB, with slipcase) 
    (light used condition / signed by author MacGregor / some foxing on dust jacket spine)
                 MacGregor & Benson        Pruett, 1977          $84.00    
RB-6421  Portrait of a Silver Lady  (HB, no slipcase) 
          (excellent condition / DJ in older clear, archival book cover)
                 MacGregor & Benson        Pruett, 1977          $64.00  

Canada, general

  RB-3022     The Algoma Eastern Railway  (HB)   (light used condition)
                        Wilson               Nickel Belt Rails, 1977              $45.00

  RB-5976     BC Rail Motive Power Review & Equipment Pictorial 1984-1999  (SB) 
          (new in shrinkwrap / signed by author)
                        Karam & Ainsworth     Monte Vista                   $80.00 (Sold)

  RB-5974     BC Rail Motive Power Review & Equipment Pictorial 1984-1999  (SB) 
          (new in shrinkwrap / signed by author)
                        Karam & Ainsworth     Monte Vista                   $100.00 

  RB-6002     British Columbia Railway  (SB)  (light used condition)
                        Garden        Footprint, 1995                  $180.00 (Sold)  

  RB-4265     Canada Southern Country  (HB)  (like new)
                        Tennat               Boston Mills, 1991                   $22.00

  RB-3838     Canada Southern Country  (HB)  (very light used condition)
                        Tennat               Boston Mills, 1991                   $14.00

  RB-2021     Canadian National and Canadian Pacific in Northern Ontario, Vol. 1  (SB)    (light used condition)
                        Wilson & Jomini      BRMNA, 1984                          $20.00

  RBC-1826    Canadian Railways In Pictures  (SB)    (new condition)
                        Leggett              Douglas & McIntyre, 1977             $20.00

  RB-4662     Illustrated Treasury of MLW-Alco to Bombardier Locomotives  (SB)
                                                       (near mint condition)
                     Kerr                    DPA-LTA, 1983                        $29.00

  RB-3294     Illustrated Treasury of MLW-Alco to Bombardier Locomotives  (SB)
                                                       (moderate used condition)
                     Kerr                    DPA-LTA, 1983                        $25.00

  RB-0950     In The Shadow of Giants: The Story of the Toronto, Hamilton & Buffalo Ry.  (HB)
            (book excellent - no faults, DJ fair, w/ tears and creasing along edges)
                     Helm                     Bostom Mills, 1978                  $85.00 

  RB-4348     The Iron Horse Comes to the Klondike:
       Three Mines on Three Creeks Bring Railways to the Yukon  (SB)   (new)
                     Johnson                  Johnson, 2012                       $60.00 

  RB-1528     The Kettle Valley and its Railways  (HB)    (near mint)
                     Riegger                  PFM                                 $112.00

  RB-4354     The Kettle Valley Railway, 2nd Ed.  (HB)    (new)
                     Doeksen                  1995                                $25.00 

  RB-4375     Kettle Valley Railway Mileboards  (Spiral bound, SB)   (new in publisher's wrap)
                     Smuin                    North Kildonan                      $85.00 

  RB-1402     Magnetic North  (HB)   (near mint)
                     Cook & Zimmermann        Boston Mills, 1999            $14.00

  RB-6231     Montreal Island Railway Stations  (SB)   (light used condition)
                      Leduc               1996                $40.00 

  RB-5900     Northern Light: A Portrait of BC Rail  (SB)   (near mint condition)
                      Sanders           White River, 2009                (Sold) 

  RB-4163     The Mount Royal Tunnel  (SB)   (near mint)
                     Clegg                    Railfare, 1963                      $18.00

  RB-2466     Powell River's Railway Era  (SB)  (was new, but dented in shipping)
                     Bradley & Southern      BC Ry Hist Assoc, 2000               $36.00

  RB-4215     Prairie Cinders  (SB)   (near mint condition)
                                          Nickel Plate Rails, 1993                $60.00 

  RB-3371     Preserved Canadian Railway Equipment  (SB)  (very light used condition)
                     Corley                   Railfair, 1971                      $15.00

  RB-2380     Profile of a Modern Railroad: Pacific Great Eastern  (SB)  (moderate used condition)
                                  Pacific Great Eastern, c. 1968                  $70.00

  RBC-1830    Rails in the Canadian Rockies  (HB)  (light used cond. / 1" tear in bottom of DJ)
                     Wolf                     Good Medicine, 1980                 $66.00
  RBC-5329   Rails to the Border, V. 1  (SB)   (near mint)
                     Holland            British Ry Modelers of North Am.          $36.00  
  RB-4386     Railway By The Bay  (HB)  (new)
                     Sanford                  NRHS, BC Ch., 2009                  $90.00      

  RB-4357     Railways of the Boundary (Rys of Western Canada, V.4)  (SB)  (light used condition)
                     Doeksen                  1985                                $32.00 

  RBR-0565    Railways of Canada  (HB)     (light used condition)
                     Lotz & MacKenzie         Bonanza                             $10.00

  RBC-0389    Railways of Southern Quebec, Volume 1  (HB)
                     Booth                    Railfare, 1982                      $40.00

  RBC-0390    Railways of Southern Quebec, Volume 2  (HB)
                     Booth                    Railfare, 1985                      $40.00 

  RB-0392     The Railways of Toronto - The First hundred Years, Vol. 1  (SB)   (near mint)
                     Riddell                  B.R.N.M.A, c.1991                   $36.00

  RB-0393     The Railways of Toronto - The First hundred Years, Vol. 2  (SB)   (near mint)
                     Riddell                  B.R.N.M.A, c.1995                   $36.00 

  RB-5994     Railways of West Kootenay, Part 1 (Rys of Western Canada, V.2), 2nd Ed.  (SB)  (very light used condition)
                    Doeksen & Doeksen         1991                                $55.00 

  RB-4703     Route of the Cariboo: PGE / BC Rail  (HB)   (new)
                    Wolf                      Canadian Caboose, 1994              $120.00 

  RB-4776     Route of the Cariboo: PGE / BC Rail  (HB) (ex-library w/typical markings / light wear)
                    Wolf                      Canadian Caboose, 1994              $75.00

  RB-1019     Shays on the Switchbacks: Lenora, Mt. Sicker Railway  (SB)  (light used condition)
                     White & Wilkie           BC Ry. Hist. Assoc, 1968            $44.00

  RB-0426     Steam In Niagara  (HB)     (light used condition / DJ protected by mylar cover)
      (signed by both authors, "Limited First Edition" - numbered 1115 out of 2000)
                     Panko & Bowen            NiagaRail, 1983                     $80.00

  RB-1267     Steam At Oakville  (HB)     (book excellent+, DJ moderate used condition)
                     Paterson & George        Boston Mills, 1988                  $72.00

  RB-0678     Steam Into Wilderness / Ontario Northland     (Signed copy!! / moderate used cond.)
                     Tucker                   Fitzhenry & Whiteside, 1978         $28.00

  RB-6591     Steel Rails & Silver Dreams     (like new / DJ in older book cover)
                     Muralt                   Benchmark, 1985         $33.00 

  RB-3374     The Sudbury Streetcars  (very light used condition)
                     Knowles                  Nickel Belt Rails, 1983             $33.00

  RB-4372     Trackside Around Ontario 1955-1960 with Don McCartney  (HB)   (new)
                     Riddell                  Morning Sun, 2004                   $60.00 
  RBC-5283   Trainscapes: V.1, Diesel Electric in Ontario 1968-1978  (SB)  (like new)
                   Zvidris           British Ry Modelers of N Am.          $15.00

  RBC-1524    Vancouver Island Railroads  (HB)           (like new)
                     Turner                   Golden West, 1984                   $28.00

  RBC-0419    Vancouver Island Railroads  (SB)           (like new)
                     Turner                   Sono Nis, 1997                      $25.00 

  RB-6238    Wellington County History: Railway Issue   (SB)  (very light used condition)
                          Wellington County Historical Research Soc., 1991        $40.00 

Canadian National

  RBC-3333    Across the Canadian Shield  (HB)  (like new - signed by Alan Lill)
                  Lill & Wanner   CN Lines Special Interest Group, 1985       $155.00 

  RBC-3413    Canadian National Color Guide to Freight & Passenger Equipment  (HB)  
                              (very light used condition, but NO DJ and corners bumped)
                     Ridell                   Morning Sun, 1998               $56.00
  RBC-5299   Canadian National in the East, V.1  (SB)  (near mint, but corner creased)
                 Littlewood         British Ry Modelers of N Am.         $68.00
  RBC-5298   Canadian National in the East, V. 3  (SB)  (near mint)
                 Littlewood         British Ry Modelers of N Am.         $68.00
  RBC-5288   Canadian National in the East, V. 4  (SB)  (near mint)
                 Littlewood         British Ry Modelers of N Am.         $33.00

  RBC-0062    Canadian National Railway's Story  (HB)  (very light used condition)
                     Dorin                    Superior, 1985                   $9.00

  RB-6529     Canadian National Steam!  Vol. 3: Roster, Classes C, D, E  (HB)   (new condition)
                     McQueen            Railfair, 2013              $115.00 

  RB-6443     Canadian National Steam!  Vol. 4: Roster, Classes F, G, H, I  (HB)   (new in shrinkwrap)
                     McQueen            Railfair                $110.00

  RB-6485     Canadian National Steam!  Vol. 5: Roster, Classes L, M, N  (HB)   (new in shrinkwrap)
                     McQueen            Railfair, 2013              $115.00

  RB-6433     Canadian National Steam!  Vol. 5: Roster, Classes L, M, N  (HB)   (near mint)
                     McQueen            Railfair, 2013              $100.00 

  RB-1300     Canadian National Steam In Color, Vol. 1: Ontario & East  (HB)   (like new)
                     Holland                  Morning Sun, 2005                $145.00

  RB-1301     Canadian National Steam In Color, Vol. 2: Ontario & West  (HB)   (like new)
                     Holland                  Morning Sun, 2005                $58.00

  RBC-0905    Canadian National Steam Power  (HB)  (good used condition / DJ frayed along edges)
                     Clegg & Corley           Railfair, 1969                   $45.00

  RB-1424     Steam at Allandale  (HB)     near mint     
      0-9683815-0-2      Wilson               Canadian Branchline, 1998        $65.00 

  RB-3365     Steam Echoes of Hamilton (HB)     new
      0-9683815-7-1      Wilson               Canadian Branchline, 2008        $65.00

  RB-1431     Steam Echoes of Hamilton (HB)     near mint
      0-9683815-7-1      Wilson               Canadian Branchline, 2008        $60.00

  RB-3482     Steam Memories of Lindsay  (HB)     new      
                             Wilson               Canadian Branchline              $110.00

  RB-5220     Steam Memories of Lindsay  (HB)     near mint / signed   
                             Wilson               Canadian Branchline              $90.00

  RB-3655     Steam In Northern Ontario  (HB)     near mint / signed by author  
                             Wilson               Canadian Branchline, 2006        $85.00 

  RB-4925     Steam Over Palmerston  (HB)     near mint      
      0-9683815-2-9      Wilson               Canadian Branchline, 2001        $95.00 

  RB-6306     Steam Over Palmerston  (HB)     very light used condition      
      0-9683815-2-9      Wilson               Canadian Branchline, 2001        $80.00 

  RB-3377     Steam Scenes of Allandale  (HB)     new      
      0-9683815-6-4      Wilson               Canadian Branchline, 2007        $76.00

  RB-1430     Steam Scenes of Allandale  (HB)     near mint      
      0-9683815-6-4      Wilson               Canadian Branchline, 2007        $66.00

  RB-4874     Steam Through London  (HB)     near mint      
      0-9683815-3-7      Wilson               Canadian Branchline, 2003        $90.00

  RB-5094     Steam To The Niagara Frontier  (HB)     near mint / signed by author          
      0-9683815-4-5      Wilson               Canadian Branchline, 2004        $70.00

  RB-1425     To Stratford Under Steam  (HB)     near mint     
      0-9683815-1-0      Wilson               Canadian Branchline, 2000        $80.00

  RBC-0399    Train Country - An Illustrated History of Canadian National Railways  (SB)  
                                                                          (light used cond.)
                     MacKay & Perry           Heimburger House, 1994           $21.00
  RBC-5285   Trainscapes: V.2, Locomotives on CN Lines Into Toronto 1968-1979  (SB)  (near mint)
                   Zvidris           British Ry Modelers of N Am.        $28.00

  RB-4193    The Turcot Story   (SB)  (like new)
                          Leduc               Leduc, 2004                  $26.00 

Canadian Pacific

  RBC-2375     From Abbey To Zorra Via Bagdad: Canadian Pacific Ry. Passenger Service in the 1950's
       ISBN 0-920356-01-X                                      (SB)    (light used condition)
                    Wilson                  Nickel Belt Rails, 1980         $60.00 

  RB-1623      The Canadian  (HB)   (book excellent / DJ uniformly age toned)
                    Kerr                    DPA-LTA, 1986                   $110.00

  RBC-2957     The Canadian: Canadian Pacific's Last Transcontinental Passenger Train
                                  (SB)  (like new)
                    Ness & Bain             1990                            $40.00

  RB-0177      Canadian Pacific  (HB)   (near mint)
                    Lotz                    Bonanza, 1987                   $10.00

  RBC-4466     Canadian Pacific Diesel Locomotives  (HB)  (near mint, in archival book cover)
                    Dean & Hanna            Railfare, 1981                  $140.00

  RBC-2755     Canadian Pacific Diesel Locomotives  (HB) 
                                         (near mint, but has trivial fraying at spine ends)
                    Dean & Hanna            Railfare, 1981                  $120.00

  RBC-0035     Canadian Pacific Diesel Locomotives  (HB) 
       (book excellent / DJ frayed at top of spine, has minor stain on cover, spine slightly faded)
                    Dean & Hanna            Railfare, 1981                  $95.00

  RBC-1596     Canadian Pacific to the East: The International of Maine Division (HB)   (near mint)
    0-921871-10-1    Lavallee                Bytown Ry. Soc., 2007          $350.00 

  RBC-5387  Canadian Pacific in The Okanagan & Kootenay Valleys of B.C. (Last Days of Steam)
                                         (SB)   light used condtion
                    Hope     British Ry Modelers of N. Am., 1989     $40.00 
  RBC-0245     Canadian Pacific Railway  (HB)   (very light used condition)
                     Dorin                   Superior                        $22.00

  RBC-4095     Canadian Pacific Railway  (HB)   (near mint condition)
                     Murray                   Voyageur / MBI, 2006           $60.00 

  RBC-1317      Canadian Pacific Steam In Color, Vol. 1: Montreal & East  (HB)   (new condition)
                     Holland                  Morning Sun, 2006              $80.00

  RBC-1318      Canadian Pacific Steam In Color, Vol. 2: Montreal & West  (HB)   (new condition)
                     Holland                  Morning Sun, 2006              $90.00

  RBC-0785      Canadian Pacific Steam Locomotives  (HB) 
     (near mint cond. / signed by author & numbered in inscription bookplate, #A-299, w/ laid-in errata page)
                     Lavallee                 Railfare, 1985                 $240.00

  RBC-0225      Canadian Pacific Steam Locomotives  (HB)  (light used condition)
                     Lavallee                 Railfare, 1985                 $200.00 

  RBC-3316     CP Rail 1993 Review  (SB)  (light used condition)
                    Zuters                   Hyrail, 1994                    $60.00 

  RBC-6231      Montreal Island Railway Stations  (SB)  (light used condition)
                     Leduc                  1996                $40.00 

  RBC-3704      Nicholas Morant's Canadian Pacific  (HB)  (new condition)
                     Garden                   Footprint, 1993                $130.00 

  RB-1366      Van Horne's Road  (HB)   (light used condition)
   "An Illustrated Account of the Construction and First Years of
      Operation of the Canadian Pacific Transcontinental Railway"
                     Lavalee                  Railfare, 1981                 $24.00

To order call:   (707) 328-6215 (cell) or  539-1051 (land)  or   e-mail:  rrcomm@sonic.net
       payment accepted via: Visa, Master Card, Am Express, Discover, Zelle, checks / money orders, or Paypal
       Shipping: $5 for USPS Media Mail per order (flat rate - 1 book or 40 books ship for the same $5 to US addresses)

Central of Georgia Ry  /  CofG

  RBC-4555    Central of Georgia Railway: Steam Locomotive & Trains  (SB)  (new)
                 Goolsby & Langley            Union Station, 2006           $150.00 

  RBC-5903    Central of Georgia Railway Album   (light used condition)
                 Prince                      Prince, 1976                  $80.00 (Sold)

Central Ry. of New Jersey  /   Jersey Central Lines  /   CNJ

  RB-3653      The Central Railroad of New Jersey's First 100 Years  (SB)  (signed by author!)
             (light used cond. / small nameplate on title page / 2 corners bumped)
                    Anderson      Center For Canal History, 1984             $36.00
  RB-6398      The Central Railroad of New Jersey's First 100 Years  (SB) (near mint condition)
                    Anderson      Center For Canal history, 1984          (Sold) 

  RB-3537      CNJ / LV Color Guide to Freight and Passenger Equipment  (HB)  (near mint but no DJ)
                    Bossler                 Morning Sun, 1994                $40.00

  RBC-0447     The Hard Coal Carriers: Vol. 2, Camelback Twilight (The Last Years of Jersey 
            Central's Passenger Camelbacks) (SB)      Signed Copy!    (very light used cond.)
                    Bernet                  RAE, 1995                        $35.00

  RBC-1161     The Hard Coal Carriers: Vol. 2, Camelback Twilight (The Last Years of Jersey 
                   Central's Passenger Camelbacks) (SB)     (very light used cond.)
                    Bernet                  RAE, 1995                        $18.00

  RB-2660      Jersey Central Diesels  (HB)  (new in shrinkwrap)
                    Bernet                  Withers, 1990                    $110.00

  RB-2826      Jersey Central Diesels  (HB)  (interior excellent / DJ worn)
                    Bernet                  Withers, 1990                    $45.00

  RBC-4689     Jersey Central Lines in Color, V.1  (HB)  (near mint throughout)
                    Brennan              Morning Sun Books, 1991          $32.00

  RBC-1239     Jersey Central Lines in Color, V.2  (HB)  (like new)
                    Brennan              Morning Sun Books, 1993          $47.00 

  RBC-2767     Jersey Central Steam in Color  (HB)      (near mint)
                    Pennypacker             Morning Sun Books, 2003          $39.95

  RBC-6396     Jersey Central Story  (HB)  (very light used condition)
                    Carleton                 Carleton, 1976          $40.00 

  RBC-362     Jersey City Westbound  (HB)  (very light used condition)
                    Henderson              H&M          $16.00 

  RBC-615     Locomotives of The Jersey Central  (SB) 
        (good condition / covers show moderate age fading along edges)
                    Owen & Crater             Crater, 1957              $18.00 

  RBC-6199     Trail of the Blue Comet  (HB)  (like new / signed by all 3 authors)
             Baer, Coxey, Schopp      West Jersey Ch., NRHS, 1994          $280.00 (Sold) 

Central Vermont RR  /  CV

  RBC-2943    Central Vermont Railway  (SB)  (moderate used condition, interior excellent)
                 Beaudette          Carstens, 1982                $34.00

  RBC-3451    The Central Vermont Railway, A Yankee Tradition: Volume I, 1830-1886  (HB) 
        (near mint - unread / DJ very slightly discoloration / remains of small name sticker inside)
                 Jones             Sundance Books, 1981           $60.00

  RBC-1756    The Central Vermont Railway, A Yankee Tradition: Volume I, 1830-1886  (HB) 
                                               (near mint / DJ very slightly rippled)
                 Jones             Sundance Books, 1981           $55.00

  RBC-4288    The Central Vermont Railway, A Yankee Tradition: Volume I, 1830-1886  (HB) 
       (good condition / ex-library, w/ card pocket, etc / interior clean  no vinyl jacket)
                 Jones             Sundance Books, 1981           $34.00

  RBC-1202    The Central Vermont Railway, A Yankee Tradition: Volume II, 1887-1910  (HB) (near mint)
                 Jones             Sundance Books, 1981           $60.00

  RBC-3815    The Central Vermont Railway, A Yankee Tradition: Volume II, 1887-1910  (HB)  
       (good condition / ex-library, w/ card pocket, etc / interior clean / corners bumped / no vinyl jacket)
                 Jones             Sundance Books, 1981           $30.00

  RBC-1703    The Central Vermont Railway, A Yankee Tradition: Volume III, 1911-1927  (HB)  (like new)
                 Jones             Sundance Books, 1981           $100.00

  RBC-1114    The Central Vermont Railway, A Yankee Tradition: Volume III, 1911-1927  (HB) 
                                                   (near mint / vinyl book cover missing)
                 Jones            Sundance Books, 1981           $80.00

  RBC-2875    The Central Vermont Railway, A Yankee Tradition: Volume IV, 1927-1940  (HB)    (near mint)
                 Jones             Sundance Books, 1982           $64.00

  RBC-4319    The Central Vermont Railway, A Yankee Tradition: Volume IV, 1927-1940  (HB) 
       (good condition / ex-library / interior clean / corner bumped hard / no vinyl jacket)
                 Jones             Sundance Books, 1982           $40.00

  RBC-2304    The Central Vermont Railway, A Yankee Tradition: Volume V, 1941-1960  (HB)     
     (new copy but damaged in shipping / top outer corners bumped hard and vinyl cover missing - else like new)
                 Jones             Sundance Books, 1982           $60.00

  RBC-4178    The Central Vermont Railway, A Yankee Tradition: Volume V, 1941-1960  (HB) 
       (good condition / ex-library, w/ sticker removed from back cover / interior clean / no vinyl jacket)
                 Jones             Sundance Books, 1981           $33.00

  RBC-1540    The Central Vermont Railway, A Yankee Tradition: Volume VI, 1961-1981  (HB)    (like new)
                 Jones             Sundance Books, 1981           $120.00 

  RBC-5801    The Central Vermont Railway, A Yankee Tradition: Volume VII, 1981-1995  (HB)    (like new)
                 Jones             New England, 1995           $145.00 

To order call:   (707) 328-6215 (cell) or  539-1051 (land)  or   e-mail:  rrcomm@sonic.net

Chesapeake & Ohio  /  C&O

  RB-5494      C&O Power  
    (light used condition / DJ in new clear archival book cover)
            Shuster, Huddleston & Staufer     Staufer, 1965                $44.00 
  RB-4880      C&O Power  (light used cond. / very mild old book smell)
            Shuster, Huddleston & Staufer     Staufer, 1965                $37.00

  RB-3429      Chesapeake & Ohio Color Guide to Freight and Passenger Equipment  (HB)
                                                   (like new, but missing DJ)
                     Hickcox                  Morning Sun, 1998            $55.00

  RBC-0239     Chesapeake and Ohio Diesel Locomotive  (HB)
                     Shaver & Gilliland                1994                $70.00

  RBC-0889     Chesapeake and Ohio Diesel Review  (SB)  (moderate used cond.)
                     Shaver                    C&O Hist. Soc., 1982        $50.00 

  RBC-1187     Chesapeake and Ohio Diesel Review  (SB)  (rough but usable cond.)
                     Shaver                    C&O Hist. Soc., 1982        $20.00

  RBC-0328     Chesapeake and Ohio Early Diesels  (SB)        (light used condition)
                     Dixon                     Andover Junction, 1988      $14.00

  RBC-6610     Chesapeake & Ohio Freight Cars Prior to 1945  (SB)  (moderate used condition))
                     Freytag & Wetterstroem            C&OHS, 1974      $38.00 

  RBC-3075     Chesapeake & Ohio Freight Cars, Vol. 1: Hopper and Gondola Cars  (HB)  (like new)
                     Kree                      C&OHS, 1996                 $46.00

  RBC-1208     Chesapeake & Ohio H7 Series  (SB)  (moderate used condition, includes 1/4" scale drawings)
                     Dixon                     NJ International, 1979      $28.00 

  RBC-2141     The Chesapeake and Ohio Railway  (SB)     (near mint)
                      Dorin                    Superior, 1981              $24.00

  RBC-1461     The Chesapeake and Ohio Railway  (HB)     (light used condition)
                      Dorin                    Superior, 1981              $18.00

  RBC-2979     The Chesapeake and Ohio Railway  (HB)     (fair used condition)
                      Dorin                    Superior, 1981              $12.00

  RBC-4702     The Chesapeake & Ohio at Gladstone, Virginia  (new in shrinkwrap)
    (thin paperback - scarce title)      Wiley    C&O Hist, Soc., 2000     $60.00 
  RBC-1173     Chesapeake & Ohio Standard Structures  (SB)  (near mint)
                     Dixon                     C&O Historical Soc., 1991   $28.00 
  RBC-5210   Chesapeake & Ohio Streamliners: Second to None, V.1: Cars  (new)
                   Millard                C&O Hist. Soc., 1994               $55.00

  RB-1470      Chesapeake & Ohio: Superpower to Diesels  (SB)   (light used condition)
                     Dixon                      Carstens, 1984             $18.00

  RBC-1564     Chessie's Road  (HB)    (light used condition)
                 Turner, Dixon & Huddleston     C&O Hist. Soc., 1986       $22.00

  RBC-2558     Freight Car Equipment of the Chesapeake & Ohio Railway  August 1, 1937 (HB)
                                              (light used condition, corners bumped)
                     Shaver                     C&O Hist. Soc., 1989       $24.00
  RBC-5435   Steel Cabooses of the Chesapeake & Ohio 1937-1987  (SB)  
       (light used condition / has laid-in painting diagrams for Chessie System cabooses)
                   Jones               C&O Historical Soc., 1987         $28.00 

To order call:   (707) 328-6215 (cell) or  539-1051 (land)  or   e-mail:  rrcomm@sonic.net

Chessie System  /  CSX

  RBC-0925     Chessie System Cumberland Action  (SB)          (new in shrinkwrap)
                     Biery                 TRP                        $33.00

  RBC-4099     Chessie System: Railroads in West Virginia  (SB)  (like new)
                     Dixon                 TRP                        $34.00

Chicago & Eastern Illinois /  C&EI

 (see C&EI Thebes, Il. last station log book, listed under "railroad train station log books" below)

Chicago Great Western  /  CGW

  RB-5922     Chicago Great Western: Depots Along the Corn Belt Route  (HB)  (new, but bumped corner)
                Pierson & Huddleston        CNW Hist. Soc., 2004            $65.00 
  RBC-4469    Corn Belt Route - A History of the Chicago Great Western Ry.  (HB) (like new)
                     Grant           Northern Illinois University, 1984     $20.00

  RBC-214    Corn Belt Route - A History of the Chicago Great Western Ry.  (HB) (near mint)
                     Grant           Northern Illinois University, 1984     $18.00 

  RBC-4290    Six Units to Sycamore  (SB) (very light used condition)
                     Olmsted                Olmstead, 1967                  $50.00

  RBC-1068    Steam Locomotives of the Chicago Great Western: 2-8-0 Consolidation type  (SB)
                     Brown                  Brown, 1977                     $37.00 

Chicago & North Western  /  CNW

  RBC-6116     Air Line Subdivision  (HB)    (like new condition / top of spine bumped)
                     Yanke              CNW Hist. Soc, 2012             $152.00 (Sold) 
  RBC-1379     The Alco Line  (HB)    (new condition)
                     Hirsimaki               Mileposts, 1993               $46.00

  RB-1719      Chicago & North Western Freight Trains and Equipment  (HB)     (new condition)
                     Dorin                   TLC, 2003                     $24.00

  RB-4033      Chicago & North Western Freight Trains and Equipment  (HB)  (like new, top corners bumped)
                     Dorin                   TLC, 2003                     $23.00

  RBC-1771     Chicago and North Western in Color - Volume 1  (HB)  (new condition)
                     Keyser                  Morning Sun Books, 1997       $56.00

  RBC-5027     Chicago and North Western Memories  (HB)   (excellent)
                    Cook                    Old Line Graphics, 1989                     $42.00

  RBC-2137     Chicago and North Western Power  (HB)  (book near mint / DJ in mylar cover)
                     Dorin                  Superior, 1972                 $22.00

  RBC-0184     Chicago and North Western Power  (HB)  (book excellent / DJ shows light wear)
                     Dorin                  Superior, 1972                 $14.00

  RBC-1290     Chicago and North Western Railway  (HB)    (new condition)
                     Murray                Voyageur / MBI, 2008            $22.00

  RBC-4344     CNW Yard Schematics 1970-1989 (HB)   (very light used condition)
       3-ring bound volume of schematic drawing s showing most "yards, mines  and junctions, 222 pages)
   (very scarce)     Cramer                Cramer, 1992                    (Sold) 

  RB-4121      The Northwestern  (mostly like new, lower corners bumped hard)
                     Grant                 Northern Il Univ, 1996          $25.00 

  RBC-4025     North Western Rails  (SB)  (light used cond.)
                     Mills                  1988                           $150.00 

  RB-4345      North Western Motive Power  (SB) (very light used condition)
                     Baker                  C&NWHS,1987                    $28.00
  RB-5244   The Omaha Road: Chicago, St.Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha  (HB)  (light used condition)
                    Mailer                   Hundman, 2004               $45.00
  RB-5868   The Omaha Road: Chicago, St.Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha  (HB)  (no dust jacket / light used condition)
                    Mailer                   Hundman, 2004               $39.00
  RB-6038   Pioneer Railroad  (HB)  (no dust jacket / light used condition)
                    Casey & Douglas               Whittelesey House, 1947               $8.00

  RBC-3108     The Run of the GE's - The Final North Western Motive Power Roster  (SB)  (light used cond.)
                                            C&NWHS, 1995                   $12.00


  RBC-5467    Charms of the China Steam Locomotives  (HB)    (very light used condition)
     [large color pictorial / horizontal format / english and chinese text / 136 pp / hard to find]
                 Xuejun       China Ry Publishing House, 2007       $45.00 
  RBC-3063    Industrial Locomotives of the People's Republic of China  (SB)
                       (very light use / small index numbers written next to some entrees)
                     Pritchard               IRS, 1996                  $85.00

  RBC-0649    Locomotives in China  (SB)    (light used cond / cover corners creased)
    [identification guide to each class of locomotives, w/ photos, specs & roster / hard to find! 120pp]
                     Clark                   Roundhouse Press, 1983     $35.00 

Civil War

     (none currently in stock)


  RBC-2360     Building the Clinchfield  (HB)  (like new, but lower spine corner bumped)
                     Goforth                GEM, 1989                      $55.00

  RBC-4131     Clinchfield Country  (HB) (new in shrinkwrap)
                     King                   Old Line Graphics, 1988        $110.00

  RBC-5306     Clinchfield Country  (HB) (excellent+, near mint)
                     King                   Old Line Graphics, 1988        $80.00

  RBC-2706     Clinchfield Country  (HB) 
     (book excellent throughout / DJ has minor edge wear, now in new archival mylar book cover)
                     King                   Old Line Graphics, 1988        $70.00 

  RBC-2241     Modeling the Clinchfield Railroad in N Scale  (SB)  (very light used condition)
                                            Kalmbach, 1979                 $40.00 

To order call:   (707) 328-6215 (cell) or  539-1051 (land)  or   e-mail:  rrcomm@sonic.net
       payment accepted via: Visa, Master Card, Am Express, Discover, Zelle, checks / money orders, or Paypal


  RB-5456     Built To Haul Sugar Beets: The Great Western Ry.  (SB)   (light used condition)
                [25 page booklet - small, but scarce]
                    Jessen           JV, 1984           $28.00
  RB-3289     The Case of Train Number 3  (SB)   (light used condition)
    [detailed history of the RR aspects of the 1921 Pueblo flood, 68pp, w/ maps & diagrams]
                    Ridgway           Rocky Mountain RR Club, 1957         $20.00

  RB-3615     Chili Line   (fair condition)
                    Gjevre            Las Trampas, 1984                    $25.00

  RBC-1713    Colorado Memories of the Narrow Gauge Circle  (SB)   (like new)
                     Krause & Grenard          Carstens                    $20.00

  RBC-6567    Colorado Rail Annual 1969: Special Chili Line Issue  (SB)   (light used condition)
   (plus article on Manitou & Pikes Peak)      Co. RR Museum, 1969        $12.00 (Sold) 

  RBC-5673    Colorado Railroads: Chronological Development  (SB)   (near mint)
                     Wilkins             Pruett, 1974                    $19.95
  RB-3444      The Colorado Road: History, Motive Power & Equipment of the Colorado and
                       Southern & Fort Worth and Denver Railways   
        (book excellent, DJ has edge wear & chipping - now in mylar book cover)
                     Wagner               Intermountain Ch., NRHS, 1970    $56.00

  RBC-3832    Colorado's Joint Line: Denver to Pueblo  (SB)   (near mint)
                     Park                     Parkrail                     $35.00

  RBC-4533    Colorado's Joint Line: Denver to Pueblo  (SB)   (moderate used condition)
                     Park                     Parkrail                     $27.00

  RB-1811     Colorado's Loneliest Railroad: The San Luis Southern  (HB)   (near mint)
                     Griswold                  Pruett, 1980                $35.00

  RB-2867     Colorado's Loneliest Railroad: The San Luis Southern  (HB)  
                                                     (book near mint / DJ frayed along edges)
                     Griswold                  Pruett, 1980                $26.00
  RBR-3162    Colorado Subjects - Colorado Rail Annual #11  (HB)  (new condition)
                                               Co. RR Museum, 1987              $16.00

  RBR-0040    Colorado Subjects - Colorado Rail Annual #17  (HB)  (light used condition)
                                               Co. RR Museum, 1987              $17.00

  RB-1361     Colorful Colorado Railroads in the 1960's  (HB)    (like new)
                     Hill      Colorado RR Historical Foundation, 1992     $32.00 

  RB-1677     The Cripple Creek Road: A Midland Terminal Guide and Data Book 
                      (HB)   (like new, but with very minor wear on the DJ spine)
                     McFarland                 Pruett, 1984                $34.00

  RBC-0596    Denver, South Park & Pacific  (HB)   (like new / includes maps)
                     Poor                1976                              $200.00 

  RBC-6145    Historic Alpine Tunnel  (HB) (light used condition)
                     Helmers                Century One, 1971                     $50.00 

  RB-2213     Journeys Through Western Rail History: Colorado Rail Annual no. 22  (like new)
                                         Colorado RR Museum, 1997          $20.00

  RBC-5600    The Mineral Belt, Volumes 1, 2 & 3  (HB - three volume set!)  
     all 3 volumes - all near mint to very light use / no markings /   V. 3 signed, #1784 /  
                            map & newspaper reproduction in back pocket of V. 3 as issued)
                     Digerness                Sundance, 1979-1982               $340.00

  RB-3181     Narrow Gauge in the Rockies   (almost like new)
                     Beebe & Clegg        Howell-North, 1970               $50.00

  RB-5872     Narrow Gauge Pictorial: V. VIII
     Colorado & Southern Freight & Passenger Cars  (HB)  (new in original shrinkwrap)
                                         Poole & Martin               $175.00 

  RBC-1348    Railroads of Northern Colorado  (HB)    (light used condition)
                     Jessen                 Pruett, 1982                   $35.00

  RBC-5508    The Rainbow Route  (HB)  (near mint condition)
                     Sloan & Skowronski         Sundance, 1984             $60.00 

  RB-1436     Requiem for the Narrow Gauge  (SB)  (near mint)
                     Grenard             Railhead, 1985                    $26.00

  RB-3594     Sand & Smoke: The San Luis & Rio Grande RR  (SB)  (very light used condition)
                     Osterwald(s)        Western Guideways, 2008           $24.00

  RB-1654     The South Park Line: A Concise History  (HB)   (like new)
                     Ferrell             Hundman, 2003                     $80.00

  RBC-1786    Sterling Colorado: Crossroads on the Prairie  (HB)   (new condition)
                     Jones & Collman     Sundance, 2000                    $80.00

  RB-2178     Short Line to Cripple Creek  (HB)   (light used condition)
      "The Story of the Colorado Springs & Cripple Creek District Railway"
                     Wilkins             Co. RR Museum, 1983               $17.00

  RB-4556     Stairway To The Stars: Colorado's Argentine Central Ry  (HB) 
                            (fair condition / map in back pocket)
                     Abbott              Centennial, 1977                  $49.00 

  RB-5862    The South Park Line: A Concise History  (HB)   (very light used condition)
          Chappell, Richardson & Hauck	   Co. State RR Museum, 1979         $16.00

  RB-4723     Uintah Railway Pictorial, Vol. II - Atchee to Watson  (HB)  
            (numbered 897 / near mint condition, but moderate scuffing on back of vinyl cover)
                      Polley             Sundance, 2002                    $265.00 


     (none currently in stock)


  RBC-2220     Conrail: Volume 2 - 1983-1990  (HB)    (new condition)
                     Hartley               Railpace, 1990                 $70.00

  RBC-0274     Conrail: Volume 2 - 1983-1990  (HB)  (light used condition)
                     Hartley               Railpace, 1990                 $45.00 

  RBC-3285     Conrail: Volume 2 - 1983-1990  (HB)  
    (book like new / DJ has wear along some edges & 2" neatly taped tear at bottom of flap)
                     Hartley               Railpace, 1990                 $40.00

  RBC-3481     Conrail: Volume 2 - 1983-1990  (HB) (light to moderately used condition)
                     Hartley               Railpace, 1990                 $35.00

  RBC-0378     Conrail: The Eastern Region  (SB)    (light used condition)
                     Hager                 Railroad Update, 1989          $32.00

  RBC-1056     Conrail Motive Power Review, V.1  (HB)    (near mint)
                     Lloyd & Marre         Interurban                     $40.00

  RBC-1056     Conrail Motive Power Review, 1986 - 1991  (HB)    (near mint)
                     Withers              Withers, 1992                   $80.00

  RBC-5216     Conrail Power 2  (HB)    (excellent condition)
                            Rails Northeast, 1977                   $20.00

  RBC-1923     Conrail The Final Years 1992 - 1997  (HB)    (new condition)
                     Withers               Withers, 1997                  $64.00

  RBC-3765     Conrail The Final Years 1992 - 1997 - revised 2nd Ed.  (HB)   
         (very light used condition / former owner's book plate inside)
                     Withers               Withers, 1997                  $80.00

Cotton Belt  /  SSW

  RBC-3301    The Little Railroad That Could, And Did, Part II: 1951-1969 (HB)
                                  (near mint, but has gift inscription from the author)
                     McKenzie & Lawson       Nortex, 1985                $100.00 


  RBC-1741     The CSX Keystone Subdivision: Operation of Today's Sand Patch Grade 
                       (HB)  (very light used condition, no DJ - apparently as issued)
                    Borkowski                  Alpsville Station, 1998     $70.00

  RB-3731      CSX Transportation Locomotive Directory 2006-2009  (SB)
                            (almost like new, but minor fraying at top of front cover)
                 Parker, Withers & Ardinger    Withers, 2009               $45.00 

  RBC-4787     Diesel Locomotives of CSXT & Predecessors in Color  (SB)    (new)
                    Nuckles & Dixon            TLC, 1993                    $45.00

  RBC-1875     Diesel Locomotives of CSXT & Predecessors in Color  (SB)    (new condition)
                    Nuckles & Dixon            TLC, 1993                    $30.00

  RBC-3187     Diesel Locomotives of CSXT & Predecessors in Color  (SB)    (near mint)
                    Nuckles & Dixon            TLC, 1993                    $26.00


  RBC-6597     Industrial Steam Locomotives of Cuba  (SB)     (very light used condition)
                     Leach               IRS, 1997                    $50.00 

Delaware & Hudson  /  D&H

  RBD-4611     A Decade of D&H  (SB)        (very light used condition)
                     Zimmermann               Delford, 1978                    $8.00

  RBD-319     A Decade of D&H  (SB)        (light used condition)
                     Zimmermann               Delford, 1978                    $7.00 

  RBD-6378     Delaware & Hudson  (HB)  (light used condition / DJ in new archival book cover)
                     Shaughnessy                Howell-North, 1967                $16.00 

  RBD-2219     Delaware & Hudson in Color, Volume I  (HB)    (book near mint)
                     Sweetland                Morning Sun, 1992                $45.00

  RBD-0169     Delaware & Hudson in Color, Volume I  (HB)  
   (book near mint, DJ shows some very light wear, now protected with clear archival book cover)
                     Sweetland                Morning Sun, 1992                $40.00

  RBD-3150     Equipment of the Delaware & Hudson Railroad, Vol. 1: Passenger Cars   (SB) (mint cond.)
                     Liljestrand / Sweetland                                   $29.00

  RBD-0364     Equipment of the Delaware & Hudson Railroad, Vol. 1: Passenger Cars   (SB)
                                                                          (near mint condition)
                     Liljestrand / Sweetland                                   $25.00

  RBD-4814     Equipment of the Delaware & Hudson Railroad, Vol. 2: Steam Locomotives   (SB) (new)
                     Liljestrand / Sweetland                                   $30.00

  RB-1078      The Oneonta Roundhouse  (SB)  (signed! / very nice, but has smoke odor / scarce title)
                     Loudon        Leatherstocking Ry Historicsl Soc., 1993     $55.00 

Detroit, Toledo & Ironton  /  DT&I

  RBD-2160     Summit Hill, The Balloon Route Over The Detroit, Toledo and Ironton Railroad  (SB)  
                                     (light used condition, very clean throughout, but bumped around a bit)
                      Trostel             Cam-Tech, 1987               $32.00 

To order call:   (707) 328-6215 (cell) or  539-1051 (land)  or   e-mail:  rrcomm@sonic.net
       payment accepted via: Visa, Master Card, Am Express, Discover, Zelle, checks / money orders, or Paypal

dining car china & service

  SB-983   Dining on Inland Seas   (HB)         (new)
      [guide to Great Lakes steamship dining china, 226pp]
                     Krummes              Nautical Works, 1997      $160.00 

  RB-5337   Dining on Rails  (hardcover)  (signed / moderate used condition)
                     Luckin               RK, 1983                  $140.00

  RB-2702   Dining on Rails  (softcover)  (light used condition / has laid-in color guide)
                     Luckin               RK, 1990                  $130.00

  RB-2740   Forty-One Years in the DC&H  (Dining Car & Hotel Dept of the UP) (SB) 
                                  (light used cond / center pages have come loose from staples)
                     McDonald             McDonald, 1983            $40.00

  RB-4298   Forty-One Years in the DC&H, 2nd Ed  (Dining Car & Hotel Dept of the UP) (SB) 
                         (near mint)
                     McDonald             McDonald, 1987            $40.00

  RB-6232   Mimbres to Mimbreno  (HB!) (new)
                    Luckin                                     $110.00 

  RB-6233   Mimbres to Mimbreno  (HB!) (new, but mild bump on 1 corner)
                    Luckin                                     $99.00

  RB-4358   The Official Guide to Railroad Dining Car China  (HB)  (new in shrinkwrap)
                    McIntyre             1990                        $260.00

  RB-3021   The Official Guide to Railroad Dining Car China  (HB)  (near mint throughout)
                    McIntyre             1990                        $200.00

  RB-3799   The Official Guide to Railroad Dining Car China  (SB) 
                     (near mint but former owner's name written in corner of front cover)
                    McIntyre             1990                        $110.00

  RB-6465   Pullman Commissary Instructions: Broiler-Buffet - Club  (SB) (new - NOS)
         (c. 1980's reprint of 1939 dining car service guide - complete with photos) (in original shrinkwrap)
                                 Old Line Publishers                $100.00 

  RB-4491   Silver At Your Service  (interior like new / two 1" tears on dust jacket)
                 Dominy & Morgenfruh     1987                        $130.00

  RB-5375   Silver Banquet  (HB)       (signed / light used condition)
       [photo book showing 100's of photos of dining car silver hollow ware, 190pp]
                    Maffett                Silver Press, 1985        $125.00

  RB-1004   Silver Banquet  (HB)       (moisture damage - perfectly usable, just a bit waved)
       [photo book showing 100's of photos of dining car silver hollow ware, 190pp]
                    Maffett                Silver Press, 1985        $110.00  

  RB-6604    Silver Banquet II  (HB)   (new condition)
    Silver Banquet II recommended!! vs. Silver Banquet - the earlier edition)
                   Maffett                          Silver Press, 1990             $170.00  
  RB-5321   Sparkling Crystal: A Collector's Guide to RR Glassware (SB)  
         (like new throughout)   Paul     Railroadiana Collectors Assoc., 1991      $235.00
  RB-5100   Sparkling Crystal: A Collector's Guide to RR Glassware (SB)  
             (front cover creased / otherwise light used condition / no markings)
                  Paul     Railroadiana Collectors Assoc., 1991      $220.00  
  RB-2333   Teapot Treasury and Related Items  (SB)  (signed, #721 out of 2000 / light used cond.)
                  Luckin                   RK, 1987                  $60.00

dining car cook books            (authentic books issued to dining car cooks)

  RB-2904    Union Pacific Dining Car Cook Book and Service Instructions  (SB) 
   [recipes & cooking instructions for everything you would have expected in a UP diner, and much more, ~200 pp]
            *revive old dining car memories!*     (near mint, but soft covers mildly creased)
                     (UP Dining Car & Hotel Dept., no date)         $160.00

  RB-5378    Union Pacific Dining Car Cook Book and Service Instructions  (SB) 
   [recipes & cooking instructions for everything you would have expected in a UP diner, and much more, ~200 pp]
            *revive old dining car memories!*     (near mint inside, but soft covers show substantial wear)
                     (UP Dining Car & Hotel Dept., no date)         $130.00 
  RB-984    Union Pacific Dining Car Cook Book and Service Instructions  (HB) 
   [recipes & cooking instructions for everything you would have expected in a UP diner, and much more, ~200 pp]
    (special 3-ring bound copy w/ gold printing, customized for Marjorie Brown [UP DC&H executive?] / interior decorated 
          w/ '40's menus & early Diesel and steam locomotive photos / used, a few pages have grease stains)
                     (UP Dining Car & Hotel Dept., no date)         $190.00

Duluth, Missabe and Iron Range  /  DM&IR

  RB-5964  Locomotives of the Duluth, Missabe & Iron Range  (HB)  (good condition, slightly musty smell)
                  King                     PFM, 1984               $56.00 

EMD / Electro Motive Div of GM

  RB-6362    EMD's BL2 - Diesel Data Series, Book 3  (SB)  (very light used condition)
                    Hundman               Hundman                  $35.00 

  RB-2902    EMD's GP18 - The Transitional Road Switcher (SB)   (very light used condition)
                                          Diesel Era, 1992                $27.00

  RB-4016    EMD's SD60 Series  (SB)  (near mint condition)
                    Calloway              Diesel Era, 1996                $70.00

  RB-2861    EMD's SD24: Diesel Data Series, Book 4  (SB)  (light used condition)
                    Calloway              Diesel Era, 1996                $27.00

  RB-5542    EMD's SD45: Diesel Data Series, Book 1  (SB)  (very light used condition)
                    Peck                Hundman                  $38.00

  RBE-0922   F Units: The Diesels That Did It  (SB)  (new in publisher's wrap)
                    Wilson                Kalmbach, 1999                  $50.00

  RB-2143    General Motors Advanced Generation Diesel-Electric Locomotives  (SB) 
                                    (like new, except DJ tanned, especially near edges)
                                          Delta, 1987                     $55.00

  RB-2133    General Motors First Generation Diesel-Electric Locomotives, Vol.1  (SB) 
                                    (like new, except toning on spine & old price sticker)
                                          Delta, 1982                     $40.00

  RB-5586    General Motors First Generation Diesel-Electric Locomotives, Vol.1  (SB) 
                                    (very light used condition)
                                          Delta, 1982                     $30.00  

  RB-2168    General Motors First Generation Diesel-Electric Locomotives, Vol.II  (SB) 
                                    (like new, except toning on spine & old price sticker)
                                          Delta, 1982                     $36.00

  RB-5587    General Motors First Generation Diesel-Electric Locomotives, Vol.II  (SB) 
                                                    (light used condition)
                                          Delta, 1982                     $22.00  

  RBE-1704   General Motors' F-Units: The Locomotives that Revolutionalized Railroading  (SB)  (near mint)
                    Mulhearn & Taibi      Quadrant, 1982                  $17.00

  RBE-2727   Our GM Scrapbook  (SB)  (near mint, but minor rubbing at corners)
                                          Kalmbach, 1979                  $23.00

  RB-3992    The Revolutionary Diesel: EMC's FT  (SB) 
                              (would be like new throughout, but scuffed at top of spine)
                                          Diesel Era, 1994                $29.00  

(also see EMD locomotive operator's manuals listed under EMD Operating Manuals below)

employee time tables

   (for railroad issued employee time tables, please see: employee time tables page)

Erie Railroad

  RBE-1705   Erie Memories  (HB    (near mint)
                     Crist                   Quadrant, 1993              $34.00

  RBE-187    Erie Power  (HB)  (good used condition)
                     Westing & Staufer       1970                        $27.00 

  RBE-5848   Erie Railroad 1863 - 1976: Bradford Branch  (SB)     (very light used condition)
                     Kilmer                   Fries                $80.00 

  RBE-0325   Erie Railroad  (Rochester Division)  (SB)       (very good used condition)
                     Gordon                   Gordon, 1965                $35.00

  RBE-4647  Erie Railroad In Color  (new, NOS)
                     Sweetland                Morning Sun, 1991           $90.00 

  RB-0312   Route of the Erie Limited  (SB)    (near mint condition)
                     Dirkes & Krause          Carstens, 1986              $16.00

  RB-5423   Route of the Erie Limited  (SB)  (near mint, old price sticker on cover)
                     Dirkes & Krause          Carstens, 1986              $14.00

To order call:   (707) 328-6215 (cell) or  539-1051 (land)  or   e-mail:  rrcomm@sonic.net
       payment accepted via: Visa, Master Card, Am Express, Discover, Zelle, checks / money orders, or Paypal
       Shipping: $5 for USPS Media Mail per order (flat rate - 1 book or 40 books ship for the same $5 to US addresses)

Erie Lackawanna Ry.

  RB-3659   A Colorful Look At: Erie Lackawanna...  (SB)   (almost like new)
                     Pennisi                  RAE, 2002                   $40.00 

  RB-2475   Erie Lackawanna Diesel Locomotives: V. 1 Switchers  (SB)   (like new)
                     Liljestrand & Sweetland  Bob's Photos, 2006           $24.95 

  RB-5141   Erie Lackawanna Diesel Locomotives: V. 2 RoadSwitchers  (SB)   (like new)
                     Liljestrand & Sweetland  Bob's Photos, 2006           $24.95

  RBE-0487  Erie Lackawanna East  (SB)   (light used condition)
                     Zimmerman                Quadrant, 1975               $14.00
  RB-5433   Erie Lackawanna In Color, V. 2: New York State  (HB) (no DJ, otherwise near mint)
                    DeYoung                  Morning Sun, 1992              $24.00

  RB-4158    Erie Lackawanna Memories: The Final Years  (HB)  (new in shrinkwrap) 
                     Cook                     Old Line Graphics            $125.00

  RB-5907    Erie Lackawanna Memories: The Final Years  (HB)  (very light used condition) 
                     Cook                     Old Line Graphics            $80.00 

  RBE-0271   The Erie Lackawanna Story  (HB)  (book excellent / dust jacket frayed @ top of spine)
                     Carleton                 Carleton, 1974               $40.00 

  RB-5060    Erie Lackawanna West End, Vol. 1: Chicago & Atlantic, Chicago & Erie (SB)
                            (very light used condition)     ISBN 0-9632787-3-8
                     Sennstrom                EL Hist Soc.                 $70.00 (Sold)

  RB-4236    Erie Lackawanna West End, Vol. 1: Chicago & Atlantic, Chicago & Erie (SB)
   (fair used condition, binding tight / interior clean / covers fair) ISBN 0-9632787-3-8
                     Sennstrom                EL Hist Soc.                 $44.00 

  RBE-3425   The Gladstone Branch: Affectionately known as the Passaic & Delaware  (SB)  
                                       (very light used condition)
                      Nemeth                1978                         $15.00 

  RBE-2037   The Northeast Railroad Scene, Vol. 4: The Erie Lackawanna  (SB)  
                                       (good condition / covers show moderate wear)
                      Pennisi                Railroad Avenue, 1979         $12.00

  RBE-3425   Tidewater Terminals of the Erie Lackawanna Railway  (SB)  
                                       (very light used condition)
                      Sheppard                1976                         $32.00

  RBE-5746   Tidewater Terminals of the Erie Lackawanna Railway  (SB)  
                                       (very light used condition)
                      Sheppard                1976                         $32.00 (Sold)

(click on thumbnail photos to enlarge)

Fairbanks Morse  /  FM

  RB-3404    C-Liners  (HB)   (light used condition)
                     Sweetland                Withers, 1996                $53.00 

  RB-6370    The Diesel Builders: Vol. 1, Fairbanks Morse & Lima-Hamilton  (HB) 
                  (light used condition / no markings / DJ in older archival book cover)
     [very detailed study of the Diesel locomotive production of FM and Lima]
                      Kirkland                Interurban Press, 1985         $175.00 

  RB-1620    Fairbanks-Morse Locomotives In Color  (HB)   (new condition)
                     Boyd                     Morning Sun, 1996            $47.00

  RB-2658    Fairbanks-Morse O.P. Diesel Engine For Locomotive Power  (HB)   (good condition)
    [22 pp, clear vinyl pages overlaying each other to depict internal views of the Model 38 engine)
                                        Fairbanks, Morse & Co.            $42.00 
    (note: vinyl overlay pages are waved, but reflections in the scanner much accentuate the apparent condition)

 (also see FM and CLC locomotive operator's manuals listed under FM Operating Manuals below)


  RBF-6349     Early Railroads of Pinellas County  (new / signed by author)  (HB)
     (18 pages / scarce title)     Stanton         2009           $38.00 
  RBF-3786     Rails 'Neath the Palms  (light used condition)  (HB)
                   Mann                 Darwin, 1983                       $10.00

  RBF-2424     Speedway to Sunshine: The Story of the Florida East Coast Ry.  (new condition)  (HB)
                   Bramson              Boston Mills Press, 2003           $35.00 

  RBF-2454     Speedway to Sunshine: The Story of the Florida East Coast Ry.  (like new)  (HB)
                   Bramson              Boston Mills Press, 1984           $30.00 

Fort Worth & Denver  /  FW&D

  RBF-2608     Fort Worth & Denver Color Pictorial  (HB)    (near mint condition)
                     Goen                  Four Ways West, 1996             $115.00  

freight cars

  RB-6561   American Car & Foundry Box Cars: 1960-1081  (SB)  (new)
                     Kimiski               Signature                 $70.00
  RB-5617   ACF Center Flow CF 5701 - Freight Car Journal Monograph #35  (SB)  (near mint)
               Neubauer        Soc. Freight Car Historians, 1993        $62.00  
  RB-3998   Aggregate Hoppers (Post 1970)  (SB)  (good used condition)
                     Kinkaid      Soc. Freight Car Historians, 1993        $44.00

  RB-6344   American Refrigerator Transit  (new in original shrinkwrap)
                  Maher, Michels, Semon         Signature Press         $90.00 

  RB-6335   Billboard Refrigerator Cars  (new in original shrinkwrap)
                  Hendrickson & Kaminski         Signature, 2008         $67.00

  RB-4728   Caboose  (HB)  (very light used condition)
                     Solomon & Gruber       MBI, 2001                       $25.00

  RB-5834   Car Builders' Cyclopedia  1940  (like new condition)
    (1352 pages / 1973 exact reprint of 1940 original / passenger and freight cars / 
        thousands of detail photos / an incredible wealth of details and information)
                Kalmach, 1973          $200.00         
  RB-5106   Focus on Freight Cars, V. 1: Single Sheathed Box & Automobile
                                                         (SB)     (near mint)
                  Hendrickson                  Speedwitch, 2006              $65.00

  RB-2700   Freight Car Models, V. 3: Covered Hoppers: Book 1 / The Three & Four-bay cars
                                                 (SB)    (light used condition)
                     Schleicher             Railmodel Journal, 1995         $58.00

  RB-6585   Pullman-Standard Color Guide to Freight Equipment  (near mint condition)
                     Kincaid               Morning Sun, 1995           $40.00 

  RB-3168   The Railroad Caboose  (HB)   (very light used condition)
                     Knapke & Hubbard       Golden West, 1979               $17.00

  RB-3662   Railway Milk Cars, Vol. 1  (new)
                     Liljestrand & Nehrich                                  $40.00 

  RB-2694   Seattle Car & Foundry  (SB)     (light used condition)
        [reprint of early rail car catalog, mostly for logging roads]
                                            Northwest Shortline, 1974       $35.00

  RB-2462   Slim Gauge Cars  (SB)  (interior mint, covers light wear)
      [hundreds of photos and scale drawings, including detail views - a great resource for modelers, 112pp]
                     Carstens                 Carsten, 1991                 $40.00 

Frisco  /  St. Louis & San Francisco  /  SLSF

  RBF-4860      Consolidate Car Shop: Freight Car Diagrams: #5; Frisco Cabooses
                                             (SB)  (very light used condition) 
                                              Frisco RR Museum, 1995         $30.00 

  RBF-3330     Frisco Diesel Power  (HB)  (like new) 
                     Marre                    Interurban, 1984               $70.00 

  RBF-6691     Frisco Diesel Power  (HB)  
     (no DJ / covers rough / fair "reader copy" / no markings) 
                     Marre                    Interurban, 1984               $12.00

  RBF-6684     Frisco / Katy Color Guide To Freight Equipment  (HB)  (near mint, DJ shows trivial edgewear) 
                     Molo                    Morning Sun, 2003               $42.00 (Sold) 

  RBF-2388     Frisco Power  (HB)   (light used condition)
                     Collias                  MM, 1984                       $64.00

  RBF-4485     Frisco Power  (HB)   (book excellent / DJ fair)
                     Collias                  MM, 1984                       $48.00

  RBF-6681     Frisco Steam Finale  (SB)  (good used condition) 
                     Stagner              South Platte, 1995               $30.00 

  RBF-6687     Nothing Could Be Finer that a Frisco Diner  (HB)  (new) 
                     Reed              White River, 2012               $70.00 

  RBF-1463     Steam Locomotives of the Frisco Line  (HB)    (light used condition)
                     Stagner                  Pruett, 1976                   $23.00

  RBF-1831     Steam Locomotives of the Frisco Line  (SB)   (near mint, but foxing on spine)
                     Stagner                  Pruett, 1976                   $21.00

 (see authentic SLSF Newburg, Mo. station log book, listed under "railroad train station log books" below)

General Electric  /  GE

  RB-5081    Centennial Treasury of General Electric Locomotives, V.1  (SB)  (very light used condition)
      [covers electric, mining, gas  railcar and some early Diesel locomotives, 135pp]
                     Kerr                       Delta, 1981                      $55.00

  RB-1469    Centennial Treasury of General Electric Locomotives, V.2  (SB)  (near new / mild foxing (age staining)
      [covers industrial and road Diesel locomotives, ~130pp]
                     Kerr                       Delta, 1981                      (Sold) 

  RB-5082    Centennial Treasury of General Electric Locomotives, V.2  (SB)  (moderate used condition)
      [covers industrial and road Diesel locomotives, ~130pp]
                     Kerr                       Delta, 1981                      $28.00
  RB-5045    Centennial Treasury of General Electric Locomotives, V. 1 and 2  (SB)  (light used condition)
                                      [two books, both volumes I and II - ~263 pages combined]
                     Kerr                       Delta, 1981                      $110.00

  RB-2198    General Electric Advanced Generation Diesel-Electric and Electric Locomotives  (HB)
                            (near mint, but very mild yellow and trivial water along edges)
                     Kerr                       Delta, 1989                      $65.00

  RB-6197    General Electric 70-ton Diesel Locomotives  (SB)  (new)
                     Sims                       Shade Tree, 2013                 (Sold)

  RB-6632    General Electric 70-ton Diesel Locomotives  (SB)  (new)
                     Sims                       Shade Tree, 2013                 $38.00 

  RBG-2978   GE's Dash 8-C Series  (SB)   (very light used condition)
                                          Diesel Era, 1994                       $33.00 

  RBG-2142   U-Boats  (HB)    (new condition)
                     McDonnell            Stoddart / Boston Mills, 1994          $39.00

  RBG-4366   U-Boats  (HB)    (very light used condition)
                     McDonnell            Stoddart / Boston Mills, 1994          $32.00

  RBG-2453   U-Boats  (HB)    (light used condition)
                     McDonnell            Stoddart / Boston Mills, 1994          $26.00

(also see GE locomotive operator's manuals listed on the Locomotive Operating and Maintenance Manual page)


  RBG-5556     Georgia & Florida Railroad Album  (SB)  (new)
                     Langley                  Union Station, 2005               $130.00 

  RBG-3505     Georgia Short Line Railroad Album  (SB)  
    (mostly excellent, but last three pages have spot of water damage at top - little impact to text)
                     Langley                  Union Station, 2005               $44.00 

To order call:   (707) 328-6215 (cell) or  539-1051 (land)  or   e-mail:  rrcomm@sonic.net
       payment accepted via: Visa, Master Card, Am Express, Discover, Zelle, checks / money orders, or Paypal

Georgia Railroad

  RBG-4066     Georgia Railroad Album  (SB)  (very light used condition)
                     Beckum & Langley         Union Station, 1985               $80.00

  RBG-2975     Georgia Railroad Album  (SB)  (signed by both authors! / moderate used condition)
                     Beckum & Langley         Union Station, 1985               $80.00

  RBG-4129     Georgia Railroad Album  (SB)  (light used condition)
                     Beckum & Langley         Union Station, 1985               $65.00

  RBG-2750     Steam Locomotives & History: Georgia Railroad and West Point Route  (HB)
                                  (excellent condition, no DJ - as sold new)
                     Prince                   1972                              $60.00

Grand Trunk

  RBG-1784    Grand Trunk Heritage: Steam in New England  (SB)      (near mint)
                     Hastings                 RR Heritage, 1978              $9.00
  RBG-2348    The Grand Trunk in New England  (HB)  (new condition)
                     Holt                     Railfare, 1986                 $100.00 

  RB-2147     The Grand Trunk Western Railroad  (HB)   (light used condition)
                     Dorin                    Superior, 1977                 $38.00

  RB-3048     The Grand Trunk Western Railroad  (HB)   (moderate used condition)
                     Dorin                    Superior, 1977                 $31.00

  RB-4672k     The Grand Trunk Western Railroad  (SB)   (like new condition)
                     Dorin                    Superior, 1977                 $23.00

Great Northern  /  GN

  RBG-3366     Great Northern Color Pictorial, Vol. 1: The Electric, Last of Steam, First Generation Diesels 
                                                           (HB)      (new / NOS)
                     Shine                   Four Ways West, 1992           $110.00

  RBG-1841     Great Northern Color Pictorial, Vol. 2 (HB)      (new condition)
                     Shine                   Four Ways West, 1993           $112.00

  RBG-2180     Great Northern Equipment Color Pictorial: Book One - Box Cars & Stock Cars  (HB)  (near mint)
                     Thompson                 Four Ways West, 1995          $67.00 

  RBG-1057     Great Northern Pictorial; Volume 3  (HB)  (like new)
                     Strauss                  Four Ways West, 1993          $69.00 

  RBG-4409     Great Northern Pictorial; Volume 4  (HB)  (near mint / corners bumped)
                     Strauss                  Four Ways West, 1994          $62.00
  RBG-2567     The Great Northern Railway Steam Locomotive Diagrams  (SB)  (light used cond.)
    reprint of GN's 1952 steam locomotives diagram book, ~60pp / 5 1/2" X 12" format
                     Sheets                   Sheets, 1963                  $60.00 

  RBG-1828     Great Northern Steam & Electric In Color  (HB)     (new condition)
                     Hickcox                  Morning Sun, 1999             $70.00

  RBG-5951     Great Northern Steam & Electric In Color  (HB)     (near mint)
                     Hickcox                  Morning Sun, 1999             $55.00 

  RBG-4852     Lines East  (SB)  (very light used cond. / looks unread)  
                     Dorin                    Superior, 1989                $12.00

  RBG-5192     Lines West  (SB)  (new in shrinkwrap)  
                     Dorin                    Superior, 1989                $45.00

  RBG-5585     Locomotives of the Empire Builder  (SB)  (good used condition)
                     Martin                   Normandie House, 1972         $46.00 

  RBG-3725     Locomotives of the Empire Builder  (SB)  (back cover detached / otherwise fair)
                     Martin                   Normandie House, 1972         $34.00

  RBG-5524     Montana's Marias Pass: Early GN Mileposts & BNSF Guide  (SB) (clean, tight / no markings)
                     Coy & Del Grosso          GNP, 1996             $77.00 

  RBG-3889     St Paul & Pacific Railroad  (HB)     (new)
                     Veenendaal               Northern Illinois U., 1999    $32.00

Gulf, Mobile & Ohio  /  GM&O

  RB-2458    Gulf, Mobile & Ohio Color Pictorial  (HB)    (like new)
      1-885614-13-6      Wallin            Four Ways West, 1996          $170.00 
  RB-3777    Gulf, Mobile & Ohio Color Pictorial  (HB)    (like new)
      1-885614-13-6      Wallin            Four Ways West, 1996          $145.00
  RB-6366    Gulf, Mobile & Ohio Color Pictorial (HB)  (like new, but lower spine corner bumped)
      1-885614-13-6      Wallin            Four Ways West, 1996          $120.00


  RBH-2431    Hawaiian Railway Album WWII Photographs, V.1 - The Oahu Railway & Land Co.  (SB)  
                                                       (like new, but price sticker on cover)
                       Treiber              TRP, 2003                     $40.00

  RBH-6387    Next Stop Honolulu  (HB)   (very light use, but 1 corner bumped hard)
                      Chiddix & Simpson      Sugar Cane, 2004             $38.00 

  RBH-2115    Railroads of Hawaii  (HB)   (near mint condition)
      0-87095-149-5    Best                 Golden West, 1978             $270.00

  RBH-1250    Railroads of Hawaii  (HB)   (very light used condition)
      0-87095-149-5    Best                 Golden West, 1978             $240.00 

  RBH-3964    Railroads of Hawaii  (HB)   (light used condition)
      0-87095-149-5    Best                 Golden West, 1978             $165.00

  RBH-1100    Sugar Trains  (HB)  (moderate used condition /
    DJ has small tears and creases along the edges, now protected with clear archival book cover)
                       Conde                Glenwood, 1973                $250.00 

  RBH-3770    Sugar Trains  (HB)  (moderate used condition /
                  pictorial boards, no dust jacket / no interior markings)
                       Conde                Glenwood, 1973                $235.00 

  RBH-5442    Sugar Trains Pictorial  (HB)  (very light used cond. / in archival book cover)
                       Conde                Glenwood, 1975                $177.00 


  RB-4879    Chicago's Steam Suburbans  (SB)  (light used condition)
                     Burg                    Merrill, 2007             $135.00 

  RB-4338    Chicago's Train Stations: Present and Past  (HB)  (near mint)
                     Bach & Wolfson          Ohio Univ, 1986           $65.00

  RB-6351    Lee County Central Electric Railway  (HB)  (very light used condition)
                                            ERHS, 1967             $65.00  
  RB-5028    The Triangle: Busy Railroading in Southern Illinois  (SB)  (near mint)
                     Changnon              1991                      $35.00

Illinois Central  /  IC

  RB-1840     From the Lakes to the Gulf: The Illinois Central Railroad Story  (HB)    (new condition)
                     Lind                   Transport History, 1993      $60.00

  RB-3452     IC / GM&O Color Guide to Freight and Passenger Equipment  (HB)  (near mint / no DJ)
                     Kinkaid                Morning Sun, 2002            $55.00

  RB-1893     Illinois Central Diesel Locomotives Pocket Diagrams  (SB)  (light used condition)
      [side & end diagrams and specs. for IC locomotives, 2 3/4" X 5 1/4", 75pp]
                                            ICRR, 1966                   $25.00

  RB-1618     Illinois Central In Color  (HB)    (new condition)
                     Stagner                Morning Sun, 1996            $28.00

  RB-2060     Illinois Central: Main Line of Mid-America  (HB)   (like new, but slight scuffing on DJ)
                     Heimburger             Heimburger House, 1995       $29.00

  RBI-1901    Illinois Central Operating Instructions & Exam Questions...
      (specific to E7's and E7B's)  (SB) [~80 pp]  (good condition but front cover detached)
                                            IC RR, 1947                  $14.00

  RBI-1066    Illinois Central Steam Finale  (SB)  
                      (good condition / moderate coffee stain on back)
                     Stagner & Lee           South Platte, 1994          $80.00 

  RBI-0111    Illinois Central Streamliners  (HB)
                     Sommers                 TLC, 1995                   $45.00

  RBI-1457    Illinois Central Streamliners  (HB)  (new except for faded spine)
                     Sommers                 TLC, 1995                   $33.00

Illinois Terminal  /  Illinois Traction

   (see Interurban Books page for IT books)


  RB-2271     Ghost Railroads of Indiana  (HB)   (like new, but corner bumped)
                   Sulzer                Indiana University, 1998          $70.00 
  RB-6570     Ghost Railroads of Indiana  (HB)   
    (moderate used condition / DJ has edgewear, but now in new archival book cover)
                   Sulzer                Vane Jones, 1970          $28.00 

  RBR-0343    Railroads of Indiana  (HB)           (like new condition)
                   Simons / Parker       Indiana University, 1997          $100.00

industrial locomotives

  RB-6641     1990 Guide to Diesel Locomotives: The Industrial Sector  (SB)  (near mint)
     [guide to industrial locomotive locations in US, w/ summary rosters, 78pp / scarce title]
                         Ellwanger              Simmons-Boardman, 1990               $90.00
  RB-0030     Comprehensive Guide to Industrial Locomotives: 1st Ed  (SB)  (new)
     0-9647221-0-0    Reed                     Rio Hondo, 1995               $20.00 

  RB-1040     Comprehensive Guide to Industrial Locomotives: 2nd Ed  (SB)  (new - last one)
     [guide to industrial locomotive locations in US, w/ detailed rosters, 400pp]
     0-9647221-1-9    Reed                     Rio Hondo, 2002               $70.00

  RB-14894     Comprehensive Guide to Industrial Locomotives: 2nd Ed  (SB)  
                                                        (very light used cond. - near mint
     0-9647221-1-9    Reed                     Rio Hondo, 2002               $40.00

  RB-0064     Comprehensive Guide to Industrial Locomotives: 3rd Ed  (SB)   (new)
     [guide to industrial locomotive locations in US, w/ detailed rosters, 400pp]
     0-9647221-3-5     Reed                     Rio Hondo, 2002              $28.00 

  RB-4784     Critters, V.1  (SB)  (like new)
                       Eakin                    Railhead                       $100.00 

  RB-5634     Critters, V.1  (SB)  (moderate used condition)
                       Eakin                    Railhead                       $72.00

  RB-5030     Critters, V.2  (SB)  (like new)
                       Eakin                    Railhead, 1999                 $120.00

  RB-5635     Critters, V.2  (SB)  (moderate used condition)
                       Eakin                    Railhead, 1999                 $72.00

  RB-5032     Critters, V.4  (SB)  (like new)
                       Eakin                    Railhead, 2002                 $100.00

  RB-3794     Critters In Color, V.4  (SB)      (new in shrinkwrap)
                       Timko                     Morning Sun, 2013           $65.00 

  RB-0229     Critters Dinkys & Centercabs  (SB)      (new)
     [the identification guide for US-built industrial-style locomotives, many photos, 192pp.]
     0-9647221-2-7     Reed                     Rio Hondo, 2000              $52.00 

  RB-5638     Critters Dinkys & Centercabs  (SB)      (light used condition)
     [the identification guide for US-built industrial-style locomotives, many photos, 192pp.]
     0-9647221-2-7     Reed                     Rio Hondo, 2000              $40.00

  RB-6352    General Electric Industrial Locomotives 1924-1978  (SB)  (very light used condition)
                     Kerr           DPA-LTA, 2004            $34.00 

  RB-6198    General Electric 70-ton Diesel Locomotives  (SB)  (new)
                     Sims               Shade Tree, 2013           $34.00 (Sold)

  RB-6540    General Electric 70-ton Diesel Locomotives  (SB)  (new)
                     Sims               Shade Tree, 2013           $34.00 
  RB-5139  History of Mack Rail Motor Cars and locomotives  (SB)  (like new)
                                         Lehigh Valley CH., HRHS, 1971     $50.00  
  RB-5678  History of Mack Rail Motor Cars and locomotives  (SB)  (very light used condition)
                                                    Lehigh Valley CH., HRHS, 1971     $30.00
  RB-6582  Industrial Railroading in Color, V. 1  (HB) 
       (good condition / interior excellent / no DJ / abrasion wear along edges of hardboard covers)
                           Timko              Morning Sun, 2012     $30.00 (Sold) 
  RB-6597  Industrial Steam Locomotives of Cuba, 2nd Ed.  (HB) 
                                                   Ind. Ry Soc., 1997     $60.00  

  RB-2520  The Lake Terminal Rail Road: 1895  1995  (SB)   (near mint)
                        Brown                1996                      $120.00 
  RB-4995   Plymouth Gasoline Locomotives  (SB)  (near mint, but corners creased)
            (reprint of early Plymouth catalogs)     M2FQ, 2000        $100.00 
  RB-6033   Porter Steam Locomotives  (new)
    (all-time Porter roster steam and Diesel / reprint of 1930 steam locomotive catalog, + photos)
                                    NMRA, 2001                        $70.00 

  RB-3400     Steel Mill Railroads in Color (V.1)  (SB)   (new condition)
                        Timko                   Morning Sun                  $180.00 

  RB-5900     Steel Mill Railroads in Color (V.1)  (SB)   (near mint condition)
                        Timko                   Morning Sun                  $155.00

  RB-4803     Steel Mill Railroads in Color, V. 2  (SB)   (new in shrinkwrap)
                        Timko                   Morning Sun                  $55.00

To order call:   (707) 328-6215 (cell) or  539-1051 (land)  or   e-mail:  rrcomm@sonic.net
       payment accepted via: Visa, Master Card, Am Express, Discover, Zelle, checks / money orders, or Paypal
       Shipping: $5 for USPS Media Mail per order (flat rate - 1 book or 40 books ship for the same $5 to US addresses)

international (also see Canada, Mexico, Japan or South America)

  RB-4323   European Railway Atlas: France, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg  (SB)  (like new)
                       Ball                  Ian Allan, 1991             $25.00

  RB-2885   Far Wheels II  (SB)  (good used condition)
                       Small                 Railhead, 1986              $100.00 

  RB-1131    Rails To The Mines: Taiwan's Forgotten Railways  (SB)  
                (good used condition / light stain on one cover)
                     Small                   Small, 1978                $50.00

  RB-6730    Rimutaka Railway  (SB)  (near mint condition)
                     Cameron            NZ Ry & Locomotive Soc, 2006            $40.00

  RB-2200   Rails to the Setting Sun  (HB) 
     good condition / DJ fused to cover boards with adhesive (non-removable) book cover
  [worldwide survey of diminutive, narrow gauge stem rail lines operating in the late-60's, 188 pp]
                       Small                 Kigei, 1971                 $225.00 

  RB-3235   Steam Beneath the Red Star  (HB)  (like new)
                       Ziel & Huxtable       Amereor, 1995               $18.00

interurbans / trolley

   (for transit, trolley, interurban and light rail books, please see: Interurban Books page)

Japan / Nippon

  RB-2356     Rails To the Rising Sun  (HB)    (book excellent condition / DJ shows moderate wear)
                     Small               Golden West, 1965                 $70.00

  RB-2798     Rails To the Rising Sun  (HB)  (good used condition / now in new archival book cover)
                     Small               Golden West, 1965                 $55.00

  RB-2313     Rails To the Rising Sun  (HB)    (ex public library / fair used condition)
                     Small               Golden West, 1965                 $45.00


  RB-5498     Railroads of Lawrence, Kansas (HB)  (very light used condition)
                    Quastler               Coronado, 1970             $110.00  

Kansas City Southern  /  KCS

  RB-3783     Arthur E. Stilwell: Promoter With a Hunch (HB)  (light used condition
                    Bryant               Vanderbilt Univ., 1971             $12.00 

  RBK-4504     Kansas City Southern Color Pictorial  (HB)   
                                                    (new in original shrinkwrap)
                     Goen                 Four Ways West, 1999               $180.00

  RBK-5366     Kansas City Southern Color Pictorial  (HB)  (like new)
       [color pictorial of the KCS through its colorful Diesel era, 128pp]
                     Goen                 Four Ways West, 1999               $75.00 

  RBK-1845     Kansas City Southern In Color: The Era of "Streamlined Hospitality"  (HB)   (new condition)
                     Boyd                  Morning Sun, 2003                 $57.00

  RBK-1529     Kansas City Southern in the Deramus Era  (HB)   (like new)
                     Marre & Sommers       Withers, 1999                   $55.00 


  RB-6609     Ghost Railroads of Kentucky  (HB)   (good used condition)
                   Sulzer                Indiana University, 1998          $40.00 

Lackawanna  /  Delaware, Lackawanna & Western  /  DL&W

  RBL-1597   The Delaware, Lackawanna & Western in the Twentieth Century, Vol. 1  (HB)
                     (book near mint but DJ shows light rubbing / Copy #722)
                     Taber & Taber           Steamtown, 1999                    $75.00

  RBL-1934   The Delaware, Lackawanna & Western in the Twentieth Century, Vol. 1  (HB)
                     (book near mint / dust jacket has foxing (age staining) along spine / Copy #2908)
                     Taber & Taber           Taber, 1980                        $55.00

  RBL-4795   The Delaware, Lackawanna & Western in the Twentieth Century, Vol. 1  (HB)
                                                             (very light used condition / Copy #1674)
                     Taber & Taber           Taber, 1980                        $50.00

  RBL-4051   The Delaware, Lackawanna & Western in the Twentieth Century, Vol. 2  (HB)
        (signed, #1328 / new copy from now-closed hobby shop, but DJ has tiny amount of shelfwear)
                     Taber & Taber           Taber, 1981                        $100.00

  RBL-1910   The Delaware, Lackawanna & Western in the Twentieth Century, Vol. 2  (HB)
            (book near mint / dust jacket has foxing (age staining) along spine / Copy #2396)
                     Taber & Taber           Taber, 1981                        $80.00

    --       Erie / DL&W Color Guide to Freight & Passenger Equipment 
                       (see copy listed under Erie RR)        

  RBL-1975   Lackawanna Heritage 1847-1952  (SB)   (near mint condition)
      [pictorial of DL&W locomotives in the late '40's and early '50's, 48pp]
                     Krause & Crist          Railroad Heritage, 1986            $18.00

  RBL-0474   Lackawanna Heritage 1847-1952  (SB)   (good cond. / covers show moderate staining)
      [pictorial of DL&W locomotives in the late '40's and early '50's]
                     Krause & Crist          Railroad Heritage, 1978            $8.00

  RBL-6183   Lackawanna Railroad  (SB)   (like new, but old price sticker on cover)
                                               Durham, 1997           $34.00 

  RBL-2585   Lackawanna Railroad in Color  (HB)     (new condition)
                     Sweetland               Morning Sun Books, 1990            $30.00 

  RBL-0202   Lackawanna Railroad Trackside w/ Henry Peterson  (HB)  (near mint)
                     Del Vecchio             Morning Sun Books, 1999            $36.00

  RBL-0690   The Lackawanna Story  (HB)  (good condition / DJ missing)
                     Casey & Douglas         McGraw-Hill, 1951                  $15.00

  RBL-0707   Lackawanna: Superpower Railroad of the Northeast  (HB) (new in shrinkwrap)
                     LaMassena               TLC, 1998                          $80.00 

  RB-3011    Railway Milk Cars: Vol. 3: DL&W Milk Cars, Part 1  (new)
                     Bahrs               2002                                   $33.00

  RBL-0311   The Route of Phoebe Snow - A Story of the Delaware, Lackawanna & Western (SB)
                               (good condition / covers smudged)
                     King                    King, 1974                         $40.00

  RBL-1678   The Route of Phoebe Snow - A Story of the Delaware, Lackawanna & Western (SB)
                               (near mint, but spine is sun tanned)
                     King                    King, 1986                         $50.00


  RB-6155   The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Railroad Lighting, Vol. 1: The Railroad Lantern  (HB)  
                                                              (new condition / DJ in new condition mylar book cover)
                     Barrett w/ Gross         RR Research, 1994                $180.00
  RB-4835   The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Railroad Lighting, Vol. 1: The Railroad Lantern  (HB)  
                                                              (near mint condition)
                     Barrett w/ Gross         RR Research, 1994                $170.00 
  RB-6614   The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Railroad Lighting, Supplement to Vol. 1: The Railroad Lantern  (SB) 
     (near mint / scarce title)    Barrett w/ Gross         RR Research          $85.00 (Sold) 
  RB-6333   The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Railroad Lighting, Vol. 2: The Railroad Signal Lamp  (SB - soft bound!) 
     (special printing for a lantern collector's club / with spiral binding - so book will lay open flat for extended study)
     (near mint)    Barrett w/ Gross         RR Research, 1999               $400.00 

  RB-2677   Historical Railroad Lanterns  (SB)  
       (signed by the author / light used condition / gift inscription on title page)
  [an early guide for RR lantern collectors, halftone quality lacking / 22pp / scarce title]
                     Burkhalter               Burkhalter, 1971                 $75.00 

Lehigh & Hudson River

  RBL-3200   Lehigh & Hudson River in Color  (HB)   (new condition)
                     Boyd & Antz               Morning Sun Books, 2001          $145.00

  RBL-4128   Northeast Railroad Scene, V. 2: Lehigh & Hudson River  (HB)  
                                                  (light used condition)
                     Pennisi                  RR Ave.,1977                      $18.00

Lehigh & New England  /  L&NE

  RBL-1541    Lehigh and New England (SB)       (near mint)
                     Crist w/ Krause          Kalmbach, 1980                    $25.00

  RBL-0352    Lehigh and New England (SB)       (very light used cond.)
                     Crist w/ Krause          Kalmbach, 1980                    $16.00

  RBL-0352    Lehigh and New England (SB)       (good condition, a few stains on cover)
                     Crist w/ Krause          Kalmbach, 1980                    $10.00

  RBL-5968    Lehigh and New England: A Color Retrospect (HB)    
       (excellent, but  DJ has minor wear at corners and edges)
                     Lilly                    Garrigues House, 1988             $51.00 

  RBL-2698    Lehigh and New England: A Color Retrospect (HB)    
       (excellent, but corners bumped, and DJ has a few tiny tears at corners and edges)
                     Lilly                    Garrigues House, 1988             $32.00
  RBL-5176   Only Yesterday on the Lehigh & New England Railroad  (HB)  (near mint)
                  Fischer           Garrigues, 2008             $285.00 

Lehigh Valley  /  LV

  RBL-2780     Lehigh Valley in Color  (HB)  
             (like new throughout, but top 1/2" split at top DJ flap seam)
                      Yanosey                Morning Sun Books, 1989            $80.00

  RBL-2528     Lehigh Valley in Color  (HB)  
       (book NM, but DJ has chip @ top of spine & several carefully taped tears at corners)
                      Yanosey                Morning Sun Books, 1989            $49.00

  RBL-0959     Lehigh Valley in Color  (HB)  (book excellent, but DJ has fraying along edges)
                      Yanosey                Morning Sun Books, 1989            $40.00

  RBL-1137     Lehigh Valley in Color: 2  (HB)   (near mint)
      1-878887-03-3   Yanosey                Morning Sun Books, 1991            $60.00

  RBL-1958     Lehigh Valley in Color: 2  (HB)   (near mint)
      1-878887-03-3   Yanosey                Morning Sun Books, 1991            $60.00 (Sold)

  RBL-1099     Lehigh Valley in Color: 3  (HB)  (near mint condition)
                      Yanosey                Morning Sun Books, 1999            $58.00 

  RBL-0535     Lehigh Valley Memories - A Tour of the LV RR in NY's Finger Lakes Region, 1941-1959
   [an interesting collection of the authors photos and recollections, 88pp]  (near mint cond.)
                      Marcham                Dewitt Historical Soc, 1998        $25.00

  RBL-2792     Lehigh Valley Railroad: East of Mauch Chunk  (HB)  (like new)
                     Greenberg & Fischer     Gingerbread Stop, 1997             $40.00

  RBL-0228     Lehigh Valley Railroad: East of Mauch Chunk  (HB)
       (very light used condition / near mint, except for minor fraying @ top of DJ spine)
                     Greenberg & Fischer     Gingerbread Stop, 1997             $30.00 

  RBL-1800     Lehigh Valley Railroad: The New York Div.  (HB)   (mint condition)
                      Bednar                 Garrigues House, 1993              $70.00 (Sold)

  RBL-0249     Lehigh Valley Railroad: The New York Div.  (HB)   (like new)
                      Bednar                 Garrigues House, 1993              $60.00

  RBL-4154     Lehigh Valley Railroad: A Photo Album (HB) (new)
                      Kraemer                 RR Trax, 2008                     $55.00 (Sold)

  RBL-4155     Lehigh Valley Railroad: A Photo Album (HB) (new)
                      Kraemer                 RR Trax, 2008                     $58.00 

  RBL-0802     Lehigh Valley Railroad: The Route of The Black Diamonds (HB) (new)
                      Archer                 Heimburger House, 1977             $125.00 

  RBL-2876     Lehigh Valley Railroad: The Route of The Black Diamonds (HB) 
                                                                    (light used condition)
                      Archer                 Howell-North, 1977                 $55.00

  RBL-3383     Lehigh Valley Railroad: The Route of The Black Diamonds (HB) 
    (light used condition / DJ worn along edges & corners, now in archival book cover and looks good)
                      Archer                 Howell-North, 1977                 $45.00

  RBL-0036     Lehigh Valley Railroad: The Wyoming & Buffalo Div. (HB)
                      Bednar                 Garrigues House, 2003              $100.00 

  RBL-2020     The Northeast Railroad Scene, Vol. 1: The Lehigh Valley  (SB) 
                                   (good condition / covers show moderate wear)
                      Pennisi                Railroad Avenue, 1976              $16.00


  RB-5575    Allegheny: Lima's Finest  (HB)    (book excellent - clean, bright and tight /
     DJ has chipping and small tears but now in new archival book cover and looks great)
                      Huddleston & Dixon              Hundman, 1996        $75.00 
  RB-1370    Lima: The History  (HB)   (new condition, except for small tear in DJ)
                      Hirsimaki              Hundman, 2004                $80.00

  RB-3424    Lima: The History  (HB)
       (overall nice, but has mild musty odor, and back cover is flexed - slightly bent)
                      Hirsimaki              Hundman, 2004                $50.00

To order call:   (707) 328-6215 (cell) or  539-1051 (land)  or   e-mail:  rrcomm@sonic.net
       payment accepted via: Visa, Master Card, Am Express, Discover, Zelle, checks / money orders, or Paypal
       Shipping: $5 for USPS Media Mail per order (flat rate - 1 book or 40 books ship for the same $5 to US addresses)

Locomotive Catalogs / Brochures                          (authentic originals, no reproductions)

  RB-1051     Baldwin Gasoline Locomotives  (SB)    (cover smudged, otherwise very good)
       [catalog of very early gas locomotives from 3 1/2 to 26 tons, 34pp]
                                       Baldwin, 1917                   $100.00 
  RB-5291     GE 50ton (4-wl, steel mill type) Diesel Electric Locomotives  (SB)    (excellent condition)
     [photos, specs, locomotive production details / 16pp]
                      GE, 1944                   $40.00 
  RB-5291     Lima Locomotives  (SB)    (fair condition)
     [catalog of rod and Shay locomotives, many photos, specs, locomotive production details / 48pp]
                      Lima, c.1910's                   $45.00 

Locomotive Operator's / Maintenance / Parts Manuals   (authentic originals, no reproductions)

               (click on heading to see separate Operating / Maintenance / Parts Manuals page)

locomotives, general

  RB-0313     Anything But Steam (SB)            (excellent condition)
                     Kramer                 Bells & Whistles, 1998            $15.00

  RB-2358     Train Shed Cyclopedia #37: Industrial & Foreign Locomotives from the 1930 Locomotive Cyclopedia
                  ISBN 0-912318-68-6                         (SB)  light used condition
                                            Newton Gregg, 1975                $40.00 

To order call:   (707) 328-6215 (cell) or  539-1051 (land)  or   e-mail:  rrcomm@sonic.net

locomotives, general / Diesel

  RB-1264     CF7 Locomotives: From Cleburne to Everywhere  (SB)   (signed by author / new, but corner bumped)
     0-9657709-0-7    Poole                  TRP, 1997                       $36.00 

  RB-2123     The Contemporary Diesel Spotter's Guide (2000 Edition)  (SB)    (new condition)
                      Marre & Withers         Diesel Era, 2000               $40.00 

  RB-5367     The Contemporary Diesel Spotter's Guide (2000 Edition)  (SB)    (very light used condition)
                      Marre & Withers         Diesel Era, 2000               $33.00

  RB-1037     The Contemporary Diesel Spotter's Guide  (SB)   (moderate used condition)
                      Marre                   Kalmbach, 1989                 $18.00

  RB-0966     The Contemporary Diesel Spotter's Guide  (SB)   (fair cond. / coffee stain @ lower corner)
                      Marre                   Kalmbach, 1989                 $8.00

  RB-1082     Dawn of The Diesel Age  (HB)  
                        (book like new / DJ very good cond. w/ light fraying at spine ends)
                      Kirkland                Interurban, 1983               $65.00 

  RB-4160    Diesel Locomotives: The First 50 Years  (SB)  (light used cond / store sticker on back)
                       Marre                  Kalmbach, 1995                 $52.00

  RB-2597    Diesel Locomotives: Model Railroader Cyclopedia, Vol. 2  (HB !!)  (near mint, but missing DJ)
      0-89024-547-9    Hayden                  Kalmbach, 1980                $120.00

  RB-5818    Diesel Locomotives: Model Railroader Cyclopedia, Vol. 2  (SB)  
                                                                        (near mint condition)
      0-89024-547-9    Hayden                  Kalmbach, 1980                $70.00 (Sold)

  RB-0667    Diesel Spotter's Guide Update  (SB)   (light used codition)
                       Pinkepank & Marre       Kalmbach, 1979                $14.00

  RB-0557    The Diesel Years  (HB)     (good used condition)
                       Olmsted                 Golden West, 1975             $6.00

  RB-6449    Doodlebug Country  (HB)     (near mint condition)
      [detailed study of all rail car sorted by railroad, w/ rosters & photos, 184 pp]
                       Keilty                  Interurban, 1982               $22.00

  RB-0480    Doodlebug Country  (HB)   (excellent cond. / back of DJ has two 2" tears)
      [detailed study of all rail car sorted by railroad, w/ rosters & photos, 184 pp]
                       Keilty                  Interurban, 1982               $16.00 

  RB-2258    Field Guide To Modern Diesel Locomotives  (excellent, but front cover creased)
                       McDonnell               Kalmbach, 2002                 $20.00

  RB-5618    Official Locomotive Rosters 1993  (SB)  (new)
                       Kerr                    DPA-LTA, 1998                  $40.00

  RB-0681    Official Locomotive Rosters 1999  (SB)  (moderate used condition)
                       Kerr                    DPA-LTA, 1998                  $8.00

  RB-5497    Official Locomotive Rosters 2001  (SB)  (very light used condition)
                       Kerr                    DPA-LTA, 2000                $18.00

  RB-4139    Modern Locomotives: High-Horsepower Diesels 1966-2000  (SB)  (near mint)
                       Solomon                 MBI, 2002                      $14.00

  RB-3431    The Second Diesel Spotter's Guide  (HB)
                          (like new, except for thin, light rusty stain across back cover)
                      Pinkepank                Kalmbach, 1973                 $25.00

  RB-3167    Vintage Diesel Locomotives  (like new)
                      Schafer                  MBI, 1998                      $20.00

locomotives, general / electric

  RB-0952     Electric Locomotive Rosters  (SB)   (near mint condition)
       [rosters of all electric locomotives, US & Canada - includes serial #'s & dispositions, 86pp.]
                     Wayner                  Wayner, 1965                  $55.00 

  RB-3398     Electric Locomotive Rosters  (SB)   (OK reader copy / bottom 1" of spine chipped)
       [rosters of all electric locomotives, US & Canada - includes serial #'s & dispositions, 86pp.]
                     Wayner                  Wayner, 1965                  $43.00

  RB-4957     Interurban Electric Locomotives: From Baldwin-Westinghouse  (SB)  (new)
                     Strapac                Shade Tree, 2001               $34.00 

  RB-4951     Interurban Electric Locomotives: From General Electric  (SB)  (new)
                     Strapac                Shade Tree, 2004               $34.00 

  RB-2341     Train Shed Cyclopedia #15: Heavy Traction 1922-1941
                  ISBN 0-912318-68-6                         (SB)  light used condition
                                            Newton Gregg, 1974             $20.00

  RB-2165     When the Steam Railroads Electrified  (HB)  (almost like new / DJ has trivial fraying at spine ends)
                     Middleton               Kalmbach, 1974                $58.00 (Sold)

  RB-1233     When the Steam Railroads Electrified  (HB)  (interior excellent / DJ frayed along edges)
      [exhaustive study of electric locomotives, amply illustrated, covers US, Canada & Latin Am., 439pp]
                     Middleton               Kalmbach, 1974                $25.00

  RB-2218     World Electric Locomotives  (HB)  (light used condition)
                     Harris                  Jane's, 1981                  $24.00

locomotives, general / steam

  RB-4368    American Steam: The Photos of Ben F. Cutler  (HB)  (light use, name on front end sheet)
                     Le Massena           Sundance, 1987                     $24.00 
  RB-6257    American Steam, V. 2: Locomotives of the Northeast  (HB)  (near mint, signed, #188)
                     Le Massena           Sundance, 1989                     $26.00 

  RB-1945    America's Workhorse Locomotive: The 2-8-2  (SB)    (near mint)
                     Le Massena           Quadrant, 1993                     $15.00

  RB-5250    Articulated Steam Locomotives of North America, Vol. 1  (HB)  (like new)
                     Le Massena           Sundance, 1979                     $62.00

  RB-3261    Articulated Steam Locomotives of North America, Vol. 2  (HB)  (near mint)
                     Le Massena           Sundance, 1991                     $110.00 

  RB-1648    The Berkshire and Texas Types  (HB)   (book, DJ & slipcase all like new!)
                     Farrell              PFM, 1988                           $100.00

  RB-6424    The Berkshire and Texas Types  (HB)   (book, DJ like new, slipcase excellent!)
                     Farrell              PFM, 1988                           $90.00

  RBC-2416   Climax: An Unusual Steam Locomotive  (HB)  (#1841 out of 2000 / moderate used cond. / no DJ)
                     Taber & Casler        Railroadians of Am., 1960           $160.00 

  RBC-2443   Climax: An Unusual Steam Locomotive  (HB)  
          (#1675 out of 2000 / moderate used cond. / no DJ / moderate musty book smell)
   ("2nd Binding of 1st Edition" / has 4 extra pages of information bound in)
                     Taber & Casler        Railroadians of Am., 1960           $70.00

  RB-2651    The Geared Locomotive of Dunkirk  (SB)   (near mint condition)
     [history of the locomotives built by Dunkirk (N.Y.) Iron Works (not Alco) / 32 pp, w/laid in print]
                     Hoffman                  1979                             $44.00 
  RB-5522    How A Steam Locomotive Works  (new, but corners mildly bumped)
                     Parker                  TLC, 2008                    $90.00 
  RB-3020    The Locomotive Cyclopedia, V.2  (near mint)
                     Hundman                  Hundman, 2005                    $90.00

  RB-2559    The Locomotive Cyclopedia, V.2  (very light used condition)
                     Hundman                  Hundman, 2005                    $38.00

  RB-4474    Locomotives of Southern Iron & Equipment Co.  (new, but corners bumped)
                     Lawson                Cabbage Stack, 2008             (Sold)

  RB-6337    Locomotives of Southern Iron & Equipment Co.  (new, but corners bumped)
                     Lawson                Cabbage Stack, 2008             $130.00 

  RB-1867    A Long Look at Steam  (HB)     (light used condition)
                     Olmsted                 Olmsted, 1965                     $50.00

  RB-5579    A Long Look at Steam  (HB)     (fair used condition)
                     Olmsted                 Olmsted, 1965                     $33.00

  RB-1685    Mainline Steam Revival  (HB)   (new condition)
                     Ziel                    Sunrise, 1990                     $24.00

  RB-1327    Mason Steam Locomotives  (HB)   (like new)
                     Wallace                 Heimburger, 2004                  $45.00

  RB-1212    The Mountains  (HB)  
    (book light to moderate used condition / DJ rough, now in mylar cover / includes slipcase)
                     Farrell & Pearsol       PFM, 1977                         $50.00

  RB-1573    North American Steam Locomotive Builders and their insignia  (HB)   (new condition)
                     Davies                  TLC, 2005                         $48.00

  RB-5615    The Northerns  (HB - with slip case)  (light used condition)
                  (book clean / DJ and slipcase show moderate wear)
                     Farrell / Pearsall      PFM, 1975                         $32.00

  RB-5612    The Northerns  (HB - with slip case)  (good used condition)
    (book clean, no marking other than old price sicker / DJ has taped tears / slipcase has moderate wear)
                     Farrell / Pearsall      PFM, 1975                         $25.00

  RB-2222    The Odyssey of Five Locomotives 1835-1965  (SB)  (signed by author / good used condition)
     [study of 5 locomotives built for the Western Pacific RR by J.A. Norris / Lancaster Works, 15 pp]
                     Kline                                                     $15.00
  RB-5747   Porter Steam Locomotives  (light used condition)
    (all-time Porter roster steam and Diesel / reprint of 1930 steam locomotive catalog, + photos)
                                    NMRA, 2001                        $64.00 

  RB-4540    Railroad History, #197  (SB)  (near mint)
       (Features "John White's A Short History of American locomotive Builders in the Steam Era" -
        100 pages (with indexes) covering about 148 steam builders, the companies, the men, the locomotives)
                 Hansen (Editor) / White     R&LHS, 2007            $43.00

  RB-0762    Railroad Photo Album - The 4-6-0 Ten-Wheeler Type  (SB)  (good used condition)
       [pictorial sampling of US 4-6-0 type locomotives, w/ limited statistics for each, 44pp]
                     Albrecht                Fox-Shulman, 1952                 $12.50 

   RB-3182    The Search for Steam  (HB)   (almost like new)
                     Collias                 Howell-North, 1970                $15.00

  RB-5826    The Steamliners  (SB)  (near mint condition)
                       Holland              TLC, 2002                          $62.00 

  RB-2652    The Steam Locomotive in 1838: Robert Stepheson's Patent Locomotive Engine
                          (SB)  (light Used Condition / includes drawings in back pocket)
                     Tredgold                Glenwood, 1967                    $20.00

  RB-2518    Steam Locomotives: Model Railroader Cyclopedia, Vol. 1  (HB)  (almost like new)
      0-89024-001-9    Westcott              Kalmbach, 1968                    $50.00

  RB-5819    Steam Locomotives: Model Railroader Cyclopedia, Vol. 1  (HB)
                                                      (very light used condition)
      0-89024-001-9    Westcott              Kalmbach, 1973                    $40.00

  RB-238    Steam Locomotives: Model Railroader Cyclopedia, Vol. 1  (HB)
                                                      (light used condition)
      0-89024-001-9    Westcott              Kalmbach, 1973                    $37.00

  RB-3051    Steam Locomotives: Model Railroader Cyclopedia, Vol. 1  (HB)
                         (no DJ / coverboards moderately stained and scuffed / interior nice)
      0-89024-001-9    Westcott              Kalmbach, 1971                    $20.00

  RB-1072    Steam Locomotives: Model Railroader Cyclopedia, Vol. 1  (SB)
                                                      (very light used condition)
      0-89024-001-9    Westcott              Kalmbach, 1984                    $22.00

  RB-3037    Streamlined Steam  (SB)  (light used condition)
                       Archer                Quadrant, 1973                    $23.00

  RB-3507    Super Power Steam Locomotives  (SB)  (like new)
                       Cook               Golden West, 1975                    $12.50

  RB-3209    Uncle Sam's Locomotives: The USRA & The Nation's RR's  (HB)  (near mint)
                       Huddleston            In. Univ., 2002                   $26.00

  RB-5583    USRA 2-8-8-2 Series: Classic Power 3  (SB)  (light used condition)
                       Dressler              NJ Int.                        $28.00 

  RB-6047    The Van Sweringen Berkshires  (SB)  (near mint condition)
                       Huddleston            NJ Int., 1986                     $56.00 

  RB-3516    The Van Sweringen Berkshires  (SB)  (excellent condition)
                       Huddleston            NJ Int., 1986                     $46.00

  RB-4329    The White Plume: Pictorial Representation of the Steam Locomotive  (HB)  (near mint)
                       Bowman                Railfare, 1976                    $12.00

  RB-5154    World's Greatest Steam Locomotive  (HB)   (new in shrinwrap)
                      Huddleston              2001                             $54.00

  RB-1788    World's Greatest Steam Locomotive  (HB)   (new condition)
                      Huddleston              2001                             $44.00

logging railroads

  RB-5111   Addenda And Index: Additions and Corrections  (SB)  (excellent, covers slightly toned)
      (supplement to the entire "Logging Railroad Era of Pennsylvania" series, 70pp - hard to find)
                      Taber                   Taber                          (Sold)

  RB-5079     Allegheny Valley Logging Railroads  (SB)  (near mint)
                     Casler                   1977                          $80.00

  RB-5146     Allegheny Valley Logging Railroads  (SB)  (very light used condition)
                     Casler                   1977                          $75.00

  RB-4641   Argent: Last of the Swamp Rats  (HB)  (near mint)
                      Ferrll                  PFM, 1994                      $145.00 

  RB-1081   Biles-Coleman Lumber Company's Reservation Narrow Gauge  (SB)  (light used cond., #1647 out of 2500)
     [history of Washington state's last narrow gauge logging RR, 1921-48, plus a supplement on Diamond Match 
      Co's Priest Lake RR "the West's most modern n.g. logging RR", 134pp]
                     Lewis                   Lewis, 1980                     $55.00 

  RB-2189   Biles-Coleman Lumber Company's Reservation Narrow Gauge  (SB)  
       (moderate used condition, minor creases and stains along the edges, #1667 out of 2500)
                     Lewis                   Lewis, 1980                     $41.00

  RB-0875   The Cordwood Limited: A History of the Victoria & Sidney Railway  (SB)  (near mint, corner bumped)
                     Hearn & Wilkie      B.C. Ry. Historical Assoc, revised 4th Ed, 1973   $23.00

  RB-3829   Dinkies, Dams and Sawdust: The Logging Railroads of West Central Pennsylvania  (SB)
                                                   (near mint)
                     Kline                    1975                          $44.00

  RB-1024   The Geared Locomotive of Dunkirk  (SB)   NOS, like new condition
      [history of the locomotives built by Dunkirk Iron Works (not Alco) / 32 pp, w/laid in print]
                     Hoffman                  1979                           $60.00 

  RB-1061   The Geared Locomotive of Dunkirk  (SB)   (signed! / light used condition)
      [history of the locomotives built by Dunkirk Iron Works (not Alco) / 32 pp, w/laid in print]
                     Hoffman                  1979                           $60.00

  RB-3986   Ghost Lumber Towns of Central Pennsylvania  (SB) (near mint)
                     Taber                   Taber, 1970                     $40.00

  RB-4068   The Goodyears: An Empire In the Hemlocks  (SB)  (light used condition)
                     Taber                    Taber, 1971                    $52.00 

  RB-5432   The Goodyears: An Empire In the Hemlocks  (SB)  (good used condition)
                     Taber                    Taber, 1971                    $43.00

  RB-4209   Logging Railroads Era of Lumbering in Pennsylvania  (HB)   (like new condition)
      Table of Contents and Introduction / 8 pages / quality printed version - very scarce]
                     Casler, Kline & Taber   1978                            $50.00

  RB-1919   Logging Railroads in Skagit County  (HB)   (new condition)
                     Thompson                 Northwest Short Line, 1989      $50.00

  RB-6046   Logging Railroads of the West  (HB)   (moderate used condition)
                     Adams                 Bonanza, 1961                $8.00 

  RB-4020   Logging South Cheat: The History of the Snowshoe Lands  (SB)   (new)
                     Dieke                    1978                            $26.00

  RB-3848   Logging South Cheat: The History of the Snowshoe Lands  (SB)   (like new)
                     Dieke                    1978                            $24.00

  RB-1422   Matches, Flumes and Rails  (HB)  
      (signed by author / missing DJ / gift inscription and former owner's name inside cover)
      [history of the Diamond Match Co's logging railroad in the Sierras]
                     Stephens                 Trans-Anglo, 1977               $65.00

  RB-4385    Myra's Men: Building the Kettle Valley Railwa  (SB)  (new)
                     Williams               Myra Canton Trestle, 2008         $30.00

  RB-1569    Pine Across The Mountain... California's McCloud River Railroad  (HB)   (light used condition)
                     Hanft                    Golden West, 1981                $55.00

  RB-3312    Pitch Pine and Prop Timber: The Logging Railroads of South-Central Pennsylvania  (SB)
                                    (would be like new, but corners dented)
                      Kline                   RR Museum of PA,1999             $59.00

  RB-5789    Pitch Pine and Prop Timber: The Logging Railroads of South-Central Pennsylvania  (SB)
                              (near mint /  no markings, or signs of use / lightest of shelf wear)
                      Kline                   1971                             $59.00 

  RB-5296    Pitch Pine and Prop Timber: The Logging Railroads of South-Central Pennsylvania  (SB)
                                             (very light used condition)
                      Kline                   1971                             $44.00 (Sold)

  RB-4028    Pitch Pine and Prop Timber: The Logging Railroads of South-Central Pennsylvania  (SB)
                              (light used condition / interior near mint / some wear to covers)
                      Kline                   1971                             $40.00

  RB-4382    Railroad Camp  (SB)  (new)
                       Wolf                   Canadian Caboose, 1992           $42.00 

  RB-5369    Railroad Logging in the Klamath Country  (HB)  (new)
                       Bowden                   Oso, 2003                      $99.95 

  RB-5223     Shays on the Switchbacks: Lenora, Mt. Sicker Railway  (SB)  (near mint condition)
                     White & Wilkie           BC Ry. Hist. Assoc, 1973          $47.00

  RB-1191     Steam and Thunder in the Timber  (HB)  (light used condition)
       [Limited Edition / signed by author / Copy #3140]
                     Koch                     World Press, 1979                  $155.00 

  RB-3811     Stemwinders of the Laurel Highlands  (SB)  (near mint)
       ["The Logging Railroads of South-Western Pennsylvania", 114pp]
                     Kline                    1973                               $55.00

  RB-4279      Stemwinders of the Laurel Highlands  (SB)  (light used condition)
       ["The Logging Railroads of South-Western Pennsylvania", 114pp]
                     Kline                    1973                               $46.00

  RB-5980      Stemwinders of the Laurel Highlands  (SB)  (light used condition)
       ["The Logging Railroads of South-Western Pennsylvania", 114pp]
                     Kline                    1973                               $46.00 (Sold) 

  RB-863      Sunset Along Susquehanna Waters  (SB)  (very light used condition)
      [history of logging RR's along the Susquehanna River in Pennsylvania, 95pp]
                     Taber                    1972                               $25.00

  RB-5270    Tall Pines and Winding Rivers  (SB)  (very light used condition)
              (The Logging Railroads of Maryland)
                  Kline                 1976                                 $36.00

  RB-2409     Tanbark, Alcohol and Lumber  (SB)  (light used condition)
                     Taber                    1974                               $46.00

  RB-2302     Tanbark, Alcohol and Lumber  (SB)  (moderate used condition / old name sticker inside)
                     Taber                    1974                               $34.00

  RB-6045     Tionesta Valley  (SB)   (very light used condition)
      [logging RR's at Sheffield, Brookston, Loleta, Bear Creek and Cherry Grove, Pa.]
                     Casler                   1973                               $67.00 (Sold) 

  RB-5966     Tionesta Valley  (SB)   (light used condition)
      [logging RR's at Sheffield, Brookston, Loleta, Bear Creek and Cherry Grove, Pa.]
                     Casler                   1973                               $65.00 (Sold)

  RB-0576     Whining Saws and Squealing Flanges  (SB)  (light used condition)
      [history of central Pennsylvania logging railroads, w/ photos. Book #6, 96pp.]
                     Taber                    Taber, 1972                        $30.00 (Sold)

  RB-3397     "Wild Catting" on the Mountain: The History of the Whitmer and Steele Lumber Companies  (SB)   
       (Book #2 in the Logging RR Era of Lumbering in Pennsylvania series)  (light use, but covers toned)
                      Kline                         1970                  (Sold)

To order call:   (707) 328-6215 (cell) or  539-1051 (land)  or   e-mail:  rrcomm@sonic.net
       payment accepted via: Visa, Master Card, Am Express, Discover, Zelle, checks / money orders, or Paypal
       Shipping: $5 for USPS Media Mail per order (flat rate - 1 book or 40 books ship for the same $5 to US addresses)

Long Island Railroad  /  LI

  RBL-3449    Change at Ozone Park  (SB)  (light used condition)
                     George                   RAE, 1993                      $75.00 

  RBL-1312    Diesels of the Sunrise Trail  (HB)      (like new)
                     Scala                   Weekend Chief, 1984             $135.00 

  RBL-1981    Long Island Rail Road  (SB)   (like new condition)
        [pictorial review of the Long Island RR in the steam and early Diesel era, 96pp]
                     Kramer                  Carstens,                       $23.00

  RBL-5097    Long Island Rail Road  (SB)   (very light used condition)
                     Fischler                 Voyageur / MBI, 2007           $45.00 

  RBL-5829    Long Island Rail RoadMemories  (SB)   (light used condition)
                     Harrison                    J&D, 1981                      $8.00

  RBL-4185    Long Island Rail Road in Early Photographs  (SB)   (light used condition)
                     Ziel                    Dover, 1990                     $5.00

  RBL-1196    The Pennsy Era on Long Island  (HB)  (near mint / trivial edgewear on DJ)
                     Ziel                    Sunrise Special, 1984           $28.00 

  RBL-2505    The Pennsy Era on Long Island  (HB)  (no DJ / light used condition)
                     Ziel                    Sunrise Special, 1984           $24.00


  RB-6551    Down Among the Sugar Cane: The Story of Louisiana Sugar Plantations and Their Railroads
                                              (HB)   (very light used condition / DJ in new archival book cover)
                     Butler                  Moran, 1980                    $135.00 
  RB-6288    Down Among the Sugar Cane: The Story of Louisiana Sugar Plantations and Their Railroads
                                                      (HB)   (light used condition)
                     Butler                  Moran, 1980                    $120.00 

  RB-2831    The Lafayette Street Railway  (SB)   (near mint)
                     Chambers        Electric Ry Historical Soc., 1958          $50.00 

  RB-2203    Louisiana: Its Street and Interurban Railways, V.I  (HB)   (light used condition)
                     Hennick & Charlton     Hennick, 1962                       $60.00  

  RB-6505    New Orleans and the Railroads  (HB)   (very light used condition)
                        Reed                 LSU, 1966                       $55.00 

Louisville & Nashville  /  L&N

  RBL-4542    L&N Cumberland Valley Division  (HB)   (new, but corners mildly bumped)
                    Flanary                       Old Line                    $60.00 
  RBL-6579    Louisville & Nashville Diesel Locomotives  (HB)   (mint condition)
                    Castner, Flanary & Gordon         TLC, 1998         $32.00 (Sold) 
  RBL-196     Louisville & Nashville in The Appalachians  (HB)  (very light used cond.)
                    Flanary                       Delmar, 1990                $30.00 
  RBL-6459    Louisville & Nashville in The Appalachians  (HB)  (excellent condition)
                    Flanary                       Delmar, 1990                $30.00

  RBL-0161    Louisville & Nashville: The Old Reliable  (HB)
                     Castner, Flanary & Dorin      TLC, 1996                  $50.00

  RBL-3769    Louisville & Nashville Railroad 1850-1960  (HB)  
            (full-sized 9" X 11" version/ good used condition / no DJ, as issued / no markings)
                     Herr                          L&N, 1960                      $26.00

  RBL-4525    Louisville and Nashville's Atlanta Division (HB) 
                                    (near mint / former owner's name stamped inside)  
                     George                Blue Ridge Historics, 2000         52.00   

  RBL-2128    Louisville & Nashville Steam locomotives - 1968 Revised Ed.  (HB)
       (near mint except for former owner's name stamps / has laid-in note from Prince proclaiming
         it to be an "original Printing Special Library Edition", but otherwise seems typical)
                      Prince                       Prince, 1968               $58.00


  RBM-5139    History of Mack Rail Motor Cars and Locomotives  (SB)  (near mint condition)
                    Kulp           Lehign Valley Ch., NRHS, 1971            $40.00

Maine Central  /  MEC

  RB-2383   Maine Central RR Mountain Division  (SB)  (very light used condition)
                      Johnson               470 RR Club                    $180.00 

  RB-2800   Maine Central RR Mountain Division  (SB)  (light used condition)
                      Johnson               470 RR Club                    $168.00


RB-5708      Albion on the Narrow Gauge  (HB)   (new)
                    Wiggin                         $48.00   
RB-4976      Aroostook Valley Railroad  (SB)   (very light used condition)
                    Heseltine & Robertson      Robertson, 1987      $30.00   
  RB-1532    The Best of Maine Railroads  (SB)    (light used condition)
                     Johnson             1985                              $10.00
  RB-5786  A Brief History of Edaville Entertainment Corp. and The Cranberry Belt Corp: Edaville (1991-1999)
     (plastic comb bound)  (light used condition)   Barney   2002           $26.00   

  RB-2833     The Dummy: A Story of the Pine Tree State's Seaside Railroad  (SB)
    [history of B&M's Old Orchard Beach branch, 48pp]  (very light used cond / signed by author in inscription)
                     Peverly & McLin           1973                        $36.00
  RB-5887   Industries & Operations of the Maine Two-Foot Gauge RR's: V. VIII
           (SB)  (near mint)       Barney            1997               $75.00 

  RB-1795    The Maine Two-Footers - Illustrated  (HB)     (new condition)
                     Moody                    Heimburger House, 1998       $120.00

  RB-6214    The Maine Scenic Route  (SB)     (like new  condition)
                     Crittenden                    McClain, 1966       $34.00 

  RB-5390    The Monson Railroad  (SB)     (light used  condition)
                     Whitney                    Robertson, 1998       $70.00 

  RB-5901    The Monson Railroad  (SB)     (moderate used condition)
                     Whitney                    Robertson, 1998       $60.00
  RB-5670    Narrow Gauge in the Sheepscot Valley V.1 - Wiscasset to Head Tide  (SB) (new)
                DeVoss, McChesney & Kohler    M2FQ, 2018                   $76.00  

  RB-5904    Narrow Gauge in the Sheepscot Valley V.2 - Whitefield to Weeks Mills  (HB !)   
              (scarce hardbound edition !)        (light used condition)
                DeVoss, McChesney & Kohler    M2FQ, 2002                  $175.00  

  RB-4080    Narrow Gauge in the Sheepscot Valley V.2 - Whitefield to Weeks Mills  (SB)   
                                                    (light used condition)
                DeVoss, McChesney & Kohler    M2FQ, 2002                   $85.00

  RB-5991    Narrow Gauge in the Sheepscot Valley V.3 - Palermo to Albion  (HB)   
              (hard cover - scarce! / very light used condition)
                Kohler & McChesney          M2FQ, 2003                   $120.00

  RB-5661    Narrow Gauge in the Sheepscot Valley V.3 - Palermo to Albion  (SB)   
              (very light used condition, but lower spine end creased)
                Kohler & McChesney          M2FQ, 2003                   $60.00 

  RB-5661    Narrow Gauge in the Sheepscot Valley V.5 - Locomotives of the WW&F Ry. (SB)  (new)
                Kohler & McChesney          M2FQ, 2006                   $80.00 

  RB-5705    Narrow Gauge in the Sheepscot Valley V.6 - Passenger Cars of the WW&F Ry. (SB)  (new)
                McChesney & Kohler          M2FQ, 2009                   $80.00 
  RB-2823     Portland Railroad  (HB)   (light used condition)
                     Cummings                 NRHS, 957                    $35.00
  RB-6525   Rumford Falls & Rangeley Lakes Railroad  (SB)  (moderate used condition)
                    Hutchinson            Partridge Lane, 1989             $90.00 
  RB-5660   SR&RL Passenger Cars  (SB)  (very light used condition)
                    Kohler              M2FQ, 2007             $36.00 
  RB-5643   Structures of the Maine Two-Footers, V. II  (SB)  (near mint)
                    Barney              A&M, 1988             $85.00 
  RB-5817   The Sunrise Route: History of RR's in Washington County, Maine 
      (SB)  (light use / signed by author / repro of 1901 Washington Couty RR Monthly in back pocket)
                    Zimmermann              1985               $52.00 
  RB-2288     Two Feet Between the Rails, V.1 - The Early Years  (HB)
                              (signed by author in inscription / light used condition)
                     Jones                    Sundance, 1979               $80.00
  RB-4207  Two Foot Cyclopedia: Sandy River & Rangeley Lakes, V.1: Kingfield, Maine
                                 (good used condition  (SB - comb bound)
                     Jensen                 Flagstop, 1977          $85.00 (Sold)


       (none currently in stock)


  RB-4079    Cumberland & Pennsylvania Railroad  (SB)   (light used condition) 
                  Mellander              Carstens, 1981                    $24.00

  RB-2827    History of the Canton Railroad Company  (HB)  
          (new, but has buffed spot on back where apparently a price sticker had been) 
                  Schlerf                 Canton RR, 1996                  $85.00

  RB-6156    History of the Canton Railroad Company  (HB)  (like new) 
                  Schlerf                 Canton RR, 1996                  (Sold)

  RB-3042    Otto Mears Goes East: The Chesapeake Beach Ry.  (HB) 
     (almost new, but minor stains of DJ spine and former owners's name embossed inside)
                  Williams      Friends of the Chesapeake Beach Ry., 1997   $24.00

  RB-6358    Rails to the Big Vein: Short Lines of Allegany Couunty, Md  (SB)  (good used condition)
                  Mellander            Potomac Ch., NRHS                     $30.00 

  RB-3072    Tall Pines and Winding Rivers  (SB)  (near mint condition)
                  Kline                 1976                                 $45.00

  RB-1880     Trackside Maryland: From Railyard To Main Line  (HB)   (new condition)
                     Gallagher & Kelly         Greenberg, 1992               $17.00


  RB-6375    Narrow Gauge to Boston  (SB)  (new)
                  Kyper         South Platte, 2010             $46.00 

  RB-0496    Railroad Cities: Springfield, Massachusetts  (SB)    (like new condition)
     [great photos by Robert Liljestrand of NYC, NH, B&M & B&A, '30's through the '-50's, 48 pp]
                  Liljestrand & Sweetland       Bob's Photos, 2002             $15.00

  RB-6213    Railroad That Came Out at Night: Railroading around Boston  (SB)  (good used condition)
                  Kyper         Stephen Greene, 1978             $18.00 

  RB-6529    Railroad That Came Out at Night: Railroading around Boston  (SB)  (like new condition)
                  Kyper         Carstens, 1990             $20.00 


  RB-6408    Central American Holiday  (SB)  (light used condition) 
                  Best           Pacific Coast Ch, R&LHS, 1960         $80.00
  RBM-5236   N de M In Color (like new, except for inside-taped tear on DJ spine) 
                    Herson                   Morning Sun, 2000             $155.00

  RBM-4220    Railroads In Mexico, V.1  (HB)   (new)
                       Franco                Sundance, 1985                $130.00

  RBM-3010    Railroads In Mexico, V.1  (HB)   (like new)
                       Franco                Sundance, 1985                $90.00  

  RBM-3260    Railroads In Mexico, V.1  (HB)   
          (like new, but seams in vinyl book cover starting to split)
                       Franco                Sundance, 1985                $70.00

  RBM-6622    Railroads In Mexico, V. II  (HB)    (new condition / #52)
                       Franco                Sundance, 1988                $245.00

  RBM-6300    Railroads In Mexico, V. II  (HB)  
                                (like new, but former owner's book plate inside)
                       Franco                Sundance, 1988                $210.00 
  RB-6516   Southern Pacific of Mexico (light used condition) 
                    Signor & Kirchner          Golden West, 1987     $74.00 (Sold)

  RBM-6044    Yucatan Mule Cars  (SB)   
       (good condition / has laid-in list of Brill cars sold 2nd hand to Mexican owners)
                       Peschkes           Tx. Electric RR's Assoc., 1977          $110.00 

To order call:   (707) 328-6215 (cell) or  539-1051 (land)  or   e-mail:  rrcomm@sonic.net


  RB-2753   The Haywire: A Brief History of the Manistique & Lake Superior RR  (HB)
                        (almost like new, but has a couple of bumps along the cover edges)
                   Horstein            Michigan State U, 2005        $23.00 
  RB-4980   Where The Rails Cross  (SB)  (near mint)
                   Quastler            R&I, 2005                     $75.00 

military rail operations

  RB-6397      America's Fighting Railroads  (HB)  (like new condition)
                            DeNevi             Pictorial Histories, 1997                 $17.00
  RB-1186      Narrow Gauge To No Man's Land  (HB)  (very light used condition)
     0-9615467-2-7     Dunn                  Benchmark, 1990                 $125.00 

  RBM-0586     Rails to Doomsday  (SB)   (light used condition)
      [history of the US Army's Corregidor & Manila Bay RR's, w. photos & maps, includes 3 inserted maps, 76 pp]
                       Small                 Railroad Monographs, 1980      $65.00 
   RB-6215   United States Military Railway Service  (HB)  (mint condition)
                       DeNevi & Hall              Stoddard, 1992                   $15.00 (Sold)

Milwaukee Road  /  Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul & Pacific  /  CMStP&P

  RBM-6496     The Hiawatha Story  (HB) (signed by author! / book near mint)
                     Scribbins               Kalmbach, 1988               $60.00 

  RBM-0178     The Hiawatha Story  (HB) (book exc / DJ has notable fraying along top)
                     Scribbins               Kalmbach, 1970               $16.00

  RBM-3498     The Milwaukee Railroad: Steam Locomotives & Trains  1930-1954  (HB)   
                             (signed by author in inscription / near mint condition)
                     Durham                  1998                         $60.00 

  RBM-3657     Milwaukee Road Bi-Polar Electrics  (SB)
       (clean, tight, but old gift plate pasted inside / doesn't lay entirely flat)
                     Holley                 New Jersey Int.                $21.00 

  RBM-0154     The Milwaukee Road: East  (HB)  (book & DJ excellent)
                     Dorin                  Superior, 1978                 $22.00

  RBM-2130     The Milwaukee Road: East  (SB)  (book like new except one corner bumped)
                     Dorin                  Superior, 1978                 $16.00

  RBM-0008     The Milwaukee Road in Color: V. 3 - Wisconsin and Michigan  (HB)  (like new)
                     Strauss                Morning Sun Books, 1997        $38.00 

  RBM-4917     The Milwaukee Road in Color: V. 4 - Iowa, Mo, Mn & Dakotas (HB) (near mint)
                     Strauss                Morning Sun Books, 2001        $190.00 

  RBM-3350     The Milwaukee Road in Dakota  (SB)
                     Mills                  Battle Creek, 1998             $135.00 

  RBM-1107     Milwaukee Road In Its Hometown  (SB)  (light used cond. one corner bumped)
                     Scribbins              Kalmbach, 1998                 $23.00 

  RBM-3668     Milwaukee Road In Its Hometown  (SB)  (light used cond. one corner creased)
                     Scribbins              Kalmbach, 1998                 $19.00

  RBM-5998     Milwaukee Road Locomotives, V. 2  (SB)  (like new)
                     Strauss              Four Ways West, 2007                 $85.00 

  RBM-5570     Milwaukee Road Locomotives, V. 3  (SB)  (like new)
                     Strauss              Four Ways West, 2009                 $44.00

  RBM-1624     Milwaukee Road Narrow Gauge: The Chicago, Bellevue, Cascade & Western - Iowa's Slim Princess
                                                     (HB)    (like new condition)  
    0-87108-694-8    Tigges & Jacobsn       Pruett, 1985                   $55.00

  RB-1836      The Milwaukee Road Passenger Train Services: From the Hiawatha Era to Amtrak and Beyond
    9-781883-089924    Dorin                TLC, 2004                      $26.00

  RBM-139     The Milwaukee Road Remembered  (HB)  (signed by author!)
                                                 (book excellent / DJ has minor wear at corners)
    0-89024-075-2      Scribbins            Kalmbach, 1990                 $32.00

  RB-4034      Milwaukee Road's Rib-Side Cabooses  (SB)   (very light used condition)
                     Kehoe                  Milw Road Hist Assoc, 1996     $55.00 

  RB-4729      Milwaukee Road's Wooden Cabooses  (SB)   (very light used condition)
                     Kehoe                  Milw Road Hist Assoc, 1996     $60.00

  RBM-0300      The Milwaukee Road Under Wire (Quadrant Press Review 2) (SB)  (good condition)
                     Zimmerman              Quadrant Press, 1973           $15.00

  RB-5766      Orange Cars West  (SB)   (near mint, but spine ends dented)
                     Armbruster                  Milw Road Hist Assoc, 2018     (Sold) 

mining tram lines

  RB-1131     Rails To The Mines: Taiwan's Forgotten Railways  (SB)  (light used condition)
                     Small                   Small, 1978                 $52.00 

To order call:   (707) 328-6215 (cell) or  539-1051 (land)  or   e-mail:  rrcomm@sonic.net
       payment accepted via: Visa, Master Card, Am Express, Discover, Zelle, checks / money orders, or Paypal

Minneapolis & St. Louis  /  M&StL

  RBM-2673     Mileposts on the Prairie  (HB)
      (book excellent / DJ has fraying and staining along edges, taped repairs)
                     Donovan            Simmons-Boardman, 1950          $46.00


  RB-2331      Gateway To The Northwest: The Story of the Minnesota Transfer  (SB)  (light used cond.)
                     Donovan                  Donovan, 1954               $55.00 

  RB-4853      The Lake Superior Iron Ore Railroads  (HB)  (light used condition)
                     Dorin                    Bonanza, 1977              $10.00

  RBM-4306     Minnesota Logging Railroads  (HB)  (like new)
                     King                     Golden West, 1981           $80.00

  RBM-2049     Minnesota Logging Railroads  (SB)  (mint condition, except former owner's stamp inside)
                     King                     Univ. of Mn, 2003           $15.00


  RB-1035   1879 Car-Builder's Dictionary's  (HB)  (book excellent / DJ rough)
      (illustrations of rail car construction & hardware, plus misc RR hardware, ~250pp)
      (a great resource for railroadiana collectors, modelers and historians, 100's of detail illustrations)
                      Forney                  Simmons-Boardman, 1949          $65.00 

  RB-5820   Car and Locomotive Cyclopedia 1980  (HB)  (like new)
                                              Simmons-Boardman, 1980          $80.00 (Sold) 

  RB-6330   Car and Locomotive Cyclopedia 1980  (HB)  
   (light humidity damage - doesn't effect readability - some pages stiff, but none stuck together)
                                              Simmons-Boardman, 1980          $40.00

  RB-2920   Along an Open Track  (HB)  (like new but DJ spine toned)
                      Kochanek                North Shore, 1972               $10.00
  RB-4277   Bradshaw's Railway Manual, Shareholder's Guide & Directory 1869  (HB)  (like new)
                                              Augustus Kelly, 1969            $40.00

  RB-1666   Chasing Trains  (HB)           (signed / #308 / new condition)
     ["The Lifetime Story of the Founder of the Colorado Railroad Museum", 432pp]
                      Richardson              Sundance, 1995                  $50.00

  RB-445   Classic Railroad Advertising  (HB)  (very light used condition)
     [great color reproductions of classic railroad advertising - mostly for passenger trains]
                     Burness                  Kraus, 2001                     $9.90

  RB-3257   Encyclopedia of North American Railroads  (new condition)
                    Middleton, et al          In. University                  $46.00

  RB-2692   Encyclopedia of North American Railroads  (like new)
                    Klein                     Exeter, 1986                    $29.00

  RB-2956   The Faces of Railroading  (HB)  (new condition)
                    Swanson                   Kalmbach, 2004                  $40.00

  RB-0397   Four Great Divisions  (SB)      (light used condition)   
      [pictorial reviews of NYC's Hudson Div., NP / BN's Rocky Mtn. Div.& EL's NY & Scrantons Divs., 112pp] 
                     Henderson                H&M                              $30.00 

  RB-1869   Intermodal Railroading  (HB)   (new condition)
     0-7603-2528-5   Solomon               Voyageur / MBI, 2007           $21.00

  RB-3325    The Iron Horse at War  (HB)  (near mint throughout)
      [pictorial documentary of stateside rail operations enduring the strain of WW II, 256pp]
                     Valle / Delano           Howell North, 1977              $75.00 

  RB-3586   The Historical Atlas of North American Railroads  (HB) 
                                          (light used condition / DJ has small taped tears)
                     Westwood & Wood          Chartwell, 2007                 $12.00
  RB-5194   Jane's World Railways 1971-72  
     (spine clear-taped, but binding functions normally - loose but pages held / interior clean)
				               	Janes, 1972                  $30.00

  RB-1835   The Lionel Inspiration  (HB)    (new cond / DJ spine slightly faded)
                     Brennan                  Morning Sun, 1997               $47.00

  RB-3596   Locomotives of the World  (HB)  (near mint / some scuffing on covers)
    [locomotive history told through stamps & text / 100's of archivally mounted, mint locomotive stamps]
                     Taber           Stamp Collector's Soc. of Am., 1986      $70.00

  RB-3597   Those Magnificent Trains - 1994  (wall calendar)  (new in shrinkwrap)
                     Dittlefsen               Cedco, 1993                     $15.00

  RB-3225   The New Illustrated Encyclopedia of Railways  (HB)  (excellent condition)
                     Tufnee                  Chartell, 2000                   $19.95

  RB-1448   North American Railyards  (HB)   (like new)
                     Rhodes                   MBI, 2003                       $20.00

  RB-4185   North American Railyards  (HB)   (light used condition)
                     Rhodes                   MBI, 2003                       $16.00

  RB-6503   One Man's Locomotive  (HB)   
           (interior like new / DJ has moderate wear but now in new archival book cover)
                 Smith                Trans Anglo, 1987            $190.00 

  RB-6535   One Man's Locomotive  (HB)   (very light used condition)
                 Smith                Trans Anglo, 1987            $190.00

  RB-2852   Piggyback and Containers  (HB)  (near mint, but spine slightly faded)
                     DeBoer                   Golden West, 1992               $32.00 

  RB-2405   Railroad Bridges In The Heartland  (SB)  (light used condition)
                     Changnon                 Changnon, 1997                  $55.00 

  RB-5683   Railroad Names  (HB)    (very light used condition)
                     Edson                     1989              $32.00

  RB-1607   The Railroad Night Scene  (HB)    (new, but lower corners bumped)
                     Cook with Boyd           Old Line Graphics, 1991         $32.00

  RB-1638   Railroads  (HB)   (like new)
     0-393-02236-6    Ball                    Norton, 1985                 $15.00

  RB-6384   The Streamline Era  (HB) (fair condition / no DJ)
                        Reed          Golden West, 1975               $18.00 
  RB-2921   When Beauty Rode the Rails  (HB)  (light used condition)
                      Beebe                   Doubleday, 1962                 $14.00

  RBR-0119  Where Rails Meet the Sea  (HB)  (near mint)
                     Krieger                   Metro Book, 1998               $30.00


  RB-6059    Cotton Railroad Through Mississippi:
     The Mississippi Central and the Illinois Central  (SB)  (new)
                     Winter                                        $80.00 
  RB-6065    Cotton Railroad Through Mississippi:
     The Mississippi Central and the Illinois Central  (SB)  (new)
                     Winter                                        $80.00 (Sold)
  RB-6067    Cotton Railroad Through Mississippi:
     The Mississippi Central and the Illinois Central  (SB)  (new)
                     Winter                                        $80.00 (Sold)
  RB-6092    Mississippi Train Rider   (SB)  (new)
     (recounting times, tales, photos of old Mississippi rail travel from the eyes of a native, 120 pages)
                     Brooks & Winter             2019                $45.00 
  RB-4755    Steam Whistles in the Piney Woods, V.2  (HB)  (new)
                     Hoffman        Ms. Great Southern Ch., NRHS, 2002        (Sold) 

Missouri Kansas & Texas  /  The Katy  /  MKT

  RBM-5450    Katy Power: Locomotives & Trains, 1912-1985  (HB)  
             (near mint, besides minor faint stain of dust jacket)
                     Collias & George        M M Books, 1986                  $60.00 

  RBM-5450    Katy Power: Locomotives & Trains, 1912-1985  (HB)  
                                                 (excellent+ to near mint)
                     Collias & George        M M Books, 1986                  $60.00

  RBM-0517    The Katy Railroad and the Last Frontier  (SB)   (near mint cond.)
       [historical account of the early days of the MKT, 312pp]
                      Masterson              Univ. of Missouri, 1992          $15.00 

  RBM-5468    The Katy Railroad and the Last Frontier  (SB)   (light used cond.)
       [historical account of the early days of the MKT, 312pp]
                      Masterson              Univ. of Missouri, 1952          $7.00

 RBM-4893      Katy Steam Finale  (SB)  (light used condition)
                      Stagner                South Platte, 1998               $68.00 

  RBM-5458     Katy Southwest - Steam and Diesel Power Pictorial (SB)  (new in original shrinkwrap)
                      McCall / Schultz       Kachina, 1985                    $65.00 

  RBM-1439     Katy Southwest - Steam and Diesel Power Pictorial (SB)  (near mint)
                      McCall / Schultz       Kachina, 1985                    $34.00

  RBM-6458    Missouri - Kansas - Texas In Color  (HB)  
       (very light used condition / neatly taped tear along edge of dust jacket)
                      George                 Morning Sun, 1994                $66.00 

Missouri Pacific  /  MP

  RB-1935     Missouri Pacific In Color  (HB)  (new condition)
                     Collias                 MM, 1993                       $50.00

  RBM-3711    Missouri Pacific P-73 Class 4-6-2's  (near mint / former owner's name stamped inside)
                                             PFM, 1977                      $30.00 

  RBM-1232    MOPAC POWER  (HB)  (near mint / DJ has minor fraying at top of spine)
                     Collias                 Howell North, 1980             $47.00

  RBM-6686    Rails To The Osage: Story of Warsaw Branch of the  Missouri Pacific  (like new)
                      Bird           Menwith, 2009                    $83.00 

Monon  /  Chicago, Indianapolis & Louisville

  RBM-5621     Monon:– The Hoosier Line, 2nd, Revised Ed.  (HB) (new condition)
                     Dolzall & Dolzall       Indiana University, 2002         $34.00

  RBM-0024     Monon: The Hoosier Line  (HB) (near mint)
                     Dolzall & Dolzall       Interurban Press, 1987           $28.00 

  RBM-0266     Monon Route  (HB)  (moderate used condition)
                     Hilton                  Howell North, 1984               $25.00 


  RBM-6501     Montana Rail Link Locomotives & Rolling Stock  (HB) (near mint)
                     Del Grosso & Yaremko          GNP, 2000            $180.00 
  RBM-6606     Montana Rail Link Locomotives & Rolling Stock  (HB) (good used condition)
                     Del Grosso & Yaremko          GNP, 2000            $140.00 

To order call:   (707) 328-6215 (cell) or  539-1051 (land)  or   e-mail:  rrcomm@sonic.net
       payment accepted via: Visa, Master Card, Am Express, Discover, Zelle, checks / money orders, or Paypal
       Shipping: $5 for USPS Media Mail per order (flat rate - 1 book or 40 books ship for the same $5 to US addresses)

Moody's Manuals        (also see Poor's manuals listed below)

Industrial Manuals
  RBM-0972   Moody's Industrial Manual, 1928  (HB)     
                                                            (good used condition)    $90.00

  RBM-0868   Moody's Industrial Manual, 1942  (HB)         $80.00

  RBM-0909   Moody's Industrial Manual, 1943  (HB)         $80.00

  RBM-0848   Moody's Industrial Manual, 1946  (HB)         $75.00

Railroad Manuals
  RBM-3560   Moody's Steam Railroads, 1920  (HB)  (worn condition)    $220.00

  RBM-3645   Moody's Steam Railroads, 1932  (HB)  (rough condition)   $150.00

  RBM-3690   Moody's Steam Railroads, 1945  (HB) (interior like new / covers spotty)  

  RBM-2958   Moody's Steam Railroads, 1948  (HB)  (light used condition)   $100.00

  RBM-3251   Moody's Steam Railroads, 1950  (HB)  (light used condition)   $90.00

Nashville, Chattanooga & St. Louis  /  NC&StL

  RBN-2791   The Dixie Line: Nashville, Chattanooga & St. Louis Ry.  (HB)  (like new)
         (near mint, but lower spine end has minor fraying)
    911868-87-9        Castner                 Carstens, 1995               $25.00 

  RBN-0272   The Dixie Line: Nashville, Chattanooga & St. Louis Ry.  (HB)
                                        (near mint, but lower spine end has minor fraying)
    911868-87-9      Castner                 Carstens, 1995                $18.00

  RBN-0243   Nashville, Chattanooga & St. Louis Railway  (HB)  (new)
                     Prince              In. University                     $22.00 


  RB-4978    Static Steam: Locomotives on Display in Nebraska (HB) (near mint)
     0-9609568-4-0       Reisdorff            South Platte, 1985              $18.00


  RB-2173 & 2174  Railroads of Nevada & Eastern California, Volumes 1 & 2  (HB)
      (two books, sold as set, both in near mint condition with only minor edgewear)
                     Myrick                  Howell-North, 1962 & 1963        $125.00 (for set)

  RB-2298     Railroads of Nevada and Eastern California, Vol. 1  (HB)  (like new)
                     Myrick                 Howell-North, 1982                $55.00

  RB-0841     Railroads of Nevada & Eastern California, Vol. 1  (HB)  (book VG / DJ poor, 1 inner flap missing)
                     Myrick                 Howell-North, 1962                $25.00

  RB-0862     Railroads of Nevada & Eastern California, Vol. 2  (HB)  (book good / DJ acceptable condition)
                     Myrick                 Howell-North, 1963                $45.00
  RB-4753    Rails Around Lake Tahoe  (new in shrinkwrap)
                Ferrell                 Signature, 2011                $74.00
  RB-1492     The Silver Short Line: A History of The Virginia & Truckee Railroad (HB)  (light used condition)
                     Wurm & Demoro           Trans-Anglo, 1983             $30.00

  RB-1341     Steamcars to the Comstock  (HB)  (book excellent / DJ rough)
                    Beebe & Clegg            Howell-North, 1957               $10.00

New Hampshire

  RB-2460    Railroads Cities: Concord, New Hampshire (SB)    (new)
                     Liljestrand & Sweetland                               $40.00

  RB-0485    Railroad Cities: Concord, New Hampshire  (SB)    (very near mint condition)
     [great photos by Robert Liljestrand of B&M and Suncook Valley, '30's through the '-50's, 48 pp]
                    Liljestrand & Sweetland     Bob's Photos, 2002         $24.00

New Haven  /  NYNH&H

  RB-2368    Diesel Locomotives of the New Haven Railroad  (book excellent / DJ shows rubbing wear)
                    Cavanaugh             NJ Int., 1980                   $65.00
  RBN-5147  Dining on the Shore Line Route  (SB)  (new in shrinkwrap)
                   Frattasio               TLC                         $60.00
  RBN-5215  Dining on the Shore Line Route  (SB)  (like new)
                   Frattasio               TLC, 2003              $30.00 

  RB-1063    In The Shore Line's Shadow  (SB)   (near new condition)
                    Cornwall              Flying Yankee, 1987             $30.00

  RB-1030    In The Shore Line's Shadow  (SB)   (light used condition)
                    Cornwall              Flying Yankee, 1987             $28.00 

  RBN-4490   New Haven Color Pictorial, V. 1: The West End  (HB)  (like new)
                    Sweetland             Four Ways West, 2001            $60.00 

  RBN-4637   New Haven Color Pictorial, V. 2: Central Ct & Rhode Island  (HB)  (like new)
                    Sweetland             Four Ways West, 2003            $60.00 

  RBN-4691   New Haven Color Pictorial, V. 3: The East End  (HB)  (new in shrinkwrap)
                    Sweetland             Four Ways West, 2007            $160.00

  RBN-6006   New Haven Color Pictorial, V. 3: The East End  (HB)  (very near mint)
                    Sweetland             Four Ways West, 2007            $115.00 

  RB-0985    New Haven: Description of Locomotives  (SB)   (new old stock)
      (original NH RR issued specification booklet for all locomotives on roster Sept. 1956, 22pp]
                                     NYNH&H RR, 1956                      $37.00 

  RB-0838    New Haven Diesel Locomotives, Vol. 1: Switchers & Road Switchers  (SB) (new)
       (pictorial review of NH switchers and "hood" locomotives, mostly early photos, 48pp]
                    Liljestrand & Sweetland                               $33.00 

  RB-4534    New Haven Diesel Locomotives, Vol. 2: DL109s, FAs & Demonstrators  (SB)  (new)
                    Liljestrand & Sweetland                               $24.95 (Sold)

  RB-6453    New Haven Diesel Locomotives, Vol. 2: DL109s, FAs & Demonstrators  (SB)  (like new)
                    Liljestrand & Sweetland                               $22.00 

  RBN-1053   New Haven Division: Murray Hill to Cedar Hill  (SB)  (light used cond./ corner creased)
                    Sherry                  Parlor Car, 1988              $25.00 

  RBN-4369   New Haven Electric Locomotives & MU Cars  (SB)  (new)
                    Liljestrand & Sweetland                               $25.00 

  RBN-2868   New Haven Railroad  (HB)  (near mint)
                    Lynch                   MBI, 2003                     $45.00 

  RBN-3755   New Haven Railroad's Electrified Zone  (SB)    (new condition)
                    Liljestrand & Abramson              Bob's               $34.00

  RBN-6484   New Haven Railroad's Electrified Zone  (SB)    (very light used condition)
                    Liljestrand & Abramson              Bob's               $22.00 

  RB-4858    New Haven Railroad: Boston Division  (SB) (new)
                    Liljestrand             Bob's Photo, 2001              $36.00

  RB-4737    New Haven Railroad: Midland Division  (SB) (new)
                    Liljestrand             Bob's Photo, 2007              $45.00 

  RB-6275    New Haven Railroad: Old Colony Division, (V. 1)  (SB) (new)
                    Liljestrand             Bob's Photo, 2000              $36.00  

  RB-6441    New Haven Railroad: Old Colony Division, (V. 1)  (SB) (near mint)
                    Liljestrand             Bob's Photo, 2000              $33.00

  RB-5969    New Haven Railroad: Old Colony Division, V. 2  (SB) (new)
                    Liljestrand             Bob's Photo, 2007              $40.00  

  RB-1578    New Haven in the Streamline Era  (HB)   (new, but spine is somewhat faded)
                    Doughty                 TLC, 1998                      $35.00

  RB-5252    Passenger Cars of the New Haven Railroad  (SB)   (new)
                    Sweetland & Liljestrand   Bob's photos                 $36.00 

  RB-5358    Rails Across New Haven  (SB)   (new)
                  Liljestrand                Bob's Photos, 2001            $45.00

  RB-3719    Rolling Stock of New England, Vol. 1: New Haven RR Work Equipment  (SB)  (new)
                    Liljestrand             Bob's Photos, 2001             $40.00

  RB-0820    Rolling Stock of New England, Vol. 1: New Haven RR Work Equipment  (SB)
       (like new)  (pictorial review of NH cranes, snow plows, work cars, highway vehicles, 48pp]
                    Liljestrand             Bob's Photos, 2001             $34.00 

  RB-0860    Rolling Stock of New England, Vol. 2: New Haven RR Freight Equipment  (SB) (new)
                    Liljestrand             Bob's Photos, 2001             $30.00 

  RB-0860    Rolling Stock of New England, Vol. 2: New Haven RR Freight Equipment  (SB)
       (like new)  (pictorial review of NH revenue freight cars, 48pp]
                    Liljestrand             Bob's Photos, 2001             $28.00

New Jersey

  RB-6391    By Rail To The Boardwalk  (HB)  (near mint condition)
                    Gladulich        Trans-Anglo, 1986                    $63.00 
  RB-6266    Chronology of the Belvidere Delaware Railroad  (SB)  (light used condition)
                    Lee & Lee         Bel-Del, 1989                    $84.00 
  RB-6222    Down Along the Old Bel-Del  (HB)  (excellent condition)
                    Lee         Bel-Del, 1987                    $135.00 
  RB-5726    From the Hills to the Hudson:
    History of the Paterson & Hudson, and Paterson & Ramapo, and Union RR's (HB)  (light used condition)
                       Lucas          Railroadians of Am., 1944                 $36.00

  RB-6192    Guide to South Jersey Abandoned Railroads, V. 4  (SB)  (very light used condition)
                    Caldes         Pine East Gallery, 2000                    $19.95 

  RB-0361    Iron Horse Across The Garden State  (SB)  (VG / corners slightly creased & some rubbing)
                    Rosenbaum & Gallo         Railpace, 1985                 $29.50 

  RB-6689    Iron Mine Railroads of Northern New Jersey  (HB! - scarce!) 
      (book - light used condition / dust jacket - moderate used condition)
   (harcovers are scarce)    Lowenthal    Tri-State Ry Hist. Soc., 1981        $165.00 

  RB-6354    Iron Rails in The Garden State  (SB)  (new)
   (out-of-print / scarce)    Bianculli    Indiana University, 2008         $95.00 

  RB-606     Morristown & Erie Railroad  (HB)  (light wear, DJ ends frayed)
                     Taber               Railroadians of Am., 1967              $28.00

  RB-6060    NJ Transit Rail Operations  (HB)   (near mint)
                     Rosenbaum & Gallo            Railpace, 1996            $66.00 

  RB-4393    Pascack Valley Line  (SB)   (like new)
                     Jones              Railroadians of America, 1996           $80.00
  RBP-6346    Pennsylvania-Reading Seashore Lines  (SB)  
      (interior excellent - clean / no markings / covers show noticeable rubbing wear)
                    Kramer               Crusader Press, 1980       $28.00 

  RB-3861    Pennsylvania-Reading Seashore Lines In Color  (HB)   (near mint)
                     Stroup               Morning Sun, 1996            $38.00 

  RB-6568    Railroading In New Jersey  (SB)  (good used condition)
                     Cunningham       Assoc. RR of NJ, c. 1951             $15.00 

  RB-6276    Railroads of Camden County  (SB)  (new)
                     Stanton                2006                 $32.00 
  RB-0536    Railroads of Southern Jersey  (SB)  (good cond., covers show rub wear)
      [amateurish survey of southern NJ railroads in the 1990's - maybe somebody will want it, 28pp]
                     Caldes                    Trakedge                    (free with any order)

  RB-6011    Rock-A-Bye Baby: A History of the Rockaway Valley RR (SB)  (near mint, but one corner creased)
                     Taber                     Taber, 1972                      $36.00

  RB-3715    Rock-A-Bye Baby: A History of the Rockaway Valley RR (SB)  (nice, but one corner creased)
                     Taber                     Taber, 1972                      $35.00 (Sold)

  RB-6445    The Rockaway Valley Railroad (Story) (SB)  (very light used condition)
                     Johnston                  1958                      $33.00 

  RB-5972    U34CH: New Jersey's Unique U-boat  (HB)   (very light used condition)
                     Yanosey                    Morning Sun, 2018                $32.00 

  RBN-6331   The Unique New York & Long Branch  (HB) (like new)
                   Wood, Rosenbaum & Gallo    Audio Visual Designs, 1985         $33.00

  RBN-1984   The Unique New York & Long Branch  (HB) 
                                           (near mint, but minor age freckles on dust jacket spine)
                   Wood, Rosenbaum & Gallo    Audio Visual Designs, 1985         $27.00 

  RB-0414    West Jersey Rails  (SB)     (very light used condition)
                                                West Jersey Ch., NRHS, 1983      $19.00

  RB-0415    West Jersey Rails II  (SB)  
                                  (fair cond / back cover & last 3 pages creased & have 1 1/2" tear)
                                                West Jersey Ch., NRHS, 1983      $22.00

New Mexico

  RB-4179    New Mexico's Railroads (SB)  (nice, but covers show some rubbing)
                    Myrick                   Colo. RR Museum, 1970            $6.00
  RB-6636    Silver City Narrow Gauge (SB)  (light used condition)
                    Ericson                   M2FQ, 2007            $115.00

New York

  RB-6448     Adirondack Railroads: Real and Phantoms  (SB) (very light used condition)
                     Hochschild             Adirondack Museum, 1966           $38.00
  RB-5727     Brooklyn Waterfront Railways  (SB)  (near mint condition)
                     Bendersky               Meatball., 1971           $38.95 
  RB-3461     Chautauqua Lake Steamboats  (SB)  (light used condition)
                     Ahlstrom               Fenton Hist. Soc., 1971           $65.00 

  RB-2401     The Delaware & Northern and the Towns It Served  (SB)  (very light used condition)
                     Horton                Purple Mountain, 1989              $47.00 

  RB-5355     Iron Rails In Seneca Land  (SB)  (new, but one corner mildly bumped)
                     Fries, Kilmer, et al.    Fries                           $120.00 

  RB-5333     Iron Rails In Seneca Land  (SB)  (near mint)
                     Fries, Kilmer, et al.    Fries                           $90.00

  RB-4924     Ithaca-Auburn Short Line   (SB)  light used condition
                     Palmer                                                   $34.00

  RB-4135     Ithaca-Auburn Short Line   (SB)  book creased lengthwise
                     Palmer                                                   $18.00

  RB-6495     New York Harbor Railroads in Color, Vol. 1  (like new condition)
                     Flagg                    Morning Sun, 2000               $130.00

  RB-4800     New York Harbor Railroads in Color, Vol. 1  (very light used condition)
                     Flagg                    Morning Sun, 2000               $120.00 

  RB-2494     New York Harbor Railroads in Color, Vol. 2  (like new condition)
                     Flagg                    Morning Sun, 2002               $59.00

  RB-2155     Railroad Ferries of the Hudson  (HB)   (like new, but gift inscription inside)
                     Baxter & Adams           Lind                            $28.00

  RB-5156     Railroad Ferries of the Hudson  (HB)   (excellent condition)
                     Baxter & Adams           Lind, 1987                  $28.00

  RB-1146     Railroad Ferries of the Hudson  (HB) 
     (shows little use, but pages are waved - won't lay flat - from humid storage, no staining)
                     Baxter & Adams           Lind                            $14.00 

  RB-2549     Railroad Ferries of the Hudson  (SB)       (very light used condition)
                     Baxter & Adams           Fordham, 1999                $55.00

  RB-4895    Railroads of the Hudson River Valley  (HB)  (new)
                     McBride                   2008                           $42.00 

  RB-5054    Railroads of the Hudson River Valley  (HB) 
                                                        (new, but slightly bumped up in shipment)
                     McBride                   2008                           $32.00

  RB-5637    Rails Around Gotham  (HB)  (near mint)
                     Carleton                   Carleton, 1981               $37.00 

  RB-5738    Rails Around Gotham  (HB)  (light used condition)
                     Carleton                   Carleton, 1981               $24.00

  RB-3104    Rails Around Gotham  (HB)  (fair used condition)
                     Carleton                   Carleton, 1981               $14.00

  RB-0199    Rip Van Winkle Railroads  (HB)
                     Helmer                    Howell-North, 1970             $12.00

  RB-4746     The Sapbush Run: History of the Black River & Utica RR  (HB)  
                       (light used condition / dust jacket in clear archival book cover)
                    O'Donnell                  Black River, 1948              $30.00

  RB-4497     South Buffalo Railway  (SB)  (new / signed by author)
                     Koenig                    South Platte, 2004             $80.00 

  RB-4591     South Buffalo Railway  (SB) 
                  (light wear overall but top of spine bent and has a small tear)
                     Koenig                South Platte, 2004             $47.00

  RB-1101     Steam and Trolley Days on the Fonda, Johnstown and Gloversville Railroad  (SB)
              (signed by Nestle / covers worn and stained / cover seem split but nicely repaired, now tight)
                     Nestle & Gordon                             $35.00 

  RB-5143   Western New York & Pennsylvania Railway  (SB)  (like new)
                   Pietrak, Streamer, Brocklin         2000                $100.00
  RB-5066   Western New York & Pennsylvania Railway  (SB)  
           (overall light wear / outer edge of last few pages shows moisture damage - no effect on text, photos)
                   Pietrak, Streamer, Brocklin         2000                $80.00

To order call:   (707) 328-6215 (cell) or  539-1051 (land)  or   e-mail:  rrcomm@sonic.net
       payment accepted via: Visa, Master Card, Am Express, Discover, Zelle, checks / money orders, or Paypal
       Shipping: $5 for USPS Media Mail per order (flat rate - 1 book or 40 books ship for the same $5 to US addresses)

New York Central  /  NYC

  RBN-0949    The Ashtabula Disaster  (HB)  (new, no DJ, as issued)
       [1977 reprint of 1877 account of the famous LS&MS Ry wreck at Ashtabula / rare title / 144 pp]
                     Peet                    Unigraphic, 1977                     $125.00

  RBN-6055    Coming of the New York & Harlem Railroad  (HB)  (Signed! / moderate used condition)
                                          Grogan, 1989                       $150.00 

  RBN-6530    Diesels To The High Country  (HB)  (new)
                    Ham       Stony Clove & Catskill Mountain, 2017          $150.00 (Sold) 

  RBN-3698    Freight Equipment of the New York Central Central  (SB)  (new)
                  Liljestrand & Sweetland    TRP                                  $24.00

  RBN-0222    Grand Central  (HB)
                     Middleton               Golden West, 1977                    $6.00

  RBN-0155    The History of The New York Central System  (HB)   (like new)
                     Klein                   Bonanza, 1985                        $11.00

  RBN-2347    The History of The New York Central System  (HB)
                                                     (light used condition)
                     Klein                   Bonanza, 1985                        $6.00

  RBN-1091    Men and Iron  (HB)  
    (book very good / DJ has small tears and chips, but now protected by archival book cover)
                     Hungerford              Crowell, 1938                        $65.00

  RBN-0180    Memories of The New York Central Steam  (HB) (book excellent / DJ has edgewear / chipping)
                     Haas                    Carleton, 1980                       $30.00 

  RBN-3194    Memories of The New York Central Diesels  (HB) (like new)
                     Carleton                Carleton, 1980                       $42.00

  RBN-112    Memories of The New York Central Diesels  (HB) 
       (book excellent / DJ fair, with edgewear and some scuffing on the back)
                     Carleton                Carleton, 1980                       $10.00

  RBN-5193    New York Central Color Photography of Ed Nowak - 3 volume boxed set  (HB)
       (3 books and box like new condition - perfect but for a few trivial defects - gift quality)
                     Nowak                Morning Sun Books, 1992              $230.00

  RBN-0056    New York Central Color Photography of Ed Nowak - Book I  (HB)
         (light used condition, sold new as 2nd - flaw not apparent - Book I only)
                     Nowak                Morning Sun Books, 1992              $22.00

  RBN-6905    New York Central Color Photography of Ed Nowak - Book III  (HB)
       (new - unsold book from now-closed hobby shop - new condition throughout - Book III only)
                     Nowak                Morning Sun Books, 1992              $32.00 

  RBN-5944    New York Central Color Pictorial: Volume I: Chicago to Boston  (HB) (like new)
                     Sweetland               Four Ways West, 2002                 $64.00 

  RBN-0208    New York Central Color Pictorial: Volume II, St. Louis to New York  (HB) (like new)
                     Sweetland               Four Ways West, 2002                 $54.00

  RBN-6018    New York Central: Power Along the Hudson, V. 1  (SB)  (near mint)
                     May / Stoving         TRP, 2005                  $59.00 

  RBN-6079    New York Central: Power Along the Hudson, V. 2  (SB)  (near mint)
                     May / Stoving         TRP, 2005                  $42.00 

  RBN-3750    New York Central Railroad  (HB)  (new)
                     Solomon & Schafer       MBI / Andover, 2007                  $90.00 

  RBN-2229    New York Central Railroad  (SB)  (near mint)
                     Solomon & Schafer       MBI, 1999                            $14.00

  RBN-6431    New York Central's Great Steel Fleet: !948-1967  (SB)  (new in orginal shrinkwrap)
                     Doughty                 TLC, 1995                  $47.00 

  RBN-5955    New York Central Steam Power: West of Buffalo, Vol.1  (SB)  (like new)
                     May / Stoving         TRP, 2007                  $19.00 

  RBN-6227    New York Central Steam Power: West of Buffalo, Vol.2  (SB)  (near mint)
                     May / Stoving         TRP, 2008                  $18.00 

  RBN-1251    New York Central's Early Power 1831-1916  (HB) 
         (new cond., DJ has 2 spots of ink tacking on spine - production error where ink doesn't print)
                     Staufer                 Staufer, 1993                        $55.00

  RBN-0048    New York Central's Early Power: Volume II, 1831-1916  (HB) 
                                                  (Good cond., DJ torn & frayed along edges)
                     Staufer                 Carrollton Standard, 1967            $23.00

  RBN-1637    New York Central Steam In Color  (HB)     (new condition)
                     Sweetand                Morning Sun, 1995                    $43.00

  RBN-1964    New York Central System: Lightning Stripes, Volume I  (HB)  (new condition)
                     Sweetland               Morning Sun Books, 1990              $44.00

  RBN-0167    New York Central System: Lightning Stripes, Volume I  (HB)
        (near mint, except lower DJ corner missing & small tear in upper corner, as seen in photo)
                     Sweetland               Morning Sun Books, 1990              $30.00 

  RBN-4370    New York Central System: Lightning Stripes, Volume 2  (HB)   (new)
                     Sweetland               Morning Sun Books, 1993              $49.00

  RBN-1906    New York Central System: Lightning Stripes, Volume 2  (HB)   (like new)
                     Sweetland               Morning Sun Books, 1993              $45.00 

  RBN-2782    New York Central System: Gone But Not Forgotten  (HB) (like new)
                     Cavanaugh               NJ International, 1983               $42.00

  RBN-0211    New York Central System: Gone But Not Forgotten  (HB) (V good cond / DJ shows slight wear)
                     Cavanaugh               NJ International, 1983               $38.00

  RB-6357     New York Central and the Trains of the Future  (HB)  (new in original shrinkwrap)
                      Doughty                TLC, 1997                            $100.00

  RB-2402     New York Central and the Trains of the Future  (HB)  (near mint)
                      Doughty                TLC, 1997                            $60.00 

  RBN-0164     New York Central Trackside with Eugene Van Dusen  (HB)   (new in publisher's shrinkwrap)
                      Marvel                 Morning Sun, 1997                    $48.00

  RNN-4759     Pioneer American Railroads: The Mohawk and Hudson & The Saratoga and Schenectady
                                                        (HB)   (like new - signed by author)   
                     Larkin                  Purple Mountain, 1995                $12.00

  RBN-1437     Rails Along the Hudson  (SB)  near mint but spine tanned
                     Crawford & Cramer       Bergen-Rockland Ch. NRHS, 1979       $26.00

  RBN-3203     Steam Power of the  New York Central System: Volume I  (HB)  (near mint)
                     Staufer                 Staufer, 1992                        $43.00 

  RBN-0073     20th Century  (HB)  
             (book excellent, but DJ has small tears and a chip at the spine ends & general wear)
                     Beebe                   Howell-North, 1962                   $18.00

  RBN-2172     Thoroughbreds  (HB)  (new in shrinkwrap, but shrinkwrap has started to split open)
                     Staufer                 Staufer                              $110.00

  RBN-1437     The Water Level Route: New York to Buffalo  (SB)  (near mint)
                     Knoll                   Rochester Chapter NRHS, 1984         $20.00

New York, Ontario and Western  /  NYO&W

  RBN-0348   Middletown, Home of the O&W  (Observer Vol. XXVI, #s 1 to 9) (SB)  (shows little sign of use)
                     Ontario & Western Ry. Historical Soc., 1991                 $24.00

  RBN-1070   New York, Ontario and Western and the Dairy Industry in Central New York State  (HB)
       (excellent condition, but group of pages - title page through page 4 - is upside down / no DJ)
                     Mohowski                 Garrigues House, 1995              (Sold) 

  RB-5282     Ridin' The Rails: Passenger Equipment of the NYO&W Ry  (SB)  (like new)
                     Houck                   O&W Observer, 2007                  $28.00 

  RB-6390     To The Mountains By Rail  (SB)  (good used condition)
                     Wakefield                   Wakefair, 1970                $44.00 

New York, Susquehanna and Western Railroad  /  NYS&W

  RBN-0458     The History of the New York, Susquehanna and Western Railroad   (near mint condition)
      [update & reprint of exhaustive 1939 history of the NYS&W, w/ detailed roster and photos, 196pp]
                     Lucas                     Railroadians of America, 1980      $55.00

  RBN-3136     Susquehanna / New York Susquehanna & Western RR  (SB)  (very light used cond.)
                     Krause & Crist            Carstens, 1980                     $17.00

  RBN-0547     Susquehanna / New York Susquehanna & Western RR  (SB)    (good used cond.)
                     Krause & Crist            Carstens, 1980                     $13.00

New Zealand

  RBN-2654     The Life and Times of New Zealand's Famous Fell Engine   (light used condition)
                     Lea                   Southern Press, 1987                $35.00

  RBN-3408     N.Z.R. Album   (near mint condition)
                     McGavin               NZR&LS, 1968                        $36.00

Nickel Plate  /  New York, Chicago & St. Louis  /  NKP

  RBN-3854     Berkshires of the Nickel Plate Road  (HB)  (new)
                     Holland                  TLC, 1998                           $130.00 
  RBN-6532     Cabooses of the Nickel Plate Road  (SB)  (light used condition)
                     Harvey                  NKPH&TS, 1992                           $60.00 (Sold) 

  RBN-0502     Fifty Years of Nickel Plate Diesels  (SB)  (very light used condition)
                       NKP Historical & Technical Soc., 1993                      $30.00

  RBN-4952     Fifty Years of Nickel Plate Diesels  (SB)  (near mint/ mild old-book odor)
                       NKP Historical & Technical Soc., 1993                      $22.00

  RBN-0109     Nickel Plate Color Photography of McCaleb: Volume 1 - Buffalo - Bellevue  (HB)
                                                       (like new condition)
                     Dicken & Semon           Morning Sun Books, 1995             $40.00

  RBN-0098     Nickel Plate Color Photography of McCaleb: Volume 2, Bellevue - Chicago  (HB)
                                                                             (new condition)
                     Dicken & Semon           Morning Sun Books, 1996             $90.00 

  RBN-1205     Nickel Plate Color Photography: Volume 3 - The Railfan Perspective  (HB)  (new condition)
                     Cheney                    Morning Sun Books, 1997            $40.00

  RBN-0215     Nickel Plate Color Photography: Volume 3 - The Railfan Perspective  (HB)
                                 (Like new, except for creases on back of DJ)
                     Cheney                    Morning Sun Books, 1997            $34.00 

  RBN-1226     Nickel Plate Road Diesel Locomotives  (HB)    (near mint)
                     Holland                   TLC, 1998                          $17.25

  RBN-1837     Nickel Plate Road - Publicity Photos - 1943-1952: Volume 1  (HB)  (new condition)
                     Corns                     TLC, 1996                          $22.00

  RBN-0087     Nickel Plate Road - Publicity Photos - 1943-1952: Volume 2  (HB)  (like new - scarce)
                     Corns                     TLC, 1997                         $125.00 

  RBN-0233     The Nickel Plate Story  (HB)    (no dust jacket, light wear, former owner's bookplate inside)
      [exhaustive history of the NKP and predecessors, many photos]
                     Rehor                      Kalmbach, 1965                    $29.00

  RBN-2010     The Nickel Plate Years  (HB)  
                    (near mint, but top of DJ spine mildly frayed / includes laid-in map)
                     Hirsimaki                  Mileposts, 1989                   $75.00

  RBN-0412     Reflections, The Nickel Plate Era / Clover Leaf District  (SB)    (light used condition)
                     Grigg                      NKP Hist & Tech Soc, 1996         $18.00

  RBN-0374     Reflections, The Nickel Plate Era / Nickel Plate District  (SB)    (light used condition)
                     Grigg                      NKP Hist & Tech Soc, 1985         $18.00

Norfolk Southern  (the first one)

  -981     Norfolk Southern Railroad, Old Dominion Line and Connections  (HB)    
                                   (light used condition / former owners' stamps inside)
                     Prince                    Prince, 1972                      $149.00 

  RBN-4075     The Original Norfolk Southern Ry 1883-1974  (HB)  (new)
                     Reisweber & McDonald          Garrigues house, 2007             $330.00

  RBN-6053     The Original Norfolk Southern Ry 1883-1974  (HB)  (like new)
                     Reisweber & McDonald          Garrigues house, 2007             $230.00 

Norfolk Southern  (the current one)

  RBN-5875     Norfolk Southern List & Description of Locomotives 1984  (near mint, minor crease in cover)
       (List and detailed specs for all 2735 locomotives on the NS in 1984 / 159 pages)
                                    Norfolk Southern, 1984                      $36.00 
  RBN-4519     Norfolk Southern Locomotive Directory 1998-1999  (fair used condition)
                     Withers & Bowers          Withers 1998                      $40.00 

  RBN-4679     Norfolk Southern Locomotive Directory 2001-2003  (HB)   (like new)
                     Withers                  Withers, 2003                     $52.00 

  RBN-1336     Norfolk Southern Locomotive Directory 2004-2005  (HB)   (near mint condition)
                     Withers                   Withers                          $47.00

  RBN-4988     Norfolk Southern Locomotive Directory 2011  (HB)   (near mint condition)
                     Withers                   Withers, 2007                     $37.00

  RBN-5046     Norfolk Southern Locomotive Directory 2012-2013  (HB)   (near mint condition)
                     Withers                   Withers, 2007                     $37.00

  RBN-5793     Norfolk Southern Locomotive Directory 2014-2015  (HB)   (near mint condition)
                     Withers                   Withers, 2015                     (Sold)

  RBN-1336     Norfolk Southern 1982-1994 Motive Power Review  (HB)     (new condition)
                     Withers & Bowers          Withers, 1995                     $70.00

  RBN-3222     Norfolk Southern 1982-1994 Motive Power Review  (SB)     (like new condition)
                     Withers & Bowers          Withers, 1995                     $43.00

  RBN-1288     Norfolk Southern Railway  (HB)    (new condition)
     0-7603-3249-8   Borkowski                 Voyageur / MBI, 2008              $24.00

 RBN-2186      Steam Spirit  (SB)   (light used condition)
                  Huxtable & Schultz     Steamscenes / Norfolk Southern, 1985    $12.00 

To order call:   (707) 328-6215 (cell) or  539-1051 (land)  or   e-mail:  rrcomm@sonic.net
       payment accepted via: Visa, Master Card, Am Express, Discover, Zelle, checks / money orders, or Paypal
       Shipping: $5 for USPS Media Mail per order (flat rate - 1 book or 40 books ship for the same $5 to US addresses)

Norfolk & Western  /  N&W

  RBN-2344     Memories of Norfolk and Western Power  (HB)  
    (book like new / DJ has inch taped tear near spine and fraying along top & bottom edges)
                     Carleton                 Carleton, 1994                 $50.00

  RBN-0358     Model Railroading's Guide To The Norfolk & Western Railway; Williamson Terminal - 1953  (SB)
                                          (very good cond / covers show scuffing along edges)   
                     French               Rocky Mountain, 1992           $23.00 

  RB-3083      "Night Trick" on the Norfolk & Western Railway  (SB)  (light used condition)
                     Link                  N&W, 1957                   $180.00 

  RBN-1694     The Norfolk and Western... As I Knew it  (HB)   (near mint)
                     Thieme                   N&W Hist. Soc, 2002            $55.00

  RBN-0388     Norfolk & Western: Diesel's Last Conquest  (SB)     (light used condition)
                     Warden                TLC, 1991                   $18.00

  RBN-1996     Norfolk and Western First Generation Diesels   (like new condition)
                     Withers & Bowers         Withers, 1990               $180.00 

  RBN-6005     N&W: Giant of Steam - Revised  (HB)      (new in shrinkwrap)
                     Jefferies                N&W Hist. Soc, 2005            $110.00

  RBN-3544     N&W: Giant of Steam  (HB)      (new condition)
                     Jefferies                Pruett, 1980            $50.00 

  RBN-2144     N&W: Giant of Steam  (HB)      (new condition but DJ spine foxed (age spotted)
                     Jefferies                Pruett, 1980                 $32.00

  RBN-3151     The Norfolk and Western Handbook: A Comprehensive Steam Era Book For Modelers and Fans
                                              (SB)    (good used condition)
                     Wallace & Wiley          W-W, 1980                 $18.00

  RBN-6693     Norfolk and Western In Color, V. 1: 1945-1964  (HB)   
               (new book - unsold copy from now-closed hobby shop / NOS)
                     Nichols             Morning Sun, 1997             $55.00 

  RBN-1651     Norfolk and Western Passenger Service 1946-1971  (HB)    (like new)
                     Warden                   TLC, 2000                    $45.00

  RBN-6082     Norfolk and Western Railway: Pocahontas Coal Carrier  (HB)    (light used condition)
                     Prince                Prince, 1980                $158.00  

  RBN-3502    Norfolk and Western Railway: A and J  (SB)   (fair used condition)
                     Warden        Andover Junction, 1987              $7.00

  RBN-3050     Norfolk and Western Ry. Co. North Carolina Branch  (SB) 
                                        (signed by author, #3096 / light used condition)
                     Webb                     2004                    $135.00

  RB-6539      Norfolk & Western's Clinch Valley Line (HB)  (new)
                     Wolfe / Wilson / Mandelkern         HEW, 3013      $180.00  

  RB-4242      Norfolk & Western Second Generation Diesels (HB)  (new in shrinkwrap)
                     Withers & Bower           Withers                     $65.00

  RBN-1982     Norfolk & Western Steam (The Last 25 Years) (SB)     (like new condition)
                     Rosenburg / Archer        Quadrant Press, 1973           $24.00

  RBN-3276     Norfolk & Western Steam (The Last 25 Years) (SB)     (light used condition)
                     Rosenburg / Archer        Quadrant Press, 1973           $12.00

  RBN-1382     Norfolk & Western... Steam's Last Stand  (HB)   (new in shrinkwrap)
                     Ferrel                    Hundman, 2002                  $60.00

North Carolina

  RB-6492     80 Years of Laurinburg & Southern History  (SB) 
           (very light used condition / has laid-in update sheet and supplemental locomotive roster)
                     Robertson               L&S RR, 1989                 $55.00 
  RB-6645     Along the ET&WNC: V. 1 Early Narrow Gauge Locomotives 
                        (SB)  (light used condition - signed by author)
                     Graybeal               Tarheal, 2001                 $85.00 
  RB-1176     The Comp'ny  (HB)  (good used condition)
     (The Story of the Surry, Sussex & Southampton Ry and the Surry Lumber Co.)
                     Crittenden               McClain, 1967                 $40.00 
  RB-1176     East Carolina Railway: Route of the Yellow Hammer  (HB)
      (very good / signed by author in inscription / DJ shows light wear)
                     Bridgers                   T&E, 1973                 $140.00 
  RB-4994     Junebug Line  (SB)  (near mint)
                     Bumgarner                 Hobo Puppy, 1993            $74.00 (Sold) 
  RB-5894     Piedmont and Northern  (SB)  
     (interior clean / no markings / DJ now in new, clear, archival book cover)
                 Fetters & Swanson           Golden West, 1974          $58.00 
  RB-6664     Service With Courtesy: The Story of the Durham & Southern Ry.  (SB)  (like new)
                     Poole                 Tarheel, 2022            $47.00 

Northern Pacific  /  NP

  RBN-2343    The Northern Pacific: Main Street of The Northwest  (HB)
    (plain paper / book light used condition / DJ moderate used condition)
                     Wood                     Superior, 1968                  $9.00

  RBN-1228    Northern Pacific Color Pictorial: Vol. 2  (HB)     (mint condition)
                     Shine                   Four Ways West, 1995             $115.00 

  RBN-3066    Northern Pacific Color Pictorial: Vol. 2  (HB) 
         (light overall wear, but 1/2" tear at bottom of spine & stray felt pen mark on back)
                     Shine                   Four Ways West, 1995             $80.00

  RBN-3224    Northern Pacific Color Pictorial: Vol. 3  (HB) (very light used condition)
                     Kuebler                   Four Ways West, 1995           $90.00 

  RBN-3788    Northern Pacific In Color: Vol. 1  (HB) (new in original shrinkwrap)
                     Nighswonger               Morning Sun                    $100.00

  RBN-3684    Northern Pacific In Color: Vol. 2  (HB) (new in original shrinkwrap)
                     Nighswonger               Morning Sun                    $80.00

  RBN-1877    Northern Pacific Pictorial: Vol. Four: 
                The First Northern Transcontinental becomes The Main Street of the Northwest
                                                     (HB)     (mint condition)
                     Strauss                  Four Ways West, 2000            $56.00

  RBN-1904    Northern Pacific Pictorial: Vol. Five: Domes, RDC's and Slumbercoaches
                                                     (HB)     (mint condition)
                     Strauss                  Four Ways West, 2001            $56.00

  RB-3681     The Northern Pacific Railway of McGee and Nixon  (HB)    (new in shrinkwrap)
                     Green                    Northwest Shortline, 1985       $150.00

  RB-1561     The Northern Pacific Railway of McGee and Nixon  (HB)    (mint condition)
                     Green                    Northwest Shortline, 1985       $60.00

  RB-1799     The Northern Pacific Railway of McGee and Nixon  (HB)    (near mint condition)
                     Green                    Northwest Shortline, 1985       $55.00

  RBN-3614    Northern Pacific Supersteam Era  1925-1945  (HB)  (near mint condition)
                     Frey & Schrenk           Golden West, 1985               $56.00

  RBN-0152    Northern Pacific Supersteam Era  1925-1945  (HB)  (book excellent / DJ has crease)
                     Frey & Schrenk           Golden West, 1985               $50.00

  RBN-6709    NP Color Guyide to Freight & Passenger Equipment  (HB)  
           (no DJ / light used condition / spine slightly cocked forward)
                     Sullivan           Morning Sun, 1995               $38.00

  RB-3174    Railscapes: A Northern Pacific Brasspounder's Album  (HB)  (like new)
                     Fredrickson              WSU, 2003                       $16.00

Official Guides

  RBO-4271     Official Guide of the Railways,  Sept 1926 (SB)  (rough, seems complete)
                     National Railway Publication Co.                      $15.00

  RBO-0787     Official Guide of the Railways,  Mar 1948 (SB)     
        (poor condition, cover separated, spine very loose)
                     National Railway Publication Co.                      $40.00

  RBO-0653     Official Guide of the Railways,  May 1958 (SB)      fair used cond. / spine taped
                     National Railway Publication Co.                       $35.00

  RBO-0289     Official Guide of the Railways,  Jun 1958 (SB)      very good used cond.
                     National Railway Publication Co.                       $35.00 

  RBO-3997     Official Guide of the Railways,  May 1959 (SB)      good cond / 3" ink spot on cover
                     National Railway Publication Co.                       $33.00 

  RBO-3598     Official Guide of the Railways,  Dec 1959 (SB)    covers rough / all pages intact
                     National Railway Publication Co.                       $30.00 

  RBO-0307     Official Guide of the Railways,  June 1962 (SB)     very good used cond.
                     National Railway Publication Co.                       $28.00

  RBO-3768     Official Guide of the Railways,  August 1962 (SB)  
       very rough / covers and several pages (mostly ads) missing at both ends
                     National Railway Publication Co.                       $6.00

  RBO-4270     Official Guide of the Railways, Oct 1963 (SB) (good cond / index sheet pasted to cover)
                     National Railway Publication Co.                       $28.00

  RBO-3658     Official Guide of the Railways,  Nov 1963 (SB)    covers rough / all pages intact
                     National Railway Publication Co.                       $25.00 

  RBO-0359     Official Guide of the Railways,  Sept 1966 (SB)     good used cond.
                     National Railway Publication Co.                       $25.00

  RBO-3197     Official Guide of the Railways, June 1968 "100th Anniversary Edition"  (SB)
       (special edition gold covers / "101st Year - No. 1")  (good used condition)
                     National Railway Publication Co.                       $40.00 

  RBO-0373     Official Guide of the Railways,  March 1971 (SB)    moderate used cond.
                     National Railway Publication Co.                       $16.00

  RB-4332      Transportation Blue Book: May, 1931  (SB)  (like new)
                              (1976 Interurban Press reprint)               $22.00


  RB-1778     Akron Railroads  (SB)    (new condition)
                     Sanders               Arcadia, 2007                   $14.00
  RB-6373   Ghost Rails III: Electrics of the Upper Ohio River Valley  (SB) 
                              (like new / signed by author)
                     Cole              2007                         $80.00

  RB-5161   Ghost Rails IV  (HB)  (new)
   (covers abandoned RR's and their industries: Ohio & Pennsylvania State Line area)
                     Cole                                                    $80.00

  RB-5163   Ghost Rails IV  (HB)  (ununsed, but mild musty odor from storage)
   (covers abandoned RR's and their industries: Ohio & Pennsylvania State Line area)
                     Cole                                                    $60.00 

  RB-4520     The Lakeside & Marblehead Railroad  (HB)   (near mint)
                     Fick                  Montevallo, 2000                $65.00  

  RB-6581     The Lakeside & Marblehead Railroad  (HB)   (very light used condition)
                     Fick                  Montevallo, 2000                $30.00

  RB-2471     The Lake Terminal Rail Road 1895 1995  (SB) 
     [pictorial history of the Lake Terminal RR / 184 pp]  (light used cond./ sticker residue on cover)
                     Brown                      Railhead, 1996             $105.00

  RB-5852    Marietta & Cincinnati Railroad: And Successor - The Baltimore & Ohio  (SB)  (light used cond.)
                      Grabb                 1989                    $80.00 

  RB-4998     Narrow Gauge in Ohio: The Cincinnati, Lebanon & Northern Railway  (HB)  (new)
                     Hauck                 Pruett, 1986                    $100.00

  RB-4997    Rails of Dreams  (HB)  (like new)
                      Cole                 2003                    $80.00 

  RBD-2613     Summit Hill, The Balloon Route Over The Detroit, Toledo and Ironton Railroad  (SB)  
                                                     (signed by author/ light used condition)
                      Trostel                  Cam-Tech, 1987              $40.00 

  RBD-2908     Summit Hill, The Balloon Route Over The Detroit, Toledo and Ironton Railroad  (SB)  
                         (good condition / has 2 blemish marks from price stickers on cover, edge wear)
                      Trostel                  Cam-Tech, 1987              $25.00


  RB-5735    Midland Valley: Rails For Coal, Cattle & Crude  (light used condition)
                     Stagner        South Platte Press, 1998           $140.00 
  RB-6226    Midland Valley: Rails For Coal, Cattle & Crude  (near mint condition)
                     Stagner        South Platte Press, 1998           $150.00


  RB-2776    Backwoods Railroads: Branchlines & Shortlines of Western Oregon  (HB)  (like new)
                     Burkhardt             WSU, 1994                      $70.00
  RB-5956    Rails Down The Valley  (HB)  light used condition)
                     Mills          Pacific, 1950           $60.00 
  RB-5592    Rails to the Mid-Columbia Wheatlands  (light used condition)
                     Due & French          Univ. Press of Am., 1979           $110.00 
  RB-4944    Rails to the Ochoco Country  (near mint)
                     Due & Juris          Golden West, 1968           $49.00 (Sold)

  RB-2281    Rails Sagebrush and Pine  (SB)    (very light used condition)
                     Ferrell                 Golden West, 1984            $30.00

  RB-5582    Roads & Rails South From the Columbia  (SB)    (very light used condition)
                     Due & Rush             Maverick, 1991            $27.00 

  RB-4322    Stations West: The Story of the Oregon Railways  (HB)  (light used condition)
                     Culp                    Caxton, 1972                    $14.00

  RB-4104    Switchback To The Timber  (SB)  (Signed! / very light used condition)
                     Pope                    Old Forester, 1992            $70.00 

To order call:   (707) 328-6215 (cell) or  539-1051 (land)  or   e-mail:  rrcomm@sonic.net
       payment accepted via: Visa, Master Card, Am Express, Discover, Zelle, checks / money orders, or Paypal
       Shipping: $5 for USPS Media Mail per order (flat rate - 1 book or 40 books ship for the same $5 to US addresses)

passenger trains

  RB-4521   American Railroad Passenger Car, Part 1  (SB)  (near mint, minor fading on cover)
                     White                 Johns Hopkins, 1978                 $16.00

  RB-4522   American Railroad Passenger Car, Part 2  (SB)  (near mint)
                     White                 Johns Hopkins, 1978                 $16.00

  RB-3032   The American Streamliner: Prewar Years  (HB)  (like new, DJ spine faded)
                     Heimburger & Byron    Heimburger, 1996                    $16.00

  RB-0431   The Art of the Streamliner  (HB)     (near mint condition)
                     Johnston & Welsh w/ Schafer   Metro, 2001                 $19.00

  RB-6304   Car Names, Numbers & Consists  (SB)  (very light used condition)
                        Wayner            Wayner, 1972                 $60.00 (Sold)  

  RB-1496  Chicago's Passenger Trains  (HB)  (very light used condition)
                     Olmsted                 McMillan,1983                     $85.00
  RB-5720   Descriptive List of Cars of the Pullman Company: 
                March 1961, w/ Supplements to June 15, 1967  (SB)  (fair used condition)
             Pullman company data          Owen Davies, 1970         $49.00 

  RB-6024   Dining Car Panorama  (SB)  (near mint)
                                              Wayner                    $38.00  

  RBE-3527  E Units: The Standard Bearer of America's Passenger Trains  (near mint condition)
       [color pictorial of EMD's "E" seires passenger locomotives, 72pp]
                     Maywald               NJ International, 1988              $28.00 

  RB-3640   From Zephyr to Amtrak  (SB)  (light used condition / no markings, tight binding)
                      Randall               Prototype, 1972                    $38.00  

  RB-5870   From Zephyr to Amtrak  (SB)  (no markings, tight binding / moderate toning to white covers)
                      Randall               Prototype, 1972                    $25.00

  RB-0716   Luxury Trains - From the Orient Express to the TGV  (HB)   (light used condition)
                     Behrend               Vendome, 1982                       $6.00

  RB-1944   Mansions on Rails  (HB)   (near mint)
                     Beebe                 Howell-North, 1959                  $85.00

  RB-4198   More Classic Trains  (HB) (new in original shrinkwrap)
                      Dubin                 Kalmbach                           $85.00

  RB-3689   More Classic Trains  (HB) (excellent, DJ rough, but now in new mylar book cover)
                      Dubin                 Kalmbach, 1990                     $30.00

  RB-6139   New York Central and the Trains of the Future  (HB)  (like new)
                      Doughty               TLC, 1997                          $60.00 

  RB-0488   New York City Transit - Passenger Car Data 1947-1976  (SB)  (good cond. / cover has 2" tear)
     [detailed data and photos of NYC Transit's passenger cars, spiral bound, about 90pp]
              Feldman (Dir. Car & Bus Dev.)  New Car Engineering, NYCT, 1976   $80.00 

  RB-2451   Night Trains  (HB)     (moderate used condition)
     [state-by-state study of passenger trains offering sleeping accommodations w/photos, 415pp]
                     Maiken                 Lakme, 1989                        $28.00

  RB-5750   The Official Pullman-Standard Library, Vol. 1  Santa Fe  (HB) 
        (like new, but former owner's name embossed into front free endsheet) (#'ed 666)
                       Randall & Ross   Railway Production Classics, 1986      $120.00

  RB-5505   The Official Pullman-Standard Library, Vol. 6  Southern Pacific Postwar  Cars  (HB)  (excellent cond.)
          (book #0828)  [builder's diagrams and photos, interior & exterior, 212pp]  
                     Randall & Anderson   Railway Production Classics, 1989    $160.00 

  RB-4502   The Official Pullman-Standard Library, Vol. 7  Southeast Railroads  (HB)  (like new cond.)
       [builder's diagrams and photos, interior & exterior, 206pp]  
                     Randall & Anderson   Railway Production Classics, 1989    $90.00

  RB-0470   The Official Pullman-Standard Library, Vol. 10 Northeast Railroads  (HB)  (like new condition)
     [builder's diagrams and photos, interior & exterior of NYNH&H, B&M, BAR, Erie, DL&W, VL, LI, 206pp]
                     Randall & Ross       Railway Production Classics, 1992    $90.00

  RB-5602   The Official Pullman-Standard Library, Vol. 11 Mid-Atlantic Railroads  (HB)  (like new condition)
     [builder's diagrams and photos, interior & exterior of B&O, C&O, NKP, N&W, Pere Marquette & Wabash, 198pp]
   (book #981)     Randall & Ross       Railway Production Classics, 1992    $140.00

  RB-2886   The Official Pullman-Standard Library, Vol. 13: Union Pacific 1933-1937  (HB)  
    (copy #0666, like new) [builder's diagrams & photos, interior & exterior of UP streamline cars, 217 pp.]
                     Randall & Ross       Railway Production Classics, 1993    $100.00

  RB-5707   The Official Pullman-Standard Library, Vol. 14: Union Pacific 1937-1958  (HB) (new in shrinkwrap)
                     Randall & Ross       Railway Production Classics, 1993    $100.00 

  RB-3355   The Official Pullman-Standard Library, Vol. 14: Union Pacific 1937-1958  (HB)  
    (copy #0700, like new) [builder's diagrams & photos, interior & exterior of UP streamline cars, 217 pp.]
                     Randall & Ross       Railway Production Classics, 1993    $70.00

  RB-0803   The Official Pullman-Standard Library, Vol. 15: Western Railroads  (HB)
    (copy #69, like new) [builder's diagrams & photos, interior & exterior
                               of Milwaukee, Rio Grande, Frisco, M-K-T, MP, KCS, Soo Line, 204 pp.]
                     Randall & Ross       Railway Production Classics, 1994    $80.00

  RB-2342   The Official Pullman-Standard Library, Selected Heavyweight Cars  (HB)  (near mint)
     [builder's diagrams and photos, interior & exterior of pre-streamlined passenger cars]
                     Randall              Railway Production Classics, 1995    $125.00
  RB-0376   Passenger Cars of New England, Vol. 2 - Bangor & Aroostook and Maine Central  (like new)
                     Liljestrand & Sweetland   TRP, 2000                       $19.00

  RB-0489   Passenger Cars of New England, Vol. 3 - Central Vermont & Rutland  (like new)
     [pictorial review of the passenger cars of the CV & the Rutland, 48pp] / Passenger Cars of New England, Vol. 3
                     Liljestrand & Sweetland   TRP, 2000                       $37.00

  RBP-0331  Passenger Trains of Yesteryear  (SB)
                     Welsh                    Kalmbach, 2002                   $22.00

  RB-5997   Passenger Train Consists of the 1940's  (SB)  (very light used condition)
                                               Wayner                        $44.00  

  RB-5540   Passenger Train Consists of the 1970's  (SB) 
       (moderate used condition, but lower front cover corner missing - see photo)
                                               Wayner                        $40.00  
   RB-5917   The Pullman Company List of Cars: 1950  (SB)  (light used condition)
                                            Wayner               $36.00  

  RB-3352   Pullman Paint and Lettering Notebook  (SB)  (moderate used condition)
                     Dubin                    Kalmbach, 1997                   $90.00  

  RB-6240   Pullman Panorama  (SB)  (light used condition)
   (very detailed roster of Pullman heavyweight sleeper and lounge cars / 184 pages)
                     Wayner                    Wayner, 1967                   $35.00  

  RB-2477    Pullman and Private Car Pictorial  (SB)  (excellent, but minor toning around edges)
                                              Wayner                           $35.00
   RB-1020   The Pullman Scrapbook  (SB)  (light used condition)
          ("Treasury of Pullman History & Operation" - excerpts from "The Pullman News" /100 pages)
                                            Wayner, 1971               $54.00  
   RB-5718   Pullman Standard Classics: Early Pullman Rail Car Designs  (SB)  (light used condition)
          (side elevation drawings for many types of early passenger cars /50 pages)
                                            Pullman Standard             $40.00  

  RB-4615    RDC: The Budd Rail Diesel Car  (HB)  (new / slight shipping wear)
                     Duke & Keilty            Golden West, 1990               $40.00

  RB-1270    RDC: The Budd Rail Diesel Car  (HB)  (new, but spine faded)
                     Duke & Keilty            Golden West, 1990                $44.00

  RB-5810    Some Classic Trains  (HB)  (very light used condition)
                     Dubin                    Kalmbach, 1976                   $25.00  

  RB-3039    Some Classic Trains  (HB)  (light used condition)
                     Dubin                    Kalmbach, 1976                   $23.00

  RB-3961    Some Classic Trains  (HB)  (acceptable "reader copy" / no DJ)
                     Dubin                    Kalmbach, 1964                   $12.00

  RB-4616    Southern Railway Depots, V.1: North Carolina  (SB)  (near mint)
                     Ward                     Ward, 1991                        $55.00

  RB-0360    Steam, Steel & Limiteds  (HB)   (fair condition / no DJ)
                     Kratville                Kratville, 1984                  $9.00

  RB-4113    Streamliner Cars, V. 1: Pullman Standard  (SB)  (very light used condition)
                     Randall                  RPC, 1981                        $115.00 

  RB-5932    Streamliner Cars, V. 2: The Budd Company  (SB)   (very light used condition)
                     Randall                  RPC, 1981                        $70.00 

  RB-4873    Streamliner Cars, V. 3: ACF-Other Builders  (SB)   (like new)
                     Randall                  RPC, 1982                        $70.00 

  BPP-3379   The Trains We Rode, Vol. 1  (HB)   (good cond., but DJ worn & frayed)
       [pictorial reviewing the early years of passenger train travel - many interior photos, 465pp]
                     Beebe & Clegg            Howell North, 1965               $12.00

  BPP-3156   The Trains We Rode, Vol. 2  (HB)   (near mint)
       [pictorial reviewing the early years of passenger train travel - many interior photos, 512pp]
                     Beebe & Clegg            Howell North, 1965               $33.00

  BPP-3496   The Trains We Rode, Vol. 2  (HB) (book excellent, but DJ frayed along top)
                     Beebe & Clegg            Howell North, 1965               $22.00

  BPP-3258   The Trains We Rode  (HB - Vol. I and II combined)   (like new)
                     Beebe & Clegg            Promontory, 1990                 $17.00

  RB-1410    Twilight of the Great Trains  (HB)     (like new)
                     Frailey                  Kalmbach, 1998                   $45.00

Penn Central  /  PC

  RBP-0287     Penn Central Bi-Annual  (HB)     book excellent / DJ frayed near top of spine
       [detailed roster of the PC, w/ serial numbers and photos]
                     Reid                     PC Railroader, 1973         $55.00
  RBP-6735     Penn Central Diesel Spotter's Guide  (HB)   light used condition
       [roster of the PC Diesel models as of 1974, 72+ pages]
                     Reid                     PC Railroader, 1973         $19.00 

  RBP-2248     Penn Central In Color, Vol. 1  (HB)   (like new)
                     Plant                    Morning Sun, 2008           $60.00

  RBP-2856     Penn Central In Color, Vol. 1  (HB)   (very near mint condition)
                     Plant                    Morning Sun, 2008           $56.00

  RB-3501      Penn Central Power  (HB)  (new in publisher's shrinkwrp)
                     Yanosey                  Morning Sun, 1987           $140.00

  RB-1533      Penn Central Power  (HB)   (near mint)
                     Yanosey                  Morning Sun, 1987           $100.00 

  RB-3320      Penn Central Power  (HB)   (good used condition)
                     Yanosey                  Morning Sun, 1987           $65.00

  RB-4180      Penn Central Railroad  (HB)  (like new, but some rubbing on DJ)
                     Lynch                  MBI, 2004                     $74.00 

Pennsylvania (the state)

  RB-0344     Alco's To Allentown  (SB)    (very near mint condition)
                     Biery                    TRP, 1998                     $37.00

  RB-3003     Allegheny Valley Logging Railroads  (SB)  (very light use / bookplates inside cover)
                     Casler                   1977                        $80.00
  RB-2215     The Alley Popper: A History of the Pittsbugh & Susquehanna and its Predecessor Companies (SB)
        (good used condition / staining or smudging along the edges of the covers / interior clean)
                     Adams                    Adams, 1980                    $23.00

  RB-6447     Along the East Broad Top  (SB)  (like new condition)
                     Heimburger         Heimburger House, 1987               $69.00 (Sold) 

  RB-1916     Anthracite Rebirth  (HB)    (new condition)
                     Bednar               Garrigues House, 1998          $54.00

  RB-4884     Beaver Valley Railroad Company (SB)  (light used condition) 
                     Cole                     2004                           $135.00

  RB-3753     Bradford Bordel & Kinzua  (SB) (very light used condition)
                     Barber & Woods           1971                    $45.00 

  RB-0601     Bradford & Foster Brook / Peg Leg Railroad  (SB)  (OK, but spine cover frayed & taped)
    [history of narrow gauge & monorail rail lines of Cattaraugus County, N.Y. & McKean County, Pa., 206pp]
                     Kilmer                   Kilmer, 1974                   $32.00 

  RB-0730    Bradford & Foster Brook / Peg Leg Railroad  (HB)   (very good cond. / 
        covers mildew stained, DJ has light staining, a 3" taped tear & some minor scratches,
         signed by author in inscription to famed Heisler / Climax historian Walt Casler)
    [history of narrow gauge & monorail rail lines of Cattaraugus County, N.Y. & McKean County, Pa., 206pp]
                     Kilmer                   Kilmer, 1974                   $60.00

  RB-6308     Bradford: The Railroad Town  (SB) (near mint condition / maps in back pocket)
                     Trostel           Cam-Teck, 1987               $30.00 

  RB-2735    Dinkies, Dams and Sawdust: The Logging Rilroads of West Central Pennsylvania  (SB)
                                                                       (new condition)
                     Kline       Friends of RR Museum of PA., 1999            $50.00

  RB-2612    Dinkies, Dams and Sawdust: The Logging Rilroads of West Central Pennsylvania  (SB)
           (light used condition)                Kline                    $40.00

  RB-1834    East Broad Top: Slim Gauge Survivor  (HB)   (new condition)
                     Mellander               Old Line Graphics, 1995          $48.00
  RB-2722   Ghost Lumber Towns of Central Pennsylvania  (HB)  (new condition)
                     Taber                 Taber, 1970               $70.00
  RB-5824   Ghost Lumber Towns of Central Pennsylvania  (HB)  (near mint / minor fading on covers)
                     Taber                 Taber, 1970               $40.00 (Sold) 

  RB-5160   Ghost Rails IV  (HB)  (new)
   (covers abandoned RR's and their industries: Ohio & Pennsylvania State Line area)
                     Cole                                             $80.00 

  RB-4305   Ghost Rails IX: State Line Legends  (HB)  (near mint)
   (covers Carbon Limestone, Bessmer Limestone, Michigan Limestone, Burton Explosives, etc.)
                     Cole                    2012                     $140.00 

  RB-6455     Ghost Rails XII Seamless: B&W History  (HB)  (mint condition)
                         Coles                                  $120.00 

  RB-5914   Ghost Rails XVI  (HB)  (new)
   (covers Republic Steel, Youngstown, and more)
                     Cole                                            $145.00 

  RB-6089   The Goodyears:  An Empire In the Hemlocks  (SB)  (near mint condition)
                     Taber                    Taber, 1971                     $50.00

  RB-5996   Memories of Eastern Pennsylvania Railroading  (SB)  (near mint condition)
                     Bernet          RAE, 2000            $31.00 

  RB-5770   The Montour Railroad  (SB)  (like new condition)
                     Schaefer           Silver Brook Jct., 1997            $95.00 

  RB-5928    Muncy Valley Lifeline  (SB)  (like new)
                     Taber                    1972                            $47.00

  RB-2674    Muncy Valley Lifeline  (SB)  (near mint, but name embossed on title page)
                     Taber                    1972                            $39.00

  RB-6577    Northampton & Bath Freight Cars  (SB)  (very light used condition)
                     Neubauer      Freight Cars Journal, 1994                 $40.00 

  RB-1132    The Ol' Hook & Eye: A History of the Kishacoquillas Valley Railroad  (SB)  (near mint)
                     Hartzler                 Hartzler, 1988                  $65.00 

  RB-6498    Pittsburg, Shawmut & Northern  (HB!)  (excellent,  but slightly musty)
                      Pietrak                 1969                            $42.00

  RB-5224    Pittsburg, Shawmut & Northern  (SB)  (very light used condition)
                      Pietrak                 1969                            $38.80

  RB-3767    Rails Through Manayunk  (SB)   (very light used condition)
                     Garforth                Silver Brook Jct., 1999          $45.00 

  RB-1657    Rails To Pittsburgh  (HB)   (very light used condition)
                     Feibelman                Superior, 1979                  $18.00

  RB-6127    Sand Patch: Clash of the Titans  (SB)   (like new condition / has laid-in map)
                     Roberts                Barnard Roberts, 1993          $36.00 

  RBR-0085   Scenes Along The Rails, Volume 1, Part 1: The Anthracite Region of Pennsylvania  (HB)
                                                                     (like new condition)
                     Hudson & Hudson           Depot Square, 1996             $40.00

  RBR-2428   Scenes Along The Rails, Volume 1, Part 2: The Anthracite Region of Pennsylvania  (HB)
                                                                     (near mint)
                     Hudson & Hudson           Depot Square, 1997             $45.00

  RB-5931     Seeing the Shawmut (P&S RR)  (SB)  (good used condition)
      ['70's reprint of 1954 pictorial survey / review of the P&S, ~20pp]
                                        Broadway Ltd Antiques, 1970's            $25.00 

  RB-1218     Short-Line Steam in Pennsylvania  (SB)  (light used condition)
      [album of steam locomotive used by Pa. shortline and industrial RR's, 180 photos, ~50pp]
                     Taber                     Taber                          $55.00 

  RB-4279     Stemwinders of the Laurel Highlands  (SB)  (light used condition)
                     Kline                    1973                            $48.00 

  RB-6377     Stories of the Pittsburg Shawmut & Northern Railroad  (SB)  (near mint condition)
                     Cory           PS&N Historical Soc.                 $99.00 
   RB-2828     Sunset Along Susquehanna Waters  (SB)  (new)
      [history of logging RR's along the Susquehanna River in Pennsylvania, 95pp]
                     Taber                    1972                            $100.00

  RB-5275     Sunset Along Susquehanna Waters  (SB) 
                            (like new, but old price sticker on front cover)
      [history of logging RR's along the Susquehanna River in Pennsylvania, 95pp]
                     Taber                    1972                            $55.00

  RB-2865     Tanbark, Alcohol and Lumber  (SB)  (very light used condition)
                     Taber                    1974                            $42.00

  RBP-4039    Teddy Collins Empire  (SB) (light used condition)
                     Casler                1976          $100.00 (Sold) 

  RBP-5512    Triumph VIII: Pittsburgh - Eye of Two Storms  (HB) (new, but tiny scuff on edge)
                     Roberts & Messer        Barnards, Roberts, 2003          $85.00 

  RB-2778     Wild Catting on the Mountain: The History of the Whitmer and Steele Lumber Companies  (SB)   
       (Book #2 in the Logging RR Era of Lumbering in Pennsylvania series)  (new)
                      Kline                   Kline, 1970                     $50.00  

  RB-5290     Whining Saws and Squealing Flanges  (SB)  (near mint condition)
      [history of central Pennsylvania logging railroads, w/ photos. Book #6, 96pp.]
                     Taber                    Taber, 1972                        $32.00

  RB-6647     Wellsville, Addison & Galeton Railroad: Sole Leather Line  (SB) (light used condition)    
                      Lewis                   Short Tracks, 1971                   $110.00  (coming soon)

  RB-6668     Wellsville, Addison & Galeton Railroad: Sole Leather Line  (SB) (very light used condition)    
                      Lewis                   Short Tracks, 1971                   $85.00 (Sold) 

  RB-4648     The Wood Chemical Industry in the Delaware Valley  (SB) (binding tight / no markings)    
  (includes large laid-in map of the NYO&W and the subject wood acid plants / wear along edges near corner)
                      Myers                   NYO&WHS, 1986                   $77.00

  RB-2210     World Famous Horseshoe Curve  (SB)   (very light used condition)
                                              TRP, 2006                       $10.00

To order call:   (707) 328-6215 (cell) or  539-1051 (land)  or   e-mail:  rrcomm@sonic.net
       payment accepted via: Visa, Master Card, Am Express, Discover, Zelle, checks / money orders, or Paypal
       Shipping: $5 for USPS Media Mail per order (flat rate - 1 book or 40 books ship for the same $5 to US addresses)

Pennsylvania RR  /  PRR

  RBP-1049    The 50 Best of the PRR, Book Two (SB)  (fair used condition)
                     Roberts                  Barnard, Roberts, 1978          $20.00

  RBP-998    The 50 Best of the PRR, Book Three (SB)  (fair used condition)
                     Harwood                  Barnard, Roberts, 1978          $20.00

  RBP-0712    Broad Street Station  (SB)  (Very good, minor edge wear)
                     Albrecht                Albrecht, 1972                   $15.00

  RB-3474     The Cars of the Pennsylvania Railroad  (SB)  (moderate used condition)
                                             Wayner                           $20.00

  RB-3474     The Floods of 1936 and 1937  (SB)  (light used condition)
    (Fantastic photo pictorial published by the PRR, documenting the dramatic damage suffered by the 
     railroad during these floods of historic proportion - and the beginning steps toward recovery. Book in
     excellent, mildly used condition. No dust jacket, as issued. No markings, besides ancient prices written
      on the front free end page. Binding tight.)
                 Garrett    PRR, Office of Chief Engineer, 1937            $50.00 

  RBP-2544    Heart of the Pennsylvania Railroad (SB)
           (moderate used condition / corners and spine have minor wear and creases)
                     McGonical               Kalmbach, 1996                   $17.00

  RBP-1466    I Remember Pennsy  (HB)     (light used condition)
                     Wood                    Audio-Visual, 1984               $4.95

  RB-4714     Pennsylvania Baggage & Mail Cars  (SB)  (new)
                     Liljestrand & Sweetland                                  $26.00 

  RB-6475     Pennsylvania Dining Cars  (SB)  (new)
                     Liljestrand & Sweetland                                  $36.00 

  RBP-4142    Passenger Equipment of the Pennsylvania Railroad, V.1: Coaches  (new)
                     Liljestrand & Sweetland    TRP, 2001                     $42.00

  RBP-6474    Passenger Equipment of the Pennsylvania Railroad, V.1: Coaches  (new)
                     Liljestrand & Sweetland    TRP, 2001                     $42.00 (Sold)

  RBP-5472    Passenger Equipment of the Pennsylvania Railroad, V.1: Coaches  (near mint)
                     Liljestrand & Sweetland    TRP, 2001                     $32.00

  RBP-4658    Passenger Equipment of the Pennsylvania Railroad, V.2: Sleepers  (new)
                     Liljestrand & Sweetland    TRP, 2001                     $28.00

  RB-2810     Pennsylvania Parlor Cars  (SB)  (new)
                     Liljestrand & Sweetland                                  $50.00

  RBP-5063    Pennsylvania Railroad  (SB)    (new in shrinkwrap)
                     Schafer & Solomon                   Voyageur         $140.00

  RBP-2881    Pennsylvania Railroad  (SB)    (like new)
                     Welsh                   Andover Jct. / MBI, 2006         $8.00

  RBP-5610    Pennsylvania Railroad 1940's-1950's  (SB)    (new condition / gift quality)
                     Ball                   Elm Tree, 1986         $60.00 

  RBP-0216    Pennsylvania Railroad Color Pictorial, Vol. 1, Altoona to New York City  (HB)  (like new)
                     Sweetland               Four Ways West, 2000             $45.00 

  RB-3493     Pennsylvania Railroad Color Pictorial, V.2: St. Louis to New York City  (HB)  (near mint)
                     Sweetland               Four Ways West, 2000             $80.00 

  RBP-2197    Pennsylvania Railroad Compendium: PRR Freight Car Lettering Arrangements 1954-1968
                           (SB)  (light used condition, corners and edges lightly creased)
                     Seman                   Middle Division, 1989            $45.00

  RBP-2946    Pennsylvania Railroad Diesel Locomotive Pictorial, V. 1 - Alco RS series
                                       (SB)   (new, still sealed in original wrap, NOS)
                     Hahn                    Withers, 1995                    $55.00

  RBP-2412    Pennsylvania Railroad Diesel Locomotive Pictorial, V. 1 - Alco RS series
                                                        (SB)   (near mint condition)
                     Hahn                    Withers, 1995                    $40.00

  RBP-5397    Pennsylvania Railroad Diesel Locomotive Pictorial, V. 3 - 2nd Gen EMD Road Switchers
                                                   (SB)      (new in original wrap)
                     Hahn                    Withers                       $110.00 

  RBP-5686    Pennsylvania Railroad Diesel Locomotive Pictorial, V. 3 - 2nd Gen EMD Road Switchers
                                                   (SB)      (near mint)
                     Hahn                    Withers                       $35.00 (Sold)

  RBP-5462    Pennsylvania Railroad Diesel Locomotive Pictorial, V. 4 - Baldwin Cab & Transfer Units
                                                   (SB)      (new in original wrap)
                     Hahn                    Withers                       $110.00 

  RBP-5429    Pennsylvania Railroad Diesel Locomotive Pictorial, V. 5 - Fairbanks-Morse Locomotives
                                                   (SB)      (new in original wrap)
                     Withers                    Withers, 2000                  $70.00

  RBP-5007    Pennsylvania Railroad Diesel Locomotive Pictorial, V. 5 - Fairbanks-Morse Locomotives
                                                   (SB)      (near mint,but minor edge-wear)
                     Withers                    Withers                       $78.00

  RBP-4700    Pennsylvania Railroad Diesel Locomotive Pictorial, V. 6 - EMD & Alco Freight Cab Units
                                                        (SB)   (new)
                     Withers                 Withers, 2003                    $72.00

  RBP-3318    Pennsylvania Railroad Diesel Locomotive Pictorial, V. 8 - Early EMD Road Switchers
                                                        (SB)   (new)
                     Withers                 Withers, 2003                    $44.00

  RBP-4730    Pennsylvania Railroad Diesel Locomotive Pictorial, V. 9 - Alco & GE Switchers (SB) (new)
                     Withers                 Withers, 2006                    $59.00

  RBP-4774    Pennsylvania Railroad Diesel Locomotive Pictorial, V. 9 - Alco & GE Switchers (SB) (near mint)
                     Withers                 Withers, 2006                    $49.00

  RBP-5553    Pennsylvania Railroad Diesel Locomotive Pictorial, V. 10 - EMD Switchers (SB)  (like new)
                     Withers                 Withers, 2006                    $59.90

  RBP-4675    Pennsylvania Railroad Diesel Locomotive Pictorial, V. 10 - EMD Switchers (SB)  (new)
                     Withers                 Withers, 2006                    $110.00

  RB-5620     Pennsylvania Railroad's Broadway Limited  (SB)   (like new)
                     Welsh             Voyageur / MBI, 2006           $82.00 

  RB-1369     Pennsylvania Railroad's Elmira Branch  (SB)   (like new)
                     Caloroso                Andover Junction, 1993           $95.00

  RB-2907     Pennsylvania Railroad's Elmira Branch  (SB)   (near mint)
                     Caloroso                Andover Junction, 1993           $80.00

  RB-4745     Pennsylvania Railroad Flat Cars  (SB)  (very light used condition)
                     Gatwood & Buchan       PRRT&HS, 2008                     $89.95 

  RBP-0191    Pennsylvania RR: A Pictorial History  (HB)
       (VG cond. / DJ shows slight wear & fraying @ bottom of spine, former owners sticker inside)
                     Alexander               Bonanza Books,                   $8.00

  RBP-0070    The Pennsylvania RR in Indiana  (HB) (like new)
                     Watt                    Indiana University Press, 1999   $30.00

  RBP-2851    Pennsylvania Railroad Heavyweight Passenger Equipment Plan & Photo Book
                                                                  (SB)  (light used condition)
                                             N.J. Int., 1984                  $32.00 

  RBP-2182    Pennsylvania Railroad Passenger Car Painting and Lettering  (SB - spiral bound)  over-sized  
        (light used condition)   Bardone & Tilp   PRR Technical & Historical Soc., 1988      $55.00

  RBP-0969    Pennsylvania Railroad Rolling Stock: Vol. 1, Diners  1860-1968  (SB)  (moderate used condition)
       [horizontal format / interior and exterior scale drawing of Pennsy diners from 1860, 93pp]
                      staff                  PC Railroader, 1975              $30.00 

  RBP-5919    Pennsylvania Railroad Rolling Stock: Vol. II, Coaches  1860-1968  (SB)  (good used condition)
                      staff                  PC Railroader, 1975              $30.00 

  RB-6587     Pennsylvania Railroad StandardMaintenance of Way Plans  (SB)  (very light used condition)
                          Builder's Compendium, 1967                 $28.50    

  RB-5831     Pennsylvania Railroad Steel Open Hopper Cars  (SB)  (light used condition)
                     Teichmoeller        Highlands Station, 2000             $65.00 

  RB-3488     Pennsylvania Railroad Steam & Electric Locomotive Diagrams  (SB)  (light used condition)
                     Stauffer                Stauffer                         $60.00 

  RBP-0212    Pennsylvania Standard Railroad of The World  (HB)  (like new, but DJ shows the slightest wear)
                     Plant & Yanosey         Morning Sun Books, 1999          $40.00

  RBP-2517    Pennsylvania Standard Railroad of The World  (HB)  (very light used cond., but no DJ)
                     Plant & Yanosey         Morning Sun Books, 1999          $30.00

  RBP-1311    A Pennsy Diesel Power Review  (HB)  (near mint / DJ mildly toned due to age)
                     Carleton                Carleton, 1995                   $65.00

  RBP-2232    Pennsy Diesel Years 1  (HB)  (like new condition)
                     Yanosey                 Morning Sun Books, 1988          $80.00

  RBP-2372    Pennsy Diesel Years 1  (HB)  (book excellent / DJ has edge wear, now in archival book cover)
                     Yanosey                 Morning Sun Books, 1988          $68.00

  RBP-2697    Pennsy Diesel Years 1  (HB)  (good used condition)
                     Yanosey                 Morning Sun Books, 1988          $47.00

  RBP-4175    Pennsy Diesel Years 1  (HB)  (good used condition, DJ has fraying at corners)
                     Yanosey                 Morning Sun Books, 1988          $26.00

  RBP-3099    Pennsy Diesel Years 2  (HB)  (near mint)
                     Yanosey                 Morning Sun Books, 1989          $36.00

  RBP-0033    Pennsy Diesel Years 2  (HB)  (book excellent / DJ shows minor fraying)
                     Yanosey                 Morning Sun Books, 1989          $32.00

  RBP-6545    Pennsy Diesel Years 3  (HB)  (near mint condition)
                     Yanosey                 Morning Sun Books, 1990          $38.00 

  RBP-0156    Pennsy Diesel Years 3  (HB)  (book near mint / DJ slightly frayed at top of spine)
                     Yanosey                 Morning Sun Books, 1990          $33.00

  RBP-6546    Pennsy Diesel Years 4  (HB)  (near mint condition)
                     Yanosey                 Morning Sun Books, 1991          $38.00 

  RBP-0020    Pennsy Diesel Years 4  (HB)  (book excellent / DJ slightly frayed at top of spine)
                     Yanosey                 Morning Sun Books, 1991          $33.00

  RBP-1948    Pennsy Diesel Years 5  (HB)          (near mint)
                     Yanosey                 Morning Sun Books, 1993          $40.00

  RBP-1941    Pennsy Diesel Years 6  (HB)          (near mint)
                     Yanosey                 Morning Sun Books, 1996          $40.00

  RBP-0079    Pennsy Diesel Years 6  (HB)  (sold new as 2nd, flaw not apparent with inspection)
                     Yanosey                 Morning Sun Books, 1996          $40.00

  RBP-1401    Pennsy Electric Pictorial  (HB)    (new condition)
                     Zak & Withers           Withers, 1999                    $32.00

  RBP-0262    Pennsy Electric Years  (HB)    (excellent, but DJ shows minor fraying at edges)
                     Volkmer                 Morning Sun Books, 1991          $60.00

  RBP-3054    Pennsy Electric Years, V.3  (HB)    (near mint)
                     Fischer                 Morning Sun Books, 2005          $57.00

  RBP-3291    Pennsy Power: Steam & Electric Locomotives  (HB)     (new)
                     Stauffer                Standard, 1962                   $60.00

  RBP-5576    Pennsy Power: Steam & Electric Locomotives  (HB)
                 (light used condition / former owner's name plate inside)
                     Stauffer                Standard, 1962                   $25.00 

  RBP-2090    Pennsy Power: Steam & Electric Locomotives  (HB)
         (excellent cond. / DJ shows minor age spotting, former owner's name plate inside)
                     Stauffer                Standard, 1962                   $22.00

  RBP-3543    Pennsy Power: Steam & Electric Locomotives  (HB)  (good used condition)
                     Stauffer                Standard, 1962                   $19.00

  RBP-2044    Pennsy Power II: Steam Diesel & Electric Locomotives  (HB)  
                              (near mint, but minor foxing - age spotting - on the dust jacket)
                     Stauffer                1968                             $75.00

  RBP-3511    Pennsy Power II: Steam Diesel & Electric Locomotives  (HB)  
      (tight binding, clean interior/ DJ rough, but now in new  mylar book cover and looks decent)
                     Stauffer                1968                             $45.00

  RBP-3642    Pennsy Power II: Steam Diesel & Electric Locomotives  (HB)  
      (tight binding, clean interior/ spine cocked forward / DJ has moderate edge & corner wear)
                     Stauffer                1982                             $45.00 

  RPB-5595    Pennsy Q Class  (HB)   (near mint)
                     Hartley                NJ Int                   $62.00 

  RBP-5574    Pennsy Steam A to T  (HB)  (very light used condition)
                     Carleton                    1989                    $41.00 

  RBP-0011    Pennsy Steam & Semaphores  (HB)
                     Westig                  Superior, 1984                   $11.00

  RBP-2280    Pennsy Steam Years 1  (HB)  (like new condition)
                     Sweetland               Morning Sun Books, 1992           $99.00

  RBP-2321    Pennsy Steam Years 1  (HB)  (very light used condition)
                     Sweetland               Morning Sun Books, 1992           $59.90

  RBP-6340    Pennsy Streamliners: The Blue Ribbon Fleet  (HB)  (near mint condition)
                     Welsh                   Kalmbach, 1999                   $50.00 

  RBP-2788    Philip R. Hastings: Portrait of the Pennsylvania Railroad  (HB)  (like new)
        [Photographs from the Collection of the California State Railroad Museum / 128pp]
                     Nelson                  Pine Tree, 2002                  $85.00 

  RBP-3372    PRR Color Guide to Freight and Passenger Equipment 
                              (Volume 1 - not stated)   (HB) (very light used cond.)
                     Sweetland & Yanosey     Morning Sun, 1992                $78.00

  RBP-1210    PRR: Hudson To Horseshoe  (HB)   (new condition, w/ laid in errata card)
                     Volkmer                 Morning Sun, 1994                $33.00

  RBP-3538    The Remarkable GG-1  (SB)  (light use / foxing on end pages)
                     Zimmermann              Quadrant, 1977                   $12.00 

  RB-6438      Trackside Around Philadelphia  (HB)    (new condition)
     [photos of Dave Cope, Bill Ellis & Frank Watson - electric, steam, Diesel & trolley, 128pp]
                     Pennypacker               Morning Sun, 2000               $45.00

  RB-0477      Trackside Around Philadelphia  (HB)    (near mint)
     [photos of Dave Cope, Bill Ellis & Frank Watson - electric, steam, Diesel & trolley, 128pp]
                     Pennypacker               Morning Sun, 2000               $40.00 

  RBP-3270    Trackside on the Pennsylvania: (V.1) Standard Plans: Structures, Bridges, Signals & Signs 
        (SB)   (like new)    Scherb        Highland Station, 2002        $45.00

  RBP-6559    Trackside on the Pennsylvania: (V.1) Standard Plans: Structures, Bridges, Signals & Signs  (SB) 
       (very light used condition)      Scherb     Highland Station, 2002   $40.00 

  RBP-6162    Triumph I: Altoona to Pitcairn 1846-1996  (HB) (new)
                     Roberts                 Barnards, Roberts, 1997          $95.00 

  RBP-5529    Triumph III: Philadelphia Terminal 1838-2000  (HB) (new condition)
                     Roberts                 Barnards, Roberts, 2000          $65.00

  RBP-6405    Triumph V: Philadelphia to New York 1830-2002  (HB) (new, but corner mildly bumped)
                     Roberts & Messer         Barnards, Roberts, 2002          $90.00

  RBP-6290    Triumph VII  (HB) (new condition, but corner mildly bumped)
                     Roberts & Messer         Barnards, Roberts, 2004          $85.00

  RBP-6345   Under Pennsy Wires  (HB)  (near mint condition / in older clear book cover)
                     Carleton                Carleton, 1982         $19.00 (Sold) 

  RBP-0200    Under Pennsy Wires  (HB)  (good cond / light to moderate wear)
                     Carleton                Carleton, 1977         $16.00

  RBP-4638    Under Pennsy Wires  (HB)  (light to moderate moisture damage / musty smell)
                     Carleton                Carleton, 1977           $6.00

  RBP-3458    Wellsboro's Own Railroad  (HB)  (moderate used condition)
                     Stoving                  TRP, 2003                       $41.00

  RBP-2210    World Famous Horseshoe Curve  (SB)   (near mint condition)
       [Pictorial study of PRR's Horseshoe Curve, 24pp]
                                             TRP, 2006                        $8.00

Pennsylvania-Reading Seashore Lines  /  PRSL

   RBP-4152    Pennsylvania-Reading Seashore Lines  (SB)  (fair used condition)
                    Kramer                   Crusader Press, 1980           $18.00

  RB-2311    The Trains to America's Playgound: Along the P-RSL to Atlantic City 1933-1976  
                    (SB)  (moderate used condition / creases at corners and edges, rubbing on back)
             Coxey, Kozempel & Kranefeld    West Jersey CH, NRHS, 1988       $40.00

  RB-2016    The Trains to America's Playgound: Along the P-RSL to Atlantic City 1933-1976  
                    (SB)  (moderate used condition / creases at corners and edges, rubbing on back)
             Coxey, Kozempel & Kranefeld    West Jersey CH, NRHS, 1988       $37.00

Pere Marquette  /  PM

  RBP-0451     The Pere Marquette in 1945  (SB)  (near mint)
                                     C&O Historical Soc., 1990           $30.00

  RBP-1445     Pere Marquette Power  (SB)   (near mint)
                   Dixon & Million   C&O Historical Soc., 1984           $69.00 

Pictorial - no specific subject / "coffee table"-style             (sorry, no scans - format too large for scanner)

  RB-563    America's Colorful Railroads  (HB)   (very light used condition)
      [color pictorial of trains & locomotives in the 1940's and '50's, 210pp]
                      Ball               Reed, 1978                      $6.00

  RB-1192    America's Rail Pictorial  (HB)  (very light used condition)
                     Porter              Heimburger, 1997                $13.00 

  RB-0449    Decade of the Trains  (SB)   (near mint)
                     Ball                NY Graphic Soc., 1984           $17.00

  RB-4190    A Golden Decade of Trains: The 1950's in Color  (HB)   (new)
                     Malinoski           Morning Sun                     $48.00

  RB-2793    Heartland  (HB)   (like new)
                     McDonnell           Boston Mills, 1993              $40.00

  RB-1256    Howard Fogg and the Diesel Image  
      (signed by Fogg and Scala / #4 out of 500 / book near mint, DJ shows mild sun tanning)
                     Scala               Weekend Chief, 1987             $60.00

  RB-5925    Howard Fogg and the Diesel Image  (no DJ / moderate used condition)
                     Scala               Weekend Chief, 1987             $20.00

  RB-1488    Locomotives of My Life  (HB)   (very light used condition)
                     Woods               Audio-Visual, 1974              $20.00

  RB-1918    Otto Perry: Master Railroad Photographer (HB) (scant sign of use / DJ has minor fraying @ spine ends)
                     Albi & Jones        Colorado RR Museum, 1982        $18.00

  RB-1890    Otto Perry's Railroad Pilgrimage  (HB)  (little sign of use / pages slightly yellowed along edges)
                                         Sundance, 1981                  $60.00

  RB-3367    Railroads: An American Journey  (HB)  (near mint condition)
                     Ball                Promontory, 1991                $10.00

  RB-1194    Rails  (HB)   (near mint)
                     Ball                Norton, 1981                    $12.00

  RB-1398    Steam Echoes: The Railroad Photography of Glenn Beier  (HB)   (like new)
                     Beier               Timber Times, 2004              $60.00

  RB-2007    Steel Rails Across America  (HB)   (signed by both authors / like new)
                 Dolzall & Danneman      Kalmbach, 1989                  $30.00

  RB-1193    Trains of America  (HB)   (like new)
                     Heimburger          Heimburger, 1989                $24.00

  RB-2138    West From Omaha  (HB)   (near mint)
                     Pfiefer             PFM, 1970                       $20.00 

Pittsburgh & Lake Erie  /  P&LE

 RB-3785   P&LE's Gondola Cars (SB)  (new)
               Gorzoch, Polaritz & Sparico      Kahndog, 2003             $72.00 

To order call:   (707) 328-6215 (cell) or  539-1051 (land)  or   e-mail:  rrcomm@sonic.net
       payment accepted via: Visa, Master Card, Am Express, Discover, Zelle, checks / money orders, or Paypal
       Shipping: $5 for USPS Media Mail per order (flat rate - 1 book or 40 books ship for the same $5 to US addresses)

Pittsburgh & West Virginia  /  P&WV

  RBP-0869     P&WV Locomotives  (staple bound photocopies, light used cond.)
  (photocopy of 1949 blue prints showing side elevations and specs. for all P&WV locomotives on 
  roster at the time / 5 5/8" X 12 1/4" pages for articulated locos fold out to 15" / 10 pp + covers)
                               photocopy of 1949 P&WV plan book             $20.00  

Plymouth      (the locomotove builder)

 (see books listed under "Industrial Locomotives" above)

Poor's Railroad Manuals        (also see Moody's manuals listed above)

  RBP-5545  Poor's Manual of the Railroads, 1881  (HB)  
                                           (good used condition)                $140.00
  RBP-5497  Poor's Manual of the Railroads, 1887  (HB)  
                                           (good used condition)                $135.00
  RBP-5319  Poor's Manual of the Railroads, 1891  (HB)  
                                           (poor used condition)                $80.00
  RBP-4367  Poor's Manual of the Railroads, 1897  (HB)  
                                           (good used condition)                $130.00
  RBP-7  Poor's Manual of the Railroads, 1898  (HB)  
                                           (good used condition)                $130.00
  RBP-5516  Poor's Manual of the Railroads, 1903  (HB)  
                                           (fair used condition)                $130.00
  RBP-4846  Poor's Manual of the Railroads, 1907  (HB)  
                                           (good used condition)                $130.00
  RBP-5385  Poor's Manual of the Railroads, 1913  (HB)  
                                           (very good used condition)           $150.00

Porter      (the locomotive builder)

  RB-6030   Porter Steam Locomotives  (SB) (new)
    (all-time Porter roster steam and Diesel + reprint of 1930 steam locomotive catalog, + photos)
                                    NMRA, 2001                        $90.00 
 (also see books listed under "Industral Locomotives" above)


  RB-2662   Narrow Gauge Railways of Portugal  (new)
      (detailed look at the narrow gauge rail lines in Portugal / 312pp)
                 Davies               Plateway, 1998                  $240.00

  RB-2596   Narrow Gauge Railways of Portugal (HB)  (near mint / minor wear to DJ)
      (detailed look at the narrow gauge rail lines in Portugal / 312pp)
                Davies               Plateway, 1998                   $195.00 

  RB-3373   The Tramways of Portugal: A Visitor's Guide (SB) (near mint)
                King & Price      Light Rail Transit Auth., 1983      $80.00 

Providence & Worcester

  RB-5473   Blackstone Valley Line (SB)  (good used condition)
        ["The Story of the Blackstone Canal Co. & the Providence & Worchester RR" / 80pp]
                Lewis      Baggage Car, 1973      $48.00 

Railroad Management / Engineering

  RB-5473   Railroad Engineering, 2nd edition (SB) 
       (no DJ, as issued / near mint condition - never read, but trivial shelf wear)
                Hay      Wiley, 1982       $145.00 

railroad train station log books

  RB-1093      Chicago & Eastern Illinois / C&EI / log book from Thebes, Il. / 
       Oct. 1964 - June 3, 1968 (when station closed)
    (this was the last log book at Thebes Station - it apparently sat out open some some years after the 
     station closed and the last used page got water and bird drop stains as the staion fell into disrepair -
     a fantastic record of every train, locomotive, engine crewman at the southern end of the C&EI)
        17 1/4" X 11"  (HB)        $90.00 

  RB-1047     Frisco / log book from Newburg, Mo. / Sept. 1975 - Dec. 1975  (HB)
        14 1/4" X 8 3/4"       $45.00 

Railway Prototype Cyclopedia

  RB-4864   Railway Prototype Cyclopedia: 1 (SB)  (New)
                                              RP Cyc, 1997                    $26.00

  RB-6603   Railway Prototype Cyclopedia: 4 (SB)  (very light used condition)
                                              RP Cyc, 2000                    $85.00 

  RB-4891   Railway Prototype Cyclopedia: 5 (SB)  (very light used condition)
                                              RP Cyc, 2000                    $90.00

  RB-4928   Railway Prototype Cyclopedia: 6  (SB)  (new)
     (BX Express Box Cars / EMD F3's / lightweight pass. car trucks / table of Pullman pass. car trucks)
                                              RP CYC, 2001                    $100.00

  RB-6450   Railway Prototype Cyclopedia: 7 (SB)  (like new)
                                              RP Cyc, 2003                    $90.00

  RB-4865   Railway Prototype Cyclopedia: 8 (SB)  (New)
                                              RP Cyc, 2003                    $85.00

  RB-4766   Railway Prototype Cyclopedia: 8  (SB)  (moderate used condition)
     (BX Express Box Cars addendum / VO-1000 locomotives / 1935 AAR hopper cars / 10' IH 40" box cars)
                                              RP CYC, 2003                    $75.00 

  RB-6364   Railway Prototype Cyclopedia: 9 (SB)  (near mint condition)
                                              RP Cyc, 2003                    $80.00

  RB-4804   Railway Prototype Cyclopedia: 9 (SB)  (fair used condition)
                                              RP Cyc, 2003                    $74.00

  RB-4867   Railway Prototype Cyclopedia: 10 (SB)  (New)
                                              RP Cyc, 2003                    $34.00

  RB-4799   Railway Prototype Cyclopedia: 11 (SB)  (New)
                                              RP Cyc, 2005                    $34.00

  RB-4825   Railway Prototype Cyclopedia: 12 (SB)  (New)
                                              RP Cyc, 2005                    $40.00

  RB-4919   Railway Prototype Cyclopedia: 13 (SB)  (New)
                                              RP Cyc, 2006                    $64.00

  RB-6605   Railway Prototype Cyclopedia: 13 (SB)  (near mint)
                                              RP Cyc, 2006                    $56.00 

  RB-4981   Railway Prototype Cyclopedia: 14 (SB)  (New)
                                              RP Cyc, 2006                    $34.00

  RB-4982   Railway Prototype Cyclopedia: 15 (SB)  (New)
                                              RP Cyc, 2007                    $36.00

  RB-4939   Railway Prototype Cyclopedia: 16 (SB)  (New)
                                              RP Cyc, 2008                    $36.00

  RB-4982   Railway Prototype Cyclopedia: 19 (SB)  (New)
                                              RP Cyc, 2009                    $37.00 

  RB-6688   Railway Prototype Cyclopedia: 30 (SB)  (near mint)
                                              RP Cyc                          $77.00 

  RB-4983   Railway Prototype Cyclopedia: 31-32 (SB)  (New)
                                              RP Cyc, 2016                    $72.00


  RBR-0253   Atlantic City Railroad  (HB)
                     Cook & Coxey            Crusader Press, 1980             $85.00

  RB-2163    Memories of Reading Company Power 1833-1976  (HB)  (like new, except for toning on DJ spine)
                    Carleton                Carleton, 1985                    $55.00

  RB-3965   Northeast Railroad Scene, V. 3: The Reading  (SB)  (moderate used condition)
                     Penisi                 RR Ave., 1976                     $18.00

  RBR-0456   Rails Along The Schuylkill (Featuring photos from the collection of Bruce Saylor)
                 (SB)    (very good condition, but cover has mild staining)
                     Heathcliff & Traz      Assoc. Artists of Dixie, 1988      $25.00
  RB-5363   The Reading: Building a Modern Railroad  (SB)  (very light used condition)
                                             Reading, 1958                   $12.00 

  RB-2269    Reading Company In Color, Vol. 1  (HB)   (light used condition)
                     Plant                   Morning Sun, 1996                 $40.00 

  RBR-1725   Reading Diesels, Vol. 1: The First Generation  (HB)  (near mint, but wear along flap edge of DJ)
                     Woodland                Garrigues House, 1991             $36.00 

  RBR-6517   Reading Diesels, Vol. 2: The Second Generation  (HB)  (near mint, but tiny tear at top edge of DJ)
                     Woodland                Garrigues House, 1991             $36.00 

  RBR-2290   Reading Power Pictorial  (HB)    (light used condition, but DJ spine toned)
                     Pennypacker             Carleton, 1980                    $22.00

  RBR-0100   The Reading Railroad: History of a Coal Age Empire - Volume 1 The Nineteenth Century  (HB)  
                                       (near mint - 2 tiny tears @ edge of DJ)
                     Holton                  Garrigues House, 1989             $40.00 

  RBR-1060   The Reading Railroad: History of a Coal Age Empire - Volume 1: The Nineteenth Century  (HB)   
      (light used cond. - minor fraying @ edge of DJ, now protected w/ archival book cover)
                     Holton                  Garrigues House, 1989             $35.00

  RBR-6367   The Reading Railroad: History of a Coal Age Empire - Volume 2: The Twentieth Century  (HB)   
      (includes errata page and maps in back pocket / almost no wear, DJ in older archival book cover)
                     Holton                  Garrigues House, 1992             $74.00 

  RB-1639    The Reading Railroad's T-1 Class Steam Locomotives 1944-1958 (HB)  (new, but lower corners bumped)
                     Gottschall       Reading Transportation Museum, 2008      $44.00 (Sold)

  RBR-1758   Reading Steam In Color  (HB)   (near mint condition)
                     Plant                   Morning Sun, 1996                 $37.00 

  RBR-5785   Reading's Victorian Stations  (HB)  
       (light used condition / includes laid-in Reading map)
                     Lewis                   Baggage Car, 1976            $20.00 

regional - "The East" / Midsouth / Appalachia

  RB-1743     Appalachian Conquest: C&O, N&W, Virginian and Clinchfield Cross the Mountains
                                        (HB)       (new condition)
                     Huddleston                 TLC, 2002                  $38.00
  RB-5251     Appalachian Crossing: The Pocohontas Roads
                                        (HB)       (near mint condition)
                     Huddleston                 TLC, 1989                  $15.00 

regional - "The Midwest"

  RB-0692     Fading Glory  (SB)  (moderate used condition)
       [a pictorial review of steam RR'ing and logging in upper Wisconsin & Michigan, ~80pp]
                     Harrison                   1971                            $42.00

  RB-2463     Ghost Rails V: PRR Butler Branch & Buffalo Creek Ghosts &
     Winfield Railroad to PRR Kiski Junction  (HB)  (new, corner bumped / Limited Edition, #403 of 500 / signed)
                     Cole                       Cole                            $160.00

  RB-5107     Ghost Rails V: PRR Butler Branch & Buffalo Creek Ghosts &
     Winfield Railroad to PRR Kiski Junction  (HB)  (near mint condition)
                     Cole                       Cole                            $100.00

  RB-5010     Ghost Rails VII: The Sh4371
  ort Line  (HB)  (near mint / signed)
                     Cole                       Cole                            $160.00

  SB-2081     Lake Michigan's Railroad Car Ferries  (SB)   (very light used condition)
                     Zimmerman                  Andover Jct., 1983              $77.00 
  RB-5181   Prairie Depots In Color  (new in shrinkwrap)
                   Hickox             Morning Sun                 $48.00 

  RB-0493     Railroads of the Ohio Valley 1947-60: Book 1, Pittsburgh, Pa to Gallipolis, Oh.  (SB)  
     [pictorial study of railroading in the subject area, 94pp]           (light used cond.)
                     Harvey                      Silver Brook Jct., 1995        $45.00

  RB-0597     Railroads of the Ohio Valley 1947-60: Book 2, Huntington, W.V. to Cincinnati, Oh.  (SB)
     [pictorial study of railroading in the subject area, 94pp]           (light used cond.)
                     Harvey                      Silver Brook Jct., 1995        (Sold)

  RB-0524     Railroads of the Ohio Valley 1947-60: Book 3, Aurora, In. to Cairo, Il.  (SB)
     [pictorial study of railroading in the subject area, 94pp]           (near mint condition)
                     Harvey                      Silver Brook Jct., 1995        $50.00

  RB-1293     Regional Railroads of the Midwest  (HB)   (new condition)
                     Glischinski                 Voyageur / MBI, 2007           $22.00

regional - "The Northeast" / "New England"

  RB-2450     Alcos Northeast: Beyond Schenectady. Smoke, Guts and Glory. 1969-2006  (HB)  (near mint)
                      Confalone & Posik      RR Explorer, 2006                $90.00 
  RB-2002    American Steam, V. 2: Locomotives of the Northeast  (HB)  (near mint, signed, #187)
                     Le Massena           Sundance, 1989                     $26.00 

  RB-0520     Anthracite Country Color  (SB)     (like new)
     [color pictorial of trains & locomotives in the Anthracite region in the '40's & '50's, 48pp]
                     Bernet                   Railroad Avenue, 1998           $20.00

  RB-5132     Before Guilford  (HB)   (new)
                     Cook                     Old Line, 1988                  $45.00

  RB-4899      Central New England Railway, V. 1: The Infant Years  (HB) 
         (near mint, but DJ creased at top of spine - still stored in original shipping box)
                     Nimke                    1995                           $200.00

  RB-4900      Central New England Railway, V. 2: The C.N.E.  (HB) 
                                          (like new - still stored in original shipping box)
                     Nimke                    1995                           $200.00 

  RB-4901      Central New England Railway, V. 3: Places n' Things  (HB)  
                                          (like new - still stored in original shipping box)
                     Nimke                    1995                           $200.00

  RB-2774     A Color Pictorial of Northeastern Railfanning  (SB)  (very light used condition)
                     Ford & Hart              NJ Int.                         $11.00

  RB-6000     Connecticut River Railroads and Connections, Vol. IX, Concord, WRJ, Swanton
                                                                          (HB)  (near mint)
                      Nimke                   Nimke, 1993                     $80.00 

  RB-4604     Connecticut River Railroads and Connections, Vol. X, Woodsville  - East & West
                                                   (HB)  (like new / signed by author)
                      Nimke                   Nimke, 1993                     $270.00

  RB-5999     Connecticut River Railroads and Connections, Vol. X, Woodsville  - East & West
                                                                          (HB)  (near mint)
                      Nimke                   Nimke, 1993                     $200.00 

  RB-2855     Eastern Steam Pictorial  (HB)   (near mint, but DJ spine tanned, corners bumed)
      [pictorial review of the late great steam locomotives in the anthricite region, 381pp]
                      Pennypacker             Carleton, 1975                  $34.00

  RB-0475     Lost Railroads of New England  (SB)   (like new)
     [guide to abandoned rail lines, with maps and history]
                     Karr                      Branch Line, 1996               $10.00

  RB-3589     New England 1930's Steam Action Worcester  (SB)   (near mint)
                     Liljestrand                TRP                            $22.00

  RB-1729     New England Alcos in Twilight  (SB)   (near mint)
                     Hartley                   PTJ, 1984                       $14.00

  RB-2039     New England Classics  (SB)  (new condition)
                     Serensits                 TPR, 2002                       $18.00

  RB-2287    New England Country Depots  (SB)   (front cover creased / light staining)
                     Lewis                Baggage Car, 1973                 $35.00

  RBR-0220     New England Diesels  (HB)  DJ frayed along top & rubbed on edges, otherwise clean)
                     Albert & Melvin          International Standard, 1975     $15.00 

  RB-5463      New England Rail Album  (SB)            (like new)
                     Phelps                   c. 1989                          $9.00

  RB-0418      New England Rail Album  (SB)            (light used condition)
                     Phelps                   c. 1989                          $8.00

  RB-1809      New England's Colorful Railroads, Vol. 1  (HB)     (new condition)
                     Sweetland                Four Ways West, 2000             $42.00

  RB-4510      New Hampshire and Vermont Railroads: Classic to Contemporary Scenic Action  (SB) 
                      (fair condition / interior excellent, but corners bumped & some edge wear)
                     Johnson                  1986                             $27.00

  RB-3743      Passenger Cars of New England, Vol. 2 - Bangor & Aroostook and Maine Central  (like new)
                     Liljestrand & Sweetland   TRP, 2000                       $19.00

  RB-0489      Passenger Cars of New England, Vol. 3 - Central Vermont & Rutland  (like new)
     [pictorial review of the passenger cars of the CV & the Rutland, 48pp]
                     Liljestrand & Sweetland   TRP, 2000                       $37.00

  RB-1997      Passenger Trains of Northern New England  (HB)  (like new)
                     Holland                   TLC, 2004                       $23.00

  RB-3745      Providence & Worcester Railroad: Portrait of a Winner 1973-2006  (SB)  (very light used cond.)
                     Barnett                   Railroad Explorer, s007         $160.00 

  RB-0946      Rails Across the Berkshire Hills  (SB)  (very light used condition)
      [pictorial of railroading through the Berkshires from 1980-84, has laid in updates pages dated 1990]
                     Bazan                     Bazan, 1984                     $28.00 (Sold)

  RB-2917      Rails Across the Midlands  (HB)  (interior excellent / DJ has fraying along edges)
                     Cook                      Golden West, 1968               $12.00

  RB-2083      Southern Tier Lines  (SB)   (moderate used condition)
                     Humphrey & Humphrey       Rainy Day, 1992               $32.00 

  RB-0423      Steam on the Anthracite Roads  (SB)      (moderate used condition)
                     Eagleson                  Quadrant, 1974                  $11.00

  B-5713      Steelway of New England  (HB)  (fair used condition, ex-library, no DJ)
                     Harlow                  Creative Age, 1946                  $12.00

  RB-1103      Tracing the Route of The Martha's Vineyard Railroad: 1874-1896  (SB)
      (interior like new / cover show light smudging / rubbing, tanned along spine)
                     Blackwell                 Blackwell, 1971                 $38.00 

  RB-1634      Trackside East of the Hudson 1941-1953 with William J. McChesney  (HB)  (like new)
                     Plant w/Plant             Morning Sun, 1998               $47.00

  RB-0438      Trains of Northern New England  (SB)  (good used cond. / sticker residue on cover corner)
                     Krause w/ Bailey           Quadrant, 1977                 $10.00

To order call:   (707) 328-6215 (cell) or  539-1051 (land)  or   e-mail:  rrcomm@sonic.net
       payment accepted via: Visa, Master Card, Am Express, Discover, Zelle, checks / money orders, or Paypal
       Shipping: $5 for USPS Media Mail per order (flat rate - 1 book or 40 books ship for the same $5 to US addresses)

regional - "The South"

  RB-0150   Classic Diesels of The South  (HB)
      [pictorial of J Parker Lamb's recording of railroading in the south mostly in the '40's & '50's]
		Lamb		TLC, 1997		$30.00 

  RB-1576   Classic Steam Trains of the South  (HB)   (new, but spine slightly faded)
		Tillotson	TLC, 2000		$30.00
  RB-5172   Extra South: An Unscheduled, Unhurried Look at Dixie Steam Railroading
				(near mint)
		Reid		Kalmbach, 1986		$15.00

  RB-3303   Rails Remembered, V. 1  (HB)  (signed by author, very light use)
		Newton		Newton, 1992		$125.00

  RB-3480   Rails Remembered, V. 2  (HB)  (signed by author, very light use)
		Newton		Newton, 1996		$90.00

  RB-3623   Rails Remembered, V. 2  (HB)  (nice, but DJ worn along edges, small tears)
		Newton		Newton, 1996		$78.00 

  RB-1399   Slow Trains Down South, Vol. 1... Daily 'Cept Sunday  (HB)    (new condition)
		Ferrell		Hundman, 2005		$28.00 

  RB-6589   Slow Trains Down South, Vol. 1... Daily 'Cept Sunday  (HB)   
     (unsold copy from now-closed hobby shop, essentially new, but trivial shelf wear)
		Ferrell		Hundman, 2005		$26.00

  RB-1400   Slow Trains Down South, Vol. 2... Deep in Dixie  (HB)    (near mint condition)
		Ferrell		Hundman, 2006		$28.00

regional - "The West"

  RB-3025   Backwoods Railroads of the West: A Portfolio by Richard Steinheimer  (HB)  
     (interior excellent / DJ nice, but has moderate wear & small tears along edges)
                     Steinheimer               Kalmbach, 1963                  $32.00

  RB-3268   Backwoods Railroads of the West: A Portfolio by Richard Steinheimer  (HB)  
     (interior excellent / DJ nice, but has moderate wear along edges, in fair clear book cover)
                     Steinheimer               Kalmbach, 1963                  $32.00

  RB-3426   Done Honest & True  (SB)   (like new)
                     Benson                    Pentrex, 1999                   $80.00 

  RB-3871   Done Honest & True  (SB)  (very light used condition)
                     Benson                    Pentrex, 1999                   $72.00

  RB-2249   Dreams, Visions & Visionaries - Colorado Rail Annual #20  (HB)   (like new)
                                              Colorado RR Museum, 1993         $38.00

  RBC-4307   Encyclopedia of Western Railroad History: The Desert States  (HB)  (near mint)
                     Robertson                Caxton, 1986                     $80.00

  RB-0541   The Last Spike is Driven  (SB)
      [descriptive history of the building of the UP & CP "Overland Route", w/ photos, 144pp]
                     Cooley                   Utah Historical Soc., 1969        $6.00

  RB-6574   A Northwest Rail Pictorial  (HB)  (new)
                      Wing                    PFM, 1988                      $26.00 

  RB-1449   A Northwest Rail Pictorial  (SB)  (new)
                      Wing                    PFM, 1983                      $20.00

  RB-1689   A Northwest Rail Pictorial, Vol. III  (HB)      (new)
                      Wing                    Oso, 1998                      $65.00 

  RB-1198   One Track Mind: Photographic Essays of Western Railroading  (HB) (near mint / trivial wear on the DJ)
                     Benson                 Boston Mills, 2000                  $24.00

  RB-6289   Overland to the Rockies  (SB)   (light used condition)
                     Fox                 Fox, 1984            $18.00 

  RB-1562   The Pacific Northwest Railroads of McGee and Nixon     (mint condition)
                     Green                  Northwest Shortline, 1992           $50.00

  RB-2043   Rails in the Northwest: A Contemporary Glimpse  (SB)   (near mint)
                     Hill & Stanley         Colorado RR Museum, 1978            $22.00

  RB-5590   Rails in the Northwest: A Contemporary Glimpse  (SB)   (light used condition)
                     Hill & Stanley         Colorado RR Museum, 1978            $13.00 

  RB-6479   Shortlines of the Desert Southwest  (SB)   (near mint condition)
                     Shaw         Four Ways West, 2015            $125.00 

  RB-1278   Western Steam Pictorial  (HB)   (signed & numbered #361 / moderate used condition)
                     Dunscomb & Dunscomb    Dunscomb, 1988                  $70.00

Richmond, Fredericksburg & Potomac

  RBR-5036   One Hundred Fifty Years of History Along the Richmond, Fredericksburg and Potomac Railroad (SB)
                                        (near mint throughout / official history of the RF&P / 168pp)
                     Griffin                 RF&P, 1984                      $36.00

  RB-1739    Richmond Fredericksburg & Pototmac Railroad: The Capital Cities Route  (HB)  (new condition)
                     Griffin                 TLC, 1994                       $95.00 

  RBR-1031   Richmond Fredericksburg & Potomac: Linking North and South  (HB)  (near new)
                     Kaplan & Mellander      Old Line Graphics, 1990         $30.00

  RBR-0076   Richmond, Fredericksburg and Potomac Railroad Passenger Service 1935-1975  (HB)
                                                            (like new condition)
                     Griffin                 TLC, 2000                       $20.00

  RB-1154    Richmond-Washington Line and Related Railroads  (HB)  (very light used condition)
                     Prince                  Prince, 1975                    $110.00 

  RB-5410    Richmond-Washington Line and Related Railroads  (HB)  (good used condition / ex-libris)
                     Prince                  Prince, 1975                    $70.00

Rio Grande  /  Denver and Rio Grande Western  /  D&RGW

  RB-6523  Denver & Rio Grande Western Narrow Gauge Plans (folio SB)
           (fair condition / no markings, but a bit rumply from being shipped in a soft envelope)
                   Heimburger             S Gaugian, 1976        $90.00  
  RBR-1302  George L. Beam and the Denver & Rio Grande, Vol. 1  (HB) 
                                (signed & numbered (#105) / near mint condition)
                     Thode                   Sundance, 1986                $30.00

  RBR-2319  Locomotive 346: The First Hundred Years  (SB)    (new condition)
                     Ramsey & Lawrence    Colorado RR Museum, 1981         $7.00

  RBR-1824  Locomotives of the Rio Grande  (SB)    (new condition)
                              Colorado RR Museum, 1980                     $15.00

  RBR-5259  Locomotives of the Rio Grande  (SB)    (fair used condition)
                              Colorado RR Museum, 1980                     $10.00

  RBR-3778  The Moffat Road  (HB)  (no DJ, bumped corners, otherwise excellent)
                     Bollinger & Bauer       Sage, 1962                    $70.00

  RB-2880   Never on Wednesday: the first deacde of the Rio Grande Zephyr (HB)
                (book like new / DJ has taped tear on back and a some corners)
                     Loveman & Patrick       PTJ, 1980                     $60.00

  RB-2683   Never on Wednesday: the first deacde of the Rio Grande Zephyr (SB) (very light used cond.)
                     Loveman & Patrick       PTJ, 1980                     $36.00

  RB-3166   Requiem for the Narrow Gauge  (HB) 
                                (near mint, but 1" long deep scuff on front cover)
                     Grenard                 Rail Head, 1985               $65.00

  RB-2507   Rio Grande Along the Rio Grande>  (SB)   (very light used condition)
                     Griswold                1986                          $28.00 

  RBR-4883  Rio Grande in Color: Vol. 1: Colorado  (HB)    (light used condition)
                     Grenard                 Morning Sun, 1992             $25.00

  RBR-5318  Rio Grande Diesels: A Pictorial History - Vol. 2  (SB)  (fair used condition)      
                     Strapac                 Shade Tree, 1984              $35.00 

  RBR-3938  Rio Grande Diesels: A Pictorial History - Vol. 3  (SB)  (new)      
                     Strapac                 Shade Tree, 1998              $36.00

  RB-1914   Rio Grande: Mainline of the Rockies  (HB)  (book near mint / DJ shows minor rubbing)
                     Beebe & Clegg           Howell-North, 1962            $20.00

  RB-6558   Rio Grande In Color, V. 3  (SB)  (un-sold, un-used, near mint)
                     Sandrin           Morning Sun, 2001            $85.00 

  RB-5958   Rio Grande In the Rockies  (SB)  (good used condition)
                     Hill           Co. RR Museum, 1977            $12.00 

  RBR-3700  Rio Grande Narrow Gauge In The Summer of 1941  (SB)  (fair used condition)
                     Maxwell & Small         Railhead, 1986                $38.00 

  RB-5531   Rio Grande... to the Pacific  (HB)  (like new)
                     LeMassena                Sundance, 1974               $40.00

  RR-1254   The Rio Grande Pictorial: One Hundred Years of Railroading Thru the Rockies  
                           (HB)  (looks unread, but page edges show the slightest tinge of yellowing)
                     Collman & McCoy          Sundance, 1971               $14.00

  RR-1805   Rio Grande: Ruler of the Rockies  (HB)  (like new, but w/ trivial wear on the DJ spine)
                     Farewell                 Trans-Anglo, 1987            $24.00

  RBR-2098  Rio Grande's La Veta Pass Route  (HB)    (near mint)
                     Rasmussen                Evergreen, 2000              $53.00 

  RB-1676   Rio Grande Secret Places, Vol. 1: The Tunnel District  (HB)  (new condition)
                     Farewell                 Colo. RR Museum, 1997        $33.00

  RB-1556   Rio Grande Steam locomotives: Standard Gauge  (HB)     (like new)
                     Heimburger               Heimburger House, 1981       $37.00

  RB-1871   The Thunder of their Passing: A Tribute to the D&RG's Narrow Gauge and the Cumbres & Toltec Scenic RR
                                                (HB)   (like new condition - gift quality)
                     Turner                    Sono Nis, 2003              $100.00

  RBR-3264  Twilight On The Narrow Gauge: Rio Grande Scenes of the Fifties  (SB)
                                                   (moderate used condition)
                     Kramer                   Quadrant, 1976               $9.00

  RBR-1322  Zephyrs Thru the Rockies  (SB) (very light used condition)
                     Edmonson & Goodheart     Goodheart, 1986              $18.00

Rio Grande Southern  /  RGS

  RBR-4636    Chama / Cumbres: With a Little Chili  (HB)   (light used condition)
                    Dorman                         R.D., 1988               $48.00 

  RBR-2240    The Chili Line: and Santa Fe, the City Different   (HB)   (light used condition)
                    Dorman                         R.D., 2000               $69.00

  RBR-5769    The Chili Line: and Santa Fe, the City Different (3rd Ed - w/ 16 added pages)
     (HB)   (near mint condition)
                    Dorman                         R.D., 2000               $69.00 

  RBR-4496    Durango: Always a Railroad Town  (HB)   (light used condition)
                    Dorman                         R.D., 1987               $67.00 

  RBR-5769    Durango: Always a Railroad Town, V.2  (HB)   (very light used condition)
                    Dorman                         R.D., 1996               $77.00 

  RBR-1895    The RGS Story (Rio Grande Southern), Vol. I: Over the Bridges-Ridgway to Telluride  (HB)
                                                          (HB)  (new condition)
                    Collman & McCoy                Sundance, 1990           $80.00

  RBR-6141    The RGS Story, Vol. II: Telluride, Pandora and the Mines Above (HB)  (new)
                    Collman / McCoy         Sundance, 1991        $160.00 

  RBR-6142    The RGS Story, Vol. III: Over the Bridges... Vance Junction to Ophir (HB) 
             (like new, but bumped along lower edge of front cover / signed  by authors / #1213)
                    Collman / McCoy         Sundance, 1993        $165.00 

  RBR-5500    The RGS Story, Vol. IV: Over the Bridges.. Ophir loop to Rico  (HB)  (like new)
                    Collman, McCoy & Graves         Sundance, 1994          $190.00 

  RBR-5937    The RGS Story, Vol. IV: Over the Bridges.. Ophir loop to Rico 
       (HB)  (near mint / signed by all 3 authors)
                  Collman, McCoy & Graves         Sundance, 1994          $160.00

  RBR-6520    The RGS Story, Vol. IV: Over the Bridges.. Ophir loop to Rico  (HB)
   (book near mint, bright, no markings, but lower outer corners bumped / vinyl cover starting to yellow)
                  Collman, McCoy & Graves         Sundance, 1994          $120.00

  RBR-6144    The RGS Story (Rio Grande Southern), Vol. V: Rico and the Mines  (HB)  
      (new condition / signed by all three authors / #'ed 791)
                    McCoy, Collman & Graves         Sundance, 1996          $150.00 

  RBR-3005    The RGS Story (Rio Grande Southern), Vol. V: Rico and the Mines  (HB)  (new)
                    McCoy, Collman & Graves         Sundance, 1996          $130.00

  RBR-2580    The RGS Story (Rio Grande Southern), Vol. V: Rico and the Mines  (HB)  
                         (new condition throughout, but has scratch on vinyl book cover)
                    McCoy, Collman & Graves         Sundance, 1996          $120.00 

  RBR-1956   The RGS Story (Rio Grande Southern), Vol. VI: Rico to Dolores  (HB)   
                                                        (new condition / signed by both authors / #780)
                    McCoy & Collman                 Sundance, 1997          $140.00

  RBR-1494    The RGS Story (Rio Grande Southern), Vol. VI: Rico to Dolores  (HB)   (like new)
                    McCoy & Collman             Sundance, 1997        $100.00 

  RBR-6149    The RGS Story (Rio Grande Southern), Vol. VII: Dolores and McPhee  (HB) 
                                               (new condition, includes laid-in map)
                Cook, McCoy & Collman      Sundance, 1998       $185.00 

  RBR-6150    The RGS Story (Rio Grande Southern), Vol. VIII: Over the Bridges... Dolores to Mancos  (HB) 
                      (signed by all four authors / Book #1458 / new condition)
                Cook, McCoy & Collman      Sundance, 2000       $260.00 

  RBR-6151    The RGS Story (Rio Grande Southern), Vol. IX: Over the Bridges... Grady to Durango  (HB) 
       (like new condition / #'ed 1521 / signed by all three authors - looks like it has never been opened!)
                Cook, McCoy & Collman      Sundance, 2001       $180.00 

  RBR-1603    The RGS Story (Rio Grande Southern), Vol. X: Over The Bridges... Ridgway To Durango  (HB)
                                               (signed by both authors / like new / has laid-in map set)
                    McCoy & Collman               Sundance, 2003            $200.00

  RBR-2862    The RGS Story (Rio Grande Southern), Vol. X: Over The Bridges... Ridgway To Durango  (HB)
                                                            (mint condition / has laid-in map set)
                    McCoy & Collman               Sundance, 2003            $180.00

  RBR-1548    The RGS Story (Rio Grande Southern), Vol. XI: Durango and the Perins Peak Branch  (HB) 
                                                           (signed by all three authors / like new)
                    McCoy, Collman & McLeod       Sundance, 2005            $195.00 

  RBR-1853    The RGS Story (Rio Grande Southern), Vol. XII: Locomotives and Rolling Stock  (HB) 
                      (signed by all four authors / Book #113 / new condition)
          McCoy & Collman, Ehernberger & Bradford      Sundance, 2006       $320.00

  RBR-4467    The Rio Grande Southern Railroad  (HB) 
    (almost no sign of wear / name stamped inside / no DJ - as issued)
                     Crum                      San Juan History, 1961       $55.00

  RBR-6095    The Southern: A Narrow Gauge Odyssey  (HB)  (fair used condition)
                     Dorman                     R.D., 1986                  $54.00 

  RBC-3207    Sunset on the Rio Grande Southern, Vol. 1  (HB)  (signed!, like new)
                     Ehernberger         Challenger, 1996                   $165.00

  RBC-0772    Sunset on the Rio Grande Southern, Vol. 2  (HB)   (signed!, like new)
                     Ehernberger         Challenger, 1998                   $77.00

Rhode Island

  RB-0542      Railroad Cities: Providence, Rhode Island  (SB)    (like new condition)
     [great photos by Robert Liljestrand of NH, Moshassuck Valley & United Electric Rys., 48 pp]
                    Liljestrand & Sweetland     Bob's Photos                   $27.00 

Rock Island  /  Chicago Rock Island and Pacific  /  CRI&P

  RBR-3399   "Down South" on the Rock Island  (HB)  (near mint condition)
                     Goen                       Four Ways West, 2002            $88.00 

  RBR-3611   Rock Island Color Guide to Freight & Passenger Equipment  (HB)
                                                         (like new, but missing DJ)
                  Hile, Hickcox & Miller        Morning Sun Books, 1996         $56.00

  RBR-2052    Rock Island Color Pictorial, Volume 1  (HB) (new condition, but 1 corner bumped)
                     Marre                      Four Ways West, 1994            $84.00  

  RBR-5127    Rock Island Diesel Locomotives 1930-1980 
                          (light used cond. / front cover creased / no markings)
                     Marre                      Railfax, 1982                   $47.00

  RBR-6457    Rock Island Diesel Locomotives 1930-1980 
                         (good used condition / front creased / rubbing wear on covers)
                     Marre                      Railfax, 1982                   $40.00

  RBR-5136    Rock Island Diesel Locomotives 1930-1980 
         (spine abraded and cocked, but still solid, interior excellent, no markings)
                     Marre                      Railfax, 1982                   $32.00

  RB-1781     Rock Island In Color, Vol. II: 1965-1980  (HB)  (new condition)
                     Marvel                   Morning Sun, 1995               $47.00

  RB-4008     Rock Island Steam Final  (HB)   (excellent+ condition)
                     Stagner                     South Platte, 1990             $80.00 

  RBR-1681     Rock Island Westward: Vol. 1 - Memories of the High Line  (HB)   (like new)
                     Lee                        Lee, 1992                       (Sold) 

  RBR-4757     Route of the Rockets: Rock Island in the Streamlined Era  (HB)   (near mint)
                     Stout                        White River, 1997              $52.00  

To order call:   (707) 328-6215 (cell) or  539-1051 (land)  or   e-mail:  rrcomm@sonic.net
       payment accepted via: Visa, Master Card, Am Express, Discover, Zelle, checks / money orders, or Paypal
       Shipping: $5 for USPS Media Mail per order (flat rate - 1 book or 40 books ship for the same $5 to US addresses)


 RBR-6667    The Rutland: Arrivals & Departures (HB)  (light used condition / has laid-in map)
  (200 pages of reproduced train schedules: 1901-1961)   Nimke, 1991     $150.00  
 RBR-6556     The Rutland: Arrivals & Departures (SB)  
      (light used condition, but 1/2" taped tear at bottom of front cover and first few pages / has laid-in map)
  (200 pages of reproduced train schedules: 1901-1961)   Nimke, 1990      $120.00   

  RB-5105      The Rutland: Betterments - Statistics, Traffic, Equipment, Plans - Structures, Fixtures  (SB)
                        (Signed by author, interior like new / covers show minor wear)
                     Nimke                Nimke, 1989                  $60.00

  RBR-5986     The Rutland - 60 Years of Trying, Volume  1 - Motive Power & Equipment  (HB)
       (show very little sign of use / has laid-in Rutland yard, shops diagram & laid-in track gang outfit car diagrams)
                     Nimke                Nimke, 1990                  $90.00     

  RBR-6493     The Rutland - 60 Years of Trying, Volume V, Part 1 - The Main Line, Rutland to Alburgh  (HB)
                                                                                 (near mint condition)
                     Nimke                Nimke, 1990                  $100.00

  RBR-5238     The Rutland - 60 Years of Trying, Volume V, Part 1 - The Main Line, Rutland to Alburgh  (HB)
            (good used condition / interior excellent, no markings / spine cocked forward, covers show light wear)
                     Nimke                Nimke, 1990                  $80.00     

  RBR-2838     The Rutland - 60 Years of Trying, Volume V, Part 2 - The Main Line, Rutland to Alburgh  (HB)
                     Nimke                Nimke, 1990                  $130.00    (new)

  RBR-0074     The Rutland - 60 Years of Trying, Volume V, Part 2 - The Main Line, Rutland to Alburgh  (HB)
                     Nimke                Nimke, 1990                  $115.00    (like new, no maps)

  RBR-5287     The Rutland - 60 Years of Trying, Volume V, Part 2 - The Main Line, Rutland to Alburgh  (HB)
                                             (includes laid-in map / light used condition)
                     Nimke                Nimke, 1990                  $60.00

  RBR-6612     The Rutland - 60 Years of Trying, Volume VI, Part 1 - The O&LC Div.  (HB)
             (signed by author / very light used condition, interior near mint)
                     Nimke                Nimke, 1989                  $55.00

  RBR-0118     The Rutland - 60 Years of Trying, Volume VI, Part 2 - The O&LC Div.  (HB) 
                                                             (like new / includes laid-in map)
                     Nimke                Nimke, 1989                  $80.00 

  RBR-6613     The Rutland - 60 Years of Trying, Volume VI, Part 2 - The O&LC Div.  (HB)
             (includes laid in track chart / very light used condition, interior near mint)
                     Nimke                Nimke, 1989                  $70.00 (Sold)

  RBR-5365     The Rutland - 60 Years of Trying, Volume VI, Part 2 - The O&LC Div.  (HB)
             (interior clean, no markings / spine cocked forward, covers show moderate wear)
                     Nimke                Nimke, 1989                  $60.00

  RBR-0624     The Rutland - 60 Years of Trying, Volume VII, The Addendum  (HB)  (like new)
                     Nimke                Nimke, 1990                  $110.00

  RBR-5209     The Rutland: Spurs & Sidings  (HB)  (good used condition)
    (includes laid-in elevations/maps / spine cocked forward / interior clean, no markings)
                     Nimke                Nimke, 1991                  (Sold)

  RBR-1333     The Rutland Road  (HB)  (light used condition) 
                     Shaughnessy            Howell-North, 1964           $40.00

  RBR-3246     The Rutland Road  (HB)  
       (good condition / DJ rough but now protected in new mylar cover)     $33.00

Santa Fe  /  AT&SF

  RB-1970    Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway  (SB)  (like new)
                                       Vanishing Vistas / Cox, 1984          $30.00 

  RBS-4353   Coach, Smoker & Chair Car Genealogy  (SB)  (like new)
                     McCall            SF Ry Hist & Modeling Soc., 2005      $115.00

  RB-4695    The Doodlebugs  (HB)  (good cond. / DJ shows wear/tears at corners and along edges)
                     McCall                   Kachina, 1977                   $39.95 

  RBS-5517   Head End Cars  (SB)  (new)
                     Ellington & Shine      SF Ry Hist Soc., 1999             $145.00 

  RBS-4613   Head End Cars  (SB)  (like new)
                     Ellington & Shine      SF Ry Hist Soc., 1999             $55.00

  RBS-0402   History of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway  (SB)  (light used condition)
                     Bryant                   Bison, 1974                     $9.00

  RBS-1552   Iron Horses of the Santa Fe Trail  (HB) 
                           (book excellent, but DJ has some fraying along edges and corners)
                     Worley                   SW Ry Hist. Society, 1976        $60.00
  RBS-5043   Journal of a Santa Fe Wire Twister: Final Entires  (SB)  (fair condition)
                  Gibson               South Platte, 1991                $36.00

  RB-5489     Mechanical Refrigerator Cars 1949-1988  (SB)  (new)
      Santa Fe Ry. Rolling Stock Reference Series - Vol. 6
                            Moore        Santa Fe Modelers           $85.00

  RB-5478     The Orient  (SB)  (new in shrinkwrap)
              Pounds & McCall       Santa Fe Hist & Modelers         $60.00 

  RB-6406     Railroads of Arizona, Vol. 4 - Santa Fe Route  (HB) (like new condition)
                     Myrick                Signature, 1998                   $220.00 (Sold)   

  RB-3880     Refrigerator Cars: Ice Bunker Cars 1884-1979  (SB)  (near mint / bookplate inside)
      Santa Fe Ry. Rolling Stock Reference Series - Vol. 2
              Jordan, Hendrickson, et al       Santa Fe Modelers, 1994         $110.00 

  RBS-203    Route of the Warbonnets  (HB)  (book like new / DJ shows very slight wear)
                     McMillan                  1977                        $15.00

  RBS-2834    Santa Fe 1600 Series 2-10-2 Pictorial: #1600 - #1705  (SB) (very light used condition)
                     Ainsworth                Monte Vista, 2005                $35.00

  RBS-5694    Santa Fe 1600 Series 2-10-2 Pictorial: #1600 - #1705  (SB) (top edge creased)
                     Ainsworth                Monte Vista, 2005                $55.00 

  RBS-5389    Santa Fe 3800 Class 2-10-2 Pictorial: Part 1, #3800 - 3846  (SB) 
                                    (near mint / signed by Duane Karam)
   (series Vol.10)      Ainsworth & Karam        Monte Vista, 2005                $50.00 

  RSS-3713    Santa Fe 1987 Motive Power Pictorial  (SB) 
                            (like new, but bumped up a little in shipping)
                     Shine                    Four Ways West, 1988             $38.00 

  RSS-1126    Santa Fe 1992 Annual  (SB)  (light used condition)
                     Eudaly                   Hyrail, 1992                     $34.00 

  RBS-4507    Santa Fe 1993-1994 Annual  (SB)  (new in shrinkwrap)
                     Eudaly                   Hyrail, 1994                     $36.00

  RBS-3323    Santa Fe 1993-1994 Annual  (SB)  (very light used condition)
                     Eudaly                   Hyrail, 1994                     $17.00

  RBS-3762    Santa Fe 3700 Class 4-8-2 Mountain Pictorial  (SB)
                                           (new in shrinkwrap)
                     Ainsworth & Karam        Monte Vista, 2005             $65.00

  RBS-2671    Santa Fe 3700 Class 4-8-2 Mountain Pictorial  (SB) (like new)
                     Ainsworth & Karam        Monte Vista, 2005                $50.00

  RBS-0254    Santa Fe - All The Way: V. 1  (HB)   (like new)
                     Marvel                   Morning Sun Books, 1998          $40.00 
  RBS-5485  Santa Fe Business & Special Purpose Cars, V.4 (SB)  (new in shrinkwrap)
                                            SF Ry Hist & Modeling Soc.         $130.00
  RBS-5441  Santa Fe Business & Special Purpose Cars, V.4 (SB)  (new)
                                            SF Ry Hist & Modeling Soc.         $120.00

  RBS-5760    The Santa Fe Chief Way Reference Series: System Standards, V. 1, V. 2 and V.3  (SB) 
     full 3 volume set  (all three new condition - V. 2 still in shrinkwrap) 
                                             Kachina, 1978             $155.00 

  RBS-5491    The Santa Fe Depots: Gulf, Colorado & Santa Fe Ry  (HB)  (new in shrinkwrap)
                 Pounds / Childers         SF Ry Hist & Modeling Soc.            $80.00 

  RBS-5476    The Santa Fe Depots of the Plains (2nd Ed.)  (HB)  (new in shrinkwrap)
                          SF Ry Hist & Modeling Soc.            $60.00 

  RBS-4996    The Santa Fe Diesel, Vol. 1  (HB)  (near mint)
                     Priest                   Paired Rail, 1998                $240.00 

  RBS-5033    The Santa Fe Diesel, Vol. 1  (HB)  (very light used condition)
                     Priest                   Paired Rail, 1998                $185.00

  RBS-5959    The Santa Fe Diesel, Vol. 1  (HB)  (no DJ / good used condition)
                     Priest                   Paired Rail, 1998                $165.00

  RBS-6360    Santa Fe Heritage, Vol. 1  (HB)  (new in original shrinkwrap)
                     Priest & Priest          Paired Rail, 2001                $115.00

  RBS-1879    Santa Fe Heritage, Vol. 1  (HB)  (near mint)
                     Priest & Priest          Paired Rail, 2001                $85.00 

  RBS-5739    Santa Fe Heritage, Vol. 2  (HB)  (rubbing wear on covers / interior near mint)
                     Priest & Priest          Paired Rail, 2001                $84.00 (Sold) 

  RBS-4004    Santa Fe Heritage, Vol. 3  (HB)       (new in shrinkwrap)
                     Priest & Priest          Paired Rail, 2002                $165.00

  RBS-1789    Santa Fe Heritage, Vol. 3  (HB)       (new condition)
                     Priest & Priest          Paired Rail, 2002                $130.00

  RBS-5348    Santa Fe Heritage, Vol. 3  (HB)       (excellent condition)
                     Priest & Priest          Paired Rail, 2002                $110.00 

  RBS-3649    Santa Fe Heritage, Vol. 4  (HB)       (new)
                     Priest & Priest          Paired Rail, 2002                $150.00

  RB-4936     Santa Fe Hudson Type 4-6-4 Pictorial  (new in shrinkwrap)
                     Ainsworth                Monte Vista, 2005                $200.00

  RB-4036     Santa Fe Hudson Type 4-6-4 Pictorial  (new)
                     Ainsworth                Monte Vista, 2005                $175.00 

  RBS-3994    Santa Fe in Color 1940-1971, V.1: Chicago to Kansas City  (HB)  
                            (book is like new, but DJ is creased along top and has small tear at corner)
                     Stagner                  Morning Sun Books, 1992          $29.00

  RBS-2806    Santa Fe in Color 1940-1970, V. 2 Kansas City to Albuquerque  (HB)  
                                   (book is like new / DJ has moderate edge wear)
                     Marvel                   Morning Sun Books, 1993          $42.00

  RBS-0125    Santa Fe in Color 1940-1970, V. 2: Kansas City to Albuquerque  (HB)  
       (sold new as 2nd, one section has slightly waved pages / DJ has corner tear)
                     Marvel                   Morning Sun Books, 1993          $28.00

  RBS-5963   Santa Fe Locomotive 3751  (SB)  (very light used condition)
                        San Bernardino RR Historical Soc., 1998                 $9.00 

  RBS-4718   Santa Fe Locomotive Development  (HB)  (new / DJ in clear archival book cover)
                     Brasher                  Signature, 2006                  $245.00

  RBS-6343   Santa Fe Locomotive Facilities, V. 2: West End Western lines  (SB)  (new in shrinkwrap)
                        Crump, Walz, Priest & Priest     Paired Rail, 2014          $180.00

  RBS-6374   Santa Fe Locomotive Facilities, V. 2: West End Western lines  (SB)  (near mint condition)
                        Crump, Walz, Priest & Priest     Paired Rail, 2014          $160.00 

  RBS-3471   Santa Fe In The Lone Star State, V. 1 - 1949-1969  (new, but has slightly bumped corners)
                     Goen                     Four Ways, West, 2000            $55.00

  RBS-2504   Santa Fe Mikado 2-8-2 Pictorial  (SB)  (near mint)
                     Ainsworth                Monte Vista, 2003                $25.50 

  RB-3327    Santa Fe Motive Power  (HB)  (moderate used condition)
                     McMillan                 McMillan, 1985                   $22.00

  RBS-4871   Santa Fe Northern 4-8-4 Pictorial  (SB)  (like new)
                     Ainsworth                Monte Vista, 2003                $44.00

  RBS-3389   Santa Fe Northern 4-8-4 Pictorial  (SB)  (near mint)
                     Ainsworth                Monte Vista, 2003                $38.00

  RBS-5480   Santa Fe Open-Top Cars: Flat, Gondola & Hopper Cars  (SB)  (new)
                     Hendrickson       SF Hist & Modeling, Soc., 2009             $70.00

  RBS-5484   Santa Fe Open-Top Cars: Flat, Gondola & Hopper Cars  (SB)  (new, but corner bent in shipping)
                     Hendrickson       SF Hist & Modeling, Soc., 2009             $65.00

  RBS-5662   Santa Fe Painting & Lettering Guide  (SB)  (near mint, but front cover creased)
                     Hendrickson       SF  Modeling Org, 1990             $55.00  

  RBS-5791   Santa Fe Painting & Lettering Guide - Updated  (SB)  (new)
                     Hendrickson       SF  Modeling Org, 1998             $80.00  

  RB-5842    Santa Fe Passenger Train Consists: Jan 10, 1937 (SB)  (good used condition)
                                    Wayner, 1971                        $20.00  

  RB-1673    Santa Fe Passenger Trains in California: From the 1940's Thru Amtrak and more
                                (HB) (new condition)
                     Dorin                    TLC, 2006                        $23.00

  RBS-1808   Santa Fe... The Railroad Gateway to the American West, Vol. 1  (HB)   (new condition)
                     Duke                     Golden West, 1995                $38.00

  RBS-1728   Santa Fe... The Railroad Gateway to the American West, Vol. 2  (HB)   (new condition)
                     Duke                     Golden West, 1997                $58.00 (Sold)
  ----       The Santa Fe Route - Railroads of Arizona, Vol. 4  (HB)
                   (see copy listed under "Arizona" above)     

  RB-5891    Santa Fe Railway & the Lost Locomotives of Topeka  (SB)  (very light used condition)
                     Reisdorff & Stagner            South Platte Press, 2008          $55.00 

  RB-3646    Santa Fe's Raton Pass  (SB)  (fair used condition, binding tight, no markings)
                     Harper                    Kachina, 1983                   $75.00 
  RBS-5471   Santa Fe Steam Locomotive Painting & Lettering Guide  (SB)  (new in shrinkwrap)
                                      Santa Fe Hist & Modeling Soc., 2007     $70.00

  RBS-4736   Santa Fe Steam: The Last Decade, 1949-1959  (SB)  (new)
                     Stagner                   South Platte, 1994              $165.00 

  RBS-5920   Santa Fe Steam: The Last Decade, 1949-1959  (SB)  (light used condition)
                     Stagner                   South Platte, 1994              $55.00 

  RBS-0005   Santa Fe Trackside  (HB)  (2nd, pages 17-32 doubled, 33-48 missing)
                     Stagner                  Morning Sun Books, 1999          $5.00 

  RBS-1889   Santa Fe Trails 2  (HB)     (new condition)
                     Olmsted                  Olmsted, 1988                    $26.00 

  RBS-1883   Santa Fe Waycars  (HB)         (new condition)
                     Priest                   Paired Rails, 2000               $90.00

  RB-494    The Surfliners: 50 Years of the San Diegan  (SB)     (light used condition)
     Pictorial study of Santa Fe and later, Amtrak, "San Diegan" passenger trains, 112pp]
                     Stephenson               Trans-Anglo, 1988                $9.00

  RB-1749    Valley Division Vignettes  (HB)  
   (book like new, DJ spine faded and minor wear, w/ laid-in reproduction 1900 timetable)
                     Krieger & Icanberry       Valley Rail, 1983               $87.00

To order call:   (707) 328-6215 (cell) or  539-1051 (land)  or   e-mail:  rrcomm@sonic.net
       payment accepted via: Visa, Master Card, Am Express, Discover, Zelle, checks / money orders, or Paypal
       Shipping: $5 for USPS Media Mail per order (flat rate - 1 book or 40 books ship for the same $5 to US addresses)

Seaboard Air Line  /  SAL

  RBS-0372    Orange Blossom Special  (SB)            (light used condition)
                     Shrady w/ Waldrop        ACL & SCL Hist. Soc., 1996     $27.00 

  RB-4149     Seaboard Air Line Railway Album  (SB)     (light used condition)
                     Langley / Beckum / Tidwell    Union Station, 1998       $45.00

  RB-6219     Seaboard Air Line Railway Album  (SB)     (light used cond. / 1 corner creased)
                     Langley / Beckum / Tidwell    Union Station, 1998       $40.00

  RB-321     Seaboard Air Line Railway Album  (SB)     (shows little use, but back cover corner creased)
                     Langley / Beckum / Tidwell    Union Station, 1998       $45.00 

  RB-3131     Seaboard Air Line Railway Album  (SB) (moderate used cond / spine dented)
                     Langley / Beckum / Tidwell    Union Station, 1998       $32.00

  RB-3804     Seaboard Air Line Ry: Steam Boats, Locomotives & History (1st eEd.)  (HB)   (near mint)
                     Prince                   Prince, 1969           $100.00 
  RBS-6502    Seaboard Motive Power  (HB)  (near mint / DJ in archival book cover)
                     Calloway & Withers        1988                   $125.00 

  RBS-4002    Seaboard Motive Power  (HB)  
       (light used cond. / former owner's name embossed in title page / DJ in book cover)
                     Calloway & Withers        1998                          $95.00

  RB-4055    Seaboard: The Route of Courteuos Service  (HB) (near mint)
                      Griffin                 TLC, 1999                      $59.00

  RB-4055    Seaboard: The Route of Courteuos Service  (HB)
       (would be like new, except a few scratches on back cover)
                      Griffin                 TLC, 1999                      $54.00

Seaboard Coast Line  /  SCL

   RBS-5399    Seaboard Coast Line & Family Lines Railroad (SB)  (new)
                     Griffin            TLC, 2004             $55.00 

  RBS-2531    Seaboard Coast Line in Florida (SB)  (nice, but front cover mildly creased)
                     Warren / Clark            Carstens, 1985             $23.00

  RBS-1374    Seaboard Coast Line Railroad  (HB)   (new condition)
                     Nuckles                   TLC, 1995                  $44.00 

Seaboard System  /  SBD

  RBS-701     Locomotives of the Seaboard System - Railroad of the South (HB)    (near mint)
       [pictorial review of the SBD and all predecessor roads back to the Plant System, 208pp]
                     Carleton            Carleton, 1987               $50.00 
  RBS-2783    Locomotives of the Seaboard System - Railroad of the South (HB)    
            (near mint, but DJ spine slightly tanned)
                     Carleton            Carleton, 1987               $45.00

  RBS-2766     Locomotives of the Seaboard System - Railroad of the South (HB)      
       (book excellent / DJ has seen moderate wear, now in archival mylar book cover)
                     Carleton            Carleton, 1987               $40.00

Shay - geared steam locomotives

  RB-2206    Repair Parts for Shay Geared Locomotives  (SB)  (good cond. some corners creased)
                     Lima Locomotive          Cass Civil War Museum, 1969      $25.00

  RB-2497     Seattle Car & Foundry  (SB)     (light used condition)
        [reprint of early rail car catalog, mostly for logging roads]
                                         Northwest Shortline, 1974              $35.00

  RB-1482     Shay Logging Locomotives At Cass, West Virginia, 1900-60   (like new)
                     Bagdon                  TOC, 2001                          $70.00 

  RB-6437     Shay Modeler's Handbook: Class C Shay   (light used condition)
                     Appel            Single Shot Gallery, 1984             $16.00 
  RB-2936    Shay Instruction Sheets  (light used condition)
                                             Cass Civil War Museum, 1975       $40.00

  RB-6403    Shay - The Supplement  (new in original shrinkwrap)
                                            Lawson                                   $180.00

  RB-6757    Shay - The Supplement  (near mint)
                                            Lawson                                   $125.00 

shortlines and terminal railroads / historic

  RB-766     Cinders & Timber - A Bird's-eye View of Logging RR's in NE Mn Yesterday & Today  (SB)
       [history of the Duluth & Northeastern RR, 48pp]   (good used condition)
                     Harrison               1967                        $33.00

  RB-6342     Mixed Train Daily  (HB)  (excellent / DJ in clear book cover)
                     Beebe                Howell-North, 1961            $40.00 

  RB-3035     Mixed Train Daily  (HB)  (excellent / DJ has minor edge wear)
                     Beebe                Howell-North, 1961            $36.00

  RB-1165      The Rock-A-Bye Baby  (SB)  (light used condition)
      ("A History of the Rockaway Valley Railroad / photos, maps, roster / 56pp)
                     Taber                Taber, 1972                   $23.00  

  RB-2246     Tallulah Falls Railroad: A Photographic Remembrance  (HB)  (new)
            (signed by author / hardcovers extremely scarce, few printed / no DJ as issued)
                     Boyd                 Fern Creek, 1998               $170.00

  RB-1338     Tallulah Falls Railroad: A Photographic Remembrance  (SB)  (new)
                     Boyd                 Fern Creek, 2003               $80.00 

shortlines and terminal railroads / current - recent

  RB-5237      American Shortline Railway Guide, 4th Ed.  (SB)  (excellent condition)
                     Lewis                     Kalmbach, 1991              $22.00   

  RB-0687      American Shortline Railway Guide, 4th Ed.  (SB)
        (good condition, but has some minor highlighting of the freight car listings)
                     Lewis                     Kalmbach, 1991               $9.00

  RB-3966      American Shortline Railway Guide, 5th Ed.  (SB)
        (almost no sign of use, but has a 1" scuff on front cover)
                     Lewis                     Kalmbach, 1996               $21.00

  RB-5866     The Lakeside & Marblehead Railroad  (HB)   (near mint)
                     Fick                  Montevallo, 2000                $65.00  

  RB-1757      The Ma & Pa: A History of the Maryland & Pennsylvania Railroad  (HB)  (light used cond.)
                    Hilton                     Howell-North, 1966            $8.00

  RB-4197      The Ma & Pa: A History of the Maryland & Pennsylvania Railroad, revised 2nd Ed  (SB) 
                                                        (light used condition)
                    Hilton                     Johns Hopkins, 1999           $8.00

  RBS-0695    Short-Line Odyssey  (SB)  (excellent condition)
       [William Young's northeastern shortlines "from the '40's to the '70's" pictorial album, 59pp]
                     Young                     Starucca Valley, 1981         $65.00

  RB-6350   Shortlines of the Desert Southwest  (SB)   (new in shrinkwrap)
                     Shaw         Four Ways West, 2015            $165.00 

  RB-4497     South Buffalo Railway  (SB)  (new / signed by author)
                     Koenig                    South Platte, 2004            $80.00 

  RB-476      Through Covered Bridges To Concord  (SB) (clean, tight copy, but covers show moderate wear)
     [history of the Clarmont & Concord, w/photos and map]
                     Mead                      Stephen Greene Press, 1970    $15.00

Soo Line

  RBS-134     Saga of the Soo: West From Shoreham  (HB)  (light used condition)
                     Gjevre               Molzahn, 1973                  $24.00

  RBS-3177     Saga of the Soo: West From Shoreham, 2nd Ed.  (HB)  (near mint)
                     Gjevre               Gjevre, 1990                   $35.00

  RBS-2768    The Soo Line  (HB)  (excellent condition)
                     Dorin                Superior, 1979                $20.00 (Sold)

  RBS-3028     Soo Line 1993 Review  (SB)   (light used condition
                     Hyde                 Hyrail, 1993                   $90.00 

  RBS-2757     Steam Trains of The Soo  (HB)  
        (light used condition / signed by author / DJ has minor stains & scuffs)
                     Suprey               Suprey, 1976                   $28.00

South America

  RB-3510      Anglo-Chilean Nitrate and Railway Co.  (SB)  (light used condition)
                     Binns                    Trackside, 1995            $90.00 

  RB-1144      International Railways Over The Andes  (SB)  (good condition / corners creased)
     0-948904-55-0   Stones                   P.E. Water, 1999            $70.00 

  RB-1129     Narrow Gauge Rails to Esquel  (SB)  (new)
                     Taylorson                Taylorson, 1999             $46.00 

  RB-6717     World of South American Steam  (SB) 
                           (good used condition / binding tight, clean, no markings)
                     Christian & Mills              Big Trees, 1974             $22.00

South Carolina

  RB-4592      Charleston & Western Carolina Railway Album  (SB)  
                                                            (like new throughout)
     0-9615257-3-8     Langley              Union Station, 2000          $72.00

  RB-2022      Charleston & Western Carolina Railway Album  (SB)  
                                 (new condition, except former owner's stamp inside)
     0-9615257-3-8     Langley              Union Station, 2000          $57.00

  RB-6565     Logging Railroads of South Carolina  (HB)  (near mint, DJ show trivial wear)
                     Fetters                Heimburger, 1990             $74.00 

Southern Pacific  /  SP

  RB-5679      The 4300 4-8-2's: The Story of Southern Pacific Mt Class Locomotives   (HB) 
              (interior like new / minor rubbing wear on DJ / now in new clear, archival book cover)
                     Church                  Central Valley RR, 1980      $38.00 
  RB-1847      The 4300 4-8-2's: The Story of Southern Pacific Mt Class Locomotives  
                   (HB)  (very light used condition / small taped tear on back of dust jacket)
                     Church                  Central Valley RR, 1980      $36.00

  RBS-4530     Beaumont Hill: Southern Pacific's Southern California Gateway  (new)
                     Signor                  Golden West, 1990            $125.00 

  RBS-6429     Bob Knoll's Southern Pacific  (light used condition)
                     Signor                  Golden West, 1990            $40.00 

  RB-5763   Cab-Forward  (Revised Edition)  (HB)  (light used condition)
                     Church                   1982                    $110.00  

  RB-5687   Cab-In-Front  (SB) 
      (excellent condition - comes in original, custom-made, illustrated mailing envelope)
                     Hungerford                   1959                $24.00     

  RBS-471     A Century of Southern Pacific Steam Locomotives  (HB)  
                      (excellent cond. / DJ shows moderate wear / no map set)
                     Dunscomb                Dunscomb, 1972               $60.00

  RBS-3970     A Century of Southern Pacific Steam Locomotives  (HB)
     (good used condition / DJ worn, but now sealed in durable clear adhesive book cover / no map set)
                     Dunscomb                Dunscomb, 1977               $45.00

  RBS-3687     A Century of Southern Pacific Steam Locomotives  (HB)
              (good used condition / DJ tatty / interior excellent / no map set)
                     Dunscomb                Dunscomb, 1963               $35.00 

  RBS-3178     A Century of Southern Pacific Steam Locomotives  (HB) 
       (spine has taped repair / binding tight / no DJ / interior excellent / no map set)
                     Dunscomb                Dunscomb, 1967               $30.00

  RBS-3335     A Century of Southern Pacific Steam Locomotives - map set ONLY
        (full original map set - no book!)             (near mint condition)
                     Dunscomb                Dunscomb, 1963               $23.00

  RBS-3013    The Central Pacific and Southern Pacific Railroads  (HB)
      (moderate used condition - interior like new / DJ has small chip missing and wear at edges)
                     Beebe                    Howell-North, 1963           $23.00

  RBS-5644    Corsicana and the Ennis Sub  (HB)  (very light used condition)
                     Olmsted                    McMillan, 1983             $80.00 

  RBS-2032    Daylight Reflections, Vol. 1: From Daylight to Starlight  (HB)  (new condition)
                     Huxtable                 Steamscenes, 2002            $60.00

  RBS-1932    Daylight Reflections  (HB)  (book near mint, DJ has minor fraying along top)
                     Huxtable                 Steamscenes, 1987            $36.00

  RBS-3409    Diagrams, Common Standard, Passenger Train Cars, Southern Pacific Electric Lines as of 1924
                                      (new condition)  [~38 pp, 8 1/2 X 11 format]
                              SP Historical & Technical Society, 1997      $60.00

  RBS-2999    Diagrams, Common Standard, Passenger Train Cars, Southern Pacific Electric Lines as of 1924
                                      (light used condition)  [~38 pp, 8 1/2 X 11 format]
                              SP Historical & Technical Society, 1997      $43.00 

  RBS-3729    Diagrams, Common Standard, Passenger Train Cars, Southern Pacific Lines, March 1, 1933
      (new / NOS - new old stock)  [~125 pp, 8 1/2 X 14 format]
                              SP Historical & Technical Society, 2001      $110.00

  RBS-3376    Diagrams, Common Standard, Passenger Train Cars, Southern Pacific Lines, March 1, 1933
      (like new)             [~125 pp, 8 1/2 X 14 format]
                              SP Historical & Technical Society, 1999      (Sold)

  RBS-3729    Diagrams, Common Standard, Passenger Train Cars, Southern Pacific Lines, March 1, 1933
      (near mint)  [~125 pp, 8 1/2 X 14 format]
                              SP Historical & Technical Society, 2001      $75.00

  RBS-3263    Diagrams, Common Standard, Rail Motor Cars, Southern Pacific Lines, 1937
      (outer edges moderately bent)       [10 pp, 8 1/2 X 14 format]
                              SP Historical & Technical Society, 2001      $40.00

  RBS-206    Diesels of the ESPEE: Volume 1 - Alco PA's  (HB)  (light used condition)
	       	Cortani, Lloyd & Strapac		   Chatham, 1975	     $33.00

  RBS-3600    Diesels Over Donner  (HB)  (new in original shrinkwrap)
		Steinheimer & Dorn	   Trans Anglo	  	  $200.00

  RBS-6462    Diesels Over Donner  (HB)  (near mint condition)
		Steinheimer & Dorn	   Trans Anglo	  	  $135.00
  RBS-5123   The Ghost Trains of SP's Overland Route: Train Nos. 21-22, Mail, 1947-1967  (SB)
          (was like new until creased in shipping - now not entirely flat but otherwise excellent throughout)
		Cape & McKeen		SP Tech & Hist Soc, 2007	$185.00 (Sold) 

  RBS-6566   Historical Outline Southern Pacific Co.  March, 1933  (SB)  (like new)
   (reprint of SP's history of itself written in 1933 / great source of SP history up to that time / 105 pages + index)
                           SP Hist & Tech Soc., 1995             $60.00 

  RBS-5534   Jawbone  (HB)  (Signed / new, but corner bumped)
               Serpico              Omni, 2006             $55.00 

  RBS-6001   Memories of Southern Pacific Cab Forwards  (HB)  (like new)
               Lohse              SPH&TS,             $220.00 

  RBS-5501   The Modoc  (HB)  (new)
               Bowden & Dill              Oso, 2002             $190.00 

  RBS-5304   Portrait of an Engine: Southern Pacific Cab Forward 4294  (SB)  (very light used cond.)
    11 X 14 folio with large drawing, many large close-up detail photos / 61 pages)
                        Bothman                     1969                       $185.00

  RBS-5700   San Ramon Branch of the Southern Pacific  (HB)  (like new)
                 Dotson        Museum of San Ramon Valley, 1991             $160.00 
  RBS-5617  The Slim Princess  (has 1 page supplement - little sign of use)
                 Hungerford                 1961               (Sold)
  RB-5632    Southern Pacific 4-8-4 Northern Pictorial  (SB)   (new)
        [high quality photo pictorial of SP's 4-8-4's, Vol. 4 in the series]
                     Ainsworth                 Monte Vista, 2004           $60.00
  RB-6428    Southern Pacific Across the Southwest  (HB)   (new condition)
                     Fox                 Fox, 1991           $120.00 

  RBS-0768    Southern Pacific Cab Forward AC-4's - AC-6 Pictorial  (SB)  (new in shrinkwrap)
        [high quality photo pictorial of SP's Cab Forward AC-4's - AC-6 4-8-8-2, Vol. 7 in the series]
                     Karam & Ainsworth         Monte Vista, 1999           $80.00 

  RBS-2994    Southern Pacific Cab Forward AC-4's - AC-6 Pictorial  (SB)  (very light used cond.)
        [high quality photo pictorial of SP's Cab Forward AC-4's - AC-6 4-8-8-2, Vol. 7 in the series]
                     Karam & Ainsworth         Monte Vista, 1999           $70.00

  RBS-2498    Southern Pacific Cab Forward AC-4's - AC-6 Pictorial - BOOK 2  (SB)  (like new)
        [high quality photo pictorial of SP's Cab Forward AC-4's - AC-6 4-8-8-2, Vol. 23 in the series]
                     Ainsworth                Monte Vista, 2003            $80.00 

  RBS-2391    Southern Pacific AC, MC Class 2-8-8-2 Cab Forward Pictorial  (SB)  (like new condition)
        [high quality photo pictorial of SP's Cab Forward AC & MC Class 2-8-8-2's, Vol. 15 in the series]
                     Ainsworth                Monte Vista, 2000            $35.00

  RB-2403    Southern Pacific Baldwin 2-10-2 Pictorial  (SB)   (like new condition)
        [high quality photo pictorial of SP's Baldwin-built 2-10-2's, Vol. 1 in the series]
                     Karam                     Monte Vista, 1998           $55.00

  RB-4187    Southern Pacific Baldwin 4-8-4 Northern Pictorial  (SB)   (near mint condition)
        [high quality photo pictorial of SP's 4-8-4's, Vol. 25 in the series]
                     Ainsworth                 Monte Vista, 2004           $80.00
  RBS-0783    Southern Pacific Cab Forward AC-7's - AC-8 Pictorial  (SB)  (new in shrinkwrap)
        [high quality photo pictorial of SP's Cab Forward AC-7's - AC-8 4-8-8-2, Vol. 10 in the series]
                     Karam & Ainsworth         Monte Vista                 $80.00

  RBS-4725    Southern Pacific Cab Forward AC-10 - AC-12 Pictorial  (SB)  (new in shrinkwrap)
        [high quality photo pictorial of SP's Cab Forward AC-10's - AC-12 4-8-8-2, Vol. 13 in the series]
                     Karam & Ainsworth         Monte Vista                  $34.00

  RBS-2640    Southern Pacific Cab Forward AC-10 - AC-12 Pictorial  (SB)  (like new)
        [high quality photo pictorial of SP's Cab Forward AC-10's - AC-12 4-8-8-2, Vol. 13 in the series]
                     Karam & Ainsworth         Monte Vista                  $30.00 

  RBS-3587    Southern Pacific Car Roster as of January 31, 1956  (SB)  (near mint)
                               SP Historical & Tech Soc., 1995              $70.00

  RB-2191     Southern Pacific Color Guide to Freight & Passenger Equipment, V. 1  (HB)   (like new)
                     Thompson                 Morning Sun, 1999             $50.00

  RBS-0830    Southern Pacific Consolidation 2-8-0 Pictorial (SB) (new in shrinkwrap, cover color mildly off-set)
        [high quality photo pictorial of SP's Consolidation 2-8-0, Vol. 3 in the series]
                     Karam & Ainsworth        Monte Vista                   $45.00

  RBS-5940    Southern Pacific Daylight Locomotives  (HB) (excellent+) 
                      Church                  Signature, 2004                  $200.00 
  RBS-3877    Southern Pacific Diagrams of Locomotives & Tenders, V.1  (HB) (like new) 
                      Wright                  Wright, 1973                  $100.00 

  RBS-4876    Southern Pacific Diesel Locomotive Compendium, V.1  (SB) (new) 
                      Strapac                 Shade Tree, 2004              $165.00 

  RBS-6446    Southern Pacific Diesel Locomotive Compendium, V.1  (SB) (like new) 
                      Strapac                 Shade Tree, 2004              $115.00 (Sold)

  RBS-3956    Southern Pacific Diesel Locomotive Compendium, V.2  (SB) (new) 
                      Strapac                 Shade Tree, 2007              $260.00

  RB-2447     Southern Pacific F Class 2-10-2 Pictorial  (SB)  (like new condition)
                     Ainsworth               Monte Vista, 2001              $50.00

  RB-6407     Southern Pacific Freight Cars, V.2: Cabooses  (HB) (new)
                     Thompson               Signature, 2003              $82.00

  RB-6293     Southern Pacific Freight Cars, V.4: Box Cars  (HB) (new)
                     Thompson               Signature, 2006              $78.00

  RB-5360     Southern Pacific Freight Cars, V.4: Box Cars  (HB) (near mint condition)
                     Thompson               Signature, 2006              $74.00 

  RB-4187    Southern Pacific GS Class 4-8-4 Pictorial  (SB)   (new)
        [high quality photo pictorial of SP's 4-8-4's, Vol. 30 in the series]
                     Ainsworth                 Monte Vista, 2005           $75.00 

  RBS-3514    Southern Pacific Historical & Technical Soc. Questions and Answers Column 1981 Thru 8/95  (SB) 
     (near mint) (all the questions and their answers 1981-1995 / 44pp / tons of knowledgeable trivia] 
                     McClosky               SPH&TS, 1995                    $12.00

  RBS-3462    Southern Pacific Historical & Technical Soc. Working List of Books on the
    Southern Pacific and Related Subsidiaries        (SB)         (near mint but spine comb defective)
       (a list of all known books written about the SP until 1996 / 42pp] 
                     Ainsworth               SPH&TS, 1995                   $12.00

  RBS-5347    Southern Pacific Historical & Technical Soc. Working List of Books on the
    Southern Pacific and Related Subsidiaries        (SB)          (light used condition)
       (a list of all known books written about the SP until 1996 / 42pp] 
                     Ainsworth               SPH&TS, 1995                   $14.00

  RBS-6200    Southern Pacific Historic Diesels, Vol. 1: Fairbanks-Morse Locomotives (SB)
        (new - NOS - found after publisher's warehouse cleaned out - the last one out)
                     Strapac                  Shade Tree, 1992               $200.00 

  RBS-6254    Southern Pacific Historic Diesels, Vol. 1: Fairbanks-Morse Locomotives (SB)
                                                                 (very light used condition)
                     Strapac                  Shade Tree, 1992               $100.00

  RBS-4191    Southern Pacific Historic Diesels, Vol. 2: Diesel Hydraulic Locomotives  (SB) 
         (new)        Strapac                 Shade Tree, 1996              $300.00

  RBS-4656    Southern Pacific Historic Diesels, Vol. 2: Diesel Hydraulic Locomotives  (SB) 
                                                                      (near mint condition) 
                      Strapac                 Shade Tree, 1996              $220.00 

  RBS-4731    Southern Pacific Historic Diesels, Vol. 2: Diesel Hydraulic Locomotives  (SB) 
                                                                      (very light used condition) 
                      Strapac                 Shade Tree, 1996              $150.00

  RBS-4910    Southern Pacific Historic Diesels, Vol. 2: Diesel Hydraulic Locomotives  (SB) 
                                                                      (light used condition) 
                      Strapac                 Shade Tree, 1996              $120.00

  RBS-5050    Southern Pacific Historic Diesels, Vol. 2: Diesel Hydraulic Locomotives  (SB) 
                                                                      (fair used condition) 
                      Strapac                 Shade Tree, 1996              $70.00 

  RBS-6228    Southern Pacific Historic Diesels, Vol. 3: E-Units & Passenger Fs  (SB) (new) 
                      Strapac                 Shade Tree, 1996              $180.00

  RBS-3882    Southern Pacific Historic Diesels, Vol. 3: E-Units & Passenger Fs  (SB) (like new) 
                      Strapac                 Shade Tree, 1996              $110.00

  RBS-3761    Southern Pacific Historic Diesels, Vol. 3: E-Units & Passenger Fs  (SB) 
                                                      (very light used condition) 
                      Strapac                 Shade Tree, 1996              $90.00

  RBS-7920    Southern Pacific Historic Diesels, Vol. 3: E-Units & Passenger Fs  (SB) 
                                                      (very light used condition) 
                      Strapac                 Shade Tree, 1996              $75.00

  RBS-5878    Southern Pacific Historic Diesels, Vol. 3: E-Units & Passenger Fs  (SB) 
                                                           (light used condition) 
                      Strapac                 Shade Tree, 1996              $70.00

  RBS-3650    Southern Pacific Historic Diesels, Vol. 3: E-Units & Passenger Fs  (SB) 
      (overall very good, but has extensive ball-point pen underlining, not too obtrusive but throughout book) 
                      Strapac                 Shade Tree, 1996              $47.00 

  RBS-4431    Southern Pacific Historic Diesels, Vol. 4: SD7 & SD9 Locomotives  (SB) (new)
                      Strapac                 Shade Tree, 1996              $80.95

  RBS-3568    Southern Pacific Historic Diesels, Vol. 4: SD7 & SD9 Locomotives  (SB) 
      (new old stock / one corner bumped)  Strapac    Shade Tree, 1996      $70.00

  RBS-3895    Southern Pacific Historic Diesels, Vol. 5: GE U-Boats  (SB) (new)    
                     Strapac                  Shade Tree, 1998              $21.95

  RBS-3898    Southern Pacific Historic Diesels, Vol. 6: Locomotives of the Texas & New Orleans  (SB)  
          (new)      Strapac                  Shade Tree, 1999              $22.00

  RBS-6309    Southern Pacific Historic Diesels, Vol. 7: GP9's  (SB)  (new)
                    Strapac                   Shade Tree, 2000              $69.00

  RBS-3906    Southern Pacific Historic Diesels, Vol. 8: Alco Roadswitcher (SB) (new)
                     Strapac                  Shade Tree, 2001              $75.00

  RBS-2054    Southern Pacific Historic Diesels, Vol. 8: Alco Roadswitcher (SB) (like new)
                     Strapac                  Shade Tree, 2001              $64.00 

  RBS-6409    Southern Pacific Historic Diesels, Vol. 9: Alco PA/PB Passenger Locomotives
         (SB)  (new - long out of print - 1 of the last few found when clearing out the warehouse)
                            Strapac          Shade Tree, 2002               $170.00

  RBS-4801    Southern Pacific Historic Diesels, Vol. 9: Alco PA/PB Passenger Locomotives
                                                                         (SB)  (like new condition)
                     Strapac                  Shade Tree, 2002               $150.00 

  RBS-6250    Southern Pacific Historic Diesels, Vol. 10: EMD Freight F Locomotives (SB) (new)
                     Strapac                  Shade Tree, 2001               $55.00 

  RBS-3911    Southern Pacific Historic Diesels, Vol. 10: EMD Freight F Locomotives (SB) (new)
                     Strapac                  Shade Tree, 2001               $55.00 (Sold)

  RBS-4440    Southern Pacific Historic Diesels, Vol. 10: EMD Freight F Locomotives (SB) (new)
                     Strapac                  Shade Tree, 2001               $55.00

  RBS-6250    Southern Pacific Historic Diesels, Vol. 10: EMD Freight F Locomotives (SB) (new)
                     Strapac                  Shade Tree, 2001               $55.00 

  RBS-3558    Southern Pacific Historic Diesels, Vol. 10: EMD Freight F Locomotives (SB) (like new)
                     Strapac                  Shade Tree, 2001               $51.00

  RBS-3913    Southern Pacific Historic Diesels, Vol. 11: Baldwin (SB) (new)
                     Strapac                  Shade Tree, 2005               $33.95 

  RBS-3688    Southern Pacific Historic Diesels, Vol. 11: Baldwin (SB) (like new)
                     Strapac                  Shade Tree, 2005               $32.00

  RBS-3914    Southern Pacific Historic Diesels, Vol. 12: EMD SD45 Locomotives (SB) (new)
                     Strapac                  Shade Tree, 2006               $64.00 

  RBS-4608    Southern Pacific Historic Diesels, Vol. 12: EMD SD45 Locomotives (SB) (like new)
                     Strapac                  Shade Tree, 2006               $35.00

  RBS-5266    Southern Pacific Historic Diesels, Vol. 12: EMD SD45 Locomotives (SB)
               (book fair - 4" water stain on front cover / binding tight, no other markings)
                     Strapac                  Shade Tree, 2006               $20.00

  RBS-3917    Southern Pacific Historic Diesels, Vol. 13: EMD Early Turbo GP Locomotives (SB) (new)
                     Strapac                  Shade Tree, 2007               $36.00 

  RBS-6100    Southern Pacific Historic Diesels, Vol. 14: EMD SD45T-2 Locomotives (SB) (new)
                     Strapac                  Shade Tree, 2008               $170.00 

  RBS-3305    Southern Pacific Historic Diesels, Vol. 15: EMD GP40 & GP60 Locomotives (SB) (new)
                     Strapac                  Shade Tree, 2010               $78.95 

  RBS-6119    Southern Pacific Historic Diesels, Vol. 17: EMD SD40 Family Locomotives (SB) (new)
                     Strapac                  Shade Tree, 2008               $260.00 

  RBS-3931    Southern Pacific Historic Diesels, Vol. 18: Alco & GE Switchers (SB) (new)
                     Strapac                  Shade Tree, 2001               $150.00 

  RBS-4070    Southern Pacific Historic Diesels, Vol. 18: Alco & GE Switchers (SB) (light used cond.)
                     Strapac                  Shade Tree, 2001               $130.00 (Sold)

  RBS-4447    Southern Pacific Historic Diesels, Vol. 19: Post 1978 GE & MK Road Units  (new)
                     Strapac                  Shade Tree                     $46.00 

  RBS-5424    Southern Pacific Historic Diesels, Vol. 20: Passenger Cab Unit Reprise  (new)
                     Strapac                  Shade Tree                     $235.00 

  RBS-6464    Southern Pacific Historic Diesels, Vol. 20: Passenger Cab Unit Reprise 
      (near mint, except front cover creased - flat now, but crease can still be seen)
                     Strapac                  Shade Tree                     $155.00 

  RBS-5412    Southern Pacific Historic Diesels, Vol. 21: EMD 4 and 6-Motor Freight Units  (new)
                     Strapac                  Shade Tree                     $44.00 

  RBS-6263    Southern Pacific Historic Diesels, Vol. 22: Passenger Hood Units  (new)
                     Strapac                  Shade Tree                     (Sold)

  RBS-6654    Southern Pacific Historic Diesels, Vol. 22: Passenger Hood Units  (new)
                     Strapac                  Shade Tree                     $45.95 

  RB-1613     Southern Pacific In Color  (Vol. 1 - not stated)  (HB)   (new condition)
                     Sweetland                Morning Sun, 1993              $60.00 

  RB-6508     Southern Pacific In Color  (Vol. 1 - not stated)  (HB)  
                                          (like new condition, but DJ spine slightly faded)
                     Sweetland                Morning Sun, 1993              $40.00

  RB-6506     Southern Pacific In Color, Vol. 2  (HB)   (like new condition)
                     Boyd                Morning Sun, 2002              $120.00 

  RB-6507     Southern Pacific In Color, Vol. 3  (HB)   (like new condition)
                     Boyd                Morning Sun, 2002              $29.00 

  RB-2086     Southern Pacific in the West, Part 2: The "I-5" Corridor  (HB) 
                                (signed by author! / light used condition)
                     Fox                      Fox, 1996                      $100.00 

  RB-6012     Southern Pacific Lines: Common Standard Plans, V.5 (SB)  (like new)
                                   Steam Age Equipment, 1997          $60.00 

  RB-3321     Southern Pacific Lines: Pacific Lines Stations, V.1 (SB)  (new)
                     Signor                    SPH&TS, 1997                  $75.00

  RB-4026     Southern Pacific Lines: Pacific Lines Stations, V.1 (SB)  (like new)
                     Signor                    SPH&TS, 1997                  $65.00

  RB-4173     Southern Pacific Lines: Pacific Lines Stations, V.2 (SB)  (light used condition)
                     Signor                    SPH&TS, 1998                  $100.00

  RB-3974     Southern Pacific Lines: Pacific Lines Stations, V.3 (SB)  (like new)
                     Signor                    SPH&TS, 1999                  $100.00

  RB-3308     Southern Pacific Lines: Trains Album of Photographs #11 (comb bound / stiff covers)
      (light used condition  [21 page 10" X 14" folio of photographs of SP trains]
                                               Kalmbach, 1945                $38.00

  RBS-2488    Southern Pacific Locomotive Data Book: June 1991  (SB)  (light used condition)
    (3 1/2" X 5 1/2" booklet listing basic specs for each locomotive then on roster/ ~40 pp)
                                              SP, 1991                       $20.00 

  RBS-5520    Southern Pacific Lines Maintenance of Way Equipment  (SB)  (new, but corner bent)
    (nice photos of early 20th C. steam derricks, shovels, ballast tampers, crew cars, etc ~40 pp)
                    Petty               Steam Age, Equip., 1999               $55.00 

  RB-4813     Southern Pacific Mikado Class 2-8-2 Pictorial  (SB)  (new in shrinkwrap)
                     Ainsworth               Monte Vista, 1998              $70.00

  RB-5845     Southern Pacific Mikado Class 2-8-2 Pictorial  (SB)  (like new condition)
                     Ainsworth               Monte Vista, 1998              $60.00 

  RB-2616     Southern Pacific Mikado Class 2-8-2 Pictorial  (SB)  (near mint condition)
                     Ainsworth               Monte Vista, 1998              $50.00

  RB-5876     Southern Pacific Mogul Class 2-6-0 Pictorial  (SB)  (new)
                     Karam                Monte Vista, 1998               $44.00 

  RB-2479     Southern Pacific Misc. Mallets & Articulateds Pictorial  (SB)   (like new condition)
      [high quality photo pictorial of SP's AC-9, MM-2, AM-2, MM-1 & MM-3 Class articulateds, Vol. 19 of series]
                     Ainsworth                Monte Vista, 2002              $90.00

  RBS-2104    Southern Pacific Motive Power Annual  1966-1967  (SB)  (moderate used condition)
                    Strapac                   Chatham, 1966                  $30.00

  RBS-0917    Southern Pacific Motive Power Annual  1970  (SB)  (moderate used condition)
                    Strapac                   Chatham, 1971                  $40.00

  RBS-1138    Southern Pacific Motive Power Annual  1971  (SB)  (very light used condition)
                    Strapac                   Chatham, 1971                  $26.00

  RBS-0885    Southern Pacific Motive Power Annual  1971  (SB)  (used cond. - covers show much wear)
                    Strapac                   Chatham, 1971                  $22.00

  RBS-1113    Southern Pacific Motive Power Annual  1972  (SB)  (light used condition)
                    Strapac                   Chatham, 1973                  $24.00 

  RBS-4463    Southern Pacific Motive Power Annual  1972  (SB)  (light used condition)
                    Strapac                   Chatham, 1973                  $22.00

  RBS-0847    Southern Pacific Motive Power Annual  1973  (SB)  (light used condition)
                    Strapac                   Chatham, 1974                  $55.00

  RBS-1128    Southern Pacific Motive Power Annual  1973  (SB)  
        (good used condition / upper spine corner creased / hobby shop sticker on cover)
                    Strapac                   Chatham, 1974                  $42.00 

 RBS-1005    Southern Pacific Motive Power Annual  1974-1976  (SB)  (very light used condition)
                    Jewell                    Chatham, 1976                  $40.00

 RBS-0782    Southern Pacific Motive Power Annual  1974-1976  (SB)  (moderate used condition)
                    Jewell                    Chatham, 1976                  $30.00

  RBS-0842    Southern Pacific Mountain 4-8-2 Pictorial  (SB)  (new in shrinkwrap)
        [high quality photo pictorial of SP's Mountain 4-8-2, Vol.8 in the series]
                    Karam & Ainsworth         Monte Vista                    $70.00

  RBS-237    Southern Pacific Mountain 4-8-2 Pictorial  (SB)  (like new)
        [high quality photo pictorial of SP's Mountain 4-8-2, Vol.8 in the series]
                    Karam & Ainsworth         Monte Vista                    $50.00

  RBS-3908    Southern Pacific Narrow Gauge  (HB)  
    (interior excellent, no markings / DJ worn, but now in new archival book cover, looks good)
                    Ferrell                   PFM, 1982                      $120.00
  RBS-1359    Southern Pacific Oregon Division  (HB)   (near mint)
                    Jennison & Neves         Hundman, 1997           $80.00
  RBS-3934    Southern Pacific Pacific 4-6-2 Pictorial  (SB)  (new in shrinkwrap)
        [high quality photo pictorial of SP's Pacific type 4-6-2's, Vol. 16 in the series]
                     Karam & Ainsworth         Monte Vista                   $80.00

  RBS-5080   Southern Pacific Passenger Cars, V. 3: Head End Car  (HB)
                                                                                 (light used condition)
                                              SP Hist & Tech Soc.            $160.00 

  RBS-2816   Southern Pacific Passenger Trains, V. 1: Night Trains of the Coast Route  (HB)
                                                              (near mint condition)
                     Ryan & Shine             Four Ways West, 1986      $135.00  
  RBS-3006    Southern Pacific Passenger Trains, V. 2: Day Trains of the Coast Route  (HB)
                                                                                 (near mint)
                     Ryan & Shine             Four Ways West, 2000           $100.00

  RBS-6259   Southern Pacific Review 1978  (SB)  (moderate used condition / no markings)
                     Strapac                  Pacific Coast Ch., 1979        $15.00 

  RBS-3671   Southern Pacific Review 1980  (SB)  (near mint, but spine creased)
                     Strapac                  Pacific Coast Ch., 1981        $38.00

  RBS-1609   Southern Pacific's Blue Streak Merchandise  (HB)   (like new)
                     Frailey                  Kalmbach, 1991                 $22.00

  RBS-5749   Southern Pacific's Heavy Pacifics  (SB)  (new)
                    Johnson                Shade Tree, 2015              $135.00

  RBS-3297   Southern Pacific's Mountain Class MT-5 Steam Locomotives  (SB) (good used cond.)
                     Wright                 Wright, 1974               $65.00

  RBS-6513   Southern Pacific's Western Division  (HB) (new condition)
                     Signor                 Signature, 2003               $52.00 

  RBS-3890   Southern Pacific S Class 0-6-0 Pictorial  (SB)  (new in shrinkwrap)
        [high quality photo pictorial of SP's T Class 0-6-0, Vol. 14 in the series]
                     Ainsworth & Karam         Monte Vista                   $75.00

  RBS-5724   Southern Pacific S Class 0-6-0 Pictorial  (SB)  (new)
        [S-8 #1193 to S-10 #1246 / T&NO #92-166: Vol. 22 in the series]
                     Ainsworth         Monte Vista, 2003                   $32.00 

  RBS-2516   Southern Pacific SP Class 4-10-2 Pictorial  (SB)  (light used condition)
        [high quality photo pictorial of SP's T Class 4-10-2, Vol. 9 in the series]
                     Karam & Ainsworth         Monte Vista                   $40.00
  RBS-6104  Southern Pacific Steam Locomotive Compendium  (brand new)
                   Diesbert & Strapac          Shade Tree, 1987            $200.00
  RBS-5137  Southern Pacific Steam Locomotive Compendium  (new, but NO DJ)
                   Diesbert & Strapac          Shade Tree, 1987            $120.00

  RBS-4923   Southern Pacific Steam Pictorial V.1: 1000 to 2800 Series  (HB) (near mint)
   (excellent - interior like new / several taped tears at edges of DJ) (huge oversized book 17" X 11")
                     Dunscomb               1991                  $185.00 

 RB-6766     Southern Pacific's Golden Empire 1954-1958  (HB)  (like new)
                     (The Color photography of John Hungerford & Harold Stewart)
                     Morris & Crossley               Shade Tree, 2011             $95.00 

 RB-6353     Southern Pacific's Ten Coupled Locomotives  (HB)  (new in shrinkwrap)
                     Church               Signature, 2013             $85.00 

  RBS-0807   Southern Pacific T Class 4-6-0 Pictorial  (SB)  (new in shrinkwrap)
                    (T-31 #2353 to T-58 #2386, Vol. 12 in the series)
                     Karam & Ainsworth         Monte Vista                 $70.00

  RBS-2355   Southern Pacific T Class 4-6-0 Pictorial  (SB)  (like new condition)
                    (T-31 #2353 to T-58 #2386, Vol. 12 in the series)
                     Karam & Ainsworth         Monte Vista                   $40.00

  RB-4683     Southern Pacific Trackside in Northern California 1974-1996  (HB)  
                                                      (near mint / bumped corners)
                     Mackinson                 Morning Sun, 2014             $55.00 

  RBS-1946   Southern Pacific in Transition  (HB)   (new condition)
                     Shippen & Shine           Four Ways West, 1999          $42.00

  RBS-0819    Southern Pacific TW Class 4-8-0 Pictorial  (SB)  (new in shrinkwrap)
        [high quality photo pictorial of SP's TW Class 4-8-0, Vol. 11 in the series]
                     Karam & Ainsworth         Monte Vista                   $68.00

  RBS-2325   Southern Pacific TW Class 4-8-0 Pictorial  (SB)  (like new condition)
        [high quality photo pictorial of SP's TW Class 4-8-0, Vol. 11 in the series]
                     Karam & Ainsworth         Monte Vista, 1999             $80.00

  RBS-1505   South Pacific Coast: A Centennial  (HB)  
      (light used condition - first several pages creased - no markings)
                     Maccgregor & Truesdale    Pruett, 1982                  $39.00 
  RBS-5604    Steam Over Donner  (HB)  (new / DJ in new archival book cover)
                 Still               Monte Vista, 2007                  $120.00 

  RBS-6225    Steam Through Tehachapi: Los Angeles to Woodward  (HB)  (new)
                 Ainsworth               Monte Vista, 2008                  $155.00

  RBS-6260    Steam Through Tehachapi: Los Angeles to Woodward  (HB)  (like new)
                 Ainsworth               Monte Vista, 2008                  $130.00 

  RBS-1148   Those Amazing Cab Forwards  (HB)    (light used condition)
                     Harlan                    Harlan, 1987                  $90.00 

  RB-5830    Those Daylight 4-8-4's: The Story of Southern Pacific GS Class Locomotives  (HB)
                                         (book near mint / DJ light used condition)
                     Church                    Kratville, 1976                $60.00 
  RB-3380    Those Daylight 4-8-4's: The Story of Southern Pacific GS Class Locomotives  (HB)
                          (interior good condition, dust jacket has foxing & wear, but now in mylar cover)
                     Church                    Kratville, 1966               $36.00 
  RB-5279   Three Barrels of Steam  (HB)  (OK, but no DJ, former owner's name inside)
                 Boynton               Glenwood, 1973              $25.00

To order call:   (707) 328-6215 (cell) or  539-1051 (land)  or   e-mail:  rrcomm@sonic.net
       payment accepted via: Visa, Master Card, Am Express, Discover, Zelle, checks / money orders, or Paypal
       Shipping: $5 for USPS Media Mail per order (flat rate - 1 book or 40 books ship for the same $5 to US addresses)

Southern Railway

  RBS-2266   Diesels of the Southern Railway 1939-1982  (HB)    (new in shrinkwrap)
             Withers w/ Calloway & Wilson    Withers, 1997                      $165.00

  RBS-2297   Diesels of the Southern Railway 1939-1982  (HB)    (light used condition)
             Withers w/ Calloway & Wilson    Withers, 1997                      $70.00 

  RBS-4477   Diesels of the Southern Railway 1939-1982  (HB)    (fair / DJ has edge wear)
             Withers w/ Calloway & Wilson    Withers, 1997                      $50.00

  RBS-6467   Southern PS-4 Class Pacific Locomotive Drawings (comb bound) (fair condition, no markings)
                     Fitt                  Wildwood, 1973               $80.00 (Sold) 

  RBS-1289   Southern Railway  (HB)     (new condition)
                     Murray                  Voyageur / MBI, 2007               $24.00

  RBS-6967   Southern Railway Color Guide to Freight and Passenger Equipment  (HB)
               (missing dust jacket / light used condition / no markings)
                     Kinkaid      Morning Sun, 1996                  $30.00

  RBS-4335   Southern Railway In Color (Vol. 1 - not stated)  (HB) (new, but bumped corners)
                     Cheney & Sweetland      Morning Sun, 1993                  $115.00
  RBS-0963   Southern Railway Panorama  (SB)  (very light used condition)
                     Kramer                Quadrant, 1978                $18.00

  RBS-3359   Southern Railway Remembered  (SB)   (new condition)
                     Helper                  TLC, 2001                        $29.00 

  RBS-3401   Southern Railway's Spencer Shops 1896-1996  (SB)   (light used condition)
                     Galloway & Wrinn        TLC, 1998                          $38.00

  RBS-1383   Southern Railway Steam Trains  (HB)   (new condition)
                     Tillotson               TLC, 2004                          $35.00 

  RBS-5889   Southern Railway System: An Illustrated History
                                                                     (HB)  (very light used condition)
                     Webb             Boston Mills, 1986               $28.00 

  RBS-4341   Southern Railway System: A Pictorial Album, Washington to Atlanta 1960-1982
                                                                (HB)  (new)
                     Nuckles & Tillotoson    Four Ways West, 1996               $125.00

  RBS-4170   Southern Railway System: A Pictorial Album, Washington to Atlanta 1960-1982
                                     (HB)  (new in shrinkwrap, but top outer corner bumped)
                     Nuckles & Tillotoson    Four Ways West, 1996               $125.00

  RBS-0028   Southern Railway System: Steam Locomotives & Boats - Revised Ed.  (HB)  (like new)
                     Prince                  Green River, 1970                  $110.00 

  RBS-3232   Southern Railway System: Steam Locomotives & Boats, 2nd "corrected" Ed.  (HB)  (like new)
                     Prince                  Green River, 1983                  $140.00

Spokane, Portland & Seattle  /  SP&S

  RBS-0071    SP&S: The Spokane, Portland & Seattle Railway  (HB)  (like new)
                     Austin & Dill           Pacific Fast Mail, 1996      $97.00 
  RBS-5895    Spokane, Portland & Seattle Railway In Color  (HB)  (previously unsold - like new)
                     Austin               Morning Sun, 2007      $220.00
  RBS-5241    Spokane, Portland & Seattle Railway In Color  (HB)  (near mint)
                     Austin               Morning Sun, 2007      $160.00 
  RBS-5880    Spokane, Portland & Seattle Railway In Color  (HB) 
              (interior excellent / some wear to corners / now in new archival book cover)
                     Austin               Morning Sun, 2007      $120.00 

SPSF (Southern Pacific Santa Fe)

  RBS-1075   SPSF Motive Power - 1986  (SB)  (like new - signed by author)
                     Shine           Four Ways West, 1986           $70.00 

  RBS-1021   SPSF Motive Power - 1986  (SB)  (light used condition)
                     Shine           Four Ways West, 1986           $44.00

  RBS-1021   SPSF Motive Power - 1986  (SB)  (fair condition - doesn't lay flat)
                     Shine           Four Ways West, 1986           $36.00


  RB-2301    Ghost Railroads of Tennessee  (HB)    (light used condition)
                     Sulzer            Jones, 1975                     $72.00 

  RB-3369    Ghost Railroads of Tennessee  (HB)    (new condition)
                     Sulzer            In. University, 1998            $90.00


  RB-5301  Gringo Builders  (HB) (sighed by author / good used cond.)
                     Allhands             Allhands, 1931           $120.00 
  RB-5208  More Railroads For Bell County  (HB) 
     (signed by author / #31 of only 50 copies printed - extremely scarce / poor condition)
        (14 printed pages)        Kelley                          $120.00
  RB-5751  Rails Through The Hill Country  (SB) 
     (The Story of the Fredericksburg and Northern RR)
                               Schmidt, 1973                         $66.00 
  RBT-4666  Texas Railroads: A Record of Construction and Abandonement  (HB) 
    (interior like new / DJ shows minor edge wear - now in archival book cover - looks excellent)
                     Zlatkovich          BBR, U of Tx, 1981          $120.00 
  RBT-4402  Texas Railroads: A Record of Construction and Abandonement  (SB) 
    (interior like new / covers excellent, but front has crease along part of edge)
                     Zlatkovich          BBR, U of Tx, 1981          $90.00 

Texas & Pacific  /  T&P

  RBT-6356  From Ox-Teams to Eagles  (HB)  (scarce title)
    (original T&P booklet / little wear, moderate musty smell, sticker on front cover)
                    Texas & Pacific RR, 1946             $50.00 
  RBT-3701  The Texas & Pacific Color Pictorial  (HB) 
                                     (new book, but spine is cocked forward)
                    Goen               Four Ways West, 1997             $240.00 

  RBT-4777  The Texas & Pacific Railway: Super Power to Streamliners  (HB) 
    (light used condition / in clear archival book cover / former owners name on title page)
                    Collias                  MM, 1989                   $300.00

  RBT-5780  Texas & Pacific: From Ox Teams to Eagles  (HB)  (new in original, but tattered, shrinkwrap)
    (this is the full version of this title, not the 1946 T&P handout booklet)
                    Watson & Brown           Boston Mills, 1978         $240.00 

time tables

   (for railroad issued employee time tables, please see: employee time tables page)

To order call:   (707) 328-6215 (cell) or  539-1051 (land)  or   e-mail:  rrcomm@sonic.net
       payment accepted via: Visa, Master Card, Am Express, Discover, Zelle, checks / money orders, or Paypal
       Shipping: $5 for USPS Media Mail per order (flat rate - 1 book or 40 books ship for the same $5 to US addresses)

train stations

  RB-2121    The Country Railroad Station in America  (HB)  (near mint / DJ very light used cond.)
                     Grant & Bohi         Pruett, 1978                      $39.00 

  RB-2918    Grand Central: The World's Greatest Railway Terminal  (HB)  (near mint)
                     Middleton            Golden West, 1981                 (Sold)

  RB-0222    Grand Central: The World's Greatest Railway Terminal  (HB)  (light used condition)
                     Middleton            Golden West, 1981                 $12.00

  RB-3265    The Late, Great Pennsylvania Station  (HB)  (very light used condition)
                     Diehl                Houghton Mifflin, 1985            $22.00

  RB-2787    New England Country Depots  (HB)  (DJ shows considerable foxing / interior nice)
                     Lewis                Baggage Car, 1973                 $60.00 (Sold)

  RB-2181    New England Country Depots  (SB)   (moderate used condition, but upper spine dented)
                     Lewis                Baggage Car, 1973                 $55.00 

  RB-2464    New England Country Depots  (SB)   
                         (worn condition / covers stained / spine has been repaired)
                     Lewis                Baggage Car, 1973                 $28.00

  RB-4313    The Next Station Will Be..., V.I
      New York Susquehanna & Western: Middletown & East  (SB)  (light used condition)
                                          Railroadians of America, 1973     $45.00

  RB-3844    The Next Station Will Be..., V. II
      New Jersey & New York RR: New York City to Haverstraw  (SB)  (light used condition)
                                          Railroadians of America, 1974     $45.00

  RB-4153    The Next Station Will Be..., V. IV
      Erie - Northern RR of New Jersey & Piermont Branch  (SB)  (light used condition)
                                          Railroadians of America, 1976     $45.00

  RB-4573    The Next Station Will Be..., V. V
      New York Susquehanna & Western and Wilkes-Barre & Eastern  (SB)  (light used condition)
                                          Railroadians of America, 1977     $75.00

  RB-3709    The Next Station Will Be..., V. VI: Erie: New York, Port Jervis  (SB)  (light used cond.)
                                          Railroadians of America, 1979     $45.00

  RB-4378    The Next Station Will Be..., V. VII: 
       Erie: Port Jervis, Susquehanna, Scranton  (SB)  (light used condition)
                                          Railroadians of America, 1982     $30.00

  RB-4223    The Next Station Will Be..., V. VIII: 
       Erie: Port Jervis, Susquehanna, Scranton  (SB)  (light used condition)
                                          Railroadians of America, 1984     $30.00

  RB-4528    The Next Station Will Be..., V. IX: 
       Erie: Salamanca, N.Y. to Marion, Oh.  (SB)  (light used condition)
                                          Railroadians of America, 1987     $45.00

  RB-4086    The Next Station Will Be..., V. X: 
       Erie:  Marion, Oh. to Chicago, Il.  (SB)  (light used condition)
                                          Railroadians of America, 1988     $75.00

  RB-4438    The Next Station Will Be..., V. XI: 
       Erie Branches from Jersey City to Rochester, N.Y.  (SB)  (near mint condition)
                                          Railroadians of America, 1989     $30.00

  RB-4283    The Next Station Will Be..., V. XII: 
       Erie:  Marion, Oh. to Chicago, Il.  (SB)  (near mint condition)
                                          Railroadians of America, 1993     $75.00 

  RB-4012    The Next Station Will Be..., V. XIII: 
       Erie: Buffalo, Bradfor Divisions, Dunkirk Branch   (SB)  (light used condition)
                                          Railroadians of America, 1994     $75.00

  RB-3190    Next Stop Grand Central  (HB)   (like new)
                     Fischler             Boston Mills, 1986                $18.00

  RBP-0052    Penn Station: Its Tunnels and Side Rodders  (HB)  (VG, DJ shows moderate wear)
                     Westing                 Superior, 1978                  $18.00

  RB-0398     Reading Terminal and Market  (SB)        (light used condition)
                     Highsmith & Holton   Chelsea, 1994                      $8.00

  RBS-0568   St. Louis Union Station and Its Railroads - Centennial Ed.  (SB)  (light used condition)
       Textual History of the St. Louis Union Station, w/ photos176pp]
                     Wayman               Evelyn Newman Group, 1978          $5.00

  RB-0514    The Vanishing Depot  (HB)   (book very good / DJ shows moderate wear)
      [oversized watercolor portfolio depicting stations in PA, NJ and around New England, 114pp]
                      Bye                 Livingston, 1983                   $7.50

  RB-0684    Waiting for the 5:05 - Terminal, Station and Depot in America  (SB)   (good used condition)
                     Grow                 Main Street / Universe, 1977       $8.00

trolley lines / interurbans

   (for transit, trolley, interurban and light rail books, please see: Interurban Books page)

tourist pictorial portfolios        (sold aboard passenger trains in the days before personal cameras)

  RB-3061    California  (SB)  (very light used condition)
     [48 page / sights & attractions to visit in California & traveling through the west]
                             UP, c. 1932                          $22.00 

  RB-2960    The Overland Trail: From The Golden Gate to The Great Salt Lake,
      Along the Southern Pacific - The Road of a Thousand Wonders  (SB)  (fair used condition)
    [pasted in photos, 1 per page / sold on SP trains c. 1910's / `70pp]
                    Van Noy Interstate Co. / c.1910's             $45.00 

  RB-2629    Wonderful California  (SB)  (fair used condition)
    [sold on SP trains c. 1920's / `70pp]
                    Van Noy Interstate Co. / c.1920's             $45.00 

To order call:   (707) 328-6215 (cell) or  539-1051 (land)  or   e-mail:  rrcomm@sonic.net
       payment accepted via: Visa, Master Card, Am Express, Discover, Zelle, checks / money orders, or Paypal
       Shipping: $5 for USPS Media Mail per order (flat rate - 1 book or 40 books ship for the same $5 to US addresses)

Union Pacific  /  UP

  RB-3364     Big Blow: Union Pacific's Super Turbines (SB) (near mint / former's owner's name stamped inside)
                     Keekley                  Cockle, 1975                  $138.00

  RB-5859     Big Boy (SB)   (like new)
                     Kratville                 Barnhart                  $95.00 

  RB-5006     The Big Guys (HB) (like new, in archival book cover)
                     Olmsted                 Olmsted, 1998                  $140.00

  RB-5206     The Big Guys (HB)   (near mint / some corners bumped)
                     Olmsted                 Olmsted, 1998                  $125.00 

  RB-4935     The Big Guys (HB)   (near mint)
                     Olmsted                 Olmsted, 1998                  $100.00

  RB-5853     Building Union Pacific 844  (like new)
                     Bush                  South Platte, 2013          $155.00 

  RB-3036     CA-11 Cabooses  (very light used condition)
                     Cockle                   Overland Models, 1980          $55.00 

  RB-3886     CA-11 Cabooses  (very light used condition)
                     Cockle                   Overland Models, 1980          $45.00

  RB-3672     CA-11 Cabooses  (very light wear, but creased lengthwise)
                     Cockle                   Overland Models, 1980          $30.00

  RB-3523     Centennials In Action  (SB)      (near mint condition)
                     Cockle                   Overland Models, 1980          $64.00

  RB-2519     Centennials In Action  (SB)      (moderate used condition)
                     Cockle                   Overland Models, 1980          $40.00

  RBU-3360    Diesels of the Union Pacific: The Classic Era - Vol. 2  (HB)     (new in shrinkwrap)
                     Strack                   Withers, 2005                  $90.00

  RBU-1718    Emil Albrecht's Union Pacific Small Steam Power  (SB)   (like new, but w/ a scuff or two)
                     Watson & Wagner          Motive Power Service, 1985     $29.00 

  RBU-2844    Emil Albrecht's Union Pacific Small Steam Power  (SB)   (fair condition)
                     Watson & Wagner          Motive Power Service, 1985     $20.00

  RB-1384     The Feather River Canyon: Union Pacific's Heart of Stone  (HB)    
                                    (book like new, DJ has 1" tear and trivial fraying at spine ends)
                     Schmollinger             Pentrex, 1996                  $70.00

  RBU-3825    Giants of the West  (SB)  (new, NOS from closed hobby shop)
                     Cockle                   Overland, 1981                 $125.00

  RBU-5372    Giants of the West  (SB)  (near mint condition)
                     Cockle                   Overland, 1981                 $70.00 

  RBU-5311    Historical Inventory of the Union Pacific Railroad  (SB)  (like new condition)
                                      Intermountain Ch., NRHS, 1991          $25.00

  RBU-5311    History of the Union Pacific: A Financial and Economic Survey  (HB)  (like new condition)
                         Trottman               Kelley, 1966                      $24.00

  RBU-6138    Little Look at the Challengers  (SB)  (very light used condition)
           (24 page / photo essay, detail, scenic /with scale drawings)
                                     Kratville, 1993                     $24.00 

  RBU-5871    Motive Power of the Union Pacific and Roster of Union Pacific Locomotives  (HB and SB) 
      (two books, as originally bundled - both still in original shipping box. Book unused, but has bumped corners.
       Booklet unused, but has toning on front cover. Will be shipped in original box, packed inside new shipping box.)
                     Kratville & Ranks        Kratville, 1958                 $90.00 

  RBU-4523    Motive Power of the Union Pacific  (HB)  (moderate used condition / DJ)
                     Kratville & Ranks        Kratville, 1958                 $24.00

  RBU-3245    Motive Power of the Union Pacific - Plan Package (SB)  (light used condition)
   [plans only - HO scale drawing of UP locomotives, steam, turbine & Diesel, the common to the oddballs, 40pp] 
                     Smith                    Kratville, 1967                 $38.00

  RBU-3180    The Overland Limited  (HB)  (very light used condition)
                     Beebe                    Howell-North, 1963              $16.00

  RBU-5269    The Overland Route: Union Pacific Railroad  (HB)  (very near mint condition)
                     Genard & Krause           Carstens, 1988              $14.00

  RBU-2538    The Overland Route: Union Pacific Railroad  (HB)  (near mint condition)
                     Genard & Krause           Carstens                       $12.00

  RB-3969     Roaring U50's... Union Pacific's Twin Diesels  (SB)  (new)
                     Keekley                  Cockle & Assoc., 1978           $80.00

  RB-3087     Roaring U50's... Union Pacific's Twin Diesels  (SB)  (like new)
                     Keekley                  Cockle & Assoc., 1978           $55.00 (Sold) 

  RB-4760     Roaring U50's... Union Pacific's Twin Diesels (SB) (good used cond.)
                     Keekley                  Cockle & Assoc., 1978           $52.00

  RBU-0302     Roster of Union Pacific Locomotives 1867-1964 (SB) (revised Edition)
                                                    (interior excellent / covers rubbed)
                                               Barnhart Press, 1964           $60.00

  RBU-2667     Roster of Union Pacific Locomotives 1867-1964 (SB) (revised Edition)
                                        (interior excellent / covers show moderate wear)
                                               Barnhart Press, 1964           $55.00

  RBU-5234     Sherman Hill  (HB)   (like new)
                     Ehernberger & Gschwind        E&G, 1978                     $28.00

  RBU-1690     Sherman Hill  (HB)   (light used condition)
                     Ehernberger & Gschwind        Pioneer, 1978                $24.00

  RBU-1822     Smoke Along the Columbia  (HB)   (very light used condition)
                      Ehernberger & Gschwind   E&G, 1968                       $44.00

  RBU-2404     Turbines Westward  (HB)  (book excellent, DJ good cond., now in archival book cover)
                      Lee                      Lee, 1990                       $70.00

  RBU-2456    Turbines Westward  (HB)  (book excellent, but slight musty smell, DJ frayed @ corners)
                      Lee                      Lee, 1990                       $60.00

  RBU-3096    Union Pacific 1977-1980  (SB)  (light used cond.)
                     Cockle                    Overland, 1980                  $25.00

  RBU-0921    Union Pacific 1977-1980  (SB)  (moderate used cond.)
                     Cockle                    Overland, 1980                  $20.00

  RBU-3536    Union Pacific 1990  (HB)     (new in publisher's shrinkwrap)
                     Cockle & Withers          Withers, 1991                   $100.00

  RBU-1474    Union Pacific 1990  (HB)     (near mint)
                     Cockle & Withers          Withers, 1991                   $65.00

  RBU-3158    Union Pacific 1990  (HB)     (near mint / slight smoke smell)
                     Cockle & Withers          Withers, 1991                   $55.00

  RBU-2933    Union Pacific 1992 Annual  (HB)     (light used condition)
                     Strack                   Hyrail, 1992                     $24.00

  RBU-4167    Union Pacific: The Birth of a Railroad 1862-1893  (HB)  (near mint condition)
                     Klein                     Doubleday, 1987                 $8.00 
  RBU-5341   Union Pacific Common Standard Drawings: Bridges & Buildings  (SB)
      (includes drawings of cattle guards, stock chutes, fire protection, trestles, stations, etc. 80 pages)
        (very light used condition)      Challenger, 1994               $48.00

  RBU-1949    The Union Pacific Diesel, V. 1: Dieselization - 1959  (HB)   (new condition)
                     Priest                    Paired Rail, 1999               $60.00 

 RBU-4670     Union Pacific Diesel Painting & Lettering  (looks unused)
      (un-bound set of 11" X 17" painting diagrams for GP7, AS616, S2, SD24B, GP30B, 
       DD35B, U-50, H-20-44, GP38-2, U-50C, SD40-2, DD40X, U28-C, U30-C, GP40X, and SW10)
                                                Metcalfe                       $30.00

  RBU-5910    The Union Pacific RR: Diesel, Turbine, Electric Locomotive Historical Record  (SB)   (good used condition)
     (very detailed records of all locomotive purchases, sales, total wrecks through 1977 / w serial numbers and dates / ~200 pages)
                                                  UP Mechanical Dept, 1977              $85.00 

  RBU-4630    Union Pacific Equipment: List & Renumbering June 1, 1885  (SB)  (signed / excellent)
                     Ehernberger              Ehernberger, 1989               $12.00

  RBU-6451    Union Pacific FEF-3 Class 4-8-4 Locomotive Drawings  (SB)  (light used condition)
      (huge 11" X 17" folio, some pages folding out to 32")    Fitt    Wildwood    (Sold)

  RBU-6549    Union Pacific FEF-3 Class 4-8-4 Locomotive Drawings  (SB)  (light used condition)
      (huge 11" X 17" folio, some pages folding out to 32")    Fitt    Wildwood    $130.00   

  RBU-3064    Union Pacific Locomotive Directory 1998  (HB)  (very light used condition)
                     Strack                    Withers, 1998                   $29.00

  RBU-3392    Union Pacific Locomotive Directory 1998  (HB)  (light used condition)
                     Strack                    Withers, 1998                   $24.00

  RBU-3485    Union Pacific Locomotive Directory 1998  (HB)  (moderate used condition)
                     Strack                    Withers, 1998                   $17.00

  RBU-3795    Union Pacific Locomotive Directory 1999  (HB)  (light used condition)
                     Strack                    Withers, 1999                   $25.00

  RBU-2909    Union Pacific Locomotive Directory 2000  (HB)  (new)
                     Strack                    Withers, 2000                   $65.00

  RB-3120     Union Pacific Locomotive Directory 2000  (SB)   (very light used condition)
                     Strack                    Withers, 2000                   $60.00

  RB-3547     Union Pacific Locomotive Directory 2002-2003  (SB)   (very light used condition)
                     Strack                    Withers, 2002                   $30.00

  RB-3346     Union Pacific Locomotive Directory 2003-2004  (SB)   (near mint condition)
                     Strack                    Withers, 2003                   $50.00 

  RB-3677     Union Pacific Locomotive Directory 2003-2004  (SB)  (nice, but front corners creased)
                     Strack                    Withers, 2003                   $35.00

  RB-6602     Union Pacific Locomotives (Vol. I)  (HB !)  
          (scarce hardcover / near mint condition / no dust jacket - as issued)
                     Kratville & Ranks                  Barnhart, 1960                   $85.00 

  RB-6423     Union Pacific Locomotives Vol. II  (SB)  
          (complete w/ drawings set in back pocket / book fair / comb binding rough)
                     Kratville & Ranks                  Barnhart, 1960                   $65.00 

  RBU-1276    Union Pacific Mainline West  (SB)    (near mint)
               Botkin, Hand & Hill             Colorado RR Museum, 1986        $15.00

  RBU-2968    Union Pacific Motive Power Review 1968-77  (SB)  (moderate used condition)
                                               MPS, 1978                       $14.00

  RBU-4644    Union Pacific in North Platte  (SB)   (like new)
                     Park                      Parkrail, 1992                  $45.00 

  RBU-1843    Union Pacific Official Color Photography, Book 1  (HB)      (new condition)
                     LeMassena & Yanosey       Morning Sun, 1993               $40.00

  RBU-6616    Union Pacific Official Color Photography, Book II  (HB)      (new in shrinkwrap)
                     Schmitz & Yanosey       Morning Sun               $50.00 

  RBU-6598    Union Pacific Passenger Equipment  (HB)  (very light used condition)  (scarce title)
    (128 pages; includes the even more scarce update pages)     Harbor Mist, c. 1985   $160.00 

  RB-3045     Union Pacific Power: Historical Roster of Diesel, Turbine & Electric Locomotives:
                            Vol. 2: Six Axle Hi-Tech Diesels 1986-1996  (SB)  (near mint)
                     Winegar                   Wilamette Falls, 1996           $120.00 

  RB-5011     Union Pacific Prototype Locomotive Photos: Vol. 1
                 0-6-0 Switcher: LA&SL 4226 through UP #4430  (SB)  (like new)
                                UP Historical Society, 2003                    $45.00

  RB-5012     Union Pacific Prototype Locomotive Photos: Vol. 2
                 0-6-0 Switcher: UP 4431-4480  (SB)  (like new)
                                UP Historical Society, 2003                    $45.00

  RB-5013     Union Pacific Photos: Vol. 3
                 0-6-0 Switcher: UP 4600, OSL 4 Locomotive Prototype700's & OWR&N 4933   (SB)  (like new)
                                UP Historical Society, 2003                    $45.00

  RB-5014     Union Pacific Prototype Locomotive Photos: Vol. 4
                 4-8-4  Northern: UP 800 through 819  (SB)  (new in shrinkwrap)
                                UP Historical Society                         $45.00

  RB-5015     Union Pacific Prototype Locomotive Photos: Vol. 5
                 4-8-4  Northern: UP 820 through 844 (8444)  (SB)  (new in shrinkwrap)
                                UP Historical Society                         $45.00

  RB-5016     Union Pacific Prototype Locomotive Photos: Vol. 6
                 2-8-8-0 Articulated: UP 3600-3664; OSL 3700's & OWN&N 3800's  (SB)  (like new)
                                UP Historical Society, 2003                    $45.00

  RB-4224     Union Pacific Prototype Locomotive Photos: Vol. 7
                 2-8-8-0 Articulated: UP 3500 through 3533  (SB)  (like new)
                                UP Historical Society, 2004                    $45.00

  RB-5710     Union Pacific Prototype Locomotive Photos: Vol 8
                 2-8-8-0 Articulated: UP 3534-3564; OSL/OWR&N 3565-3569  (SB)  (new in shrinkwrap)
                                UP Historical Society, 2004                    $70.00 

  RB-5018     Union Pacific Prototype Locomotive Photos: Vol 8
                 2-8-8-0 Articulated: UP 3534-3564; OSL/OWR&N 3565-3569  (SB)  (like new)
                                UP Historical Society, 2004                    $45.00

  RB-5674     Union Pacific Prototype Locomotive Photos: Vol 9
                 4-8-2 Mountain: UP 7000 through 7019  (SB)  (new / signed)
                                UP Historical Society, 2004                    $70.00 

  RB-5019     Union Pacific Prototype Locomotive Photos: Vol 9
                 4-8-2 Mountain: UP7000 through 7019  (SB)  (like new)
                                UP Historical Society, 2004                    $45.00

  RB-5649     Union Pacific Locomotive Prototype Photos: Vol 10
        4-8-2  Mountain: UP 7020 through 7039  (SB)  (new, but corned creased during signing)
       (signed by author and R.H. Kindig, plus all Kindig photos also signed!)
                                UP Historical Society, 2004                    $70.00 

  RB-5020     Union Pacific Prototype Locomotive Photos: Vol 10
                 4-8-2  Mountain: UP 7020 through 7039  (SB)  (light used condition)
                                UP Historical Society, 2004                    $47.00

  RB-5021     Union Pacific Prototype Locomotive Photos: Vol 11
                 4-8-2  Mountain: LA&SL 7850-7864; UP 7865-7869  (SB)  (very light used cond.)
                                UP Historical Society, 2004                    $45.00

  RB-5773     Union Pacific Prototype Locomotive Photos: Vol 12
                             4-6-0  Ten Wheel  (SB)   (new, NOS / signed by author)
                                UP Historical Society, 2004                    $65.00 

  RB-5022     Union Pacific Prototype Locomotive Photos: Vol 12
                             4-6-0  Ten Wheel  (SB)   (like new)
                                UP Historical Society, 2004                    $45.00

  RB-5023     Union Pacific Prototype Locomotive Photos: Vol 15
                 2-10-2 Class5300's & OWR&N 5400's  (SB)  (like new)
                                UP Historical Society, 2005                    $45.00

  RB-5024     Union Pacific Prototype Locomotive Photos: Vol 18
                 4-6-2 Pacific: OSL 3100's; LA&SL 3100's; OWR&N 3200's  (SB)  (new in shrinkwrap)
                                UP Historical Society, 200                    $45.00

  RB-4048     Union Pacific Prototype Locomotive Photos: Vol. 19
                  4-12-2 "Union Pacific" Type: UP 9000 through 9029  (SB)  (near mint)
                                UP Historical Society, 2006                    $50.00 

  RB-5025     Union Pacific Prototype Locomotive Photos: Vol. 23
                 2-8-0 Consolidation: UP 276 through 358  (SB)  (new in shrinkwrap)
                                UP Historical Society, 2007                    $45.00

  RB-4626     Union Pacific Prototype Locomotive Photos: Vol. 23
                 2-8-0 Consolidation: UP 276 through 358  (SB)  (near mint)
                                UP Historical Society, 2007                    $40.00 

  RB-5026     Union Pacific Prototype Locomotive Photos: Vol 35
                 4-6-6-4  Challenger  (SB)  (new in shrinkwrap, corner dented in shipping)
                                UP Historical Society, 200                    $45.00 (Sold)

  RB-6332     Union Pacific Prototype Locomotive Photos: Vol. 38
                 4-8-8-4  Big Boy: UP 4000 through 4024  (SB)  (near mint)
                                UP Historical Society, 2009                    $45.00 

  RB-4887   Union Pacific Railroad System Employee Timetables V. 1; Feb 29, 1948
           (SB)  (light used condition)        UP Historical Soc., 2000        $18.00 (Sold)

  RB-3996    Union Pacific Rails To The Mines (SB)  (new / signed by author!)
                     Waite                     1999                            $85.00

  RB-4246    Union Pacific Rails To The Mines (SB)  (like new, but corner bumped / signed)
                     Waite                     1999                            $65.00

  RBU-1364   Union Pacific Salt Lake Route (HB)  (like new, except DJ shows some sun fading)
                     Hemphill                  Stoddart / Boston Mills, 1995   $49.95 

  RBU-5733   Union Pacific's Big GEs - U50 and U50-C (SB)  (like new)
                                              Withers, 2011          $94.00 

  RBU-5742    Union Pacific's Challenger: An Unusal Passenger Train 1935-1971  (HB)  (new cond.)
                    Dorin                 TLC, 2001          $46.00 
  RBW-6821     Union Pacific Steam In Color  (HB)  
        (no dust jacket / light used condition / pages clean, bright, no markings)
                    Sweetland          Morning Sun, 1995                      $24.00

  RBU-3477    Union Pacific Steam: Northwestern District  (HB)  (light used cond.)
                     Ehernberger & Gschwind    EG                              $100.00 

  RBU-4465    Union Pacific's Sherman Hill in the Diesel Era  (HB)   (good used condition)
                     Wolff                     Withers, 1999                   $40.00

  RBU-0120    The Union Pacific Streamliners  (HB)  (DJ frayed at top of spine, and rubbed)
                     Ranks & Kratville         Kratville, 1974                 $90.00 

  RBU-5402    Union Pacific's Stromsburg Branch  (HB) (light used condition)
                     Reisdorff & Bahm          South Platte, 1987              $55.00 

  RB-3757     Union Pacific Switchers & Slugs  (SB)   (new)
                     Strack                    Withers                         $44.00

  RBU-1631    Union Pacific Trackside with Lou Schmitz  (HB)    (new condition)
                     Schmitz                   Morning Sun, 1998               $46.00

  RCU-5605   Union Pacific Type, V. I  (HB)  (book good, signed, #965.
    Dust jacket tatty, w/ chips and taped tears, now in new clear archival book cover)
                     Kratville & Bush           Kratville, 1990                $170.00 (Sold) 

  RCU-4848   Union Pacific Type, V. II  (HB)  (new in original shrinkwrap)
    (Has a stickynote INSIDE shrinkwrap reading "1317" - thought to indicate that this is a 
     signed and numbered "limited edition" volume- can't check w/o removing the shrinkwrap though)
                     Kratville & Bush           Kratville, 1995                $350.00

  RCU-5732   Union Pacific Type, V. II  (HB)  
    (book excellent / DJ worn, but now in new, clear, archival book cover and looks nice)  
                     Kratville & Bush           Kratville, 1995                $100.00 
  RB-4194    UP Class F-50-15 Flat Cars  (SB)  (near mint)
                     Waite               Soc. Freight Car Historians, 1982     $20.00

  RBU-5716   UP Color Guide to Freight and Passenger Equipment (V. 1)  (HB)  (like new)
                     Stagner & Yanosey         Morning Sun, 1993               $40.00  

  RBU-3152   UP Color Guide to Freight and Passenger Equipment (V.1)  (HB)  (near mint / NO DJ)
                     Stagner & Yanosey         Morning Sun, 1993               $27.00

  RBU-5723   UP Color Guide to Freight and Passenger Equipment, V.2  (HB)  (like new)
                     Schmitz                   Morning Sun, 1996               $46.00  

  RBU-2981   UP Color Guide to Freight and Passenger Equipment, V.2  (HB)  (near mint / NO DJ)
                     Schmitz                   Morning Sun, 1996               $37.00


  RB-5715   Ogden Rails  (HB)   (like new)
                 Strack      UP Historical Soc., 2005    $56.00  (Sold) 
  RB-2113   Ogden Rails  (SB)   (light used cond., but has some general creasing)
                 Strack    Golden Spike Ch, Ry & Loco Historical Soc., 1997    $28.00


  RB-1755     Green Mountain Rails: Vermont's Colorful Trains  (HB)   (like new)
                       Jones                  Pine Tree, 1994             $57.00

  RB-3542      Passenger Cars of New England, Vol. 3 - Central Vermont & Rutland  (new)
     [pictorial review of the passenger cars of the CV & the Rutland, 48pp]
                     Liljestrand & Sweetland   TRP, 2000                  $40.00

  RBV-4145    Railroads of Vermont: Vol. I  (HB)  (new in shrinkwrap)
                       Jones                   New England Press          $100.00 

  RBV-4909    Railroads of Vermont: Vol. II  (HB)  (very light used condition)
                       Jones                   New England Press          $230.00 

  RBV-4902 & 4903    Railroads of Vermont: Vols. I & II  (HB)  (both like new)
                       Jones                   New England Press          $340.00 

  RBV-2543    Railroads of Vermont: A Pictorial  (HB)
   (signed by author / No DJ / gift inscription inside, otherwise interior excellent)
                       Jones                   New England Press, 1994    $38.00 (Sold)

  RB-4802     The St. Johnsbury and Lake Champlain: Plans  (SB)  (signed / near mint)
                       Nimke                   Nimke, 1994                $140.00 

  RB-6302     Vermont's Covered Bridge Road  (HB)  (excellent condition)
                       Lewis                   Baggage Car, 1974          $72.00 (Sold) 

  RB-6341     Vermont's Granite Railroads  (HB)  (excellent condition)
                 Jones, Maxfield, Gove              Pruett, 1985          $30.00 

  RB-5741    The Victory Branch of Vermont  (SB)  (light used condition)
                       Hopper                   Heimberger, 1989          $84.00 

  RB-1127     A Whistle Up The Valley: The Story of the Peavine, Vermont's White River Railroad  (HB)  (new)
                       Herwig, Herwig & Jones  Evergreen, 2005            $38.00 


  RB-5864     Appalachian Coal Hauler: Interstate RR's Mine Runs & Coal Trains (HB) 
                                                            (new condition)
                     Wolfe & Wolfe                TLC, 2001          $75.00 
  RB-3386     The Interstate Railroad: History of an Appalachian Coal Road (HB) 
        (light use / stamped "From the Library of Howard Fogg" on title page)
                     Wolfe                Old Line Graphics, 1994          $55.00 
  RB-6442     The Interstate Railroad: Memories of an Appalachian Shortline (HB) 
   (recollections of crew / employees)  (new, signed by author, has laid-in correction slip)
                     Wolfe                HEW, 2003          $55.00 

  RB-1653    Tidewater Triangle  (HB)   (near mint, but DJ spine sun faded)
                     Yanosey              Morning Sun, 1988                $55.00

  RB-2109    Tidewater Triangle  (HB)  
  (light use / minor foxing (age staining) on end sheets / DJ protected w/ adhesive (non-removable) book cover)
                     Yanosey              Morning Sun, 1988                $50.00 

  RB-6204    Virginia Railway Depots  (HB)  (signed by author / new condition)
                     Traser        Old Dominion Ch., NRHS, 1998              $33.00 (Sold) 


  RBV-1294    Virginian Rails 1953 - 1993  (HB)  (near mint)
                     Reisweber               Old Line Graphics, 1995        $120.00 

  RBV-1960    Virgnian Railway In Color  (HB)    (near mint condition)
                     McClure & Plant         Morning Sun, 2005              $57.00

To order call:   (707) 328-6215 (cell) or  539-1051 (land)  or   e-mail:  rrcomm@sonic.net


  RBW-1229     Wabash  (HB)   
         (book like new / DJ has minor yellowing along edges and minor fraying at top of back)
                     Heimburger              Heimburger House           $28.00

  RB-4337      Wabash In Color (V.1 - not stated)  (HB)  (new - NOS)
                     Sweetland               Morning Sun                $100.00 


  RB-2025     Biles-Coleman Lumber Company's Reservation Narrow Gauge  (SB) 
                                    (light used condition, #1812 out of 2500)
     [history of Washington state's last narrow gauge logging RR, 1921-48, plus a supplement on Diamond 
      Match Co's Priest Lake RR "the West's most modern n.g. logging RR", 134pp]
                     Lewis                   Lewis, 1980                     $55.00 

  RB-2351     The Railroad That Ran By The Tide  (HB)  (like new)
   [history of the Ilwaco RR & Navigation Co./UP line on the North Beach Peninsula in Washington state, 146pp]
                     Feagans              Howell-North, 1971                 $60.00

  RB-1938     The Railroad That Ran By The Tide  (HB)  (light used condition, DJ has minor fraying & edgewear)
   [history of the Ilwaco RR & Navigation Co./UP line on the North Beach Peninsula in Washington state, 146pp]
                     Feagans              Howell-North, 1971                 $36.00

  RB-1247   To Seattle By Trolley  (HB)       (new)
                     Wing                   PFM, 1988                        $40.00 

  RB-2474   To Tacoma By Trolley  (HB)       (new)
                     Wing                   PFM, 1995                        $50.00 

Western Maryland

  RBW-0630     The 50 Best of the Western Maryland, Book Two  (SB)  (some smudging on covers)
        [copy #146 / B&W large photo essay of the Western Maryland in the steam era, 52pp]
                     Hicks                    Barnard, Roberts, 1978             $20.00 

  RB-4079      Cumberland and Pennsylvania Railroad  (SB)  (light used condition)
      [history of this coal line which became part of the WM in 1944, w/photos & maps,  64pp]
                     Mellander               Carstens, 1981                      $22.00 

  RB-5328      Cumberland and Pennsylvania Railroad  (SB)  (moderate used condition)
      [history of this coal line which became part of the WM in 1944, w/photos & maps,  64pp]
                     Mellander               Carstens, 1981                      $19.00 (Sold)

  RBW-2082     Steam in the Alleghenies / Western Maryland  (SB)  (near mint)
      [pictorial of steam train operations of the WM through the Alleghenies, 82pp]
                     Grenard & Krause        Cartens                             $16.00 

  RBW-0460     Steam in the Alleghenies / Western Maryland  (SB)  (very light used cond.)
      [pictorial of steam train operations of the WM through the Alleghenies, 82pp]
                     Grenard & Krause        Cartens                             $12.00

  RBW-0101     Western Maryland Diesel Locomotives  (HB)  (like new)
                     Stakem & Stakem         TLC, 1997                           $24.00

  RBW-2974     Western Maryland Diesels  (SB)  (moderate used condition)
                     Jahn & Johnson          Crusader, 1979                      $17.00

  RBW-6878     Western Maryland In Color  (HB)  
    (no dust jacket / light used cond. / no markings / small corner torn off front free end sheet)
                    Sweetland          Morning Sun, 1995                      $23.00 

  RBW-0260     The Western Maryland Ry.: Fireballs & Black Diamonds  (HB)
                          (book near mint / DJ has slight fraying at top of spine and a small tear)
                      Cook & Zimmerman        Howell-North, 1981                 $68.00 

  RBW-2127     The Western Maryland Ry.: Fireballs & Black Diamonds  (HB)  (poor condition)
      (back pages have coffee stains, some pages creased / DJ shows wear / writing on 1 page)
                      Cook & Zimmerman        Howell-North, 1981                  $43.00

  RBW-4243     The Western Maryland Railway in the Diesel Era  (HB)  (new in shrinkwrap)
                      Salamon & Hopkins        Old Line Graphics, 1991            $220.00

  RBW-4202     The Western Maryland Railway in the Diesel Era  (HB) 
                                                   (new, but bit of fraying at top of DJ spine)
                      Salamon & Hopkins        Old Line Graphics, 1991            $140.00

  RBW-1887     The Western Maryland Railway in the Diesel Era  (HB)  (near mint)
                      Salamon & Hopkins        Old Line Graphics, 1991            $100.00

  RBW-1143     The Western Maryland Story  (HB)  good condition / no DJ)
                      Williams                Western Maryland Ry., 1952          $83.00 

  RBW-0108     Western Maryland Trackside  (HB)  (near mint)
                      Plant                   Morning Sun Books, 2002             $85.00 

  RBW-0290     West Virginia Central and Pittsburgh Railway - A Western Maryland Predecessor  (HB)    
                                                                  New - in shrink wrap
                      Clarke                  TLC, 2003                           $36.00

  RBW-5740     WM Color Guide to Freight & Passenger  Equipment  (HB)  (new in shrinkwrap)
                      Brown              Morning Sun, 1995                  $165.00 

  RBW-5771     WM Color Guide to Freight & Passenger  Equipment  (HB)  (near mint condition)
                      Brown              Morning Sun, 1995                  $119.00

To order call:   (707) 328-6215 (cell) or  539-1051 (land)  or   e-mail:  rrcomm@sonic.net
       payment accepted via: Visa, Master Card, Am Express, Discover, Zelle, checks / money orders, or Paypal
       Shipping: $5 for USPS Media Mail per order (flat rate - 1 book or 40 books ship for the same $5 to US addresses)

Western Pacific  /  WP

  RBW-1375     D-Day on the Western Pacific  (HB)  
                    (near new, but spots of light foxing dotted about)
                     Staff                   Interurban, 1982                  $115.00

  RBW-6463     Diesel Locomotives of the Western Pacific   (HB)  (near mint)
                     Strapac                 Shade Tree                        $140.00 

  RBW-0968     The Feather River Route, One: A Geographical Tour: San Francisco to Keddie
                                                            (HB)  (new in shrinkwrap)
                     Rattenne                Interurban, 1989                  $125.00

  RBW-2071     The Feather River Route, Two: A Geographical Tour: Keddie to Salt Lake City
                                                            (HB)  (like new)
                     Rattenne                Interurban, 1989                  $100.00

  RBW-4545     My Western Pacific  (HB)  (new)
                     Holmes                  Steel Rails West, 1996            $79.00

  RBW-6521     Track & Time  (HB)   (near mint / signed by author in inscription)
                     Asay              Feather River Rail Soc., 2006           $90.00 

  RBW-5116     Western Pacific Color Pictorial, Vol. 1  (HB)   (new in shrinkwrap)
                     Clegg                   Four Ways West, 2002              $58.00

  RBW-818      Western Pacific Color Pictorial, Vol. 2  (HB)   (like new)
                     Clegg                   Four Ways West, 2002              $56.00 

  RBW-1988     Western Pacific's Diesel Years  (SB)   (like new condition)
                     Strapac                 Shade Tree, 1980                  $60.00  

  RBW-3337     Western Pacific's Diesel Years  (SB)  (moderate used condition)
                     Strapac                 Shade Tree, 1980                  $23.00

  RBW-2349     Western Pacific Locomotives and Cars  (Vol. 1 - not stated)  (HB) 
                                    (new condition, except for some bumped corners)
                     Dorin                    TLC, 1998                        $45.00

  RBW-2542     Western Pacific Locomotives and Cars , Vol. 2  (HB)   (new condition)
                     Dorin                    TLC, 1998                        $22.00

  RBW-5544     Western Pacific Steam Locomotives, Passenger Trains and Cars  (HB)  
               (new in very tattered shrinkwrap, lower corners bumped in shipping)
                     Dunscomb & Stindt        1980                             $125.00

  RBW-3322     Western Pacific Steam Locomotives, Passenger Trains and Cars  (HB)  (near mint condition)
                     Dunscomb & Stindt        1980                             $90.00

  RBW-1963     Western Pacific Steam Locomotives, Passenger Trains and Cars  (HB)  (light used condition)
                     Dunscomb & Stindt        1980                             $80.00 

  RBW-761      Western Pacific Steam Pictorial  (SB)   (new in shrinkwrap)
                     Karam & Ainsworth        Monte Vista                       $72.00 

  RBW-5752    Western Pacific Trackside with Bob Larson  (SB)   (new in shrinkwrap)
                     Morris        Rising Sun                       $92.00 

West Virginia

  RB-5538      Elkem Metals; 90 Years of Progress in the Kanawha Valley  (HB)  (near mint)
                     McKinney               Elkem, 1992                $125.00 (Sold) 
  RB-5280      Buffalo Creek & Gauley  (SB)  (like new condition)
                     Warden               Crist, 1991                   (Sold)
  RB-3843      Buffalo Creek & Gauley  (SB)  (excellent+ condition)
                     Warden               Crist, 1991                   $45.00 

  RB-4019     West Virginia Narrow Gauge Mann's Creek Railway  (HB)   (new)
                     Lane & Schnepf            TLC, 1999                $98.95 

  RB-4225     West Virginia's Coal & Coke Railway  (HB)  (new in shrinkwrap)
                     Clarke                     TLC, 2002               $140.00

Wheeling & Lake Erie  /  W&LE

  RBW-1565     The Wheeling & Lake Erie, Vol. 2  (HB)      (new condition)
                     Corns                   TLC, 2002                 $54.00
  RBW-5867     The Wheeling & Lake Erie, Vol. 2  (HB)      (near mint condition)
                     Corns                   TLC, 2002                 $50.00 


  RB-5142    Green Bay & Western  (HB)   (moderate used condition)
                    Mailer                    Hundman, 1989            $31.00

  RB-3100    Green Bay & Western Color Pictorial  (HB)   (light used condition)
                    Nelson                    Four Ways West, 2003          $185.00 

  RB-2840    Railroads in Sheboygan County (SB)   (very light used condition)
                      (22 pp / several photos / scarce title)
                    Bade            Plymouth Historical Soc., 1992)         $60.00

  RB-1409    Wisconsin Central: Railroad Success Story  (HB)     (new condition)
       0-89024-562-2       Dobnick & Glischinski     Kalmbach, 1997                $40.00

  RB-2085    Wisconsin Central: Railroad Success Story  (HB)    (interior excellent /
      DJ has some wear, now covered with adhesive (non-removable) cover - see scan)
       0-89024-562-2       Dobnick & Glischinski     Kalmbach, 1997                $28.00 

  RB-4915   Wisconsin Valley Line  (HB)  (fair / "reader copy" /scarce title)
                  Specht & Cline               Antiquarian, 1979              $55.00 (Sold) 


  RB-6466    The Wyoming / Colorado Railroad  (SB) (scarce title)
      (fair used cond. / edge and corner wear, creasing old owner's name stamped inside)
                  Jessen                      1982              $45.00 

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last updated 3-10-25